28.Those That Kill!

[[28.Those That Kill!]]

[[Kurome's POV]]


9 days. We took 9 days to travel from the northen region, to the western region. Turns out, I had miscalculated, not realizing how much Danger Beasts and bandits we'd meet on the way. There were ravines and canyons too, something that Vicky wouldn't be able to just jump over. Honestly, using my Marg Condor would have been easier, but the Land Tiger had actually grown on me, and as I said before, I felt a kindred spirit within her stomach!

But, yes, it took us 9 days to reach a proper village in the western region, a village that I wouldn't care to even remember about later on. The only reason why I even got close to this village was to see some of the westerner's culture, since they had been smuggling items from foreign nations.

And it was safe to say that I was intrigued. Their clothings were more colorful than what I was used to. Colorful as in, they had images on their shirts and such, and some had words on them too!

However, having seen enough, I went back to traveling to the closest city, as when I had used the Map and had idly looked around, I had found multiple brown dots around the world! And there was one brown dot in one of the small cities here in the western region, a city that would take us around half a day to reach.

"Let's get going, Vicky." I pointed Vicky at the direction of the city, and she then began to sprint forward.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[Kurome's POV]][[Timeskip]]

Once we were close enough to the city, Hart, Derierei-onee-sama and I went to find a proper place to make our base. Fortunately, there was a clearing in the forest close to it, and there were a good amount of Danger Beasts, Class 3s, in the forest, too. The Ward the I'll receive as a reward should work against them and make them stay away from the clearing.

Then, finally reaching the clearing, after Vicky killed some danger beasts along the way, I had taken the tent from my Inventory and I placed the tent close to the middle. Next, I had Vicky cut down the trees close to us, and I, then, had her stack them up as a mock defensive wall, which would surely not work against the Class 3 Danger Beasts, but would slow them down enough for me to react.

And, as soon as the last "wall" was stacked up, I got a *Ding!*, which I could easily guess was meant for a Requirement being completed, so I immediately took out my Reward, the Ward, and immediately placed it close to where I was making the campfire, since it looked like a miniature rock slime, which was basically a smooth, round-ish rock.

With the Ward up, I felt safer. There would be no people or Class 1 and below Danger Beasts that would disturb us with that. And, with the completion of my camp/base, I set up to futon inside the tent and rested for the time being.

"What're yah goin' tah do later, Kuro-rin?" Derierei-onee-sama, who had helpfully became my lap pillow, asked.

"I'll check them out later. They don't look to be in a rush to leave the city. I don't know what's really happening, but I'll just guess that they have a base there or whatever. Someone who's marked as 'Possibly Important' by the System shouldn't be a normal person, so I don't believe that they're a civilian. Maybe posing as one, but still, not normal. And even if they °do° leave the city, I could always find them again." I informed Derierei-onee-sama as I watched the brown dot idly? move around with multipe grey dots inside a building.

"I'll just lay on your soft thighs for a bit, Derierei-onee-sama." I told her as I fixed the position of my head before finally finding the most comfortable spot, with most of the back of my head on Derierei-onee-sama's left thigh.

"Ha-ha-ha~! You're just too adorable, Kuro-rin." Derierei-onee-sama's praise was something I gladly received, and I just smiled happily as I slowly let myself fall asleep.

__/__/__/[[Derierei's POV]]

As I gently caressed Kuro-rin's soft hair, I began to hum a peaceful tune. Right now, I feel quite happy. Though I want to fuck Kuro-rin as hard as I can right now, I quite enjoy our current relationship. And even if I °did° have sex with her, she wouldn't even be able to satisfy me. It's either I become the hardcore dom, or I get punished °hard°! I'm fine with vanilla and all, but it wouldn't give me the release and pleasure I want. And I think that's what Kuro-rin can only do as of now. Even when she's a heartless assassin, she's quite innocent in a lot of places. Like Shizuka, who was a klutz that would have surely gotten herself killed if it weren't for me, and can actually easily kill a Juggernaut. The only reason I was able to have sex with any of the women back then was because I had a mortal body, which, even though it could carry a pine tree easily, was much easier to control. Currently, my body °can° become solid, but my strength can't be easily controlled, so Kuro-rin would also need to get stronger, among other things.

Anyway, I am getting quite excited with this development. With my power, I was able to know that Akame Ga Kill's cannon was coming closer, around a year, to be precise, which gives Kuro-rin more than enough time to be able to easily fight against most members of Night Raid, a higher chance against the Empire's generals, and an army of Shingu users.

Also, Shizuka and the rest are getting closer to waking up from their coma, which was definitely going to be exciting. I already made a Universe for them to rule, with randomly generated planets, creatures, and blah blah blah.

And, having said that, I am looking forward for my imouto's development.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[Kurome's POV]]

After waking up from that wonderful nap, I was met with Derierei-onee-sama's delicious cooking! Nothing, and no one, can top Derierei-onee-sama at anything related to food. Then, afterwards, Derierei-onee-sama and I left Vicky to guard our camp, as we wanted to see what Hart had to offer us. Of course, Derierei-onee-sama would be not seem by anyone, as she is a "ghost", while I, though I hadn't seen any Wanted posters of me yet, am most likely a criminal now, in the eyes of the Empire anyway.

Destroy a whole village? Okay. Kill a group because they don't listen to you? That's fine. Blatantly beheading a person in the middle of the street for "justice"? That's great! But to rebel against a corrupt empire? You're the lowest of the low! That's how disgusting the Empire is. As long as it's something they want, something they benefit from, something for their selfish reasons, everything will be fine.

However, right now, a simple Insta-Makeover -an item that allows me to change the color of my skin tone, add some "natural" alterations to my face, and change the color of my hair and eyes; which was rewarded to me through a mission along the way- is all I needed to casually walk in broad daylight.

Then, having turned my hair pink and my eyes apple-red like Derierei-onee-sama, in the treeline before Hart city's gates, I soon joined in the small amount of entering the city. I, of course, heard people talking about me, with me being alone and, according to Derierei-onee-sama as, "Super cute!". I already noticed most men leering at me, but I would have none of that. So, though I wanted to release my [Murderous Aura], I just sped up the space and quickly entered the city. And, fortunately enough, identification wasn't needed to enter the city, since the "guards" were too busy playing poker and getting drunk.

"At least the city itself is better than its inhabitants." I say that to myself as I marveled at the city in front of us. Though the defensive walls weren't really tall, it blocked most of the buildings easily, since the city was built in a massive crater, and of course, to avoid flooding, they made a large, beautiful canal in the middle. Though it was a small city, and something the Empire had surely attacked several times, it was quite comely.

Of course, I hadn't stopped to admire the scenery, as I just kept going, looking left and right. The buildings were built quite differently from the Empire. They were quite color, like everyone else in the city, very different from the Empires monotony.

"I have more than enough money to buy clothes, right?" To others, I may have looked like I was talking to myself, but actually, I was asking Derierei-onee-sama a question. Though I know that I could just speak to her through my mind, speaking to her directly is better in my opinion.

"Oh~? Actually thinking'f something other than f'ud?" Derierei-onee-sama teased, but I didn't particularly care about that.

"I thought that ya'd actia'ly waste all yer hard earned cash on food." My pink-haired onee-sama confessed as she curiously floated in front of a group of friends, eyeing what they held in their hands. Giving them a glance, I noticed that they were playing with...cards? They don't look like normal cards, and, in fact, have different kinds of pictures on them.

"I was, but their clothes are quite peculiar." I have to admit, I am quite interested on wearing those short skirts paired with stockings and a garter belt.

"You'll definitely look good in them. Sexy, even." Hearing this, I easily guessed that Derierei-onee-sama read my mind, which I never really mind. Smiling to myself, I avoided yet another group of men aiming to gang up on me by quickening my pace and disappearing into the crowd.

__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/__/[[???'s POV]]

After receiving another shipment from one of the foreign countries we had dealings with, I had commanded my people to take them back to base while I walk around the city. I was feeling lucky today, lucky enough to stumble upon a beautiful virgin woman! It's been a long time since I had tasted one of those!

And, as I walk through the city, I felt a little bit of pride swell up inside me when the people make way for me. The people of Hart know who I am, and that I am not to be messed with. It took nearly 3 month of beating up men that tried to hook up with me, rape me, attack me, and try to assassinate me for everyone here to fear me.

And those who fail to quickly make way for me were either new people, or ones that wanted to try their luck against me. But, the little, dazzling, yet also somewhat familiar girl in front of me seemed to be a little bit of both those.

I have to say, not even an hour had passed, and I was able to find someone that I would definitely enjoy. However, like I had mentioned, she seemed quite familiar. But, anyway, I decided to take the risk and made my way to her.

"Are you lost?" I asked, and since she had been looking at me since earlier, all she had to do was to raise her reddish-pink eyes to meet mine. Then, as I expected, she gave a shy nod. Seeing this, I smiled and decided to go with a stupid line to ease the girl's nerves.

"Then why don't I help you find your way to my heart?" I smirked, noticing how her cheeks flared a bit and how her tense smile slacked a bit. To me, this was already a success!

"Well, why don't you hold my hand, so I could lead you to it?" I asked, but my hand was already holding onto her soft ones.


[[A/N: Only one chapter today, had to catch up on my missed assignments.

BTW, looking at blood coming from someone, or an animal, and watching a lot of blood coming out of your body is quite different. I've drained chicken of their blood, and watched how pigs were put down at parties, [Filipino/Clan thing?], but just seeing your own blood continuesly come out of you is quite frightening. The wound was small, not even wide, but blood kept pouring out and I panicked a bit, felt a bit faint too. Also, having a wound right about the knuckle is a bitch! It's both irritating and painful. I just want to have that satisfying *Crack!*, but I don't want to risk anything. Even folding my finger by just a bit is a pain.

Also, currently having that moment where I feel that the universe is against me hahaha.]