
Riser laughed as he came through the summoning portal, leaving his peerage flabbergasted beyond belief, they knew that he had gone to speak with that Gremory girl and knew that their King always came out with sour and irritated mood, to see him laugh so happily from coming from her, made his peerage confused.

"Riser-sama? I-is there something wrong?"

Asked voluptuous and sexy woman with purple hair, she was Yubelluna, Riser's Queen and most trusted person just after his little sister Ravel.

"Haha! Yes! There is!"

Riser laughed as he scooped Yubelluna into his hands and gave her a fierce kiss, making her surprised, yet after a while, she melted into the kiss with happiness.

"Hey no fair, nya!"

"Yea, nya!"

Screamed Nekoshou twin girls as Riser laughed.

"Sorry, sorry, it is just im free! Im free! And my father can go to HELL! Haha! Pack your things! We are leaving before he can arrange another marriage for me!"

Riser said with happiness, yet there was urgency in his tone.

"Leave, where do you want to go, big brother?"

Asked the soft voice of a blonde-haired beautiful young girl with dark blue eyes. She had long blonde hair tied into twin tails with large, drill-like curls and blue ribbons keeping them in place. The front of her hair has several bangs hanging over her forehead, with a V-shaped fringe hanging over the bridge of her nose.


Riser said with happiness and little worry, he loved his little sister, but now that he wanted to run, he knew that taking his little sister would be bad not just for him but for her too, as Riser never liked the Devil politic games, in which his little sister excelled, and Riser knew that if he took her with him, that his father, mother and older brothers would hunt him down, but if he went himself just with his peerage, just his father would try to find him, as older brothers and his mother would let him go live his own life as they knew he would contact them once he enjoyed enough...

"Ravel... I think it is a time for you to have your own peerage."

Riser said as there was still a problem with Ravel being his Bishop, and Riser wouldn't risk her becoming stray, so the sole thing for her to be free again would be to become King herself...


"What? What do you speaking about, big brother? We still need to train, I know you think that you can defeat Gremory himself, but arrogance is the most dangerous sin! Please."

Ravel said, still not understanding her big brother, after all, she joined his peerage to help him win, but now he didn't want to? It made Ravel confused and a little worried.

"There is no reason to win, not any longer, not with that on her side."

Riser said as he remembered what he felt in IT's presence, to say that the black-haired man or being made Riser's instincts scream in fear would be an understatement, not even Satan's made Riser soo scared from such short meeting, no Riser planned to run for a while until the things calm down, and enjoy some quality time with his beautiful and sexy peerage, maybe he could take them on these Hawai's island's human's so liked? After all, he had the money for it, or in the worst case, he would just rent some island for Phoenix tears, in any case, he could later just make more of them...


Ravel asked little scared as she finally looked at Riser with her calculating eyes.

"What. Did. You. Done."

Ravel slowly asked, making Riser both gulp and sigh, as Riser could see her coming to her tactician mindset in which she didn't see him as a brother but a piece, good for battle's, but in satan's sake, Riser pitied any man who will end up with his little sister...

"I? Nothing, but Rias chose to free us both from our parent's plan's, thus my reason of running before Father gets wind of this and could do something with this, not that he could, even Satan's would by in the near future have their hands full of, well shit."

Riser said as he could see his peerage coming with their suitcases, his lovely Yubelluna having two, one of her's and his, for god's-ouch-sake he loved that woman.


Ravel asked, disbelieving, not understanding what her big brother meant, Ravel was good at planning but having zero to no information grated on her nerves, but from what Riser was saying, Ravel already could guess the matters weren't so simple.

"Big brother, you-"

"Nu uh, little sis! You see, I have places to visit, my girls to sleep with, and you know, just enjoy MY life, but don't worry! I will contact you! And you know what, if you want to know more, just speak with Rias! Im sure you would find it interesting!"

Riser said as he quickly teleported away, he wasn't truly worried about Ravel, his little sister was an intelligent and very resourceful girl, making him feel sure that she would find a way, after all, Riser knew he wasn't even half that wise as she was, thus his reason to run before the shit storm hits the fan.

Ravel, who watched with opened mouth how her big brother and his peerage just teleported away, leaving her alone in the room, trembled for a while until veins popped on her pale and clear forehead.


Ravel screamed in anger, making all residents of the Phenex mansion jump in fright, but they took it as a normal occurrence...

After all, Riser was a loving big brother, but not a good one, as it was common for him to make Ravel angry more than three times a day...

And as Ravel stood there with her tiny hands balled into fist's and raised into the air, as she slowly promised that once she meets her 'dear' big brother again, she would do what their mother promised to do to Riser if he ever let Ravel see his ding dong down there as he played with his girls, and CUT. IT. OFF!

Riser who was already on his way to another side of the world with a goofy grin, stopped as dread settled in him.

"Ok, rather than vacation, why don't we ever return... Like never ever..."

Riser said as he knew his little sister could pretty much vindicative Birdy...


After Rias and Akeno came from the meeting that sealed their lives for five years, Rias sighed as she slumped into her chair, making Akeno chuckle as she went to prepare tea, something that always calmed her down, at least little...

"I still can't believe it..."

"Ara? And what? That Riser didn't want you as you thought he wanted you?"

Akeno teasingly said as it was normal for her, both to lighten the mood and to make her King feel better.

"Wh-hat?! Of course not!"

Rias said with red cheeks as she pouted at the chuckling Akeno who just quirked her eyebrow.

"Well... Maybe little... What?! Even you must admit that was truly out of his character! He even stopped talking in the third person!"

Rias, as Akeno, acknowledged her point, to hear Riser talk normally was surprising just as it was for him to have the same distaste for the marriage contract as Rias, but it seemed where Rias wished to fight it, Riser chose to accept his fate...

Still, as Rias pouted and Akeno chuckled, both of them didn't speak about the fact that they now belonged to someone, even if for short five years as Devils lived for thousands, it still made them feel bad, especially Rias, who still was guilty that Akeno joined her...

"You think it was... Meaningless?"


Akeno asked Rias who looked at her with misty eyes.

"That I could just speak to Riser? And come to an agreement? That I made you sell your body for nothing?"

Rias asked as Akeno's eyes widened and then narrowed as she came to her King and took her into a forceful hug, making the crimson-haired girl sniffle into Akeno's neck.

"No, as you heard, even if you and Riser came to an agreement, there wouldn't be nothing for you to do that would negate the contract, just if you had someone strong on your side, could you became free, someone like Aegis Schnee, Riser himself said it, just like this it could ever work, don't dare to question your method Rias, I chose to follow you from my own volition, I choose to sell my body and not you."

Akeno said as she looked at Rias, who still cried with puffy cheeks and misty eyes red from crying.

"Did I need to? No, Aegis would accept your proposition just with you, but I don't need to do something from need, I chose to follow you because you are my King, Rias, I chose to accompany you because you are my dear friend, my best friend Rias."

Akeno said to Rias who just cried even more.

"Mou... Look how you make me look!"

Rias said with puffy cheeks, yet the gratefulness and love for her friend just radiated from Rias who hugged Akeno even more.

"Ara, maybe you wish to now admit your love for me? With how you are embracing me?"

"Mou! Stupid Akeno!"

Rias just laughed as she held Akeno in her hands, making Akeno smile into Rias back, glad that her friend was alright, at least for now...

"Still, what will you tell your big brother?"

Akeno asked as she, with little glee and enjoyment, watched how Rias relieved face started to morph into one of pure panic.


Rias made up a sound as Akeno smirked...


"So... What do you exactly want me to do?"

Aegis asked as he looked at the scared woman who had just her upper body and was just lying in the bathtub completely naked.

/Heal her?/

"You know that making someone regrow their body parts isn't easy... Right?"

Aegis asked Neo, he knew how to heal, but this? This would need more than just pumping the woman with his magical energy, letting her natural regeneration do its work...

"Gah, just let me, you don't have a problem with her becoming vampire, do you?"

Krull said as she no longer could watch the duo who looked at the worm in the bathtub, it wasn't because she wanted to take a shower and that thing was in the way, surely it wasn't, Krull thought...

/Eh, I don't mind, she still would have her breast shooters, right?/

Neo asked as it was the main reason she took her in, otherwise, Neo would long ago kill her because of boringness...


Krull said as she strangely looked at Neo, still a little weirded out from the midget, even Krull who lived as long and among vampires who were known for special tastes, Krull was still a little weirded out by Neo's thinking.

"I-I d-don't have say in it?"

Asked Viser who looked at the monsters before her with fear.

"...Believe me that you are better off listening to Neo."

Aegis said after a while as Viser looked from the man she thought was a leader to her tormentor Neo and bristled as she saw the smile Neo had.


Viser said as Krull made an annoyed sound and dipped her fangs into Viser, starting transforming the stray devil into a vampire...


As Viser was slowly regenerating in the bathtub with a healthy amount of Aegis blood, as Krull said that his blood is most nourishing there, she ever had, that was magically rich and with his divine aspect into it, Aegis looked at his three servants who were strangely quiet.

"Well, what is on your minds?"

Aegis asked as Raynare seemed to get her bearings.

"My lord, there is a matter... Before, before we became yours, we... We had someone to come to there so we could take something from them..."

Raynare said and as Aegis looked at them, all three, Raynare, Mittelt, and Kalawarner fidgeted little as it was embarrassing for them, as now they had a new place, the past actions seemed to bring them shame, or rather they worried that it would bring shame to their lord or worse, making him disappointed in them...

"I see, as I previously said, and many times repeated, what happened before me, is no problem, the point is, what would you do now is what counts, is that understood?"

Aegis asked as he saw some tension in his angels evaporate, it seemed they still had hidden skeletons in their closet's, but that wasn't something Aegis cared for, he was alright with giving them enough time to deal it with it for themselves, in the worst case he would deal with it himself, but Aegis wasn't worried for that...

"And, what is that matter you spoke of?"

Aegis asked, and it was Mittelt who spoke.

"It's an excommunicated nun, Asia Argento who wields Twilight Healing, a rare Sacred Gear that is to say heal any injury, we planned to take it from her, killing her in the process..."

Mittelt said with little worry, but seeing their lord not become angry, they relaxed.

"Hm, well if that so, bring her in, im interested in that Sacred Gear and excommunicated with such a powerful device from Church? I wonder what she had done for them to let her just go..."

Aegis mussed as he knew just how dark Church was, after all, God or no, Church was Man's institution as every man institution with such power Church was too faulty, no matter how noble their goal could be seen...

"""Yes my lord!"""

Raynare, Kalawarner and Mittelt said, and Aegis just shook his head at their blind devotion, Aegis was sure that if he now told them to get naked and prostrate before him and lick his shoes, they would do it with happiness, truly...

Being seen as God was dangerous...


*Author note*

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