
It was weak after that Aegis once again held his precious Weiss, Willow, and Winter in his arms, they still were on Earth, now codenamed Supernatural Earth, but his family no longer could wait for him to tie all things up in there, chose to visit him than wait for him to return, something Aegis had nothing against to...

"Big brother..."



The three females said to Aegis with varying degrees of love, one utterly full of possessiveness and addiction, another with relief and happiness, and the last with a plain sound that hid the joy and love she felt for her little brother...

"Mother, you... Im sorry."

Aegis simply said, making Willow's face morph into one of understanding.

"Don't by... That little girl or the thing that plays on little girl visited me when you were away and told me of your deal... I understand that what you are doing is for our sakes..."

Willow gently said as she held Aegis's head that now rested on her already big belly with her finger's in her son's hair as Aegis's ears listened to the little heartbeats of his children...

Willow understood, she was unhappy and sad, but she understood, as her previous husband, Jacques, gave priority to his job and his own happiness, Willow could discern the difference, where Jacques was selfish, her little son was not, she could see the pain in his ice-blue eyes he so hid when he saw her big belly, the pain of not being with her and watching it grow...

But as she already said, Willow spoke with Zoe, learning that Aegis sold some of his freedom for Zoe's willingness to leave Remnant and Schnee's family outside of her reign, just for some side jobs. Aegis needed to do for her...

Willow was not happy, but to know her son sold himself or something like that to make sure his family was safe both saddened and made Willow happy, sad that it needed to be done in her son's opinion and happy for Aegis's willingness to go into such heights for them...

"Big brother..."

Weiss said as she rested her head on Aegis's hunched back.

"Welcome home..."

Weiss softly said, making all of them smile a little, yes, Aegis was home in their presence...

"I don't want to disrupt this moment, but are you sure there is nothing for you to do, Aegis?"

Winter softly asked as her right hand held Aegis's hand, their fingers interlocked with each other...

"No... Album takes the care of everything... Thanks to having contact with multiple Earth's Album long ago, she learned how to make first contact without my need to interfere..."

Aegis said, and it was the truth, Aegis himself didn't show to this Earth, all the work was done by Album who after the Sentinel base arrived, sent a message to everyone, TVs, smartphones, PCs, Radios, and to any device capable of replaying her massage, greeting the world, assuring them of their peaceful intentions, hinting on a possible trade with their governments, and much more...

No need to say that by this point, Album already had dirt on any significant person in this world, by it a politician, billionaire, businessman, or such; Album already started using these secrets to advance Solitas position in this world that took their visit much more peacefully than the Wizard Earth...

Of course, Aegis knew the storm was still brewing as the Supernatural side of the world was still too quiet, with Serafall running haggard to cease any intention of attacking Sentinel base, Sirzech too stood by Serafall in his intention to support peaceful co-existence with Solitas, no small reason for his worry for his little sister that would by soon the target of multiple powerful eyes, once her status as belonging to Aegis will come out...

"I see... I will then speak with Album then..."

Winter said as she looked at Aegis and, with one graceful motion, bent down and gave Aegis a kiss on the lips, whispering they would do more once they were alone...

With that, Winter gave her sister and mother goodbye as she wanted to make sure the Royal Guard was ready and in good condition, something Winter didn't need to do, as Royal Guard was handpicked by her and thus was Elite of all Elites, but Winter personality didn't let her rest until she was ultimately sure her family was safe, especially when her mother was pregnant and thus in biggest danger...

Winter would do anything to protect her future sister's/nieces...

Willow, with a smile, watched how Winter walked away, already being familiar with how serious her eldest daughter was in both her job and her civilian life, to say Winter had zero life outside of her job wouldn't be wrong, Winter wasn't per se workaholic, she was just too serious, something Willow would be worried about if not for the fact Winter made sure to spend a lot of time with her pregnant mother, showing her more tender side to Willow that was just too happy for witnessing it...


Willow let out a tired yawn as she apologetically looked at Aegis who understood her.

"You can rest in my bed, I will join you once im done there."

Aegis gently said to Willow who let out a sincere but tired smile as her eyes felt a little too heavy.

"Don't worry about waking me up... I found out that these times I sleep like a log."

Willow let out a smile as Aegis kissed her on the forehead and then lips, then nodded to Raynare who stood by the doors, watching the Schnee family with desire and devotion, desire to be part of it, and devotion to the Schnee family Aegis her Lord was part of...

"Thank you, deary."

Willow said to Raynare, who looked both shocked and flustered for a while as her face blushed at the sincere tone Willow made as she bent her head down.

"I-Its no-nothing, your highness..."

Raynare mumbled as she hid the fact she became flustered from mere thanks, Raynare knew the Schnee family was kind to their servants, but to hear about it and hear it was different, making Raynare a little flustered as Willow let out a small snicker.

"Yes, it is, now by kind and shown me where is my sleep's."

Willow gently said, making Raynare nod her head, hiding the little smile that played on her lips as she slowly led Willow away from the room, with Willow bidding goodnight to Weiss and Aegis...

After they were alone, Weiss looked at Aegis with her own ice-blue piercing eyes that were these days not so different from Aegis's own...

Without any waiting, Weiss sat on Aegis her legs locking around Aegis's torso, her chest pressing against Aegis's own, and her arms just under Aegis's own as she strongly hugged him, making their forehead touch, yet they still didn't kiss...

"...Missed you..."

Weiss mumbled, making the hot air in her mouth touch Aegis with how close their faces were, yet they still looked into each other eyes...


Weiss wanted to continue until she felt the lips she so dearly missed touch her's, firstly in a gentle way, just their lips touching, innocently, but slowly transforming into a rhythm of increasing desire as their lips opened and their tongues met each other, making Weiss moan in pleasure as she tasted Aegis salvia...

"Missed you... Missed you... I so missed you..."

Weiss kept mumbling in between their kiss as she hungrily sucked Aegis's tongue with his salvia into her own mouth, wishing for his tongue to never leave her own mouth...

"Missed you... Missed you..."

Weiss said, but this time it was more broken, more fragile as Aegis could feel something wet above his mouth with a sigh, Aegis hand's pressed Weiss even more into him as Weiss broke down as her eyes streamed tears, no longer kissing as Weiss's head was deeply pressed into neck making Aegis chin rest on her head as his hand's moved up and down on Weiss back, and slowly massaging Weiss head as his left hand traveled in Weiss beautiful white hair...

"Missed you... Missed you..."

Weiss just kept repeating, as Aegis looked into the wall, his mind not in disarray per se but not entirely calm as his heart wretched just from hearing the tone Weiss kept repeating these words...


It was a few minutes in which Weiss was finally asleep in Aegis's hands, her tears dried off by Aegis's magic that made sure she was free from any discomfort of wet clothing...

"I know you are there... We need to speak."

Aegis softly but resolutely said, his eyes never leaving Weiss hunched back, so fragile, so beautiful, so...

"Yo, wanna speak with me?"

Zoe asked with a grin that transformed into a frown as Aegis never looked at her, his eyes still on Weiss's lithe form...

"This was last time, if you wish to send me away again, you will make sure that I can contact and speak with Solitas, with my family, no matter in what world im in..."

Aegis said in a tone that left nothing to be negotiated about.

"Oh? You are my Agent, and you still wish to order me?"

Zoe said with a smile, but her mismatched eyes screamed danger.

"No, I do not order you, im telling you how it will be... You know what im willing to do... And I will not make her cry again... Or come late on another possible birth of mine children."

Aegis said this time, his eyes finally looking from Weiss to Zoe, ice-blue eyes meeting the multicolored mismatched eyes, both of them holding different depths of knowledge than other, but none smaller than other...

Just different...


Zoe hummed, her normal attitude changing into different as she looked at Aegis but then shrugged as if she didn't care, which she probably didn't.

"Well, as you are my first and only employee, I need to make sure you are taken good care of..."

Zoe hummed in thought.

"Ok! Im willing to let you go back every second day when you are on a mission until your little guys once again hole the entire universe with their portal tech, BUT!"

Zoe said as she held her finger up.

"But for this, you will need extra work for me, don't worry, nothing time consuming, but it will be dangerous, after all, im already making sure these Chaos Gods cant arrive into your universe, so you can make extra work for me too when im such good boss!"

Zoe said with a grin as Aegis nodded his head, knowing to not play with fire that was FATE and DESTINY persona filled...

"Good, good! Then good luck, my Agent! Will see you next time I need you to make for another mission!"

Zoe said with a grin as she stuck out her tongue and evaporated in a colorful way...


Aegis sighed out tiredly as he slowly stood up, with Weiss still in his arms, and made was outside, the door opening by now stunned Mittelt and Kalawarner, who was there, and saw how their Lord seemed to defer to someone other, knowing that the little multicolored girl was something dangerous for their own Lord to be so careful about...


As Aegis, with Weiss still asleep in his arms, finally arrived into his room, doors opened by Raynare, he was not surprised to find naked Neo sleeping in a small spoon position as his mother, who was just in her lace underwear, spooning Neo, knowing Willow saw Neo as her own daughter...

Slowly lying Weiss down on the bed, Aegis unclothed Weiss with magic to not wake her up as he himself unclothed, and laid down between Willow and now naked Weiss as Aegis knew she loved to sleep naked when with him, mother and Neo present or not...

Sending a thankful nod at Raynare, who quietly put the lights down and slowly closed doors, Aegis fell asleep in the presence of his loved ones, with Weiss in his right arm and Willow, who spooned Neo in his left arm...


*Author note*

Let's be clear, there is no reason for Solitas to play bully on Earth governments if they could just so easily get what they want in peaceful ways, thanks to Album who move in the shadows, any war could be prevented by a few notes, and warnings on showing how their missiles would rather strike their own bases than the Sentinel base as Album who is A.I would hijack any such missile even before it would be fired off...

That said, just because the mundane governments play the ball doesn't mean the Supernatural will too...

You can SUPPORT ME with your POWER STONES! :P

(Btw, for those who ask where I get the pictures, I just google things I like to portray, like in the previous case, I googled Scifi Fantasy Air Island, and it showed me pictures, one of them the Sentinel base was...)