
"Serafall, what can you tell us about... This?"

Sirzech asked for the sake of their other two Satans, the head of Technology department Ajuka Beelzebub, and the head of Military Department Falbuim Asmodeus...

Sirzech himself already spoke with Serafall and both Rias and Aegis Schnee, mainly with Aegis Schnee himself, as Sirzech was still a little unnerved by the man, but seeing how happy Rias was and that Grayfia didn't find anything wrong with the man himself put Sirzech little on easy, after all, he knew Grayfia his sister-in-law was a good judge of character...

Still, it irked him how chummy his little Rias was with the man himself... But she was at that age, wasn't she? Sirzech suddenly felt a need to find some pictures of his little sister when she was still small and take some good drink...

Oh, how the time flew Sirzched sighed in sadness...

"Yes, Serafall, tell us about the fiance of your little sister."

Ajuka said seriously, making Sirzech arch his eyebrow, where did he...

"Ajuka... Did you again go through my files?!"

Serafall indignantly asked, Ajuka ignoring her outburst, just nodded his head.

"Yes? After the last time, I did say I would need to look into them."

Ajuka said, and even Falbium, who as Devil of Sloth was normally too tired or sleepy, smirked, what Ajuka said was an incident where Serafall forgot to do something for Ajuka, something that made years of Ajuka's work gone to the trash, from that time it was known that Ajuka looked into Serafall's files as it couldn't happen again, something Serafall herself didn't see the need to be angry about, but this time Ajuka brought her little sister into the mix...

"Hmph, so if you already so brutishly mentioned, yes, Sona is Kings Aegis Schnee of Solitas Kingdom's fiance, she lost the game, alright? What do you want to hear more?"

Serafall said with a little pout, that didn't fool anybody, they knew Serafall long enough to know when she truly pouted and when she just played her character of an immature brat...

"I want to know if we need to bolster our forces."

Falbium asked, as his sharp eyes caught the look Sirzech and Serafall threw to each other.

"No... At least not because of Solitas's aggression, Aegis himself promised he doesn't wish to conquer, I believe his A.I, this Album already contacted or at least sent your human contacts messages of possible trade?"

Sirzech asked, making Ajuka nod his head, yes his human scientist and engineers who sometimes summoned him gave him this information, something Ajuka himself wished to use, as from what he saw, the Solitas technology was something that could jumpstart Devil's technology by multiple generations of how they were able to combine magic and technology...

"Yes, they did..."

Ajuka said.

"Yes, well, you can be assured that if Serafall or I weren't sure of Aegis's intentions, we wouldn't let our sister's near him, but as it is, we should be more worried about other factions and pantheons that would wish to make use of the chaos Solitas did with their not so subtle arrival..."

Sirzech said as Falbium nodded his head, once again closing his eyes and going into rest mode as his mind was already preparing for this future trouble...

The meeting went even more into dept as Serafall and Sirzech shared what they learned about Solitas or its king Aegis Schnee...

All four of them already knew they weren't alone who was speaking about this, as even in their own race, the so-called Great King Faction was now debating how they could use the newcomers, something the four Satans were preparing against...

Sirzech himself already warned Aegis of the factions of persons who would undoubtedly seek trouble from him or the mysterious Khaos Brigade that was lately damaging all sides...



"You feel it too, aren't you, sister? This presence... The portal itself reeks the divinity..."

Michael said as his gaze looked into the flying island that showed on the mortal realm.

"They came in peace, brother, and your plans, we should wait..."

Gabriel said worriedly as even if she felt the domineering presence the portal radiated, something she remembered done just the most tyrannical human nations in where the humans were shackled by their rulers, she at the same time felt the peacefulness, the happiness and the life it radiated...

Truly, it made Gabriel confused, how could something feel so tyrannical yet so good? Gabriel wished to know, especially with the knowledge that this Solitas Kingdom, too, was made of mainly just humans...

Was it one of many of their Father's works?

"...Yes... You are right, sister... We should wait, please tell the Church not to do something hasty..."

Michael said, making Gabriel smile...

Michael was just worried, he was soo tired, an angel, Archangel or not, was not supposed to or created to overseer the Gods system, something The God, their Father and Creator, made for himself, never teaching Michael how to use it, making Michael himself learn by the time, and all the time he was learning needing to patch any damage that was done both by the time and by the system that lost its main administrator...

Until now, Michael didn't know how to repay or even modify the Heaven system, something that was created by The God in a time the humanity was too different, too simple, and easy to manage...

But the more mankind evolved, the more their sins became varied, the more Michael needed to personally make sure that not all sins were equal, to make sure not all souls that would be the Heaven systems rated for hell would go to hell as not all of them deserve it...

Just how many prayers were Michael deaf to just because he had no more ears to listen to? How many poor humans' wails of despair went unheard just because he was already too occupied?

Micheal just hoped this new development wouldn't damage the already damaged Heaven system even more, for Michael didn't know what he would do, he was already on his last legs...


"Cao, you should look at this..."

A young man with spectacles said as he showed news from outside when he went outside of their dimension where they trained to gather new information...

"Oh? A Solitas?"


"Big brother?!"

Weiss worriedly asked as she saw Aegis suddenly shake.

"Nothing... Just had an unexplained case of shiver..."

Aegis said as he calmed down.

/Oh? Maybe some creep thought about you? Wait, Weiss is already there!/

Neo said with a grin as Weiss shot her poisonous glare.

"Oh? Who it was who was in morning sucking big brother's dick with me and mother present?"

Weiss venomously asked as Neo just stuck her tongue.

/This momma needs her breakfast, and it was not like I didn't invite you to join./

Neo said with a grin as Aegis sighed, his mother was still too red from the show and Neo's teasing, yes even if she had already slept with her son, Willow was still shy, and Weiss just liked their privacy when they were doing it, something Neo used as teasing material on both of them...

"Ignoring that little worm, why don't you tell me about these new women you gained, big brother?"

Weiss asked as her legs rested on Aegis's lap as Aegis was massaging her naked feet, both ignoring Neo, who was playing with her big breast throughout her clothes, provoking Weiss, as Neo knew Weiss was jealous of her bigger bust...

"Hm, what to tell you about them, what you already don't know from Album's little spy work?"

Aegis said with a smile, knowing Weiss had already surely gone through all files Album done about the girls that were in Aegis's vicinity...

"Let's start with Rias..."

And so Aegis went on speaking about the girls later, Willow joined them, making Neo stop teasing them as Willow already berated the multicolored girl about things she shouldn't do...


/////////////Short Lemon///////////



Aegis said with a smile as he embraced Winter, giving her a kiss that Winter returned with similar hunger as they were alone, Weiss somewhere interrogating Schnee angels, and Willow, their mother, speaking with Rias and Akeno, making Winter finally alone for a while with her little brother.

"You know Sienna is a little too antsy?"

Winter said with a smile as she unzipped her and Aegis's pants, pushing Aegis down on a chair and sitting on him, sighing in pleasure as she felt Aegis's shaft filling her insides, both of them were still clothed, so to an outsider, they would look like lover couple that was little too handsy with each other as their private parts were hidden, the sole give away was Winter who was slowly moving up and down, and her moans in pleasure.

"Oh? And why?"

Aegis asked with a smile as he kissed and licked Winter's neck, making her cry in pleasure.

"I-I think she is- she is in some kind of mating season, I-I looked and it is a thing for stronger faunuses, the stronger they are, the more their animalistic si-side is stronger too..."

Winter said through her deep breaths, already feeling her limit being near, too long away made her more thirsty for Aegis...

"Ah... I- see, I suppose I should stop teasing her..."

Aegis said with little restraint as he felt Winter's pussy suddenly and tightly clench his member as Winter suddenly trembled, and Aegis felt the wetness that was now squirting down there...

Winter, for her matter, just took Aegis's hand and pressed him against her breast that was now somehow bare as she unzipped her clothes, making Aegis's head press deeply into her bust with Winter's hands around his head as if wishing for Aegis to suffocate between her breasts...

"T-this isn't end..."

Winter whispered as her hips once again moved, making her sore pussy cry in pain and pleasure as she wished to milk her little brother of all of his semen...


"Enjoyed much?"

Krull dryly asked as she noticed the smell Winter and Aegis had on themselves, and especially the sore way Winter walked.

"Yes, pretty much so."

Aegis said with a smile, making Krull's eyebrow twitch.

"You are doing it on purpose, aren't you?"

Krull asked.

"No? What do you mean?"

Aegis said with a tilt of his head, but the glint in his eyes was an easy giveaway, making Krull almost crush the glass of Aegis blood in her hand, were it not for Aegis blood by soo good, she would already crushed the glass...

"...You are lucky that being undead dampened my lust... But don't worry, once I finally make you mine, you will plea for release."

Krull promised as her pink-red eyes radiated both furry and resigned, she already accepted she loved the man, she loved Aegis, but at the same time, she was soo mad with how he acted around her because Krull knew he was doing it on purpose, after all, until now Krull lived with anything she wanted, what Aegis was doing was too teasing Krull until she herself admitted she wanted it enough to ask for it, something Krull detested, but at the same time, the idea somehow made her cold heart warm...

"If you say..."

Aegis said with a smile, pushing down some of soul's memories in his head about vampire orgies that had as much semen in them as they had blood, there was no need to say that Aegis needed to prepare a place for their future play, because Aegis didn't wish to traumatize any of his more vulnerable girls, knowing Krull would surely drink his blood as they would have sex, something that would be very, very messy...

"Big brother."

Album said as she materialized from the newly installed holo-gram projectors in Rias mansion...

"Yes, Album?"

Aegis asked with a smile as Album apologetically smiled at Krull, who made a motion for her to continue as Krull's own curiosity was picked.

"There are some Churchmen asking about Irina's and Xenovias whereabouts..."


Aegis asked with a smile...

Krull herself went deeply into her thoughts about how to use the new way of transportation, especially with her status as Aegis's wife, something that didn't seem until now impressive, Krull was finally ready to visit the vampire clans of this world as Krull knew vampires were proud creatures, and she needed something more than just sign of strength to make them cove...

Still knowing there were two vampire factions, Krull thought about who to go first to, and of who she should make an example, but already Krull knew Aegis's stance on vampires that were too populous, as such, Krull knew some of them needed to by culled down, which they made it much more easier as the two factions were divided by their sex, somehow Krull knew Aegis would be more prone to spare the female factions, just hunch...

And in truth, Krull herself knew how male vampires were too proud for their own good to follow either non-vampire like Aegis or herself, who was a female vampire, something the male vampires of this world seemed to have a problem with...

Yea, Krull, though, she should already start picking a good coven name...

Hmm, Krull Schnee's coven didn't sound so bad...

Krull thought as a small smile was displayed on her little lips, and her little finger's danced around the glass of Aegis blood...


*Author note*

Now that I think of it, if I had to write any and all first contact scenarios, which in the future would by a LOT, then I would go nuts, so trying a new approach called...

Sicking Album on them!

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