
Aegis sat outside under the tree with a golden aura as Weiss sat before him with her back against his chest as he played the role of the big spoon with his hands around her torso and gently humming as both of them watched the gathering just multiple steps away.

"Did you have fun?"

Weiss gently asked as she had her hands intertwined with her big brother's ones and her head gently put under his chin as she felt the weight of his head on hers, yet it didn't invite discomfort, but a bubbly feeling in her stomach Weiss so loved.

"Yes, it was, and is a good feeling."

Aegis said as they watched gushing Winter who played with Velvets three little sisters, even after years, Winter never lost her love of cute things, especially when she was in the presence of family where she could show her true face, and not before her subordinates where she played the role of strict and cold commander of Royal guard.

"What about you, Weiss? Did you have fun? after all, now you are officially seventeen years old, just like your sisters."

Aegis asked as he intertwined his fingers with Weiss ones.

"Mn, yes, it was satisfactory, but now it is blissfully."

Weiss said as she bent her head backward and showed Aegis her smile.

"That's good..."


Aegis said but stopped as he looked at the commotion and smiled as he saw younger Ruby running away with something.

"Run little me! RUN I WILL HOLD THEM!"



The younger Ruby screamed as she, with mock tears and horror, watched how bigger Ruby was tackled down by two Yangs with red eyes.

"Oh no you aren't going anywhere, you mini dolt."

Said a voice that made younger Ruby's head whip on the side where she saw older Weiss with twitching eyes and pulsing vein on her face.


The younger Ruby said as she changed into a spiral of red arrow and made her way out.


Weiss screeched as she sped herself with her glyphs and released after the trail of red rose petals.

"Weiss... Don't you sometimes wish to behave like them?"

Aegis asked as he watched the spectacle before him with an easy smile.

"Hmm, let me think... And let you manage them all? I think not..."

Weiss said and Aegis looked down at her.

"Manage? Weiss, you know I don't need to, or want you to manage anything you yourself don't wish to."

"I know, and I know we had already multiple of such conversations, but it is something I chose, let them by like children, I will by like myself, and..."

Weiss stopped after a while, and then she continued.

"And, I truly never was like them, don't get me wrong big brother, but... I know that I probably never was anything like them, like the other Weiss, it was not just your raising that made me like this..."

Weiss said but stopped.

"But not let us speak about such things, yes? So what did you like most tonight?"

Weiss said as she changed the topic and Aegis when he felt her mood, complied and didn't continue in the previous topic.

"Most, hmmm... Let say I quite like the food."

Aegis said with a smile as Weiss's face screwed up.

"But the sole thing you ate were these greasy anathemas of all culinary history and children of Grimms!"

Weiss said as she remembered that her brother ate just the things that were called fast food that somehow get on the birthday menu...

"Yes, and how I liked it."

Aegis said with a grin at Weiss's outrage.

"H-HOW, no why?! It's soo greasy and soo unhealthy! I bet that, no I know that surely almost all of it isn't even from true ingredients! Even the meat!"

"Weiss, Weiss, don't ask, this is something you rather don't think about and just enjoy the clearly unhealthy yet very satisfactory taste of these foods the Earth came up with."

Aegis said with a radiant smile that made Weiss's face even more scrunched up.




Three girls with bunny ears run to Aegis and Weiss, making Weiss forget of her previous outrage on the unholy food her big brother seemed to come to like and looked how Velvet's sister's run, or more like high speed hopped to them and hid behind Aegis back.

"Aegis... If you know what's good for you then you would let us catch them."

"Yes, little brother, just let us have these three and you can continue to have lovely dovely time with the little sister there."

Coco and Winter said as they eyed the trembling rabbit faunuses with predatory glint.



""BIG SIS!""

Three girls jumped in delight as they saw their older sister ambush Coco who just devily smiled.

"Oh, you wanna join too, luv? Good, good, then you can try this outfit I treasured just for you."

Coco said as she from somewhere fished out spandex? Aegis didn't want to know...

Yet the idea of seeing Velvet in tight spandex made Aegis quite curious...

"On the other hand... You can have my sisters!"

Velvet said with a panicked tone and completely red face as she saw the thing in Coco's hand and realized she was in Aegis presence, and like any good rabbit, jumped away and went into spring with grinning Coco after her.




The three girls screamed in outrage as they went into a sprint after the Velvet, their previous fears were gone as they wished to show their elder sister their displeasure.



Both Aegis and Weiss smiled and cackled as they watched the entire thing from close up, Winter who saw them just smiled as she bent her head down to give Aegis a kiss on lips and Weiss kiss on the forehead and herself gone after the running rabbit girls as she found out a friend in Coco who too had weakness on cute things.

"Later siblings."

Winter said and accelerated herself with glyphs.

"Never boring..."

"Yes... It truly isn't right?"

Weiss smiled as she looked, normally she wouldn't have such thinking, but in Aegis arms, she could let out her more mellow side and be happy at how happy her family now looked and how big it is...

Even the ones who didn't join the family by their own volition as the four vampires, or the ones Weiss roped with promises and threats, did enjoy the party...

Reese skated around on her weapon slash skate, Arslan was seen to trade meditation points with Ren and Penny with Nora looked around buffed as Penny's newfound taste buds were in the experimental stage...


"What is big brother?"

"...Nothing, just a wind..."

Aegis said with a smile to Weiss as he returned to watch his family that became so much bigger, yet the warmth was still present, something that made Aegis normally hollow and cold heart, a full and warmth...

Yet what he felt didn't go away and Aegis looked at the tree beside him, the Gaia tree he himself planted, and that in mere days become a fully grown a healthy tree with colors of the rainbow, something Aegis thought was because of Dust that came in many such colors.

There it was again, Aegis thought as he felt a pull from the Gaia, a pull that seemed to seek his permission to do something, Aegis didn't even think before he let go of his control and felt Gaia's thankfulness and gratefulness as she seemed to copy? No, a take signature of his soul, more precisely of the glyph semblance...

(Finally awake hm? But too weak to speak... There is still plenty of time..."

Aegis thought as he looked at the tree that seemed to glow even more radiantly as if it seemed to thank him for his trust, something Aegis didn't even mind, there were a few things Aegis wouldn't do for Gaia who he saw as another mother of his...


Gaia, the consequences of Earth and all human worlds, but more precisely the Gaia of Remnant, was still in infancy, yet the infancy of Wills and other's were different as Gaia already knew everything she needed, with her connection to the world and to other's Gaia's avatar's on the other worlds through the all universes and dimensions.

Still, she herself was still young and weak to even create an avatar for herself to speak with her champion who put her seed into the ground and used his aura, his soul signature, to give her his nourishment, something Gaia though he himself didn't think of having any consequences, Gaia knew, she knew he became her's champion, her mortal messenger who already get the blessing of her other self from the other world Gaia, his giving her part of his soul made it just official, he was hers...

Her knight, her champion who will protect her...


Gaia stopped still as she felt a cry of help throughout the network, as she was the closest to the signal, she looked and became horrified at what she saw...

Gaia looked like another of her selves, as another Gaia was being consumed by some worm that seemed to enclose the entire Earth...


"Im there, sister..."

Gaia sent her signal and was immediately greeted with information of the other Gaia's situation, who sent her everything she knew...

"I see..."

Gaia said as she thought, there was so little time, the other Gaia became weaker by each second, both from the worm thing and the humans who systematically destroyed her with their acts, damaging her spirit, thus weakening her resistance against the worm invader...

"But what to do... Oh, I have someone from her world there... And she is the mother of the Fate child of that world... I see... But that outcome is more than undesirable... Then..."

Gaia stopped her thought process as she came to a decision, she pushed her will to her champion who seemed to be surprised by her act, yet immediately let his guard down, even more, warming Gaia's heart of how much trust he had towards her, and took part of his semblance, a part of his soul, not enough to hurt him, just enough for her means, something he would heal from in time...

"There, sister, give this gift to the Fate child, and let them tremble from our champion's might..."

Gaia said as she sent the part of her champion soul the dying Gaia who accepted it with gratitude and immediately sent it to the most promising receiver...







"...Just let me out..."


The girl cried as she punched and punched into the locker doors and with each hit breaking her skin, that just made it worse but she didn't care as she trashed and trashed in the locker that was full of trash...

Left alone...

Nobody to help her...

Students... Teachers...

All of them let her rot in a locker full of used tampons and other disgusting things as the smell made her even vomit herself, making it even worse...

But as she was about to pass out, she felt something and heard something...

"Sleep, little one... sleep and wake up as new one..."

An ethereal voice said as Taylor fell unconscious, but not until there was a soft blue light glow around her body, fully healing her bruised skin and any infection she had...





The Queen Administrator got inside of the girl's head but stopped as it felt a pulse of something...

"Oh, im weak, very weak, but there is still something I can do..."

The Gaia said as she used her will to slacker punch the Shard into the imaginary jaw.


"No, you aren't going anywhere, you wanted to give her power, right? So give it to her, after all, if all you want is to gain data, im sure you will be happy with your new host."

Gaia smiled at the panicking Shard that stopped for a moment and seemed to agree as it already started to research who she was and what was that strange energy that Taylor seemed to possess and that wasn't there before...


In the orbit of the Earth, an ethereal-looking woman with many wings that made a grotesque sight looked at the place that seemed to send alarms into her core.

But before she could act, there was an invisible force that seemed to slam or more likely crash into her, sending her to splatter into the moon...


Dragon, the A.I who looked at the live feed image of Endbringer being how humans say it a bitch slapped to the moon where she made an interesting pattern, immediately sounded alarms in Guild and PRT, of possible new parahuman with enough power to strike Endbringer from Earths orbit to the moon...


A woman with a fedora on her head held her head in pain as her mind seemed to riot.


Imeadetely after she said it, she followed the path that was shown before her and tried not to think about Brockton bay...

And as the pain substituted, her mind just given up as he body slumped on the ground, fully spent and aching from the pain she just now felt, and before she went unconscious, all her mind could think of was, what kind of monster was born in their project city that seemed to make even the second strongest precog, tremble in pain...

Not knowing that the pain came from the Will of Earth who found her sniffing annoying, even if weakened, she had enough power to mask the girl who was given the powers, still all she could do before going to sleep was to strike the Endbringer named Simurgh and taking her mind of the girl before she masked her, after that she masked the nosy woman who seemed to by more of an agent of her enemy than her child...

Gaia sorrowfully smiled as her mind seemed to slip off, all of her powers spent, but she successfully panted her own agent and masked her presence from the nosy ones before she was strong enough to stand on her own feet...


Aegis's eyes opened as he felt like if he had gained a new member of a family, and as he looked into the book of Schnee family the next day, all he could think of was, who the hell is Taylor Schnee Hebert...


*Author note*

Pic of Taylor in comments, and im back?

xD Was spent, but back with new ideas and hopefully a better plot...

:P You know the drill, want to support me? Give me your stones :D