
"We are ready in one-minute dr.Roadles"

Said one of the operators who supervised the operation from their control room.

"Good, good!"

Said Roadles who was like in the seventh cloud, after decades he finally found a way to breach the cradle of their world and be the first human to ever make mankind reach space!

Just for that ignorant Jacques Schnee, destroy his plans with his interfering!

It seemed that Jacques didn't like the idea of first-ever construct reaching stars being propelled by something other than dust.

So Roadles found himself without a job as Council stood behind their dust provider, he became a pariah in the scientific community, nobody believed him and those who knew about the usefulness of his research chose to be quiet as not to gain SDC wrath.

His magnificent plan, his rocket-fueled be non-dust propellant was scrapped and changed into a dust fueled rocket that stopped working after leaving the atmosphere...

And of course the blame has fallen on him and his design that was never supposed to run on dust.

Roadles was not a strong man, he liked to run from his problems and so after he had enough of the ridicule and blame others threw at him he was about to hang himself, no matter how cowardly he was...

But then, then change came and boy no older than fifteen years became head of SDC and changes were made, and one of them was he himself who was secretly contacted by Aegis Schnee.

Aegis Schnee who invited him to work on his projects, he believed in him, and when they spoke Roadles for the first time felt as he found a kindred spirit!

Aegis Schnee believed in the need to reach the final frontier, that is the space!

HE supported his work, even gone as much as to build an entire facility that housed a hundred engineers and tens of scientists who too wished to be the one who helped mankind to reach the stars.

They even had their small fleet of airships for protection, it was clear just how much Aegis Schnees hopes for this project are, and to say it made others nervous would be understanding.

But then technology under Schnee changed, and even if the facilities are for most of the time cut of an outside world, the achievement feet always find a way to reach them.

Roadles heard of mastering fusion energy, of the dust replication, of the crystal technology.

And the more he and others heard the more their spirits lifted up.

And that was the reason for this spectacle.

For five years he and his colleagues tirelessly worked on this project, every time new technology came, they tried to integrate it into their work.

And this was a result, a self-sustaining satellite capable of sustaining its life on solar energy, made by the best and newest technology of crystal computing.

First of its kind, the next stage of CCT towers.

First-ever man-made craft to reach stars, and HE Roadles would be one who sends it to skies!

"We are a ready doctor."

Said operator whose work was to check all systems if they are fully operational.

"Then for what we wait?! Let us pave the way for our new destiny!"

Said Roadles, and there were cheers and nods as the countdown started.













In Schnee manor entire Schnee family and friends of their family gathered before holo-screen to see the first step into space with their eyes.

Aegis who sat in the middle with Weiss to his right and Willow to his left, Harriet with Ciri were sitting together as these two started to see each other as to how Harriet calls it BFF, Pyrrha sat with her mother Alexandra and Iris, making them look like a true family in blood as their red hair and green eyes looked in excitement at the spectacle.

Neo sat behind Aegis, that petite girl was somehow able to get behind Aegis and make it look comfortable, before Aegis on the carpeted ground sat Cinder who was just between Aegis legs with her head supporting on Aegis crotch, which made Aegis quite confused as he still didn't know what feelings he had for his previous big sister, to her right sat Winter who supported her head on Weiss's legs and looked relaxed.

Then there was Emerald, who sat on Cinder left with her hands on Cinder tights as she looked at the screen with unbounded curiosity.

Even if Emeralds and Cinder's relationship cooled down after Cinder met Aegis, they were still a couple, and even if not, Emerald would support Cinder in her happiness, that much she owed to her savior.

Then there was Nora lying on the ground before the screen with the excitement of a child as she giggled.

Ren was by Klein's side as he wore a butler outfit and had a stoic face, but if someone looked, they could see a small smile form on his mouth as he looked at his new family.

Belladonna family, who came both to visit their friends and see the next step of mankind, sat on the side couch with Blake between her parents Ghira and Kali.

The Scarlatina family took another couch and made a good spectacle for others as their bunny ears twitched in excitement, Velvet for her part had enormous blush on her face as she tried to hide her eyes with her bunny ears every time Aegis looked at her.

Sienna and Illia sat with Raven by the bar stool as Vernal served them drinks.

And lastly, Salem who looked at the entire atmosphere with melancholy and longing as she almost could see pink aura manifest from the family love atmosphere.

Salem still couldn't believe that even without magic, mankind was able to reach space, yes she saw the plans and blueprints Aegis gave her, but see it on paper and in real life was a truly different thing.

"Phsss! Its starts!"

Harriet as others calmed down and watched the cooldown hit zero.



Everyone halted their breaths as they looked at the screen,



The Scarlatina children said as their bunny ears became still in wonder.

The occupants in the room looked at how the rocket, powered up and lifted up herself from the ground and right into the skies.

Until it was nothing more than a dot on the screen.

There was silence until Aegis saw green light lit up on the bottom of the screen, signaling that the satellite is online and fully operational.






There were multiple sounds of excitement as they celebrated their successful operation.

For Ghira, it meant that his conversation with Aegis would follow up with his promise as Aegis said that if the launch were successful, he would like to buy land in Menagerie for future space programs as it was an ideal place for it.

For Aegis it meant that his projects and plans could truly start and more work...

More paperwork...

Aegis made a note to himself to speed up the process of A.I creation as if he doesn't do something the work he must do would just pile up, and he didn't have many people who he believed enough to let them do his job, at least not some who would be good at his work...

It seemed he must contact Polendina sooner than later as he planned.

But the most struck was Salem who if someone looked could see tears stream her face, for now she truly believed that they have the power not bestowed by gods to slay said gods...

And for Raven who looked at Salem's face shocked by the tearful display Salem made as Raven was shocked that the Immortal witch maybe isn't as horrible as she thought...

Still, there was thing Raven wanted to ask Salem, and that was the fate of her partner, Raven wished to know how Summer Rose left their word, no matter how hurtful it could be to hear...