
The world changed, at least for the denizens of Supernatural Earth, the mundane was told that all of their myths and mystics were real, and those who already were aware suddenly found themselves on the fence if they should still hide or reveal themselves...

The mundane governments already had planned long ago drafted for such occasion, as such panic or anarchy was not present, and any and all threats of such case were immediately squashed in infancy...

It was mainly thanks to governments a long ago knowing of Gods and such and already having their own mages in employ, another factor was the stabilizing presence of Solitas Sentinel Base, nobody wished to by first to attack, fire shot, or start a war with Aegis Schnee show of strength...

But not everything was sunshine, as Aegis predicted, the corrupted, or those with deep ties with Devils or other beings that were in high positions, were suddenly found dead in their homes, victims of a sudden car crash, or imprisoned on fabricated facts...

USA, Russia, China, Japan, and most Europe governments were very thorough and quick to get their houses clean, now no longer needing to worry the traitors, patrons, or partners, the governments were quick and ruthless in their purge of any spy or puppet...

Aegis's role in all of that was minimal as the mundane governments long ago were prepared for such an event, even if Aegis or Solitas didn't reveal the magic and divines, someone or something would sooner or later, as such, they just used Solitas presence to their advantage...

Church and other religions weren't so happy, as the Vatican found itself in a somehow troubled position, now that proof of God being real, the people traveled there in masses, the thing was that the Church was surprisingly quiet in their responses, making Aegis realize that they didn't wish to provoke someone who could reveal the truth of God is dead to the world...

As such, what could be said to be a boon for Christianity was nothing more than a case full of worms, as now that Christianity was worldwide popularity, the Vatican itself couldn't make any move or risk of truth being spread...

There were other religions that suddenly became much more popular, as Atheism became seen as meaningless with the truth of Gods being real, even satanism was becoming much more a thing, to the anger of governments that tried to stop any stupid sacrificial ritual...

Album and Solitas diplomats were working overtime as they tried to calm things down after seeing their King Aegis no longer acting...

Aegis himself enjoyed in Rias mansion, well, after a long and loud screaming debate with Serafall and Sirzech who came to ask what the fuck Aegis thought he was doing or rather already done...

To which Aegis just smiled, he knew what the consequences of his actions were, but as Aegis already said, he didn't regret them still when Sirzech said that the plans for the peace were now all well in the trash, Aegis just said that Solitas wouldn't mind playing middleman in peace talks, but not between three factions, but many many more...

To which Sirzech became quiet as he looked at Aegis and then excused himself as he left, his mind full of implications Aegis could mean...

Serafall was much harder to calm down, but after a while, she just bent her head down in defeat and asked if Aegis even realized how much work she now needed to do to just calm fellow devils and then other pantheons...

"Serafall, I stood by what I said, if they wished to attack me, or Solitas, I would deal with the gods or anything they try... And do not forget, im not alone in this, the Will of Earth is with this with me."

Aegis said, making the petite women sigh even more...

"Sona will by living there from now on, with all of her peerages."

Serafall ultimately said as she saw she couldn't win against Aegis and made her last demand clear, to Aegis's confusion.

"I mean, it is Rias home, so if she permits it, then I don't mind... But why?"

Aegis asked, making Serafall roll her eyes.

"Why? Why? Why else than the fact that you painted an even bigger target on my So-tan with your stunt? Especially now that knowledge of her engagement with you if know, I know for the fact that there wouldn't by a small number of devils or others who would try to hurt me or you through her, and don't say that it isn't truth!"

Serafall said as she looked into Aegis's eyes, daring him to refute her.

"I... Yes, you are right... I forgot to take such consequences into my plans very well, even if Rias didn't permit it, I will let Sona and others live in Sentinel base and have Royal Guard guard the Kuoh academy if Sona and others still wish to go there."

Aegis said, his words making Serafall nod her head...

"Now, excuse me, someone needs to deal with the fuck up you throw at us..."

Serafall sulkily said, making Aegis smile, as before Serafall could leave, Aegis caught her from behind, and he gave a surprised devil a kiss on her cheek.

"This is sorry, I do not regret doing it, but I do regret making your life harder."

Aegis slowly and sincerely said to the now pouting and huffing Serafall, who looked at him with narrowed eyes, but after a while, there was a slight smile on her lips as she walked away, now with new energy in her posture...

"Heh, still got it."

Aegis said with a smile that turned into a grin as Serafall heard him and now was showing him and flipped him one as she continued walking away...




Aegis said to Akeno, who walked into the room and straight to him.

"Do I not look good enough for you?"

Akeno questioningly asked, making Aegis stop doing something on his Scroll...

"What? What brought such question?"

Aegis asked as he saw Akeno look unsure for a second as she took a deep breath and looked at him seriously, any playful attitude away.

"Nothing, or rather the nothing you wish to do with me, I don't want to sound jealous or anything, but you take Rias on dates, play chess with Sona every day, play with Koneko and tease Kuroka, who tries to get into your pants just for you to deflect her, teach and speak with Aika, and I don't know exactly what kind of relationship you have with Raynare, Mittelt, Kalawarner, and Viser, but I know for a fact that they too are from this world, you spend time with all of them, but not me, and I want to know why."

Akeno said as she looked at Aegis, making his eyes widen.

"I screwed up..."

Aegis said, making Akeno surprised as he stood up, and took a step closer to her, making Akeno's big breast touch his chest as Aegis took Akeno's hands into his, and to his mouth as Aegis gently kissed Akeno's knuckles...

"Im sorry, it was just soo many things without much time, and I wrongly thought that you like it this way, seemingly wrong, Im sorry for not giving you the attention you deserve, and I promise to never repeat it again."

Aegis gently said as he looked into Akeno's eyes that seemed to seek any lie, not finding any, Akeno huffed, but the whites of her purple eyes that became little red and moist made Aegis aware how much it meant for Akeno...

"Why don't we spend the entire day together?"

Aegis said, making Akeno surprised.

"You have work, a lot of it from what I know."

Akeno said, deep down she wanted to scream at herself to even said this, Aegis was an enigma for her, someone she couldn't exactly say what made him so interesting for her, but the way he always smiled at her made Akeno understand that it was not simple crush, at least not any longer...

"Work can wait, and im king who can delegate... Come, I know there is this park with a shrine we can visit."

Aegis said with a smile as he took Akeno into princess carry, making the girl eep in surprise and then pout, just for Aegis to steal a kiss that made Akeno pout even more...


Rias watched how Aegis flew with Akeno in his arms away as she smiled, glad for her best friend and Queen to finally get some loving attention...

"Rias dear, did you see my son?"

Willow asked as she walked into the room, flanked by three angels.

"He just left on the date."

Rias said with a smile, making Willow's face morph into another smile too, as she nodded her head.

"I see, if you have free time, then we could talk."

Willow said gently, making Rias freeze for a second but then nodded her head, Rias didn't speak much with Willow, her mother, and lover of her...

Of Aegis, and saw this good chance to get close with her, and maybe learn something more about Aegis...

"I would gladly."

Rias said with a nod.

"Marvelous! I have so many questions."

Willow said and looked at the Schnee angels.

"Can someone of you to prepare tea and snacks for us? And don't forget about yourself too!"

Willow said, making Mittelt perk up.

"Yes! Yes, I like to!"

Mittelt said as she sped up into the kitchen...


*Author note*

A chapter is there!

Hm, Willow is about to give birth...

Hmmmmm, I wonder...

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