25.A Way To Kill!

[[25.A Way To Kill!]]

[[3rd Person's POV]]

As Derierei/Asterix left Kurome to sleep once again, she went back to her Higher Being form, and woke up in Mellion's room, like she always did whenever she went back to take-over her current form. Sitting up straight, she stretched her hands up, and thought she had no aches, it was just a routine-thing by now.

Now, pushing herself to the edge of the bed, Asterix was ecstatic with her current progress with Kurome. There was a lot of things she had wanted to do to the little ravenette. Cleaning the drugs out of her system, breaking her away from her conditioning, taking her away from the Empire, and making herself Kurome's 2nd big sister. Though, she hadn't ever thought that Kurome love-loved Akame. Asterix just thought that Kurome was broken and was just wanting to be with her sister in her own, twisted way, like how she couldn't let go of Run when he was killed. However, now, Asterix was able to fix all that, and she was getting excited with the many things she could do to the little assassin.

Then, leaving the bedroom, Asterix immediately went to the kitchen, where she knew Mellion would be. Even though the other woman could easily summon very delicious foods in a snap, the orange-haired Higher Being, like the rest, wanted to experience the normalcy of cooking the food.

So, now in the kitchen, devoid of any clothing, she was able to see Mellion, who was mixing something by the stoves, naked, too, save for the apron on her front. Being both aroused and genuinely in love with what she was currently seeing, Asterix moved towards the woman's back. Once in position, Asterix wrapped her arms around the shorter woman's waist, and, of course, Mellion wasn't surprised, nor did she act surprised, and only wiggled her ass against Asterix's crotch area.

"Good morning baby-boo~!" The shorter woman greeted first, not stopping her stirring as she did so.

"Good morning to you to, forest-fire~." Asterix greeted back with amusement clear in her tone, teasing the shorter woman with her ridiculous pet name.

"Stop it~! Forest-fire isn't a good one!" Mellion complained as she nudged Asterix with her elbow, but no one could miss the fondness in her voice.

"Nah. It's the cutest one I could think'f." Admitted the pinkette as she let go of the apron-clad woman, making her way to a chair and sitting on it to eat some friend chicken.

"I could think of something cuter you know!" Mellion pouted as she poured the pancake mix -Asterix guessed it to be- onto the pan. Turning around a bit to face Asterix, she said, "I mean, Eternal Flame, Passionate Flame, Little Flame, Beloved Flame, see! They're so much cuter than Forest-fire!"

Hearing what her partner had said, the suggestions she made, Asterix couldn't help but giggle. Though Asterix was bad at naming things, Mellion was much worse.

"I think forest-fire's still a good choice." Asterix, not wanting to hurt the shorter woman's feelings, didn't mention how bad her suggestions were, and instead became adamant in making her current nickname work.

Throughout all of their time together, falling in love with each other was something natural.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[Kurome's POV]]

Waking up, after the drugs were finally gone from my system, has been something I now began to look for. Though I would rather continue to sleep, waking up and not feeling any pain brought by the drugs was something that felt so...refreshing.

And it was a better experience when I woke up and got to see Derierei's adorable sleeping face. And like yesterday, I was using her arm as my pillow, with her whole body being my body pillow. I didn't know when, but I found myself hugging her when I woke up some time last night, and I enjoyed it. Derierei was soft, for a ghost, and I loved that about my new onee-sama. Not only that, as brash as she was with the she spoke, she was actually a...softy? at heart!

Smiling to myself, I moved my head a bit higher, so that I could comfortably reach up to Derierei-nee-sama's head and tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Once I put the strand of pink hair behind Derierei-nee-sama's ear, I felt a little bit giddy doing this. It reminded me of how I also did the same thing to Akame-nee-sama.

"Good morning, Kurome-chan." With her sexy morning voice, Derierei-nee-sama greeted me. I wasn't surprised, because I shouldn't be. Derierei-nee-sama was a ghost, so I think sleep shouldn't be something that they could fully achieve? I didn't know much about ghosts actually, other than them being frightening, corporeal beings that haunt the living. But Derierei-nee-sama had said that she wasn't exactly a ghost, and something close to it.

"Good morning to you too, Onee-sama." I greeted back, the smile on my lips widening.

"Why don't you rest for a little while more while I prepare your breakfast." Derierei-nee-sama suggested as she pulled her hand under from my head.

"After breakfast, you'll rest some more, before I finally train you how to use Ricky. Handling a scythe is definitely harder than handling a katana. Especially when scythe's weren't originally meant for fighting." Now in front of the tent's "door", Derierei-nee-sama left after she said what she had wanted to say.

Then, moments later, as I listened to the crackling of fire outside the tent, I decided to leave the tent, too. Upon leaving, I immediately saw Derierei-nee-sama adding ingredients to the pot, and I was able to see that there were a large portion of meat in it. Seeing that immediately made me excited. Meat was the greatest, and no one can ever say otherwise.

"Hope you h'eve appetite for rabbit stew! I'mma make tons of it." Yes, Derierei-nee-sama probably knew all about me, maybe even more than myself. And, of course, me having no appetite for anything would have been impossible! Even if it was disgusting Class 4 Danger Beast meat, then I'll still eat it.

And, of course, I didn't even need to verbally reply to Derierei-nee-sama, because I was sure that my face said it all. And, yes, I was now allowing my emotions to come out, allowing myself to show my emotions.

"It'll be done in some time, so you either watch and drool, rest somewhere else or here, or go do something productive." Giving me the options, I immediately decided on the first one and went to sit on the log nearby.

"Should'a known ye'd stay." She smiled, and I reciprocated her beautiful smile with my own. Truly glad that I have her as my onee-sama.


After breakfast, we went to a much wider clearing to train. With Ricky on Derierei-nee-sama's shoulder. Once in position, with me facing Derierei-nee-sama, she finally began to show me how to properly wield the scythe.

"Scythe's weren't made for fighting, they were made for farming. But, it was used as weapons whenever farmers or peasants couldn't afford any proper weapons. Then, War Scythes came to be, but they weren't common. So scythe's wielders are rare, and because of it, a proper technique for scythes hasn't been made. It's mostly something you do in instinct, then add something to make it better."

Derierei-nee-sama explained as she went from swinging the scythe with two hands, to swinging it with one hand, and twirling it around! It was both intimidating and beautiful! I don't know about Derierei-nee-sama's strength, but balancing something so heavy while attacking with it would be hard. Even a flail would have been easier to control than the scythe.

"I could teach you how I wield Ricky, just for reference, but everything after will be all you. All your own technique and speciality." After she gave the scythe, Ricky, one last twirl on her wrist, her °wrist°!, she extended the scythe to me.

"Try it."

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[Kurome's POV]]

As I predicted, wielding a scythe was °hard°! Definitely needed more strength to hold and swing, more endurance to keep holding onto it, and I need to be more dexterous with it, along with being agile, too! But, all in all, I began to get a feel of it. I even wanted to use it with one hand, but I was currently still too weak for that

Still, I was able to begin my path in scythe wielding! I never, ever, thought that I'd have to wield a scythe, but life is full of surprises. But Derierei-nee-sama's cooking being so heavenly isn't a surprise!

Breakfast was great, but lunch was even better! Rabbit stew made by Derierei-nee-sama was just divine, but Derierei-nee-sama's Beef Curry was even better! I don't know where she got the ingredients from -I think she used her magic? Abilities? Powers? to get them-, but it was definitely more than just delicious, or being divine! So, for lunch, I ate more than 30 bowls of beef curry and some of the remaining rabbit stew!

All in all, even when I was tired from training, I was rewarded with me onee-sama's heaven-sent food! But, afterwards, having rested for a while, I was soon back at training with Ricky, focusing on how to properly hold it and balance it, rather than training how to fight with it.

The scythe was heavy, and the blade's weight was off-putting, and a -as much as I hate to admit it- small girl like myself shouldn't even be able to wield a scythe. But, thankfully enough, the Strength stat doesn't directly affect your physical body. So, even with, let's say, 1,000 Strength, you could still look like a scrawny person. To have a more muscular body, Derierei-nee-sama said that I had to want a more muscular body, and it would be directly proportional to my current strength. However, even when I likdd the idea of being taller, ang have bigger boobs like my sister, being small has more perks in a fight, personally, and especially against taller opponents.

But, the scythe was going to be something I'll have to learn to wield, to fight with. Because, Kurome will soon become a distant memory. The Kurome who was sold by her bastard "parents", the Kurome who lost her friends, the Kurome who lost her sister, the Kurome who was weak. And soon, a new "me" will appear, stronger than ever. More determined, more powerful, more skilled. I will, thanks to Derierei-onee-sama, become the Reaper!

__/__/__/[[Derierei's POV]]

I watched Kurome do her best to improve, to become stronger. I could see the determination in her eyes, and that made me smile. It's always good seing your hosts change for the better, though Shizuka and Kurome are currently my only hosts. Speaking of which, I'll have to check on Shizuka, Saeko, and the rest later on. They're still currently in a Godhood-ascension-induced coma, because their mortal body was slowly becoming something much bigger, turning them into Goddesses.

I had already guessed what most of their concepts would be. Shizuka would most likely be Healing, Saeko; Domination, Rika; Accuracy, Kiriko and Rei, Spears, Lillian would actually fit to be the Goddess of Verdure or Nature, Yuriko and Saya would be of War and Strategy, and I'm unsure with Yuki's concept, but she could possibly have a magnificent one. I also want to see Alice, but she's currently also accepting her Angelic body.

Anyway, back to Kurome, I am happy to say that, even though I could tell that she would continue to be indifferent with others, she'll always be open with her emotions with me! Not only that, but she already accepted me as her big sister! Or rather, her Onee-sama! I never got called that way, so it's definitely going to be a new experience for a while. Also, though Akame was currently holding the "Best Sister" spot in Kurome's heart currently, I will make sure to steal that spot and make it mine! No offense to the older ravenette, but I. Will. Be. Kurome's number 1. Onee-sama.

And as I continued to watch Kurome train, I couldn't help but smile to myself.

"I can't wait for you to top Esdeath, Kurome-chan." I say that to myself as I began to fantasize how Kurome and Esdeath would fight for who was going to be on top, only for Kurome to win, and Esdeath wouldn't like it at first, but eventually, she'll be the bottom.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[3rd Person's POV]]

When dinner came, Derierei cooked meat from a Class 4 Danger Beast. She actually wanted to cook something of higher rank, but that would risk a mutation with Kurome's body.

Anyway, Derierei prepared a meal that would surely fill Kurome's stomach, which was practically an abyss, which also meant that even 5 meters of meat with a 2 meter width would only sate her hunger, so she had to aquire more than that. But, the point is, Kurome's stomach is a bottomless pit, just like het sister, however, like Mellion, Derierei was starting to enjoy cooking, especially for her little sister, so Derierei just continued to cook for Kurome.


[A/N: Sorry for the short chap. I'll try to make a longer one next time.

Anyway, Kurome will learn to get a better control in wielding the scythe, she'll kill some danger beasts, and begin spreading the name Reaper!

Esdeath will be the unwilling bottom, while Kurome will be the victorious top.

I'm going to have to speed the timeline a bit. So, after the next chap, Kurome will form a partnership with her sexual assualters, and do some more name spreading. Hopefully I could do better.

Also, I hate long distance learning. Too much trouble. I have so many stuff to pass as late. But it's better than a zero.

Hope you're all doing well with your education!]