
"Major Carter."

"Lieutenant Davis."

Samantha Carter said with a smile as she greeted the man who had already helped them a lot as a Pentagon's overseer.

"I came as early as I could after hearing of another possible advanced race you found out, but your report was a short one, so why don't you show to tell me more?"

"Im sorry, but I think it would be better to do it all at one time, so why don't we wait for others to arrive?"

Carter said, and Paul Davis nodded with his head, understanding that repeating something so many times made it more than tiresome, and it wasn't like he needed to know it before others, that was just his curiosity asking.

So they spoke, Carter asked how things in Pentagon were going, and Davis tried hard not to speak about the problems Senator Kinsey and NID were doing for the military heads and personnel who were being harassed with multiple investigations from NID...

"Oh, Paul, glad to see you!"


Davis greeted Jack O'Neill who just grinned as he sat down, followed by the rest of the team, Daniel Jackson and Teal'c.



Major General George S. Hammond greeted the man with a stern expression that eased to smile after a while.

"So who do we wait on now?"

"Observer's and diplomats that wished to know of possible new allies, plus some additional SG team's members who could help to understand the footage the Malp showed us."

Carter said to O'Neill who just sighed on the idea of more waiting so as to kill time, he started to pester Davis about the fallout of last Kinsey and NID escapades.

---------Time skip---------

After a short time of waiting the observatory room above the command room was finally filled with multiple formally looking diplomats and secretaries, the two most noted persons that caught Carter's eye were a Diplomat Joseph Faxon and Cadet Jennifer Hailey who other's nicknamed as mini Carter, to both's women displeasure...

"Thank you all for coming, now that I don't prolong the thing we all came here for, you can read the file's that I will now give you, and after that, we can continue with footage from Malp."

Carter said as everyone looked into their folders, reading through the small information they had, Carter waited for a while, and after seeing that everyone, or at least most of them, read through it, she continued.

"As you could read, after our retreat through the gate, the Malp, continued sending live feed of the other side, showing us how not even ten seconds of our retreat, a highly advanced aerial, or even possibly a space crafts, swarmed the creatures that pursued us, fully eradicating them with almost no problem, to let you know, when we tried to kill even one such creature, it took entire cartridge of P90 to the visible creature's weak spot to take it down, or four plasma shot's from Teal'cs staff weapon."

Carter said to her audience that looked a little pale at the sight of thousands of swarming creatures that Malp showed.

"Yet, these air crafts, as you can see, fired what I deducted as laser's, successfully killing creatures in one shot."

Carter said as she showed another footage of how the Manta drones flew circles around the flesh monster's, successfully killing the entire thousand's swarm in seconds.

"I see that their Gate wasn't secured, which is strange if that civilization is so advanced."

Said one of Pentagon observers.

"Yes, that was our doing, as when the gate activated the event horizon punched through a mountain wall that until then hid the stargate until now if my guess is right, the gate and our Malp is now fully in the hands of these people on the other side."

"Our Malp? Do you want to tell us that you let them get our technology? Why didn't you take it, or I don't know self-destructed it?!"

Said one woman in the suit.

"The Malp's don't have self-destruct's capabilities, even if yes, it could be seen as aggressive action from our side, thus possibly aggravating the possible allies."

Carter said.

"No need to tell that from footage alone, there is probably a little they gain from the Malp that is already built on minimal technology from our side."

Said a young woman in SGC uniform, a Jennifer Hailey, Carter noted with a nod.

"Yes, as Cadet Hailey said, there is little to gain for such seemingly advanced race."

The talks continued as a question we're asked and answered...


"Week, huh, that time truly flows."

Aegis said as in week his Weiss and other girls would celebrate their birthdays, of course, they don't have it on the same day, but they chose to celebrate it on the same day.

"Yes, but you already know that don't you, with that hand of yours."

Willow said with a smile as she felt Aegis's hand massage her growing stomach.

Aegis just continued to gently rub circles around his mother's stomach where his children were being formed with a faint smile.

"I hope you don't overwork yourself again."

Willow said.

"No, I don't, I already took leasson, especially from you guys..."

Aegis said with a smile as he remembered Weiss and others almost kicking him out of his office to take a break.

"Hm, good... Now, what I heard about possible new daughter's in law?"

"Ahhh... Well..."

"It was Weiss, wasn't it?"


"Well, there is nothing to do with it now, just make sure you treat them right, what im saying, I know you will."

Willow said, giving up on any idea of stoping Weiss from what she was doing and rather running damage control.

"Aegis... My son, did you already speak with Iris, or Alexandra?"

"Alexandra, yes, but Iris is these days as busy as me, why?"

Aegis asked as he looked into his mother's eyes.

"Nothing... Just, take some time and speak with Iris, I know you two are very busy, you managing the Kingdom and Iris with entire SDC that now deals even with other world's business."

Aegis just nodded, in truth he wanted to speak with Iris for some time too, but either he was busy or she was busy, thus not finding a good time, but now with his mother urging he would make time no matter what.

"Good, now why you don't kiss me and tell me how your date with these new girls gone? Hmm?"

Willow said with a faint smile and Aegis just nodded as he kissed her on her's plump, glossy lips and started to speak about his days, but not letting her out of his embrace as he continued to rub her belly gently.



"Oh fuck no!"

Screamed Merlin who eradicated the evil spirit that took possession of one innocent man.


Fou made a strange sound as he continued to look at the man who was now lying on the ground.

"Gah, nothing you monstrously cute spawn of the devil, just some idiotic spirits who think that bringing the attention of chaos fucker's is a good thing..."

Merlin grumbled as she now regretted taking a walk on Vale's streets, in Mantle or Atlas, hell in entire Solitas, Album already had anomaly dampening and searching devices, thus making it for any spirit hard to meddle in the material plane, but Vale and Vacuo that still wasn't in Solitas grasp seemed to become popular for these annoyances...


"Gah, ok ok, I will take you to that barbeque place, just stop pestering me you a fluffy ball of murder..."

Merlin grumbled to now grinning Fou, who hopped on her head...


*Author note*

Pic in comments and support me with your stones if you like my work :P