
"So the reports are true?"

Aegis asked, ignoring the name on the report, or rather waiting for the right person to finally come to him and tell it to him...

"Yes, the spokesman for Tollans, and representative of rumored Asgard race, known as Supreme Commander Thor, wishes to speak to you, currently the Tollan spokesman is waiting in the temporal city on the fortress world, and Asgardian Thor left a device with what we can contact him, and before you ask, yes I, and Moira already made sure it was just communication device."

Album said as Aegis slowly nodded his head...

"And? Did they tell them what they wanted? I understand and pity in what circumstances Tollans are, but ultimately it is their fault that they grew complacent, unable to fight even a few Goauld ships even with how advanced they were, they should shield their world, or at least city, or just build a weapon that doesn't work on cheating through shields... They were advanced enough to know that brute force is sometimes a better answer..."

Aegis stopped as he pinched his nose, he knew he shouldn't be so worked up, but every time he thought how stupidly some of the advanced races behaved, he just couldn't help himself...

Album just looked at Aegis with a smile, finding his act cute...

"And Asgards? If im to understand, these so-called protectors are in need of a protector, still they seem like one of the races Solitas could work with, if they would act with respect when meeting us..."

Aegis said as Album nodded her head.

"Just don't make unnecessary enemies."

Album said with a chuckle, making Aegis look at her.

"Ah, right, that is something you are good at, right?"

Album said with a grin, making Aegis grimace but nod his head, yes, maybe he was talented in making enemies, thankfully, Aegis was equally talented in killing his enemies...

"So, A puncto suffocat? Not very original name for Solitas first off-world colony..."

Aegis said as Album nodded.

"Yes, but a straightforward, and Latin is always a good language to deliver a message."

Album said.

"Huh, A Choke point, still, better than some ideas I know about..."

Aegis chuckled, they were now in his bedroom, with Ophis floating around in her sleep, as Aegis was getting updated on the more important matters the Solitas had in his absence.

"Let see, what other things you have, hm, a new Earth that has strange mystical monsters that upon dying changed into motes of golden light with divinity present on that world, next is, a giant robot? Really? Well, whatever, and... Huh, Album?"

Aegis asked as he stopped, making Album almost grin as she saw on what Aegis stopped.

"Yes, brother dear?"

"What... Is this order of Schnee Silent Sisters?"

Aegis slowly asked as he looked at the details, almost facepalming...

"Well, it's not like you need to bed them, most of the women who join it are those you saved and have nothing to return to and have a fear of men, and with knowing how kind you are, they know you wouldn't force yourself on them, and like this, they could learn how to fight and not by near any man in their training like they would be if they joined already other established forces..."

Album said, Aegis just groaned...

"So they do not expect me to take them as my women, right?"

Aegis asked for confirmation.

"Even if some of them would want to become yours, yes, they don't, in truth, you serve as a good excuse to not ever need to find men for themselves or interact with them, as their order already was given their own Sentinel base they would repurpose for themselves, in truth, most of them would be glad if they wouldn't ever need to be with you."

Album said as she continued.

"That said, their loyalty is cleared, of that I made sure, so you don't need to worry, and im sure their order would be a good place for all future women you would save from their tragic fates, after all, what better way to live after such bad experience than learn how to fight and kill in defense?"

Album asked, and after a long while, Aegis nodded his head...

"I... Don't exactly like it... But as long as they don't expect me to sleep with them, or take them as my wives, then im all right with such order existing, still, if they wish to fight for Solitas, make sure they are trained well and given the best gear Solitas can give, after all, quality is Solitas moto or at least one of many motos..."

Aegis said, Album nodded her head, but before she could continue, Aegis stood up...

"Hm, we have visitors and rude ones at that..."

Aegis said as he walked out of the room, with Album already notifying the Royal Guards on the property...

What both of them didn't notice was how Ophis's eyes opened, and her mouth moved into almost like a snarl as she recognized who had interrupted her silent sleep...


*Author note*

A short one, but I didn't have much time or mood for writing...

Still, you can read my next fanfic.

RWBY, How Strange Reversed World! SI!

It is mainly Smut with Plot, and MC in that is BI on traps, so if you don't like it, don't read it, but if it is your thing, then welcome!