
"As you can see there, the Demon's magic is capable of bypassing the personal use hard-light shields of Sentinel's and smaller units, the results are that more than seventy percent of deaths are because of this sole reason."

Said one of the men who wore an orange jacket and had a symbol on his chest, marking him as an engineer.

"That is good to know, but it isn't something we weren't already aware of, so why don't we skip the charade and you tell us why you called this meeting."

Said one of the older looking men, and by the symbol and number on his chest, it showed he was one of the R&D branch heads, other's like him nodded their heads as the young engineer name Jonathan nervously nodded, but steeling his nerves, he showed his work that he hoped would win him recognition.

"As you all know, Sentinel's are our primary organic forces, then we have Captain's who are rare and used to lead Sentinel's, and lastly we have new forces know as Super Sentinel's who even if best soldiers we could wish for, are still too costly in both time, material, and personnel who need to be hand-picked from masses, and thus not viable for large scale war."

"Again, something we know, for such cases we have battle droids and drones who serve as both cannon fodder and vanguard for our living soldiers."

This time said one of the women who wore a white cloak, marking her as a scientist rather than an engineer.

"Er yes, but even if sufficient the Demon invasion proved that we need more sturdy er, soldiers, at least for vanguard positions, and with Super Sentinel being so costly, and Captains being rarer, my project comes into the play, gentlemen, and er ladies, this is what I call Juggernaut!"

Jonathan said as he activated a holographic screen showing an eight feet tall object, no armor's that seemed to be a symbol of defense.

"The Juggernaut armor uses class S-Titanium that is used for battleships, it has two layers each three centimeters thick, with two hard-light generators of seven generations, that is capable of withstanding the Demon magical attacks for ten minutes straight, on their back's they have jet pack's that with gravitational generator could fly them into hundred's meter's straight, on each hand these armor's have folded shield's that when activated unfold another S-Titanium classes shield that would add another protection to them, and lastly, this."

Jonathan said as he showed the Jaggurnaut stick out his hand, which then created a shield-like wall that seemed to serve as a one-way wall for Sentinel's behind him to safely shoot and not worry about return fire.

"A one-way shield that serves as excellent protection for our troops in the field."

Jonathan said, and once he saw the heads of different departments nod their heads and speak about the viability of his project, he knew he scored big.


"So what do you think about that?"

"About what Jack?"

Daniel said with a sigh as Jack looked at the pristine city that was just too clean and futuristic for his old bones.

"You know what I mean, the Huntsmen schools... The fact that they train children how to fight, and these weapons, or more like transforming toys!..."

"Sir, I do think it is a very handy and useful technology, think of what we could do if our P90 could transform into sniper rifles or even more compact forms."

Said Carter who looked into scrolls they gave them, already browsing the technology that was widely released on the net, yet no matter how, all the technology she saw was somehow tied to either Dust or Magitech, making it hard for Carter to understand as it was an entirely new field of science...

"And Jack, don't forget that not even a decade away, they were in danger of extermination, these Grimm's would by problem even for our world, especially these flesh monster's, or these demons that seem to be most recent problem..."

Daniel said, and with each word, his breath slowed as the realization of what Solitas was fighting started to sink in, and he wasn't alone as doctor Weir and Woosley who spoke in the corner of the room, stopped and thought about his words.

"It seems they have more than one reason not to start a war with Goauld's."

"Definiitely not like Tollans or Nox..."

Weir said and Jack nodded his head, no matter what he thought, once he saw the video that became public of Demon's teleporting into an unsuspecting village or town, the sheer massacre...

"Even Goauld's don't seem to be soo... Bloodthirsty."

Carter said as she looked from the Scroll where other scientific theory papers were shown.

"But you saw it too, these guys know how to fight, and the yesterday fight..."

Jack said something he and most of the observer's team wanted to forget, the fight between Mordred and Jeanne, if Aura made people into superhumans, then the thing that Mordred and Jeanne used made them into literal demi-gods...

"Come to think of it..."

Daniel said as he started to look into his scroll, seemingly trying to find something.


Daniel said as he started to read the information he found, and with each word, his face scrunched up in confusion and awe, to almost worship.

"Living legends... They have living legends and I didn't even know..."

Daniel said as Jack confusedly looked at what he read, and his face transformed into one of disbelief...

"Heroic Spirits, and what you need to know about them? Written by... Merlin..."

Jack said, and as his words registered to occupants of the room, almost everyone rushed to their side to read the thing Daniel now seemed to almost worship...


"No, there wouldn't be any discount, if they wish a better deal, they first need to change their policy!"

Iris irritatedly said with a sigh as she told the woman who now was on Wizard Earth as ambassador that Chine would not get better treatment until they changed their way's, to say everyone wanted free and unlimited energy was an understatement, still SDC had certain laws that were made by Aegis who didn't take the health of Earth lightly...

And Iris who practically runs the SDC was on his side as the Aura she felt from that golden tree made her understand just how precious the Gaia was, just being near that tree was enough to take most of Iris's worries away...

"How does me girl fare?"

Iris looked at who said it and smiled as she saw Alexandra walk into the room with extra sway in her hips.

"Good, just the normal."

"Normal hm? So another entitled person thought he deserved good treatment from SDC?"

Alexandra said as she sat on Iris's lap, embracing Iris around her neck with her hands.

"Hmmm, you know it..."

Iris said as she snuggled into her's girlfriend's neck.

"Hmmm, I would love to make love to you there and now..."


"But Willow needs us..."

Alexandra said as Iris sighed but nodded her head with a smile.

"I see, they kicking again?"

"Yes, dear Gaia, these twins are lively inside her tummy."

"Im sure that's Aegis's fault."

"You bet."

Alexandra and Iris laughed as they kissed and after a while, stood up.

"Well, let's go and see the sole pregnant resident."

Iris said as she took Alexandra's hand into hers and led both of them out...




Morgana sighed as she saw the cold eyes of her sister.

"Still angry huh?"

"You tell me."

Arturia said after a while and Morgana seemed to mull over her words...

"Well... Then I will... I had a lot of time to think..."

Morgana said as she walked to Arturia's side and looked at the sigh before her, the still-growing city of Mantle and Atlas, something that became Arturia's most enjoyable past time activity, and Morgana understood why, with the white towers reaching the skies, a glowing blue crystal that radiated gentle and warm light as they hummed some kind of calming melody, and the living and vibrant nature that was not seeming out of place in such high-tech environment...

"I was always jealous..."

Morgana said as Arutria looked at her.

"I always thought that all that belonged you belonged to me too, for I was the one who helped you to create it, even Merlin had not such stakes in Camelot as me... And yet... No nothing... Let's just say that youth make us do very stupid things..."


Arturia asked with derision in her voice as Morgana chuckled.

"Yes, after all, as part Fae, our lives were to by long ones if we didn't die..."

Morgana said as she looked at Arturia who seemed to judge her with her stare, and yet after a while, Arturia seemed to sigh as her shoulders relaxed.


"No, don't... I understand, but I want you to think, we have a new life, completely free from our past actions, think about it, sister."

Morgana said as she walked away with more light steps as she had done something she always wanted to.

Arturia looked at Morgana's retreating backs as she looked back at the city that was full of life and said under her breath...

"Im just tired... Very tired."


*Author note*

Pics in comments.

Hmmm Stones for me? :3