Double Fuk

"Haaah, haaahh... You didn't go all out... Why..."

Aegis asked as he stood above Scathach who calmly laid on the water surface, but even with ruined clothes, disheveled hair, and multiple cuts and injuries, her grin couldn't be bigger...

"You already know that answer, and there is no need for me to use all my powers... You proved to be stronger than me, at least in a purely physical fight."

Scathach said, both Aegis and she knew that if she used her Primordial Runes or some of her more destructive abilities, she could, or even probably would win, after all, she was The Scathach...

And at the same time, Scathach felt, no, she knew that Aegis Schnee too had such abilities that would kill her, but using these abilities would take away that thrill of the fight...

And what Scathach wanted was a fight...

"Did you find what you sought?"

Aegis asked with a frown, but before Scathach could say something, he followed up with another question...

"How... How did you become Heroic Spirit... You never truly died to ascend to Throne of Heroes..."

Aegis asked as he could see Scathach lip twitch.

"Yes... True, if I died in a true fight, I wouldn't need you to defeat me... But you can thank for my death to Chaldea and their little games..."

"Chaldea?... Ah... The Human Order..."

Aegis said, nodding his head, of course, these time meddlers had something to do with it...


Aegis couldn't any longer hold himself in the air as he fell on the water, creating a splash that struck Scathach.


Scathach called out.


Aegis said as he too started to float on the water surface, both Aegis and Scathach were silent as they looked into the skies.

"Ask it... I can feel your need to ask something even from there, so, what do you wish to ask me? Pupil of me alternate self?"

Scathach asked, her grin never fading from her face.


Aegis started but stopped as he formulated his question...

"W-Was I helpful?"

Aegis asked, and there was a strange undertone to his voice, and as Scathach looked at him, her feral smile fell into one of sincerity...

"Very much so..."

Scathach said and was not surprised by what followed as she could feel something leave the boy's mind as if the weight that held him until now evaporated...

"I-I see..."

Aegis croaked out as tears started to fall from his eyes, finally knowing that he could do something for his master who taught him, and who protected him in his weakest times, even if alternate, Scathach would always be someone who Aegis would call master, and to know he was useful to his master wish, made Aegis cry tears of happiness and relief...

"Come there..."

Scathach said as she slowly moved to the crying boy and took him into her embrace...

"My alternate self truly raised good man, and even better warrior..."

Scathach said as she held the crying boy in her embrace with a kind smile, after all, she already felt and experienced death, but this was the first time she ever experienced defeat...

Something Scathach sought for as long as she first took spear into her hands...

And Aegis finally felt a happiness because he could help his master, alternate or not...


"Now, before you do anything, why don't you calm down?"

Morgana asked a stoically looking Artoria and the more murderously looking Mordred...

"Haaah? Calm down? Im calm? Im so calm that I will show my calmness with pummeling this failure of king into the ground."

Mordred said with a grin, to Artoria whose eyebrow just raised.

"Brat, as always, why I ever thought you could change?"

Artoria said, but deep down frowned at her own words, but as the king, she never should take back her words.

"Haaa? A brat you say? Well, why don't I show you just how bratty I can be? Hmmm?"

Mordred said as she took her sword and red lightning started to dance around her.

Morgana who watched the exchange, just had the urge to hit something.

"Was I like this with Merlin?"

Morgana whispered to herself as she saw Artoria summon her holy lance Rhongomyniad and Mordred her sword without legend but still one that couldn't be underestimated...

"Ok, I hate when I need to do this..."

Morgana mumbled as she summoned runes that chained both Mordred and Arturia.

"Now, before you break my runes that hold you in place and hold you from doing something you could possibly reject, why couldn't we talk like a normal family? Yes, I know, stupid coming from me, but sister, you are Mordred father, like it or not, and Mordred, as your mother, Im telling you to stop or I will punish you, and you wouldn't want it, right?!"

Morgana said to Artoria who seemed to want to reject but stopped herself and unsummoned her holy lance, and Mordred? Well...

"Haaah? You fuc-"

That was as far as Mordred got as she then screamed in pleasure and then in shame.

"Now, don't make me use these runes on you again."

Morgana said, fully knowing that any rune that brings pain would be ignored by Mordred who was trained as a knight and was pretty much immune to mundane pain, but Morgana wasn't feared witch for nothing, as her runes, she bound both Mordred and Artoria didn't bring pain but pleasure...

Artoria who saw the pink-faced Mordred do the most logical thing and didn't dare to move, for she didn't want to risk trying what these new devilish runes Morgana came up with felt like...

"Now that we can speak, why don't we-!"

But before Morgana could continue, there was another two sound of crystal breaking, and two additional women felt from the air...

"Oh my, oh my, where I found myself hmmm?"

The woman with long black hair and pointed ears asked in a silky voice.

"Oh lord, where is this?"

And another blonde woman with tiara asked, kindness seeping from her voice as holy aura revolved around her...

"Really... What is with this timing..."

Morgana said, again cursing and truly wishing for Aegis's brisk return...


*Author note*

Pics in comments.

Donate me your Spirit stones, guys and girls? :D