9.The Reaper Of The DEAD!

[[9.The Reaper Of The DEAD!]]

[[3rd Person's POV]]


Love Mission/s:

1. ✓)(Complete) To Kill, or Not To Kill

2. ✓)(Complete) Escape!

3. ✓)(Complete) Will Always Be There For You

4. ✓)(Complete) Best of Friends!


1. ) 3 Status Point

    ) 1 Med Kit

    ) 3 Timers

    ) +5 Inventory Slots

2. ) 5 Weak Healing Pills

    ) 5 Fatigue Recovery Pills

    ) 2 Status Points

    ) 2 Night Vision Goggles

3. ) 3 Status Points

    ) +3% Free Affection

    ) 2 Complete Set of Female Leather Armor

4. ) +10% Free Affection

    ) 2 Recurve Crossbows

    ) 40 Crossbow Bolts

    ) Skill: [Hunting| 1/10]


As Shizuka checked her rewards, she felt a bit good about herself. Though it was a bit weird that the rewards weren't related to what the missions entailed, she chalked it up as one of the System's bugs.

It was in the middle of the night now, and it was currently her shift. Through a series of discussion, it was decided that the ones who were the least tired -the ones who didn't get to do much- were to stay up and be their look-out. Yuki, Lillian were more than happy to help, but Shizuka didn't like having just the two of them switching positions, so she volunteered to be the third lookout. Obviously, they had tried to stop her, since she was definitely the most tired between all of them, but she was able to convince them otherwise.

In truth, Shizuka °would° have taken the chance to be able to get a full night's sleep, but she had to check the System's rewards and talk with Derierei. She wouldn't even be forcing herself because adding Status points energizes and heals her for a bit. So, after checking her rewards, Shizuka definitely felt giddy all over.

She even immediately brought out one of the crossbows! It was big, something that you wouldn't be able to easily carry around. For some time, Shizuka messed around with the crossbow, checking how it worked, how it felt, and was able to slightly get used to it. Then, she took out a crossbow bolt and observed it.

Since the zombies were blind, turning the lights off didn't really mean much, and if they did somehow notice it, they were too dumb to care. So after turning the lights on, Shizuka felt how the crossbow bolt weighed, checked how sharp it was, and even threw it by hand onto the wooden desk.

Feeling satisfied, Shizuka finally went back to the balcony, where there laid a sniper rifle that they had found in one of Rika's hidden compartments. There were 2 pistols, but nothing else, except for a vault, which Shizuka didn't know the password of. The nurse had tried calling her friend through her phone multiple times, but she can't get a hold of her!

She'll try calling Rika first thing in the morning, because surely, at a time like this, she would be asleep by now, or is out there doing her job.

Shaking her head, Shizuka banished away depressing thoughts about her best friend to keep herself from going down that path. Placing the crossbow on a chair, Shizuka carefully lifted the sniper rifle, and used its scope to get a clearer outlook of the surroundings. There were a lot of zombies actually, limping about, aimlessly walking towards a wall, another zombie, or to nothing.

For a while, Shizuka checked if there were anything to worry about, and currently, there were none. Other than the amount of zombies out and about, Shizuka and her group should be all good in Rika's house.

Honestly, Shizuka wanted to use the crossbow, but from the movies she's watched with crossbows and bows in them, they always made a sound. Shizuka contemplated a bit that it may have just been for effects, but she wouldn't want making any mistakes.

But, thinking about it now, Shizuka began to hum a happy tune to raise her spirit a bit as she went to look for things to throw and tried to speak with Derierei once again! Ever since she last talked, she didn't hear, or read, anything from her friend! Though she did still feel that she was close to her.

"Derierei-chan?" For what was possibly the 100th time of the night, Shizuka called out to Derierei. And, after receiving just silence, Shizuka was a getting a bit frustrated and threw a glass ball as far away as she could, and by luck and her strength, hit a zombie by its head, killing it. The zombie's fall and the cracking of glass made noise, and through this quiet night, it was louder than it should have been, and had gotten the attention of a lot of other zombies.

Then Shizuka threw a empty bottle of vodka, a ceramic cup, a wooden bowl. The ditzy nurse threw a lot of things to alleviate her frustration, and for some reason, she felt Derierei laughing at her! It just frustrated her more and more, so she kept throwing and throwing what she could find.

Soon enough, Shizuka felt more relaxed. Putting the crossbow and the bolt back inside her inventory, Shizuka decided to check her Status. She felt that it was a good time to do so, since the zombies around the house were all lured away by the items she threw.


Name: Shizuka Marikawa

Age: 27

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Classification: Healer (Nurse)

Status: Healthy

Height: 176 cm (5' 9")

Weight: 58 kg (128 lbs)

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Blonde

Bust: 108 cm (J) (42.5")

Waist: 62 cm (24.4")

Hips: 94 cm (37")


Level = 2

STR: 13.6/20

AGI: 15.9/20

DEX: 17.2/20

CON: 13/20

INT: 77

WIS: 75

Available Status Points: 11


Skill/s: [First Aid| 9/10(Expert)], [Health Comprehension| 9/10(Expert)], [Soothing Charm| 10/10(Mastered)], [Knife Mastery| 4/10(Mediocre)], [Innocent Intentions| 10/10(Mastered), [Status Show], [Danger Sense| 4/10(Mediocre)], [Kickboxing Mastery| 2/10(Rookie], [Parkour|6/10(Professional)], *[Hunting|1/10(Noob)]*

Spell/s: [This world does not have any kind of system to use energy to create proper spells.]

Available Skill Points: 5


Seeing her stats and extra Status points, Shizuka went to use 2 Status points on her dexterity to get her closer to 20, 2 on her constitution, and lastly, 2 on her agility, leaving her with 5 status points.


Level = 2

STR: 13.6/20

AGI: 17.9/20

DEX: 19.2/20

CON: 15/20

INT: 77

WIS: 75

Available Status Points: 5


After raising her stats through the Status points, Shizuka felt more energized and her earlier fatigue was gone! Seeing how closer she was getting to level 3, the nurse was becoming giddy, because there was something Derierei would do once reaching level 3! She even wanted to use up her remaining 5 available status point! But Derierei said that it was for emergency uses, like to keep her awake for a week, and to stop her from getting infected after a bite! Raising attributes seemed had a healing effect, and it could stop the process of turning into a zombie.

After that, she was feeling curious about her new skill, so finding out what it does would be great!



[Hunting| 1/10(Noob]

) 10% absolute stealth(Scent, Sound, Visibility will lower)

) Accuracy raises to 20%


It seemed to be a simple skill, and had no proper description like the rest. 'Was this another problem with the System?' Shizuka asked herself.

The [Hunting] skill seemed to be underwhelming, but she knew that it would be strong after leveling up some more! And she had a sudden realization that it could work against zombies! She could tell from the [) Absolute Stealth] would turn her to be invisible from zombies, with the lowering of the sound of her steps and her human scent!

Since she now knew what the new skill does, Shizuka's curiosity was sated. For now, she'll keep a lookout while throwing the remaining items with her at zombies and hopefully kill some!


When morning came, Minami Rika woke up and immediately went towards a light aircraft after cleaning herself up and eating a granola bar. Since yesterday, she has been receiving calls from Shizuka, and as much as she wanted to just answer it, she had to act on her duty as part of the Special Assault Team assigned to protect the people in the Tokonosu Offshore International Airport! However, the continuous vibrations on her pant's pocket allowed her to know that Shizuka should at least be safe.

But, after having accomplished their assignment yesterday, all her team received was radio silence. It was clear they were left behind, and if so, Rika wouldn't care, because now, nothing was holding her back to going to Shizuka if they had cut them off.

Then, at full speed, Rika drove the aircraft through the sky, going straight to Tokonosu City, determined to find Shizuka! Hopefully, she was still at her house, since in her voicemail Shizuka kept mentioning that she was at her house with a group, and though she wished to call back, Rika guessed that Shizuka was still asleep, and calling her inside the aircraft wouldn't be good.

Still, Rika wished for her friend to be safe, and await her arrival.


Once the morning light entered Rika's house through the windows, Shizuka went to wake up the rest of her group. She had stayed awake for the rest of the night, and when it was Yuki's turn to be the lookout, Shizuka was able to hum the young woman to sleep! The blonde didn't feel sleepy at all, thanks to her status points.

And earlier, Lillian had woken up, adamant on cooking for the group. The pinkette had went to check on how Shizuka was sleeping, but she was surprised to see her wide awake on the balcony, with Yuki cuddling her, who was fast asleep. The older pinkette gave Shizuka a worried look, but she just waved at Lillian with a smile.

"Yuki-chan~. Wake up~. It's morning~." Nudging Yuki and poking her soft cheek, Shizuka giggled as she sleepily tried to push her hand away.

"Yuki-chan, breakfast should be ready by now~. I'll have to wake the others up. So go wash up~." Finally, Yuki opened her eyes and yawned, nodding while still groggy from just waking up.

Smiling to herself, the blonde left Yuki to go and wake the others up.

The closest one to her room was Rei, Lillian, and Alice's room. Since Lillian was cooking breakfast, Rei and Alice should be the only ones in the room. Then, entering said room, Shizuka cooed at how Rei was cuddling the small girl, while Alice buried herself into Rei's generous bust.

She didn't want to wake them up now after seeing them both being so adorable, but she would rather have them have energy for the day. So, begrudgingly, and tripping a bit on a rug, she reached the bed where Alice and Rei were sleeping on, and bent down to lightly tap Rei on the cheek.

"Rei-chan~. Wakey-wakey~. It's morning now~." The nurse smiled as the orange haired girl was quick to open her eyes.

"Good morning Rei-chan~." The nurse greeted the teen as she carefully escapes Alice's embrace.

With droopy eyes, and after yawning, Rei greeted back. "Good morning...Shizu-san."

Taking a look at Alice's sleeping face, Shizuka hummed before putting her focus back on Rei. "Can you wake Alice-chan for me? I have to go check on the others. Oh! And breakfast should be ready by now."

"Yeah." Nodding at Rei, Shizuka promptly left the room to go to Saeko, Saya, and Yuriko's room. But it didn't seem to matter since she already saw Saya and Saeko outside her room talking to Yuki!

"Good~ morning~ you two~." Shizuka greeted the both of them as she closed the door behind her.

"Good morning, Shizuka-san." Saeko, ever the serious and calm woman that she is, had yet to address her as "Shizu-chan", causing said woman to pout, which earned an amused smile from the younger woman.

"Good morning to you too, Shizu-chan." Saya smiled and hugged Shizuka, which the older woman returned heartily.

"How's Yuriko-chan?" The blonde asked the woman in question's daughter, seeing as she wasn't here.

"Mom went to help out Lillian-san with preparing the table." The genius informed as she broke away from the hug, satisfied with the physical contact they had.

"Then you three can go down first. I'll wait for Rei-chan and Alice-chan." Shizuka was about to shoo the three away, but the door beside her opened, revealing the two mentioned above.

"No need. Good morning everyone." The spear user greeted the rest as she let Alice run up to hug the nurse in front of them, having already guessed before hand of what the child would do.

"Shizu-nee! Good mo~r~ning~!!" Even though she had just woken up, she was filled with energy upon seeing her beloved older sister! In all honesty, Shizuka shouldn't even be considered as Alice's older sister with the really large age gap, but Shizuka's young face and innocent demeanor made her feel like a teenager.

"Ufufufu~. Good morning to you too, Alice-chan." It was a bit hard to hug the girl because of her humongous breasts, but Shizuka was able to work a way around it and was able to comfortably hug the little pink-haired girl.

"Let's go down for some breakfast, shall we?"


During breakfast, everyone were chatting with one another, like there weren't zombies and dead-dead zombies outside the house. Everyone praised Lillian's cooking skills, especially when most of what they were eating were canned good.

No one talked about their problems, what was happening outside, and were just being positive and raising each other's spirits! It was especially better since Alice was being all adorable and cute. Yes, Alice was definitely the light of their group, their moral booster!

And, while eating, Shizuka hadn't stopped trying to get into contact with Rika. She hadn't given up on her friend, especially since she knew that she was able to protect herself. And, finally, at the 12th call, she finally got through!

Shizuka immediately shushed the people on the table and put Rika in speaker. Though the sound of a loud engine surprised everyone, Rika's voice after that was a relief to all of them, since this was Shizuka's best friend, and they knew how much she worried about her.

"Shizuka! Is that you! I'm currently driving an aircraft, so sorry about the engine!" The woman was shouting to make sure she was heard over the roar of the engine, which worked and Shizuka felt that she had to shout too.

"Yes! It's me, Shizuka! I'm with my friends in your house! Where are you!" The blonde asked her friend, hoping the she would be heard.

"Hahaha! I knew you'd be alright! Okay, I got your voicemail about your group and you being at my house! Don't worry about me! I'm getting closer to the city! I'll just land somewhere a bit farther away from the house and hijack a car!" Rika was happy that her friend was well and good, but she couldn't celebrate yet since they have yet to hug!

The nurse listened to what her friend had said, and wasn't content and was worried about it. "Wait! Let me come get you! I'm sure zombies will be attracted to the sound of your...aircraft! So it's better that we pick you up once you land!" Shizuka suggested, already about to jump from her seat!

"...are you sure!?" Rika asked as she cursed a bit. She knew that once she lands, she'll be met with hordes upon hordes of zombies. The former SAT member was actually prepared for that. She had a SCAR and a dozen hand grenades! She'll planned on mowing down nearby zombies with the assault rifle and throwing the grenade at farther ones before hijacking any car.

"Yeah! Yuriko-chan stole an armored vehicle from her husband that we could use!" The blonde informed, like there was nothing wrong with what she had just said.

"O-oh? O-okay! I'm really close to the city! I'm going to land close to Onbetsu Bridge!" And with that said, they began planning on how Shizuka, with Yuki volunteering to accompany her, would pick up Rika.

And, in the middle of planning, Shizuka received a surprise from the System!

{{{System Update Complete!

) Status Bar Added!

For every 20 zombie kill, the Status Bar will fill up. And once full, you get one free Status Point!

Current Zombie Kills: 128

} Reward:

] 12 Status Points}}}

Shizuka was understandably surprised! She froze in place, but she eventually got to think clearly after getting called out by Saya.

The nurse wanted to focus on the making of their plan, but she can't get her mind off the Status points she just received! From her calculations, it, along with her previous Status points, should be enough to get her to level 3, with 1 more Status point to spare!

Then, not able to fight against the temptation, she immediately added the needed points in her stats and she finally reached level 3! She immediately felt the effects of her sudden gain of strength! She felt stronger, faster, better!

Shizuka was sure, that she'll be able to better protect her friends with this new strength of hers!

And Shizuka was sure, she heard a familiar voice giggling in the background.


Rika was currently circling around the Onbetsu bridge, assessing her surroundings. From below, zombies were spread out, and were still too many. Rika had to be honest, she kind of underestimated the amount of zombies she'll see here a bit.

And, after a few more minutes of circling around, she saw an MTVR making its way to the bridge. Shizuka had said that one of the people from her group had stolen an armored vehicle from her husband, which was weird for Rika, and that they didn't know what it was called and just said that it resembled a truck.


She was sure the MTVR was Shizuka's, so she just sighed in relief. Following along their plan, Rika waited until they had gotten into position. She watched as Shizuka and a girl, Yuki she guessed, park right beside the bridge and start destroying the zombies, but it was mostly done by the clumsy nurse! Rika was surprised that her friend was even able to kill a zombie, much less land a hit! It was one of her earlier worries, but was pleasantly surprised that her ditzy friend can be so ferocious! She had to be honest to herself, Shizuka being so domineering was a turn on!

But, anyway, after clearing the nearby area, Rika finally had the chance to land. It took some time, but Rika was finally able to land! Some zombies followed the sound of the aircraft's engine, but once Rika slowed down the aircraft enough and was close to Shizuka, she jumped out of the aircraft, leaving it to hit some zombies on the and immediately going right towards Shizuka!

[[Shizuka's POV]]

"Rika-chan!" I immediately pulled Rika-chan into a hug as soon as she got close enough!

Returning the hug, Rika-chan gleefully said, "Shizuka!"

For the moment, we just hugged, letting our worries for each other dissappear, to fade away. Rika, my best friend, who taught me a lot in life, who helped me when I got back from night shifts when I previously worked in a hospital.

I was just so happy to be able to hug her again! And we would have enjoyed the moment more if Yuki hadn't exclaimed, "Zombies!"

Quickly reacting, I let go of Rika and gripped my butterfly knife as tightly as I could and focused on what wad in front of us. I tensed up, seeing the amount of zombies that suddenly appeared.

I knew that Rika had grenades and an assault rifle, but I wouldn't want to waste supplies, so I thought of a different way to get us out of here.

"Rika-chan, Yuki-chan! Get in the car! Let's just ram through th-!" I planned on using the armored car to push through the horde, since it did seem to be able to handle that, but before I could even finish my sentence, something unexpected happened.

One moment, there was a horde of zombies in front of us, the next, most of them suddenly had their heads cut off, and something pink stood behind them.


[A/N: Yep, another good chap if I do say so myself! Everyone in the gang is here! Derierei in human form and Rika! Next chap we will be looking for a place to live! While also looking for Rei's parents(Mother)!

Second World:

Naruto: 11

Akame Ga Kill: 7

Kim Possible: 8

High School DxD: 3

Arifureta: 2

Demon Slayer: 1

Twilight: 1

Love is War: 1

Monster Musume: 3

Hope this was good!]