Happy New Year!

The first thing Aegis noticed was the silence, the second, was the magic wards screaming bloody murder from detecting unfamiliar magic in the house, and the third was the four very alive women when he came to the room, that was now staring at him with multiple different expressions...

Aegis ignored the smiling Scathach, who until now was still jittery from her loss, and if this Scathach was like his Scathach, then Aegis knew that she would be in that mood for some time...

"H-How can you..."

Asked the blonde woman, who was a combination of sexy beauty and cuteness from the girl from next door feel, Jeanne D'Arc, even now Aegis could feel that Holy aura was basking her as if protecting her from the ugliness of the outside world...

"How can I what? But firstly, let me introduce myself, Im Aegis Schnee, the King of Solitas Kingdom, that is not on Earth if you still do not know."

Aegis said he could see the women's eye's widened, but they somehow accepted his words with grace, truly Heroic Spirits were just different...

Then the women followed with their own introduction, Artoria Pendragon, aloofly, yet a justly sounding woman, but even from there Aegis could feel the lack of emotion, something that made her sound like a machine more than human...

Then came Mordred, the haughtiness in her voice could be measured in tons, yet it was clear to Aegis that she had the strength to defend that pride and arrogance she held for herself...

The third was Semiramis, who seemed to bristle at the fact that two previous women introduced before herself, but Aegis could feel that she was similar to Morgana, her voice was haughty, and her aura excluded sense of decadence and luxurious life, yet Aegis knew that the beauty before him was as beautiful as she was poisonous...

And the fourth woman was a woman of few words, Jeanne D'Arc, Aegis could see that communication wasn't her strongest point, but from what Aegis could see, her close of person wasn't from any arrogance or something like that, but from the very fact that she was taciturn and very reserved, yet not in a bad way, no that just made her more in Aegis eyes...

Aegis wanted to say something, but then there was a knocking sound as Weiss came into the room.

"Big brother, there is something important."

Weiss said as she gave the women in a room a look, and then the shallow bow of her head in acknowledgment as Aegis apologized for this and walked out of the room with Weiss...

"Ok, what the FUCK is that?!"

Mordred said as she breathed out...

"Now you understand why I told you just to ignore it? Well, he is well aware of them, but if he knows that we can see them, that is a different matter."

Morgana said as she pinched the bridge of her nose...

"I must say, that that is the truly strange sight..."

Arturia muttered as Semirasis just nodded her head, and Jeanne uttered a few silent prayers to God for Aegis...

"Just ignore it."

Scathach said as her face became emotionless when she looked at them, but then she again grinned.

"After all, you can see that they aren't able to get a hold on him..."

Scathach said with a grin as Morgana just tiredly nodded with her head...


Unknow to Aegis, the Heroic Spirits were speaking about the thing that revolved around him, something Aegis learned to ignore from a young age, and the thing that just few could see, and fewer could even hear...

"It starts."

"It does start."

"It already started."

"No, this is the end."

"A what end."

"Nothing changes."

"It never changes."

"Does it?"

"It doesn't."

"It was."

"And it would be."

"Always would by."

"It was, and it would be."

"And it is."

"It would."

"He would break."

"Not break."

"True, not break."

"But bent he will."

"Bent he must."

"Bent it is."

"Yes, bent it could by."

Thousands of voices whispered around Aegis ears, never stopping, never letting him go in silence, even in sleep whispering secrets of life, yet cursing him to death, Aegis long ago learned how to live with them, but he was unsure what would happen if other's could hear them too, Aegis was just glad that Weiss and other's were spared of that particular madness...

But unknown to Aegis, the Heroic Spirits could not just see it, but they could even hear the trillions of souls that Aegis held in himself, but as Heroic Spirits, they could choose to not hear or even see them, they were just surprised by their findings...


"So, what is the problem, Weiss?"

Aegis asked as Weiss suddenly stopped, briskly turned around and with all strength her lithe body could produce, pushed Aegis against the wall as she pulled Aegis head down to fiercely kissing him, and after while upon which Weiss did most of the work, as Aegis knew she preferred to by in the lead, Weiss stopped as she looked at Aegis with tears in her eyes.

"Do you even imagine how worried I was?"

Weiss asked as tears started to fall from her eyes, and Aegis immediately knew where he literally fucked up.


"Don't Weiss me! Do you know how I felt when Album told me not to interfere? Oh I know there wouldn't be anything I could do! But at least it would be better than to just watch!"

Weiss said through sobs as she dipped her head into Aegis's chest.

"I was so worried you dummy!"

Weiss said as she held on to Aegis as if fearing he would disappear, and all Aegis could do was to hold her in his hands...

"Im sorry..."

"...You better be..."

The two descended into silence as Aegis let Weiss hold him as long as she wished, with his arms around her lithe body, pushing her against him...


"That boy..."

Willow muttered, she was worried when she looked at that fight, and especially now that she neared the end of her pregnancy...

"Your father is reckless man... I hope you will not inherit that..."

Willow said to her two unborn children...


"Fuck that."


"You wanna go against that?! Ya know how crazy that sounds?!"

Screamed man as he pointedly with his finger showed the frozen fight between Aegis and Scathach.

"Ya crazy ya bitch! I joined with the promise of victory! This?! THIS FUCKING ISNT ANY PROMISE!"

"He is just one man!"


"He is right leader, this isn't a fight we could win..."

Said another, more composed man.

"There are other ways to kill a man without a fight."

"Oh Ya? And wanna tell us how? For I know that white-haired bastards had the loyalty of their servant dogs!"

"No need to be so rude and there is needed to by just one weak point we can exploit, im sure tha-"

Said pink-haired woman, but before she could continue, there was a boom-like sound.



Screamed voice through the entire building.



One man pointed at the guilty-looking red-haired woman...



The man screamed as he pulled out a gun, but before he could even aim, there was another booming sound and the doors flew open as men in black combat suits rushed into the room and neutralized all occupants...

After a while of shouting and loud sounds, the building was under Sentrie's control, with all occupants bound...

"I-I Lead you there! W-where is my sister!"

The red-haired woman screamed at Sentrie who looked at her.

"Ah yes, your sister, your innocent sister would in hour wake up, without any knowledge of last twenty-hour happenings, and with freshly new ten million liens on her bank account..."

Sentrie said, and the red-haired woman seemed to slump on the ground in relief...

"An-and what of me?"

She tremblingly asked.

"You and all women will be sent to prison where you will be taught and remade to serve Schnee's family, as any traitor should."

Sentrie said, and the women in the room slumped in both relief and fear, it was well known that Solitas was more lenient on women as the population problems were still present, even without Grimm, Solitas took more care for women, even if they did treason, and in such case, it was known that almost all women that served in Schnee mansions were once criminals that were taught that Schnee's are RIGHT, and men? Well, let say that most men who did treason were sent to help in the name of SCIENCE, voluntary or not, their bodies were always on demand for some experiments...

"I see..."

The pink-haired woman said, accepting her fate, still, she sent a glare to red-haired women who just ignored her...

"Good, now come, your next episode of life waits for you."

Sentrie said, as there wouldn't by any court and judge, these traitors fates were sealed the moment they chose to go against Schnee will, women would by remade to serve Schnee's, and the men would by never heard of again, the Sentrie would say he didn't like it, but in truth? He didn't care, it was his job to uphold Schnee's laws...


"That was enlighting."


Ren nodded to Arslan, both were in their underwear and drenched from water as they rewatched the fight between Aegis and Scathach.

"Big brother didn't hold back."

"Heh, I hope not, for if yes, then what is his true strength?"

Arslan said as she started to clothe herself, ignoring the fact she was still drenched...

"Still... I must thank you for showing me this spot Ren, from the time I left Mistral just to be forcefully added to some harem, I couldn't find the right spot for my meditation."

Arslan said as she looked at the waterfall where she and Ren were for the last hours sitting in meditation.

"No need, I know how hard it is to find the right spot, and it was the big brother who showed me this place."

"Him hm? Maybe there is a chance for this..."

Arslan said as Ren smiled at her.

"Give a big brother a chance, im sure you would find happiness with him, as long as you are willing to share..."

Ren said as he too clothed himself, his clothes drenching the moment he put them on.

"Well, we will see..."

Arslan said as she combed her wet short pale blonde hair...

"And please, try to forgive Weiss... I know she sometimes is hard to deal with, but..."

"But she is your sister, I know, don't need to defend her, I practically never cared about love, and such, so being with Aegis isn't such a problem, the problem is that it was not my choice."

Arslan said with scow.

"You are sending different signals there, Arslan..."

Ren said as he stopped to try to understand his friend and future sister-in-law.

"Im woman Ren, what did you expect."

Arslan said with a grin to the head-shaking Ren who smiled at her.

"Come, im sure others are now agitated after big brother's fight, and it would be best if the two most level-headed members of this big Schnee family are present."

Arslan said with a grin as Ren slowly nodded with his head, not trying to think what Nora and others came up within their absence...


*Author note*

Pic in comments!

And Stones on the new year?



Btw if I don't upload in my typical timeline, then I would be probably too drunk or too busy managing my friend's xD