Old and Young

At the Fischer house, Derek, Hazel, and Juliana relax by the pool. It's Saturday, and the three are relaxing. Then, older men that look three years older than Derek enter the backyard. Juliana looks up and sees her uncle.

"Uncle Doug," she calls out, and her parent's lookup.

"Hey everyone," Doug greets his brother's family. He gives both Juliana and Hazel a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, Doug, what's up?" Derek asks as he gets up and hugs his brother.

"I came by to see if you heard from grandpa yet."

"Didn't grandpa die six years ago?" Derek asks.

"You know who I am talking about," Doug says, sounding a bit annoyed.

Hazel sees a look in Derek's eye. "Juliana, how about we go and make lunch," she suggests, and the two leave the poolside.

Once Hazel and Juliana leave, Derek looks back at his brother, "Look, I want nothing to do with that old man," he says. "Last I checked, Grandpa Chellos was my only grandpa. Not that old man anymore."

"Look, please talk to him. I did, so did Donald, dad, and Uncle Reece. They spoke to grandpa, and now we made peace with him. Grandma died three years ago, and now grandpa wants to make peace with us."

"No. If he wanted peace, he shouldn't have abused us, our dad, or our uncle. He does have granddaughters and great-granddaughters that he is nice too. But the sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons get the abuse. I bet your sons still don't like him."

"They made peace after I did as well. Please."

Before Derek could say anything, Hazel comes out of the house with Derek's cell. "It's Gudmund. You got a case," she says, and Derek takes the cell.

"Yes, Gudmund?" Derek answers and waits until Gudmund finishes. "Got it. I'll meet you guys there." Derek hangs up and turns to his brother. "I got work, so I'll talk to you later." Derek gives Hazel a kiss on the cheek and goes inside to change.

Meanwhile, Gudmund, Ashton, and Elena are at the crime scene. Butch walks up to the three. "TOD was two hours ago, and COD is still to be determined," Butch says. "But there are five different wounds. One of them could be the cause of death."

"Ok, then. Get the body to your autopsy room and get started on it," Gudmund says. "What about the ID?"

Butch pulls out the wallet and sees the driver's license. "Julian Vasquez, age 67. His birthday was three months ago in June."

"Julian Vasquez… he works for one of the law firms in Thousand Oaks," Elena says.

"Found his business card," Butch says, pulling out the business card in the wallet. "Yep, he is a partner at Vasquez and Bauer Firm."

"They are lawyers that help people that have been hurt on the job or in accidents," Gudmund says. He turns to Elena. "I want you and Derek to go and talk to Julian's partner. Ashton and I will go to Julian's house."

"I'll call Derek to have him meet me there," Elena says and makes the call.

Later, Elena and Derek arrive at the Vasquez and Bauer Firm. They enter the building and walk up to the woman at the desk. "Hi, I am Detective Blanchard, and this is Detective Fischer. Can we talk to Mr. Bauer?"

The woman looks at her. "Sorry, Mr. Bauer is busy right now."

"It's about Julian Vasquez; he's been murdered," Derek says, and the woman looks shocked.

"I'll let Mr. Bauer know right away," she says and calls him on the phone. Soon, she finishes and hangs up. She addresses the detectives, "He'll see you right now."

The two walk to his office and knock on the door. Mr. Bauer opens the door and lets them in. "What can I do for you, detectives?" he asks.

"We want to ask you questions about your partner, Julian Vasquez," Elena says. "He was found murdered today in Sherman Oaks."

Mr. Bauer looks shocked and sits down. "Murdered? How and why?"

"We are still working on that," Derek answers. "Does he have any enemies or clients that weren't happy with him?"

"No, no, he was a kind man, and he was my mentor. I've known him since I was an intern at a different law firm. I knew his family; I even went to his granddaughter's Bat Mitzvah just last month. He was so proud of her, and he was the best, kindest person yet."

"Would you know why he was in Sherman Oaks?" Elena asks.

"I know he had to meet a client," Mr. Bauer offers. He goes to the computer and looks up Julian's timetable. "Yes, he had a meeting this morning in Sherman Oaks with an Isabel Simmons. She lives in a condo on Dickens Street."

"What is her occupation?" Derek asks.

"She's a hostess at a restaurant," he answers.

"Thank you. We'll be in touch if we have any more questions," Elena says as she and Derek leave.

"Oh, one more thing," Mr. Bauer says, and the two turn to him. "You might want to also talk to one of his younger sons. Julian called me after his meeting with Isabel, saying he is going to meet his son, Alex."

"Thank you," Derek says, and the two leave.

Meanwhile, Gudmund and Ashton are with Butch, looking over the body. "Ok, he was stabbed by a ten-inch knife blade six times. Then, he got bashed in the back of his head by a big piece of rock." Butch says, showing them the markings. "According to Chelsea, she found blood on this," Butch goes to a counter and picks up a big, sharp rock. He shows it to the two. "You see, this sharp end was what was used to whap Mr. Vasquez in the back of his head."

"Where in the back of the head did it strike?" Ashton asks.

Butch lifts Julian's head and turns the face toward him. "If you look closely, you can see a good cut was made right below the head and above the neck. It struck and went right through to the dura."

"I still don't see why we were called to work his case," Ashton says.

"Because of this," Butch rolls Julian to his right side. He pointed to a big burn mark on the back. "This is the marking of the Fenrou Gang, part of the triad that hails from China."

"Why would a gang member from China be here in Los Angeles?" Gudmund asks.

"I heard that they've been building branches of their gangs around the world," Butch answers.

"I'll have Maisie look into it and try to pinpoint them. Right now, we need to figure out why he was killed," Gudmund says.

Later, both Derek and Elena are talking to Isabel Simmons. "I can't believe he's dead," Isabel says as the three sit in her living room. "I just talked to him this morning."

"What was your meeting about?" Elena asks.

"He was going to help my sister divorce her husband."

"Julian is a divorce lawyer as well?" Derek asks.

Isabel nods and goes to get Julian's business cards. She comes back and hands three cards to the two of them. "He was one of the best so far. He did accidents, business, and divorce."

"How did you learn about him?" Elena asks.

"He helped my father start his business and became his lawyer."

"Why does your sister want to divorce her husband?" Derek asks.

Isabel starts to look a bit sad and a bit worried. "Because her husband is part of this mob or something," she answers. "She didn't know at first, and the two had been married for a year now. She thought he was a very successful businessman when she first met him. But a month ago, she found out the truth."

"Do you know the name of the mob?" Elena asks.

"It's something Chinese, but I have it written down," Isabel goes to a counter and comes back with a piece of paper.

Derek grabs the paper and reads it. "Fenrou." he looks back at her. "I haven't heard of this, but we'll check it out." The three stand up, and Derek notices something outside of the window.

"You ok, Derek?" Elena asks, noticing that Derek is looking at something outside.

"Yeah, that black car has been sitting out there since we arrived," Derek answers. "It arrived just after we did, and I never saw anyone exit the car." He looks at Isabel and Elena. "Elena, stay here with Isabel; I am going check it out."

Derek exits the house and walks down the steps to the sidewalk. He looks both ways before crossing the street. He walks up to the black car and knocks on the window. The driver-side window got rolled down, and a man is sitting there. "May I help you, sir?" he asks.

"Yes," Derek answers, showing his badge. "I am Detective Derek Fischer."

The man in the driver sit shows a badge as well, "I am Agent Oliver Foster with the FBI. I am here to talk to Isabel Simmons. I need to talk to her about her brother-in-law. What are you here for, detective?"

"My partner and I are here to talk to Ms. Simmons about Julian Vasquez, who was murdered. She was one of the last people that last saw him alive this morning along with her sister, and we'll be paying her a visit as well."

"Have you heard of a gang call Fenrou?" Agent Foster asks.

"This is the first time; Isabel says her sister was going to divorce her husband for being a member."

Agent Foster looks at the front of his car and then back to Derek. "I think your case and my case are about to connect."

"Let's meet up at my team HQ," Derek suggests, and Oliver agrees.

Later, everyone meets up at headquarters, and Agent Foster stands before everyone. He shows them a photo of some members of a gang called Fenrou. "My department has been looking into this new gang that has been coming to America. My boss assigned me to track down Xing-Fu Zhou, who has been spotted here in Los Angeles. He is one of the top lieutenants. And these are photos of people he has killed."

Butch notices the wounds on the victims. "They are almost the same as the ones on Julian," he voices.

"Then he must have killed Julian?" Chelsea asks.

"Agent Foster, if you knew Xing-Fu killed those people, why is he still free?" Gudmund asks.

"Because his lawyer is able to keep him free," Agent Foster answers and shows them the photo of the lawyer. "When we managed to arrest Xing-Fu, his lawyer managed to show proof that it wasn't Xing-Fu."

"If you had proof that it was Xing-Fu, how did the lawyer manage to get different proof?" Nozomi asks.

Derek looks at the photos of the known members of the gang. "Does Xing-Fu have any brothers?" he asks.

"Yes, he does. Why?" Agent Foster asks.

"What if his brother is helping the lawyer stage fake evidence to keep Xing-Fu free? I mean, my brothers and I look very similar to each other."

"This brother might be part of the gang as well," Ashton says.

Nozomi notices that Gudmund got his left hand on his chin, and his left elbow is resting on his right arm across his belly. "What are you thinking, Onii-san?"

Gudmund looks at everyone. "Butch, you are one hundred percent done with the autopsy, right?"

"All right here." Butch hands over the file of everything he found from Julian's body.

Gudmund turns to Chelsea. "What about the crime scenes? And all of the clues that were there?" he asks her.

Chelsea hands him the file. "We got some blood DNA from some unknown male, but one as a match from the police database. As you can see, it's a female," she says.

Gudmund looks at the name of the person it matches. "Jia Guo," he reads.

Maisie types up the name, and a woman appears on the monitor. "Jia Guo, twenty-six years old, born on March eighteenth, 1988, in Orlando, Florida. She doesn't have much of a background in breaking the law. She was arrested two times in two robberies, and the second one, she was in the hospital. She is an only child, and her father is a lawyer named Cheng Guo. Her mother's name is Mingzhu Guo. Both of her parents were born in China."

"Cheng Guo did some lawyer work for the gang back in China," Agent Foster says. "Cheng left them twenty-seven years ago."

"I guess when he found out he was going to have a kid, he wanted to change his life," Ashton says. "He moved his pregnant wife to Florida to start a new life."

"Right, and now he and his wife live here in West Hollywood," Maisie says, typing on the computer. "And I have already pinpointed Jia's location as well. She is at her parents' house."

"How did you find out where she was?" Agent Foster asks.

"I checked out where Cheng lives, and there is a traffic camera in front of his house. It shows his driveway and front door," Maisie shows them on the monitor. "It shows Jia arriving at the house just around noon."

"Was she there in the morning or last night?" Ashton asks.

Maisie checks the video. "She left the house about seven in the morning."

"She was gone for five hours then," Elena says. "She has good enough time to go to Sherman Oaks and back home."

"Nozomi, Agent Foster, and I will go and talk to Jia and her parents," Gudmund says. "Chelsea, go and find a way to ID that unknown blood. Elena, Derek, and Ashton will go talk to Isabel's sister. Hopefully, her soon-to-be ex-husband won't be there. Maisie, try and find where Xing-Fu and his brother were from seven to noon today. Check the traffic camera around the area where Julian was murdered. If you can't get anything from the traffic cameras, then get the security cameras from the places around there." The team splits up to do their work.

Later in Gudmund's car, Oliver looks at Nozomi and Gudmund. "Nozomi, what did you call Major Thoresen before? When did you ask him what he was thinking? Onii-something?"

Nozomi looks at him, "Oh, I called him 'big brother.' Why?"

"Just wondering. Are you two related?"

"My wife is her older half-sister," Gudmund answers.

"Oh," Oliver sits back.

"I always called him big brother, and his sister I call 'onesan,' which means big sister. Same with my half-sister and half-brother," she says.

Soon, they arrive at the Guo family house. They pull into the driveway and get out of the car. They then walk up to the front door and ring the doorbell. A maid opens the door and asks, "May I help you?"

"Hello, I am Major Thoresen, and this is Officer Nakano. We both are from pINPOINt. And this here is Agent Foster. Is Cheng home?"

"Yes, come in. He is in the den with his wife and daughter," the woman answers and leads them to the den. "Mr. Guo, you have visitors."

Cheng rises from his armchair and walks over to them. He shakes their hands as Gudmund introduces them to Cheng. "Nice to meet you. This here is my wife, Mingzhu, and our daughter, Jia. What do we owe to be visited by members of pINPOINt?"

"Have you heard of Julian Vasquez?" Gudmund asks.

"Yes, he currently leads a firm that helps people that have been in accidents. One of the best lawyers yet. I even played some golf with him."

"Well, he was murdered this morning," Gudmund says, and Cheng looks shocked. He sits down, and Mingzhu goes by her husband's side.

Nozomi notices the look on Jia's face, which shows a bit of shock and worry. "How? Who would murder Julian?" Cheng asks.

"We believe it was a member of the Fenrou Gang," Oliver answers, and Cheng looks up at them, surprised.

"But they are in China, aren't they?" he asks.

"The FBI has been getting reports that there have been some sightings of the members being here," Oliver says.

"But why would they want to kill Julian? He doesn't have any connections to the Fenrou gang. I used to, but I left them for a better life for my family and me."

"We know, sir, but he was helping someone with a divorce, from Xing-Fu that is," Nozomi says. "Xing-Fu's sister-in-law had a meeting with Julian today in Sherman Oaks."

"I remember Xing-Fu; he was merciless to any enemies and did the best killing for his boss. If any of his goons fail a job, he kills them on the spot. He was one of the reasons why I left," Cheng says.

Gudmund looks from Cheng to Jia and then back to Cheng. "Mr. Guo, one of the reasons why we are here is because we found a trace of blood on Julian's clothing. And that one trace came from a female donor. We have reason to believe it's your daughter's." Cheng and Mingzhu look shocked and turn to their daughter.

Jia looks shocked and isn't sure what to do, as she just sits there. "My daughter's blood was on his clothing?" Cheng asks.

Mingzhu gets up and walks to her husband's side. "How do you know it's our daughter?" she asks.

"Her DNA is in the police database," Oliver answers.

Cheng looks to his daughter for a moment and back to the three detectives before him. "Will she need her lawyer? Because that will be me."

"If she tells us the truth of what happened and what she was doing," Gudmund answers. "Or if she wants to remain quiet, and we'll have to charge her."

Jia takes a deep breath, lets her breath out, and stands up. "Dad, I'll talk to them, but," she looks at the three officers, "You must put my parents and me in protective custody. Along with my boyfriend as well," she says.

Cheng looks at his daughter incredulously. "Your boyfriend?"

Soon in another room, Jia is talking to Gudmund and Nozomi. "Ok, you see, I was meeting up with Julian with my boyfriend, his youngest son. The two of us have been dating for two years, and we want to get married."

"So you and Alex Vasquez are planning on getting married?" Nozomi asks.

"Yes. We love each other, and Alex wants to please his dad. His father wants Alex to become a lawyer like his brother. But Alex wants to start his own business and not be a lawyer."

"Have they had any falling-outs?" Gudmund asks.

"Yes, when Alex dropped out of law school. He was in it for like three years and dropped out. He didn't want to do it anymore," she says. "Alex wants to start a restaurant, and he already has everything planned out."

"Where is Alex right now?" Nozomi asks.

"He is hiding after he saw Xing-Fu murder his father. He got Xing-Fu to chase after him while I did CPR on his dad. I cut myself on a bit of wood that was nearby his body." She shows them the bandage on her right forearm.

"That would explain how your blood got on his clothes," Nozomi asks.

"I couldn't save him and left after calling 911. I had to get out of there fast in case Xing-Fu came back. Now I haven't heard from Alex in a while. The last time was this morning."

"Is there any location that he would go to, to hide to think?" Gudmund asks.

"Yes, there is a beach that is hard to get to. He goes surfing and thinks," she says.

Before Gudmund could say anything else, his cell rings, "Thoresen," he answers.

"Gudmund, I managed to track down Xing-Fu's cell location; he is heading to some isolated beach near RAT Beach," Maisie says on the other line.

Gudmund looks at Jia. "Jia, will the location be close to RAT Beach?" he asks, and she nods. "Maisie, call the LASD and tell them to meet us there. There's a person at the beach that is in danger right now. Call Derek, Elena, and Ashton to meet us there." Gudmund hangs up and sees Oliver enter the room with Jia's parents. "Xing-Fu is on the move, and he has a target," Gudmund says, and the three officers move out.

At a beach where a man and walks up to the beach from the water. He gets to his towel and lays his surfboard down. He picks up his towel and starts to dry his hair. As he finishes, he looks up and sees Xing-Fu before him.

"Xing-Fu!" he exclaims.

"Alex, time for me to kill you so no one will trace me to your father's death," Xing-Fu says. "Then after you, I'll go and kill your girlfriend as well. And maybe I'll kill her father too since he used to be a lawyer for my gang. But I can do that after I rape that girl in front of her parents."

A cell phone rings and they look to the side on the sand. Alex's cell is ringing. Xing-Fu answers it and doesn't say anything. "Alex, Xing-Fu is coming; he knows where you are. The police are coming to a stop him, just go and hide until I call you." Jia says on the other line.

"Why, thank you, sweetie," Xing-Fu says, smiling, and Jia gasps. "Now tell me, Jia, where are you right now? With the cops, I believe."

"Xing-Fu," Jia says, and Gudmund looks at her through his rearview mirror. Jia hands the phone to Gudmund. "Xing-Fu wants to speak to you."

"Hello," Gudmund says into the cell.

"Major Gudmund Thoresen, it's nice to finally speak to you. So, are you still trying to figure out how your brother died?"

Gudmund looks confused. "What are you talking about? I know how he died, and right now, I am finding old evidence on Klaus, the one that murdered my brother," he says.

"You should be looking into his and his wife's deaths instead, now onto what is happening now. If you don't call off that army of cops that are on the way here," Xing-Fu pulls out his gun and points it to Alex. "I'll blow Alex Vasquez's brain out of his head. But you, Major, can come alone, but with Jia as well, please. I'll see you soon, Major." Xing-Fu hangs up and smiles at Alex.

Gudmund hangs up and hands the phone back. "Nozomi, call Maisie and tell her this plan that I have to save Alex and capture Xing-Fu. I will need as much back up as I can get."

Thirty minutes later, Gudmund and Jia arrive at the beach. They walk up to Xing-Fu and Alex. Xing-Fu has Alex on his knees before him, the gun pointing to the back of the head. "That is close enough, Major," Xing-Fu says, and both Gudmund and Jia stop before them.

"Ok, Xing-Fu, let Alex go, and it can be just you and me," Gudmund says.

"No, I am not going to let this guy go," Xing-Fu says. "This guy and that girl saw me kill Julian Vasquez, so I am going to kill them, and then," he doesn't finish as his cell phone begins to ring. "Xing-Fu," he answers into his cell. After a few minutes, he hangs up and looks at Gudmund, smiling. "Major, you can tell my wife and sister-in-law I'll do the divorce because I was planning on killing my wife for her money, but I don't have to know." Xing-Fu starts to laugh.

"Wow, admitting to a crime you are planning on committing. You are a criminal, alright," Gudmund says.

"By the way, I got this for you," Xing-Fu reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a huge yellow envelope. He tosses it to Gudmund, and Gudmund catches it.

Gudmund looks at the envelope, then back to Xing-Fu. "Why are you giving me this? What kind of information do you have on my brother?"

Xing-Fu doesn't answer but looks at the ocean next to them. A speed boat arrives, and he looks back at Gudmund. "Looks like my ride is here," he says. "Oh, and tell your men to stand down; I know you came up with a plan. I was informed by one of my new partners." He grabs Alex and starts walking to the water to get into the boat.

Xing-Fu gets into the boat, with Alex still at gunpoint. Just as they got onto the boat, a police speed boat appears. "Xing-Fu, surrender now," calls out Derek as he stands on the boat.

Xing-Fu smiles. "Wow, so Major Thoresen, it looks like I am going to kill this guy," he puts the gun on Alex's head. Before Xing-Fu shoots Alex, his cell phone rings. Xing-Fu pulls out his cell and answers it. After a bit, he hangs up and smiles. "I am not going to prison for the murder after all." He turns to his driver, "Go now." He shoots Alex in the shoulder, and the boat takes off. Alex falls into the water, and Jia runs towards him, screaming his name. Gudmund runs to the water and dives in to save Alex. Alex starts to drown in the water, and Gudmund goes under to get him. In the water, Gudmund grabbed Alex and started to swim back to shore.

Meanwhile, on the police boat, they are speeding after Xing-Fu's boat. Derek readies his gun and starts to shoot the driver. Xing-Fu turns and faces Derek's boat. He steps down, lifts up the seat, and pulls out a box.

Derek looks back at one of the officers on the boat. "Call Nozomi and find out if Alex and Gudmund are alright," he says. He turns back and sees Xing-Fu with a Kel-Tec KSG. "Oh boy," Derek says, looking nervous. Xing-Fu shoots at his boat's gas tank, and the boat explodes. Derek and his boat get hit by a blast of waves from Xing-Fu's boat. Once the wind and waves die down, Derek's boat moves toward the now destroyed boat. "Call for backup. I want this whole area searched."

Back on the shore, Gudmund stops the bleeding and sees help arriving. Jia is holding on to Alex's hand while they get him ready to be taken to the hospital.

A few hours later, at headquarters, Maisie has finished talking to Long Beach Harbor Patrol. She turns to the team with the bad news. "Well, they can't find Xing-Fu, only the driver's body."

Gudmund starts to think. "I think Xing-Fu is alive; he got a call before he shot Alex. And now he shot his own boat, and we can't find him. He had a plan, and he has a partner. He mentions he got a new partner, and we need to figure out who."

Maisie types on the computer and puts a mark on the case. "Ok, the case is now marked as ongoing."

"No," Gudmund says, and everyone looks at him. "We know who killed Julian Vasquez. Close it, and start a connected case tying Xing-Fu Zhou for Julian Vasquez's murder. We are going to try and track down every track we can find on this guy. Try and find out who his partner is."

Back at the ocean by a big boat, Xing-Fu emerges out of the water. He is wearing a scuba tank and starts to climb on the ladder. He gets onto the boat and throws off the tank. He looks and sees his new partner, Nevel. "Nevel," Xing-Fu greets his partner.

"Xing-Fu, nice to see you made it alive," Nevel says. "I got you a nice gift below deck."

"Some dry clothes would be nice," Xing-Fu says.

"We got that for you, and we also got something better."

The two went down below the deck and entered a room. At the end is a Chinese man tied up. Xing-Fu smiles as he walks up to the man in his sixties. "Deming Tang, nice to see you again, boss."

Xing-Fu takes the sock out of Deming's mouth. Deming starts to talk in Chinese. Xing-Fu talks back to him in Chinese and asks for a gun. One of the goons in the room hand him an M1911 pistol. Xing-Fu points it to Deming Tang's forehead. "Now I am the boss," he repeats in Chinese and shoots him in the forehead.

Later in the evening at Derek's house, the family is having dinner with Derek's grandfather. "Great-grandpa, I am doing an assignment at school for history class. It's a family tree report," Juliana says, and her great-grandfather looks at her.

"So you are doing reports on our family," says Ernest.

"Yep, we need to write up what kind of a job and life each member has. And you were a cop like dad, right?"

Ernest sits back. "Yep, and so was my father. My dad, your great-great-grandfather, only made it up to the captain, and I made it up to lieutenant. And my sister became a cop, but she died in the line of fire. She was a cop for five years and was about to become a detective but didn't make it."

"What was she like?" Juliana asks.

"She was an angel. She saw the light in people no matter what. Even when our dad was beating us or calling us names, she still loved him and watched out for both of us."

Derek looks at his grandfather, "Too bad she didn't live to see how you treat your sons, grandsons, and great-grandsons."

Ernest looks at him, and so does everyone else at the table. "Look, I know I haven't been easy to you all. But,"

Derek slams his hand on the table. "Easy, you verbally abuse us all the time. And, now, for some reason, the family is making peace with you. Why would anyone want to make peace with you?"

"Derek, not in front of Juliana," Hazel snaps at her husband.

Ernest sighs, "I am dying. My doctor says I have only two more months or less to live. I am currently in the last stage of carcinoma. I am very lucky to be able to come and see my grandson and my oldest great-granddaughter."

The room went silent, "I'm sorry, grandpa, but," Derek looks at his grandpa. "Why didn't you have dad or Doug tell me? I would have come and visited you."

"They tried to get you to come, but they told me you wouldn't. And I didn't want them to tell you what I have. You are part of pINPOINt, and you got a big job. I didn't want you to drop what you are doing to come and visit me at my condo."

"You're not staying at a hospital?" Hazel asks.

"My father didn't want to go to a hospital when he got sick. Neither did his father or grandfather. Let's say we Fischer don't like to deal with seeing other sick people. I set up a hospice at home. When I die, I can die in the same place my wife died." The room falls silent again.

Derek looks back at his grandfather. "Well, tell me what we can do to help you out. I promise we'll be at your side until your final day."

Ernest smiles. "Thank you, Derek, and to you, Hazel and Juliana." Juliana gets up and hugs her great-grandfather.