"Hello sir," I began as a man in a blue hoodie walked up to my register, "how may I help you?"
"I would appreciate it if you could take this," the man asked in sort of a sly and snotty voice as I watched a smirk form on his mouth. I could see scars littering his face in comparison to his pale skin that went with his grey eyes. Most of them were covered by his black hair which bore a grey streak as if he dyed it that way
"Sir," I began as I eyed the bottle that held emerald green liquid, "I'm not taking that before I know what it is."
"Why it's a forever potion, my dear," he began causing my eyes to widen, "it'll turn you into a werewolf as if you were bitten by the Ultima."
"No," I began, "I will not take that," I said and the man's shoulders sagged
"I thought you would be just as stubborn as her," he growled as I saw him pull another bottle out of his coat. "No worries," he began with a smirk, "I got her last time with this, so I can get you with it."
He arched his arm back, before throwing the bottle I ducked behind the counter hearing it crash into one of my coworkers. "No," I breathed as I recalled everything that I had watched talking about forever potions and who this man it
"Drat," he said in anger as I watched my coworker go over to him in a lovestruck state, her eyes emerald green. As I stood I watched him look her up and down, she was about the same age as me only two years older with dark hair and pale skin
"Looks like she suits you perfectly," I said as I appeared in front of him
"How did you miss the potion," he growled as he reached into his hoodie pocket once more. "I wanted a lover with Mexican heritage, not a human who has the heritage of a Native American."
I sighed, "You know many people would take that as racism," I began, "besides I don't think that potion would've worked on me considering how some of it splashed on me and I'm not graveling at your feet."
"Do you know who I am," he growled causing a smirk to form behind my mask
"Other than a customer who doesn't like to wear masks when it comes to living in a pandemic," I began. "Yes I do," I paused, "your Ein, you're trying to get Aphmau and since you can't get her without competing against Aaron you try to go after someone who has been living in secrecy for the last twenty years. Now it's time for me to ask you the same, do you know who I am?"
Ein sneered as I identified him, "How would I know you; you have been living in secrecy for that long I was only sent your file saying that you were a suitable partner for my plan."
"And you didn't care to read the file about me," I began as I felt my power flowing through my veins, "didn't you?"
"Why would I," he began with another sneer, "I'd just be using you to get what I want."
I chuckled, "Would you still go after me if I could use magic like a witch but a little better? Maybe something along the lines of putting some fire in your veins or even freezing your blood? Besides," I paused as I looked around the store, "there's a possibility that my need to see my fiancé is greater than the strength of that forever potion of love. I suggest you stop while you're ahead," I paused as I found the pendant and held onto it until I felt the armor appear on me. "Because if you continue you're going to have a lot of people after your hide and that includes immortal beings."
If possible, he turned even paler before he disappeared with my coworker causing me to sigh. "Well, that was eventful and irritating at the same time," a voice muttered behind me as my radio went off with my manager shouting expletives at me
"Give me a second," I began as I turned to see a woman with bright red hair paired with blood-red eyes that took me by surprise. "I'll talk to you in a minute," I added as I took in her black and white outfit that was similar to a modern witches costume but more of an everyday outfit. "Hey," I said into the radio
"Hey is not the response that I want to hear from you, Miss. Vasquez," my manager's voice rang back in reply. "Breakroom, now," she ordered causing me to sigh
"On my way," I said before clipping the radio to my belt holding up a finger to the red-haired woman as her gaze directed to the potion on the counter. "You can grab that if you want to, I don't want anyone else to grab that," I said before walking away
"Okay," I heard her mutter before I went out of hearing range
"What the hell was that," my manager exclaimed once I entered the room, "The person I hired was Michelle Vasquez. She was white with no Mexican heritage and blonde hair and what I just saw happen revealed that you're not her, care to explain?"
"Mary," I began, holding up my hands in defense, "I know this seems like a stranger kidnapped the new employee while she was walking here but it's now. I am still Michelle but also not," I muttered, "this is the first time I'll be explaining this so bear with me."
"You have a minute," she muttered crossing her arms
I sighed looking up at the clock, "My name is Samantha Valdez," I began, "before I went through something called a claiming I was a mortal by the name of Michelle Vasquez. I would make a forty-minute walk from home to here and get here fifteen to twenty minutes before my shift if I didn't have a ride. The reason I didn't tell you my real name is because I wasn't claimed as Samantha until now with that forced claim that was triggered by the potion that man threw at Rachel. I am an immortal being whose intent is to save the world, I would not commit a crime taking the life of a mortal for no reason whatsoever. I will understand if you fire me because of this since this is not something I had expected to happen while I was working here and this is hard to understand for most people."
"You had twenty-five seconds left," Mary began, "I am going to let you go not fire you," she began, "you didn't cause any harm to the store even though one of our employees was kidnapped by that man. Thank you for being honest with me, I will be clocking you out today just please grab your things and leave."
I nodded as I walked around the table grabbing my water and coat before exiting the room. "Thank you for hearing me out and not pushing a police report on me," I said, "I hope you have a good day."
"You as well Samantha," she said causing me to flinch as I left the room finding the red-haired woman still standing at the entrance
"So, you want to talk about what happened," I asked and she nodded, "where did that other potion end up?"
"I teleported it home," she said nonchalantly and I nodded, "let's go outside before we teleport home."
I nodded, "What's your name?"
"Lucinda," she replied as I followed her rounding a corner before grabbing her wrist, "don't hold your breath," she said before my surroundings were replaced with a black living room. "What is your name because it's not Michelle," she asked as she dropped her bag on the couch
"Samantha Valdez," I began, "I am a descendant of the original Olympians, eldest of three children. My grandfather is Hephaestus while my other grandfather is Atlas."
"The granddaughter of a Titan and a former Olympian," Lucinda muttered, "one who is being hunted down by a mortal gang for ages."
"Yeah," I began, "this is the first time I've been alive in over ten millennia," I paused as I turned to see her standing at a cauldron. "What brought you to Toledo," I asked
"Before I answer your question I would like to know how you know about us and these potions," she muttered shooting me a glare
I sighed, "There is this human woman," I began, "she's a YouTuber by the name of Aphmau. She created a Minecraft roleplay that includes Forever Potions and all the trouble that it caused."
Lucinda froze before turning to me, "You being a descendant of the former Olympian of fire means that you are a minor goddess right?"
"Yes, but I don't know my domains," I said causing her to arch an eyebrow, "I died before other legacies became minor gods and goddesses, I was held in punishment for something that I regret doing to this day and only have been able to be reborn now. I will know my domains once I return to Olympus," I finished, "how do you know so much about us?"
Lucinda sighed, "Greek religion is something I've been keeping in touch with since magic is my forte," she began. "But it is interesting to run into a legacy for the first time in a month."
"Are there any others here," I asked and she nodded, "who?"
Lucinda shrugged, "Aphmau wanted to house her," she began as she looked at the potion from before. "She was freaking out a lot but Aphmau and Mellissa had the patience to calm her down even though I don't know her name. You are a lot calmer than she was when she came here and kept on saying a shorter version of your name."
"Sammy," I blurted, "that's what I'd prefer people to call me because of the past with the gang," I paused once I realized who she was referring to. "Would you mind if I go and see her real quick," I asked, "I think she's my fiancé who needs an anchor right now."
"Go ahead," Lucinda began with a wave of her hand, "I don't have any more questions for you, end of the street right across the street is their house, you can't miss it."
"Thanks, Lucinda," I said as I started to the door
"Wait," she began as I went to walk out of her house, "can you keep the Ultima thing a secret?"
I smiled, "You bet I can," I began, "I gotta call someone while I head to Aphmau's but I will keep the Ultima a secret."
Lucinda smiled softly, "Thank you," she said, "now go."
I nodded as I pulled out my phone while opening the door, "Hello," Sally's voice said on the other end, "are you off early?"
"Yes Sally I am," I began hearing nothing for a hot minute, "I'm currently in a town called Phoenix Drop. Something happened at work that someone saw and she wanted to ask some questions, go home and please be safe. Thank you for everything," I said as I crossed the street
"Thank you for telling me Sammy, if Zoë is in the area tell her I said hi," she said as I neared the house
"I will Sally," I began, "I'll keep you informed about what happens as much as I can."
"Okay, stay safe bye," she said before hanging up the phone
"Bye," I muttered as I followed the sidewalk to the door of the red house, once I approached I knocked on the door. "Hi," I said to the person who opened the door
"Who are you," she said, "what are you doing here?"
"Oh um," I began, "I'm a legacy, Lucinda told me this is where another legacy is and I believe by what she said that she is my fiancé," I paused. "My name is Sammy," I added, "sorry I haven't seen her in a while it's a little nerve-raking."
She nodded slowly, "I'll take you to this legacy," she began, "my name is Melissa but you won't know me for long."
"Melissa," a voice barked from inside the house, "let her in she means no harm and we have been told on multiple occasions that legacies don't mean any harm."
"Alright Aph," Melissa muttered before stepping away from the door, I stepped in to see a woman shorter than me sharing the same skin and eye color but with darker hair
"You must be Aphmau," I began stretching out my hand, "the name is Sammy, Lucinda told me that you had a legacy here calling my name."
Her eyes widened, "Yeah," she began, "she said some people would be trying to copy who you are and there are some ways to know if you are who you say you are."
I smiled, "I know," I began, "there were probably some people who tried to impersonate but there are some things that people don't know about our lives."
Aphmau smiled, "Yeah I know what you mean," she began, "that freaking YouTuber," she muttered causing me to chuckle, "you've seen that haven't you?"
I bit my lip, "Yeah," I began, "I just recently finished it, everyone thinks it is fictional just as much as the books that I wrote as a mortal."
"Well, that's good to know," Melissa muttered, "so you thought that this city wasn't a real city?"
I nodded, "Yeah but I'm also not surprised considering I've been to Kalamazoo before," I replied causing the two to laugh
"Come on, I'll take you to Zoë," Aphmau began, "it would suck if you're someone trying to impersonate her love because she needs you right now."
"Her trust is probably running thin with y'all right now," I began, "considering what she's been through it takes her a long time to trust people."
"Really," Aphmau asked and I nodded, "must have been hard."
I chuckled, "Having people close to you being controlled by another being or someone controlling you is something that nobody likes."
"I'll have to agree with that one," Aphmau muttered, "what kind of control are you referring to, potion or vessel?"
I sighed, "Vessel," I began, "but it was easier for some people to fight for control of their body for a small amount of time. The beings who were trying to control me or our families weren't as strong as that Demon Warlock that y'all had to deal with but they were pretty strong."
"Interesting," she began, "where were you during most of this?"
I sighed; we had stopped in front of a door. We had gone upstairs from the doorway and turned left with Aphmau standing in front of the door, I could sense Melissa standing behind me and two others in the house that weren't in my line of sight who's auras I did not recognize. "I was dead for most of these," I began, "there was one war I was a host because a primordial forced my conscience out of my head into my fiancés. After I had regained control I was able to live and fight in that war as I did with the first one the legacies were involved in where she was controlled."
"That's quite the life," Aphmau said
"You have no idea," I muttered, "I just want to be with her but the Fates have said otherwise up until now."
"You call her your fiancé," Aphmau began, "where's the ring and how did the engagement happen?"
I smiled as I remembered when I discovered the ring, "Here's the ring," I began, "while I was dead the Fates let us converse in a dreamlike state while she and the other legacies were either sleeping or going through a rebirth. In our last talk, she had popped the question before she disappeared. At first, I had thought it was a joke but then I saw the Fates and started going through the process of rebirth. Before I was put into my new life the Fates wanted to play with me making me make a few stops, one of which traveling back in time and another bringing me to the present to face her mother. The last stop had me staying on Olympus for a little over nine months but after the first night, I found this ring and realized that the question wasn't a joke. The new god of death brought her soul to Olympus so she could hear my answer and I have been waiting for her ever since I remembered my past. With this ring, I can teleport to her or teleport her to me but I have not tested it out considering we are to show all of you that we are trustworthy people."
"So, you could've teleported to Olympus and teleported her to you if you didn't want to try trusting us," Aphmau asked and I nodded
"Among other things that could've happened," I began, "but Lucinda wanted me to answer some questions after something that occurred back in Toledo where I worked which I will explain after I see her and calm her down."
Aphmau nodded, before she turned around to open the door I could've sworn I saw a hint of sympathy in her eyes. "She's in here," she said, "she hasn't been trusting us threatening us with some sort of freezing us in place until we tell her that we have food."
My eyes widened, "Thank you," I began, "you take care of Aaron I'll take care from here."
Aphmau nodded before leaving with Melissa into the room with the two other people. "Who's there," I heard a masculine voice ask causing my heart to break to think that Zoë will ask that same thing
"Take any other step in this room and you'll be frozen," she hissed as I walked in my hurting my heart even more
"Can I close the door at least," I asked, "I can also remove the ice that you put in my veins but I think you want another form of proof."
"Close the door and show me without walking any further into the room," she growled as the pain in my chest worsened making me remember her first PTSD attack
"Okay," I said as I closed the door, "ready?"
"I don't have all day," she sneered, "too many people have impersonated you and I'm on my last straw if you are not her."
"Well then Smart Guppy," I began as I held up my right hand, "today's your lucky day," I paused as I summoned a fireball and held up my left hand, "I am your Brave Embers."
In an instant the fireball disappeared and I saw her eyes look into mine, "They're not green," she said, "use the ring to either teleport to me or have me teleport to you."
I nodded putting my arm down as I brushed my thumb against the line with her color causing me to appear next to her on the bed. "I'm here," I began as she started crying, "I don't ever plan on leaving," I finished as I took her into my arms. "We are safe with these people," I added
"The nightmares," she whispered, "they show you hating me but your eyes are emerald green you and Aphmau are attacking me while there's someone dead in the snow with black hair."
I bit my lip as I rubbed her back, "I won't let that happen," I began, "he tried to throw a forever potion of love on me. Some of it caught on my foot but it only caused a forced claim," I paused, "I will always fight against whatever is controlling me, causing me to hurt people I care about. You and I both know that Aphmau will do whatever it takes to keep that from happening again too."
I nodded, "Yeah, she was being controlled with two forever potions, one of love and one of hate. She almost killed Aaron but he was able to bring her back by his love for her and their memories."
"That works," she asked finally looking at me and I nodded
"Yes," I began once more, "but they have to be really strong emotions, or else it won't work. Might I remind you that you should never be afraid to hurt me if I am ever controlled."
A smile formed on her lips, "You got it, Valdez," she said as I noticed the bags under her eyes and her pale skin
"For Hades sake woman, have you been holed up in here not trusting the whole street?"
Zoë blushed, "Yeah," she began shyly, "the person I encountered sort of put those visions in my head and I've been afraid to go out since fearing that I see you or Aph controlled with I believe Aaron dead."
"Hey," I began as I pushed her up to face me, "I will do anything it takes to keep from being controlled. I will fight tooth and nail before something takes control of me you know that," I paused. "Just because some jerk put those visions in your head doesn't mean that they will be true. Remember how many prophecies our parents survived," I asked and she nodded. "Just because there are visions doesn't mean that it'll happen. We can do this," I paused as I noticed her thin frame, "Zoë Nightshade Jackson have you eaten any of the food that Aphmau has been giving you?"
"Only a little bit," she muttered as I saw a faint blush form on her cheeks
"Starving yourself and hunkering down in someone's guest room is not good etiquette, besides how would you trust the people housing you if you didn't get to know them a little better?"
The blush deepened, "I," she began, "I don't have any explanation for that," she paused then looked at me with red eyes. "I thought the Fates lied to me saying that you'd be back but you never came," she started crying, "now you're here and mad at me."
"No," I began softly, "I'm not mad at you Zo," I paused, "I'm concerned, you shouldn't punish yourself for getting your hopes up. I'm surprised your mother or father didn't show up here and drag you out to eat and trust these people."
"They threatened," she muttered as she continued to cry, "they said that if I stayed in this room one more month they'd drag me out."
"Hey," I began as I gently lifted her head so I met her grey-blue eyes, "I'm here, I do not want to hear about you punishing yourself if I ever disappear or die again. You were strong for over ten millennia you can be strong for however much longer I would be gone. Who were you in the mortal world," I asked getting an idea
"Lisa Macintosh," she answered, "why?"
"I was Michelle Vasquez," I began, "we've known each other for over a year but haven't told one another until now. I didn't completely remember until late June early July and you know how my trust is with the E-Team. Considering how your trust may be combined with the life of a legacy and your first life as a mortal I'm not surprised at how careful you are about trusting people enough to tell someone about it when you remember. You are safe with these people and you are safe with me Zoë," I paused, "I swear on the River Styx."
Thunder rumbled as I felt her tears wet my shirt, "I missed you so much Valdez," she muttered as I felt her arms wrap around my waist
"I missed you too," I began as I fished for the pendant and held onto it until I only felt her skin where her arms touched mine. "I don't plan on leaving you ever again Jackson."
"I don't plan on leaving you either," she said causing a smirk to form on my face
"How about I imagine something that isn't an old work uniform and we can get you some food from the fridge," I suggested, "I'd like it if you'd at least eat something small," I added before she could protest
"Alright," she muttered as I imagined a crop top with torn jeans and a jacket, "cute."
I smiled, "Thank you," I said as I looked at the crop top noticing that it was her blue-grey color. "I was not intending that," I said as I felt heat rising to my cheeks
"It's a good color on you," Zoë said, causing me to look up at her right as she kissed me, "I can't wait to see it on you more."
I blushed, "Come on Jackson, let's get you some food before your mother yells at you," I said before losing myself to her touch
"Okay," she began, "explore tomorrow?"
"You bet," I said as I opened the door pulling her with me, "Aphmau what food do you have here for Zoë?"
Once I saw her in the kitchen her amber eyes were red with shock, "You got her out," she exclaimed, "even Celestia couldn't do that."
The dog barked once she finished weaving around my legs, "Turns out this one was punishing herself for believing the Fates when they said that I would come back."
"I wouldn't blame her," she began, "I kept to myself when Aaron spent that year healing it took Katelyn and Garroth threatening to break my door down."
I chuckled, "I see that," I said as I walked into the kitchen, "so what do you have for food here?"
"You have got to tell me where you have been putting that food for the past month," Aphmau muttered as she pulled out food and put it in front of us. "You guys can make whatever sandwich you want," she said causing me to smile
"I may have been sacrificing it to the Olympians and some others," Zoë replied with a blush
"Is that way some days I crave tacos," I asked glaring at her, "I love you Zoë but you have to eat and not punish yourself for something Fates said."
I smiled as I watched her assemble a sandwich, "At least you and your father enjoyed those offerings. I hadn't heard anything other than chastising from everyone else."
"Oh, don't get me wrong," I began as I started making myself a sandwich, "if I had known that it was a whole plate of food that you weren't eating then I would've asked someone to claim me and teleport to you forcing you to eat the next place Aph gave you," I finished. "I wouldn't wait a month like your parents were doing," I added before biting into the small sandwich I made
"Did you just fry that bacon in your hand," Aphmau asked making me jump
"Yes," I answered with my mouth full
I swallowed my food before I answered, "Valdez's key powers are fire and wind and I had time to get used to my power where I can use it for even the smallest of things. Zoë and I have similar power strengths because of PTSD attacks since our powers are so dangerous and we are each other's anchors."
"So, if one of you are controlled by these potions," Aphmau began as I met Zoë's gaze
"What do these potions even do," Zoë began, "I heard a lot of talk about them but I still don't know what they are."
I sighed, "Yes we can turn one another's powers off," I said to Aphmau who smiled before biting into a sandwich of her own. "Forever potions are a type of potion that has no end to its use. The potions can range from love to anger covering every emotion to use against someone. There are also potions that you can straight up control the person affected by it. I don't know how it's like to the person affected but I have a feeling it's like being controlled by one of the primordials."
"What do you mean by a primordial control," Aphmau asked, "because I may be able to shine some light on how control is compared to that."
"The control that a primordial has on you is forced," Zoë began, "I had it happen twice while Sammy has had it happen once. If you are still in your head at that point you can fight the primordial with it for control in your body for a few minutes or a few days it fully depends on the strength of the primordial."
Silence drifted in the kitchen, "What do you mean if you are still in your head at the time," Aphmau asked as she put away the food
I sighed, "Some of the primordials have the idea to move our consciousness to someone close to us whether it be me or my sister when it comes to Zoë or her or one of her siblings if it's me. In the case where my body was controlled, I was put in Zoë's head trying to get her attention by any means necessary."
"Potions are similar to that but your consciousness isn't moved from your head," Aphmau began. "You are given a front-row seat of the chaos that you ensue and sometimes the control is too strong to fight unless you are given a feeling that is stronger."
"Like love," I blurted out the blushed, "I watched that roleplay series on YouTube."
"Okay," Aphmau said before nodding, "yes like love, if you find a name that associates strength in that emotion."
"So, anything from like a nickname or action could bring them back," Zoë asked causing Aphmau to nod once more
"Aph," Lucinda called from behind us causing Zoë and me to jump
"Lucinda, you do remember we have a front door?"
"Sorry, I wanted to ask the two legacies to see if they wanted to test some forever potions because a bag just appeared in front of me," she explained
Zoë and I looked at each, "Are you sure you want to test these," I asked, "it may be a trap."
"Well, whoever teleported it to me teleported it with this note," she said handing me a slip of paper that Zoë crowded near me to read
'Whoever is testing these potions turn their powers off and if they are fighting, take the person to Ogygia so they don't destroy anything or hurt anyone.'
I looked up at Zoë, "That wasn't written by my mother," she began, "you want me to try them. I know what Ogygia looks like."
I shook my head, "If you know what Ogygia looks like then I should be the one testing them," I paused. "There is also a chance that the potion won't work for you the first time around so we need to know what it takes to get out of them and what their effects are."
"Wait," Aphmau began, "how do you know that it may not work for her the first time around?"
I sighed as I looked at Lucinda who nodded, "She needs to know," she began, "meet me at my place when you are done."
I sighed once more as I watched her walk away, "Ein's back," I said after a minute, "he tried to get me to take a forever potion that would turn me into a werewolf saying that the Ultima's saliva is in it so I would be purebred. After I declined he tried to throw a love potion at me, I ducked it but some of it still splashed on me causing me to be revealed as Sammy. It took full effect on my friend but not me, it's a possibility that it didn't work because I wasn't my true self."
"How is he still alive," Aphmau asked, "he was killed by Aaron when he was raging."
I shrugged, "There's a possibility that he's working with one of our enemies but I'm not sure how or who."
Aphmau sighed, "Thank you for telling me," she began, "I can tell Aaron and Melissa you two go and test those potions."
I nodded, "Would you mind housing us in your guest room or would you rather us go to Olympus afterward?"
"Pending on time," she began, "if you are low on power then stay here if you're willing to go home then do so to see your family but please come back."
"We're not going to leave you to defend yourself in this situation," Zoë said, "if we're not back tonight then we'll be back sometime tomorrow."
Aphmau nodded, "Thank you," she said, "now go, Lucinda gets impatient after a while."
I chuckled, "Thanks again Aphmau," I said before running off to the witch's house, "don't let whatever happens scar you mentally, or at least try not to let it."
"I'll try," Zoë began, "am I allowed to say any name to bring you back if needed?"
I nodded, "Up to and including my full name from when you met me," I answered, "take no chances if I get my weapons out too. Lucinda is not to freeze me if I start attacking and you will have your armor on in that case."
"I already do," she said with a smirk before kissing me, "don't do anything stupid."
I smiled, "I'll try not to," I said before entering the house with her
"Okay who is pretty much the test dummy for this," Lucinda asked, "we're starting small and going big."
"I am," I began, "what are we starting with?"
"That werewolf potion Ein tried to give you," the witch replied as she handed it to me. "The only thing that should happen is that you get ears and a tail," she added, "I hope your bone structure isn't rearranged then I won't be able to change you back without Aaron's eyes."
"If she's a werewolf forever then I wouldn't mind," Zoë said as I held the bottle, "shouldn't you reveal your wings in case those come out while testing these? I'm pretty sure you don't want to hit her with them," she added and I nodded
Reveal, I thought before a shock of pain went through my body after which I felt weight hanging off my back. "Okay that hurt a little bit," I muttered causing the two woman in the room to laugh
"I forgot legacies had wings," Lucinda said as I looked at them, they were caramel brown with specs of blonde
"It seems like the colors are combining with your legacy looks and your mortal looks," Zoë commented, "they're beautiful."
"So are yours, Jackson," I said remembering the shocking blonde wings that reminded me of an angel. "This feels sort of like the Deck of Many Things but potion sized," I muttered before shrugging, "bottoms up," I announced before I uncorked the bottle and drank it
The bottle fell from my hand as I screamed in pain, "Sammy," I heard Zoë exclaimed as I felt her arms wrap around me
Just as quickly as it happened, the pain subsided, "I'm fine," I said as I looked into her eyes, "the pain's gone."
"That's supposed to last longer," Lucinda muttered
"It's probably because I'm not human," I began as I stood up, "chances are that would hurt a lot more if I was human," I finished. Suddenly I felt a hand on my head, "Are you petting me, Jackson?"
"No," she replied before the hand left my hand, "your ears and tail are cute though."
Lucinda chuckled, "You're probably right Sammy," she began, "the next potion is a love potion that the user has to throw at you. Zoë, would you like to do the honors?"
I shook my head, "That won't work," I began, "Zoë and I are soulmates," I began answering the eyebrow they both raised. "If we are already in love won't the effect be nullified?"
"You're right," Lucinda began, "would you mind if I," she trailed as she asked
Zoë shook her head, "I know it's a potion," she began, "go ahead if you want me to hold her back I will."
The witch smiled, "Thank you," she said before throwing the potion at me
The bottle crashed at my feet as I let the potion absorb into my skin I felt my feelings for Zoë being turned to Lucinda. "Oh Lucy Lu, there you are," I heard myself say causing me to gag, "I've missed you so much."
I watched myself make my way to her and saw what the potion was making me plan, I have got to stop this before it happens, I thought to myself as I worked against the potion. The closer my body got to Lucinda to more worried I got until I gasped in my own body our faces inches apart and my veins frozen
"You're back," Lucinda exclaimed as I realized it was Zoë who froze me
"This does not leave this house," I muttered as I began feeling the blood rushing through my body "I tried to work faster but it's hard work," I began as I walked away from Lucinda, "also I would've kept it at Lucy if I knew you were okay with nicknames," I paused. "You have to let the potion absorb into you if you wish it to affect and you're conscious though."
"I would throw a fireball at you if you ever called me that," Lucinda muttered as she grabbed another potion and I wrapped my arms around Zoë's neck
"It wouldn't burn her," she began as I kissed her and soaked in her presence, "Valdez's are fireproof just like my brother and me."
"I know, it would be a warning shot before I made one that did," Lucinda said nonchalantly
"Empty threats Lucinda," I began, "I know you don't like nicknames so I won't use them and you would never hurt your friends voluntarily."
"You know me too well Sammy," Lucinda muttered before handing a potion to Zoë, "this is the control potion, once you give this to her you can give her any command that she wouldn't normally do and she'll do it."
"Would you like to see some proof before I throw this at her," Zoë asked
"If you wouldn't mind," the witch answered as she went back to her cauldron
"Sammy," Zoë began as I turned my gaze to her, "attack me."
"Hades no," I began, "why would I," I paused, "oh."
Lucinda chuckled, "now you have an idea on what command she and I will use for the next two potions."
"Anger and control," I began and they nodded, "you have armor on and my powers are off?"
Zoë nodded, "Added security in case you break through my power block," she said as I watched her tap the pendant causing her armor to appear, "ready?"
I sighed, nerves biting into my brain, "As I'll ever be," I said as I took several steps back, "do it."
I watched as Zoë threw the bottle at me, crashing on the impact I felt as if Calypso was pulling me back into my head for a private conversation. "Sammy," I heard Zoë begin as I watched her with her arms open as if in surrender, "attack me."
I felt a smile appear on my lips as power flowed through my veins and whatever was in control go through my memories. I have to stop this, I thought as I worked on dismantling the hold that the potion had on my body. I watched in horror as I took out my sword and dagger and dashed to her, sword poised to strike across my body while my dagger would pierce her armpit. "Come on," I muttered in the back of my head, I was in control when I swiped my sword across her chest. I dropped my dagger as I caught her, "Lucinda, water now," I called as my heart plummeted to my stomach, "if you have nectar and ambrosia please get it too."
"On it," the witch said before I watched her go upstairs
"Zoë," I began, "oh my gods I'm so sorry."
"What was the intent," she breathed
"To kill," I whispered as tears formed in my eyes, "I'm sorry I didn't gain control sooner."
"Plan of attack?"
"Swipe across your chest," I began, "then the dagger through the armpit," I paused as I laid her on the floor. "Zoë I'm sorry that I didn't react sooner it was so hard to get control back," I was interrupted by a finger held up to my mouth
"Stop guilting yourself," she began, "We now know that the potions remove powers holds and that I will need to defend myself with the other potion."
I smiled softly as I heard Lucinda return, "Agreed," I began, "but you rest and heal first, I'll help heal your chest with water if you're willing to get rid of your armor."
Zoë nodded, "Ambrosia and nectar first," she muttered
"She's still conscious," Lucinda said in shock as I fed her the godly food
"She's trying to keep me from having a guilty conscience," I began, "even though no matter what she says I will still feel guilty about this."
"Samantha Elizabeth Valdez," Zoë hissed at me as I directed my gaze toward her, "I understand the feeling of guilt that you may have but you better not beat yourself up about it."
I smiled as I poured the cup of water that Lucinda gave me onto the cut on her chest, "I won't Zoë," I began as I placed my hand on top of it working my powers to heal her. "You get some rest before we do the last potion, we're both going to need it," I finished as she breathed deeply
"Fine," she said, "but one thing before I do," she said before grabbing the collar of my coat and pulling me into a kiss. I instantly melted into it but was brought back to reality by a squeal
"I'll see you when you wake up," I said with a smirk as she let go of my coat and stood. Luckily when she fell she fell near the couch so all I had to do was move her a little so she'd be on it. "Okay who squealed," I asked as her breathing steadied into a known rhythm of sleep
"That would be Kawaii-Chan," Aphmau answered behind me, "I apologize for the scare."
"Kawaii-Chan thinks you two are so cute," a small voice cheered as I turned to meet her
"You're a Meif'wa," I began stunned, "I thought that was only something in that roleplay series."
"Nope, there are only a few families and they all reside in this area usually hidden," Lucinda said. "That's why most of them are in newer places that haven't been heard of."
"So, no one gets any weird looks," I asked causing both of them to nod
"I heard what happened, you two rest and test the last potion take your time we don't need to talk about everything right away. I'm working on calming down Aaron so Zoë doesn't turn into a werewolf by his eyes."
I smiled, "Thank you Aphmau," I then directed my gaze to Kawaii-Chan, "I'm guessing Aphmau told you that we were here."
"Kawaii-Chan heard that there were more people here and Aphmau-Senpai wanted to introduce Kawaii-Chan to the new people not knowing that it was the third favorite ship of Kawaii-Chan," she exclaimed
I chuckled, "I'm guessing Aaron and Aphmau are first, while you and Zane are second," I began and she nodded. "You got our ship because of that book on Wattpad didn't you," I asked, "because I'm getting big Aphrodite vibes from you."
"Kawaii-Chan read Sammy-Senpai's book and fell in love with the ship right away," the Meif'wa began her face beaming with excitement. "Kawaii-Chan never thought she would see you two in person," she finished as I saw her bottled up energy causing to bounce
"I didn't know people figured out that I was the writer," I began, "go let out your excitement outside. I have to rest and I believe someone wants to see me after so long."
You got that right, my mother's voice said in my head, You have a knack for letting me know that you're back in the weirdest ways. After they leave, tell Lucinda that I'm teleporting you two to Olympus to rest instead of taking up residence in her house.
"Okay take care of yourself Sammy we'll see you sometime tomorrow," Aphmau said before turning around and exiting the building
With a sigh, I turned to Lucinda, "So we aren't crashing here," I began, "my mother just spoke to me in my head saying that she's going to teleport Zoë and me to Olympus. We'll be back tomorrow morning for the last potion which may have us going to Ogygia," I explained, "is that fine with you?"
"That's perfectly fine," Lucinda hummed, "I get my house while you get to reunite with your family and catch up with everything."
I smiled, "Thank you, Lucinda," I said before walking over to Zoë's sleeping form, "see you tomorrow."
Once I finished a flash of bright light later I saw the golden pillars of the Olympian throne room. "Mother," a voice exclaimed before I was attacked by the miniature version of Zoë.
"Hey Rachel," I said as I returned the hug just as Michael walked up, "Hey Mike," I called as he came closer
"Hi mother," he began shyly, "sorry again about what happened all those years ago."
"You inherited your mother's guilt," I muttered as I pulled him into a hug, "I do not blame you for having that security for your sister and your mother's belongings. You have been forgiven in the past so now it is time for you to move on from it," I finished as I looked him in the eyes that came close to mirroring mine but just slightly darker
"What about his sperm donor," Luke's voice said, "I mean because I am the god of guilt an all," he added with a shrug as I met his eyes
I chuckled, "You do have a point, Luke," I said as I hugged him, "two things the first," I paused pushing him away. "You better be treating my sister right or I'm going to burn through that immunity of yours. Secondly, it's been awhile hasn't it," I finished just in time to see the fear in his eyes
"Too long," he began, "I'll be back I need to take care of something," he said before he ran out of the throne room
"Did you have to scare him out of the throne room Sammy," Naomi's voice asked from behind
I smiled, "I was just giving him a threat from your older sister," I began, "I'm pretty sure mom gave him a similar threat," I finished as I hugged her. "Where's Stephan," I asked as I noticed the lack of my brother
"Hadn't claimed himself yet," Naomi answered as I continued looking around the throne room
"Next question," I began, "where are mom and dad?"
"Turn around," Naomi said with a smile I arched an eyebrow before doing as she told me
Before I was turned around completely I was attacked by my mother, "Hey mom, thanks for the teleport."
"Samantha Elizabeth Valdez, if there ever is a next time you'd better come here first before going through something ridiculous that could cause pain or other feelings," she said before I felt her touch my tail, "Why is it still curled?"
"It'll fluff out in a bit," I began, "it's something that happens with every new werewolf," I finished recalling the video where Aphmau was turned. "I'm sorry about the last two times that happened, I kind of didn't have the time to find you when that was on her and it didn't cross my mind until now."
"Thankfully your first instinct wasn't to cauterize Zoë's wound," Leo's voice began, "it would've taken a lot longer for the water to heal it."
"Considering I'd have to work through her immunity to do so and that the water would be attempting to repair burned-off cells that aren't there anymore," I began. "I guess so," I finished, "hey dad," I added as I gave him a hug
"At least your first birth father taught you something compared to your last one," Annabeth's voice rang
"Annabeth," I began as I turned to meet the emotionless face of my future mother-in-law and the mother to my daughter thanks to the Fates. "I am so sorry for hurting Zoë," I began, "I tried to work at the control but it was so strong it was ridiculous."
"As Zoë had said while you were healing her," Annabeth began, "you were not in control of yourself. I am only mad at her for not taking a defensive stance."
I smiled before I hugged her, "How's Ari?"
"She's looking forward to meeting you," Annabeth began, "but first we need to work on your domains and blessing catch up before that rage potion is used on you."
I nodded, "Wait I thought I was caught up on blessing already," I said as everyone moved away
"I caught you up on the blessings that wouldn't change your daughter, my dear," Chaos' voice answered
"Oh," was all I said when I turned to face the creator, "could you answer something for me though?"
"What may that be?"
"In this world where does Irene come into play because if the events of Mystreet are true then that means Lady Irene is real," I said causing Chaos to smile
"Irene is the creator of me," Chaos began, "she created the basis on which I create and disappeared before she could put her plan for a prosperous world into place."
"Her disappearance I assume is probably caused by that Demon Warlock isn't it," I asked her and she nodded. "Okay, that's good to keep in mind," I paused, "let's get all of this taken care of because I am looking forward to sleeping after the events of today."
"Understandably so," Percy began, "Chaos would you begin the honors?"
"If I may Sammy, could you please kneel," she asked
After that was pain, I was granted new powers and domains that I didn't even think I could have. One thing that stuck out was something that Chaos saw in me that she saw in both Zoë and Aphmau both of which years ago
"Chaos what's wrong," Annabeth asked once the creator parted from me in a flash of light
"When Irene had vanished," she began, "her soul broke into three pieces finding its place in three separate people. One of whom already made their presence known as such is Aphmau while the other two reside here."
"What are the others," Percy asked, "have we made them welcomed?"
Chaos nodded, "One is your eldest daughter while the other is her fiancé," our creator answered causing me to freeze. "You have already made the two out of the three comfortable in this home; it was what the Fates desired as their path."
"What happens if these souls are reunited by relics," I asked, causing Chaos to look at me in shock. "It took Aphmau using three relics to defeat the Demon Warlock and if the three of us host a part of Lady Irene's soul then that would mean if the relics of two pieces of the soul are absorbed by the last person with the soul then would that mean those two people are gone and no chance of surviving?"
Chaos nodded, "It appears so," she began, "but that should be a last resort," she paused. "The events that occurred at Starlight only two years ago have made me realize that we needed to make a stronger, more secluded Celestial Cannon."
"Will this Demon Warlock return in the state he was destroyed in," Percy asked, "because if that is so then we need Irene back."
"Which means that two of us would have to die for the world to live," I muttered, my joints full of pain as I stood. "In preparation of which I will talk to Zoë and Aphmau about this once we return to her house tomorrow."
"Yes to all assumptions," Chaos answered, "just because the host that he was in died doesn't mean that his powers are diminished. He will be just as powerful if not more when he returns," she paused then looked at Zoë's sleeping form which lay by the throne room doors, and me. "I feel that Aphmau will have to fight this one as well if this has to happen."
"Ein is alive again," I began, "there is no way that he could be back without someone's help. Irene wouldn't bring someone like him back so that means the Demon Warlock is back but with some help because it is way too soon."
"But who would've helped him," Annabeth asked, "we have a long list of enemies."
I bit my lip, she wasn't wrong, "I'm not sure who it could be but this is something that Zoë and I shall discuss with Aphmau and everyone else who was involved with Starlight. I believe we're going to need to draft a list of enemies that could help raise idle and dead souls quicker than they should."
"There is one thing that you should note now," Chaos began, "with your new domain the Ultima isn't the only one who's able to turn people."
Realization dawned on me as I looked up at Annabeth, "Would you at all mind if I turned your eldest daughter so she doesn't have the chance of dying when the Ultima's eyes are revealed?"
Annabeth nodded, "You have my permission," she answered causing me to smile, "do it now while she's healing."
"But I would appreciate it if she gave me an answer as well," I began, "if she doesn't want to then I won't make her go through it."
Annabeth smiled, "Thank you for taking into consideration what she wants as well as what we wish for her."
"You wish for her to be alive and happy," I began and she nodded, "I wish for a similar thing Annabeth," I paused. "This is why I'm going to do everything in my power to stay alive for her and keep her alive."
"You have my blessing," Annabeth said as I felt more power enter my veins, "you shall have more battle knowledge and the ability to give everything you make life."
"As long as she doesn't make a flying spaghetti monster I'm good," my father said and I splashed water on him
"I believe she either means with weaving or objects that I make in your forge if not both," I said glaring at him
"Anything you make that isn't food," Annabeth said with a chuckle
"Thank you," I said, "now if you will please excuse me I wish to rest before the events of tomorrow."
"You may go," Percy said in his King's voice, "have a good night's rest."
I smiled before I bowed to them and Chaos before collecting Zoë's body and leaving the throne room. I was still awake thinking about what I was told when she jumped awake, "Hey there Smart Guppy," I whispered as I held onto her hand for comfort, "were you able to see everything that happened when you were out?"
Zoë nodded, "I was only shown what domains you were given and the blessings before I saw the Demon Warlock who wanted to control me."
"Tartarus would have to freeze before that happens," I began, "there is something I would like to ask you since you heard most of that."
"What's that?"
"Would you mind if I turned you so you don't have the chance of dying at the gaze of the Ultima?"
Silence answered my question as she thought it through, "Is mom okay with it?"
I nodded, "I asked her first before I asked you," I began, "I wanted to know if you were okay with going through the process."
'If she agrees then inform her that she will be at the same power as you,' Chaos's voice began in my head, 'tell her that she will also be an alpha.'
"I'd rather not take the chance of you losing me to Aaron's eyes," Zoë began, "how does this work with you though?"
I sighed, "I only have to bite people," I began, "the thing with Aaron's eyes is a curse while me becoming a werewolf was by choice and me becoming a goddess was a blessing," I paused. "I was just told by Chaos that you will be an alpha but with similar powers as mine," I met her eyes as I felt the fangs grow in my mouth, "are you ready?"
She nodded; she had sat up when I had asked the question so I had to push myself up so I was sitting on my legs. "Kiss first," she asked with a pout as I neared her
I smiled, "Of course," I said before she pulled me to her and kissed me. I gasped as she bit my lip giving her the advantage to explore my mouth with the fangs out. I felt her tongue wrap around them as if explored every bit as my arms went up her shirt feeling her body. "Are you ready now," I asked after I had pushed her shirt off
She lifted her arm and began scratching one of my ears, I moaned leaning into it as it satisfied an itch that I didn't know what there. "Now I am," she said as she removed her hand causing me to whimper. "Was that a puppy whimper," she asked with a grin
"Yes," I said with a pout, "I think some aspects of being a werewolf are coming naturally to me," I explained as I neared her. "Things such as this," I said before licking her cheek as I caressed her neck where I would bite her
"A werewolf kiss," Zoë breathed as she shivered from my touch, "are you teasing me, Jackson?"
I pulled away from her and arched an eyebrow, "Are you traveling forward in time Jackson," I asked. "Because last I checked I haven't taken your last name yet," I finished causing her to blush
"It just slipped," she muttered, "sorry."
"What are you apologizing for," I began, "I thought it was cute that something like that is something you're already used to. To be honest I almost slipped up a little bit when I was telling someone my name, having to remind myself that I'm not married yet."
"Well, are you?"
"Teasing me?"
"Maybe," I said with a smile as I found myself cradling her, my tailing wagging from side to side on the bed
"Valdez," she glared causing me to grin, "those fangs look cuter than frightening on you."
"Do you want to be a werewolf or not?"
"Yes," she answered as she pulled me close to her body, her hands resting where my wings usually are, "bite me."
"Kinky," I said with a grin before I found the area I had caressed earlier, before I bit her I licked the spot once more. I felt her body stiffen at the pain as I directed the venom that would turn her into the wound. As I pulled my fangs out I licked the area once more which sealed the wound with her powers. "How are you feeling," I asked as I looked at her face
Her eyes were closed in pain, "I'm fine," she said, causing me to glare at her, "no really I am," she began then opened them. "I'm just sore now," I widened my eyes as I saw the blonde almost white ears appear on her head. "Isn't it supposed to last longer," she asked and I nodded
"Yeah," I began as I licked my lips, an instinct building inside of me, "but because we are legacies and goddesses probably makes the process go faster."
"I have this instinct to bite you," Zoë began, "why is that?"
I grinned then chuckled as I realized what that means, "I have that instinct too," I began, "us biting each other now would let other werewolves know that you are my mate and that no one should take you."
"It's a claiming," she asked and I nodded, "isn't that a marital thing?"
I shook my head, "Werewolves have an inner wolf," I began as the instinct grew stronger. "This instinct won't come up with just anyone," I paused as I breathed trying to keep a hold of it. "It will only come up with your mate as it is now," I finished as I looked at her, it looked like she was going through it as well. "It's more of a sexual thing to do," I began once more, "yes the instinct may be strong to do so but it is a consensual thing with your mate."
"Would you mind me claiming you as my mate," she asked causing me to smile
"As long as you are fine with me claiming you as mine," I replied causing a grin to form on her face, her fangs being shown to me. "Those are cute on you," I said with a chuckle as she laughed
After her laugh she pulled me into a deep kiss, her hand snuck up my shirt as I melted in her hold. She placed one hand on the base of my neck while the other rested at the bottom of my back slowly pushing my shirt up. The next thing I knew she had taken off the night shirt I was wearing and kissing my neck. There was a pause before I stiffened at the sting of pain as she marked me. I then moaned as my arms wrapped around her body, the instinct guiding me where I needed to go. Soon enough I found it after kissing down her neck as her arms trailed down my body pushing down the leggings that I had habitually put on. I licked the area before biting causing her to stiffen
"Do you want to go through with this," Zoë moaned as I felt her hand go underneath my panties
"Because we're already there," I began with a gasp. "Yes," I finished right before stiffening as she put her hand inside of me. Within ten minutes we found ourselves cuddling each other. Zoë was playing with my ears as my arms and legs were wrapped around her and a blanket draped over both of us. "Why does this feel so good," I asked as I leaned into her scratching
"I don't know," Zoë began, "maybe it's because of the part canine in you since dogs usually like it."
"Let me feel yours," I said as I reached for them, she tilted her head and soon I felt the soft fur of her ears
"Okay that does feel good," she said with a moan causing me to chuckle, "you being the goddess of werewolves is something that needs to be brought up you know that right?"
I nodded, "Because you will be returning as a werewolf when Aaron was nowhere near here, to begin with," I asked. "Yeah I do," I paused, "question."
"What's up?"
"As a werewolf do you sense that I am the goddess of werewolves? Or will that be something that we find out with the others?"
There was silence as Zoë thought for a minute, "My wolf recognizes you as a goddess but we would have to wait and see what happens when we see the three werewolves tomorrow."
I nodded, "Let's rest for now," I paused to yawn, "I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be an eventful day."
"I agree," Zoë said before she pulled my arm down so it rested on her waist, "let's dream of something peaceful tonight."
"With you by my side," I began, "of course I will," I finished with a smirk before I rested my head on her chest and drifted off to sleep
The night was as peaceful as we hoped it would be, unfortunately, the morning came quicker than we hoped it would. We found ourselves waking up and rushing around the bedroom to get clothes on before Zoë grabbed my wrist and teleported us to Lucinda's
"Good morning you two," she said once she appeared, standing over her cauldron with a cup of coffee in one hand and her wand in the other. "A little unexpected to see you as a werewolf."
I bit my lip, "I can explain that," I began as the witch arched an eyebrow, "while on Olympus I had gotten my domains as a goddess. One of which is a werewolf domain, I am the goddess of werewolves. I can turn people into werewolves but only by biting them. I turned Zoë into one last night because we didn't want to take the chance of her dying by Aaron's eyes when we come with news that will in no doubt anger him."
"Care to share this news here and now or will you wait for the rest of the class," Lucinda asked as she set her cup down on the counter
"I'll wait to tell the others," I began, "there is something that I need to talk to Zoë and Aphmau alone though before I tell the rest of the people that were involved in the Starlight incident."
Lucinda nodded, "Seems reasonable that you would like to tell us all together," she began, "the meeting is at one so you have four hours to get rid of the effects of this potion and recover from any injuries."
I nodded as I tapped the pendant, "Are you ready Zoë?"
"I'm not ready to hurt you but you told me not to hold back so that's what I'm going to do," she said causing me to smile showing my fangs. "Are your fangs supposed to be out now?"
I blushed as I realized I forgot to put them away when I fell asleep, "Well you said they were cute so I thought you'd see them now before they're bared at you in rage," I began. "Remember straight to Ogygia so this house isn't burned down," I turned to Lucinda, "give her enough time to grab my wrist before giving me the order to kill."
"I thought it was going to be attack," she said causing me to shake my head
I sighed, "When Zoë gave me the order to attack her yesterday the intent was to kill," I paused. "Rage will have me shouting profanities at her and doing everything in my power to get rid of her which would mean kill her."
"So, with that being said," Lucinda began, "Aph would've killed Aaron without the order?"
I nodded, "Most attacks lead to killing and that's what the control processed as well," I turned to Zoë once more, "do whatever you can if I don't come back quick enough," I began as I grabbed onto her color, "I'll see you on the other side."
"You got it, Sammy," she began before I kissed her, "see you on the other side."
I stepped back a few feet before I looked at Lucinda, "Do it," I said before looking back at Zoë, "I love you," I said as the potion crashed at my feet
Instantly, rage overcame me as I watched Zoë dash to me and grab my wrist, the potion made me fight it until I heard Lucinda speak. "Sammy," I snapped my head to her, "kill Zoë."
A flash of light later we were on the beach and Zoë was across from me as I dashed to her, "You are worthless," I screamed as I brought up a dagger. "You are the reason my life turned to ruin."
"Sammy, you got this," I saw Zoë mumble before she shot a retort back at me, "that is not true and you know it. The gang's what caused your first life to end," she dodged me as I flew past her. I realized that I wasn't using any of my powers so if I was trying to kill her I would've done it by brute force
"You dragged me into your miserable life and the only reason I stayed is that I felt sorry for you," I growled as I worked at the restraints that held me in my mind. "I never loved you and I never will," I growled causing anger to boil inside of me
Instead of dodging the next attack, Zoë stood in a fighting stance as I dashed to her. She dropped her weapons and grabbed my wrists as I screamed in her face, my whole body catching on fire.
"Now I know that is a lie," she said as I started kicking her and powering up the fire so it would burn her, tears were streaming from her eyes as she took a breath, "I know you love me, Sams," she began as I focused on her. "You told me that you loved me when I first walked onto that stage all those years ago. I fell in love with you when you visited me in the hospital, I fell in love with you when you were still Samantha Edwards."
I felt the hold loosen, a gap in the control of the potion had me diving through it as I remembered the feelings I had when she had sung Satisfied. The worry that I heard when she texted me saying that she was in the hospital. The heartbreak that I had when I saw the sadness in her eyes whenever she looked at Naomi
My flames went down as I started crying, "Anger is never something I'm proud of embracing," I began, "I'm sorry Rosy."
"It's okay Sams," she began as she let go of my wrists and I wrapped my arms around her sobbing at the things I said to her. "You weren't in control," she added
"It was like I was strapped to a chair," I began, "I couldn't get out unless I was furious hearing what I was saying or you said the right words."
"Well, I'm glad I said the right words before you turned me into a crisp," she said as I continued to cry. "You better not be crying because of the guilt," she added and I could picture her glaring at me
"What I had said," I began, "hurt me as well because those are things that have never crossed my mind. Every time I saw you when I was inside of Naomi, I saw that sadness in your eyes even though you said you were fine. It hurt me to see you without me, to see you alone," I held my breath as I looked at her. "Hearing myself say those words felt like icepicks to my brain; I'd never say that to you never in my lifetime."
She smiled as I watched her eyes sparkle with the happiness that was missing ever since I died. "Have I mentioned how hot you are," she asked and my eyes widened
"Di Immortals," I began as I looked down, "did I seriously forget to wear fireproof clothing when I was going to test a rage potion?"
"It appears so," Zoë said before I squeaked feeling cold water roll down my back, "success."
"You broke through my water immunity," I said with a glare as I turned around, "how did you get a bikini on around your tail?"
"Base of the tail is a lot higher than the band of the bikini bottoms," she began, "now let me imagine one on you," she paused before I felt something on me, "there."
I looked down to see that I was wearing her colors once more, "Zoë," I began as I said orange gems speckled throughout the front of the top, "this is beautiful."
"And so are you," she said closer than before making me look up at her, she was wearing a similar bikini but with my colors, orange and white in sort of a tie-dye fashion. "What do you think," she said as she grinned
I opened my mouth and closed it before I finally said something, "I have no words, you are so stunning."
Zoë smiled, "I made the scribe speechless haven't I," she asked earning a chuckle from me
"At least being a scribe here treats me better than being the scribe there," I said as I saw a smile tug at her lips revealing the tip of her fangs. "What are you grinning like a fool at?"
"You do know you have your fangs out right?"
She blushed, "They're showing aren't they?"
"They're so cute," I said with a grin as her lips were pressed into a line
"What is it that you want to talk to Aphmau and me about," she asked, causing my smile to disappear. "It's not good is it," she asked and I shook my head
"It's not," I began as I remembered the conversation the night before, "everyone on the street believes in a goddess named Irene. Before my blessings, I had asked Chaos where Irene fits in all of this and I was informed that she is the creator of Chaos. After my blessings and my domain proclamation she stepped back in shock saying that all three pieces of Irene's soul have been found," I bit my lip
"That's good isn't it?"
I nodded, "It's good but there's a catch with all of this," I paused looking at my feet as I shifted them in the sand. "If Michael comes back then he will come back just as strong as he was when he was supposedly destroyed. It took Aphmau wielding three relics that were once people to get rid of him two years ago. Chaos said that Aphmau is one of the souls while we are the other two pieces and that to defeat him again two of us would have to become relics for the other to join. Whoever turns into relics will possibly die."
"You're thinking that Aphmau is going to be the host aren't you," Zoë asked as I looked back up at her
I nodded, "Yeah," I began, "yeah I'm alive for the first time in forever but I can't live without you and you've lived long enough without me. Aaron can't lose Aph after all they've been through and all the depictions of Irene that I've seen so far show her as the goddess, so," I trailed off biting my lip, "I don't want to die again."
"This is a last resort plan isn't it," Zoë asked causing me to nod
"Hundred percent."
Zoë sighed looking out at the horizon, "We have to get back," she began, "it's almost time."
I sighed, "All right," I began, "but one last thing," I said before wrapping my arms around her neck. I rose on my toes and kissed her, "only the Fates know the next time we're going to have one of those," I said with a soft smile as I imagined clothes that matched the coloring of the swimsuit
"I think we're going to have a lot more of those before we die," she said with a smirk, "how often is it that I see you in a dress?"
I looked down to see that the swimsuit combined to make a tight-fitting dress, "Not often," I began, "but what do you think," I finished stepping away from her and spinning so the skirt fanned out.
"Now you're the stunning one," she said as I grinned, "you have your fangs out too," she added causing heat to rise to my cheeks
"I have to be careful with these since I can turn someone with them," I said as I looked down at my feet, "even more so with keeping demigod blood running."
"How much would it hurt with mortals," I heard Zoë ask as I stepped closer toward the shore
"In both of the episodes where Garroth and Aphmau were turned," I began, "they both described the pain as their bones breaking. Aphmau turned in a span of three weeks if I remember the video correctly and if it is at all correct, to begin with. I don't know how long it took for Garroth to turn. It might've been quicker since the cause of it was seeing Aaron's eyes."
"I thought seeing his eyes could kill you."
I nodded, "They can but if you survive them then you will be turned," I paused, "from what I remember the video explaining that it's more painful than a bite."
"That's why it's a curse," Zoë began as I turned to her, "it has a threat to kill you but if it doesn't work it'll give your life a few weeks of pain."
I nodded, "We were lucky to have the pain minimized to less than a minute but people like Aphmau had it a lot longer. My question is how they got ahold of werewolf venom from him," I paused, "they had to have done that in the cannon to make a purebred for their next plan."
"That makes me wonder what their next plan is," she muttered, "let's go to Lucinda first so she isn't surprised when we come."
I nodded, "Good idea," I said as I grabbed her wrist, "I do hope we get to see a wedding at some point."
She smiled, "You and me both," she said before light flashed and we were welcomed with the black living room of the witch's house
"You're back," she began, "and in different clothes."
I blushed as Zoë chuckled, "Yeah someone forgot to put on fireproof clothing today and we decided to play in the water and talk for a bit before."
"Was anyone hurt," she asked as I shook my head
"She brought me back before I badly burned her," I began, "she healed that with water as I was working on calming myself down from what I said."
"Controlled you said," Zoë corrected, "you said it yourself while we were discussing what happened; you would never say such things to me and they never crossed your mind."
"I guess we got that settled," Lucinda began, "so someone needs to be around to bring back someone affected by a rage potion," she thought aloud. "Sammy," she began, "you said you needed to talk to Aph and Zoë about something, you should go-ahead to her house and do it now before you have to explain the whole goddess thing."
I nodded, "It is something that should be talked about beforehand."
"Care to give me a hint on what it's about," Lucinda asked as Zoë gripped my wrist
"You went through it yourself," I began, "it concerns relics and Irene."
Her eyes widened, "How so?"
"Zoë and I are the other two pieces of Irene's soul," I began, "if that Demon Warlock is to return then we need to talk to Aphmau about the possibility of her using us as a relic instead of you three again."
"Why would you two be any different from the three of us," Lucinda shot at me, "all three of us are close to her in one way or another but you two just met her."
"But we trust her," Zoë began for me as I held up a hand
"We may have little time to know each other," I began, "but if Irene's soul is united there is more of a chance to get rid of Michael for good. The only drawback to this is that the two people who become relics will have a chance of not returning."
"Aphmau wouldn't want to take that chance," Lucinda barked, "she doesn't like sacrificing people. She will try to bring you two back with the beam as she did with the three of us."
"What happened then Lucinda," I began looking up at her, "You lost your magic, some names were replaced with numbers for Zane's memory while Aaron lost his eyesight and memories. Sacrifices will have to be made to obtain this piece," I paused, "I learned this while watching the war and participating in it. As much as I hate the thought of dying and not coming back I need to do this," I paused once more. "Zoë and I talked about this on the island," I began, "she's lived too long without me while I can't bear living life without her. Which brings Aph and Aaron," I looked at Lucinda. "We may not know Aphmau well now but what I do know is that Aaron can't bear losing Aph after all they have been through. I am willing to sacrifice my life for that," I looked at Zoë who nodded before I looked back at Lucinda, "Chaos," I began once more, "is working on a new cannon that is more secluded than the last. It will be a last resort but we may need to do this, you will have the new Olympians on your side this time as we need to figure out other things, I hope you understand."
Lucinda sighed, "I guess you're right," she began, "but if you are reborn on Olympus or something then you will come to us to visit?"
"If we are reborn we will come and visit as soon as possible," Zoë answered for me
"Swear on the River Styx," I said smiling as thunder rumbled, "see you at Aph and Aaron's?"
Lucinda smiled, "See you there," she said before turning back to her cauldron
"She was one of the relics," Zoë asked as we left the house
I nodded, "Yeah," I began, "I think each lost something that was used in the fight which is why she lost her magic."
"Zane's memory jumble, Aaron's amnesia, and blindness," she muttered, "what are connected to those?"
"Before Lucinda, Aph and Zane were controlled in Aph's head Lucinda and Zane had given a part of them for her to use in the fight. Lucinda gave her magic to combat the Demon Warlock while Zane gave her knowledge to fight with a sword. Aaron ended up taking control as she fought off the other two, he used his knowledge and rage to fight. His anger is shown by his eyes which is why I turned you," I paused, "my thought process is what does he have to be angry about or what does he have to love if he has no memory?"
Zoë nodded, "That makes sense but that would also mean that someone else was behind this."
I nodded, "You're right but I couldn't figure who would be able to do that between the fight and when they were returned."
"That would have to be some timing on their part," Zoë muttered as I nodded before knocking on the door
"That it would," I began, "would you mind me taking the lead with this?"
"Not at all," Zoë said as the door opened revealing Aphmau
"Hey guys, you know the meeting isn't until later right?"
"Yeah," I began, "but we need to talk to you in private about something before we bring it up to everyone else. We went home last night and as I caught up on blessings and domains I ran into some startling revelations that I should tell you before anyone other than Lucinda knows about."
"Of course," she said, "let me take you to the guest room," she said stepping aside from the door to let us in
"I think we should go somewhere else," Zoë said, "I have a feeling here is where a lot of people would listen in more."
"Where are you thinking," I asked as I walked in
"Aph are you okay with teleporting different worlds," Zoë asked, "I just got an image that appeared in my head with this place and I have a feeling it'll be safer there for the time being."
"I'm fine with it," she replied as I grabbed Zoë's wrist with one of my hands and offered the other to her, "Melissa, watch Aaron for me, Zoë and Sammy are taking me somewhere to talk," she yelled
"Got it," the werewolf said, "after you get back Aaron and I have some questions for one of you about a feeling we're getting."
"We'll be willing to answer whatever questions everyone has," I said, "we'll be back soon," I added before I squeezed Zoë's hand
A flash of light later we appeared in a pure-white room, "This is," Aphmau began
"This is where you fought with him," I began, "isn't it?"
"It is," Aphmau answered, "why here?"
"It showed up in the forefront of my mind," Zoë began as I walked around the room, "something told me to come here."
"Something in me agrees with that," I began as I noticed a blue sword and a black one, "we should take those to Olympus before we go but you and I have to be careful with the black one as well as Aphmau."
"Why's that?"
"It's infused with so much silver that ever something as small as a papercut will kill a werewolf," Aphmau began, "Aaron had to kill some werewolves who were under the control of the Demon Warlock. What do you think told her this was a good place to come here, I have the same agreeing feeling as you do."
I sighed, "All three of us host a piece of Irene's soul," I began causing Aphmau's eyes to widen. "Irene fits in Greek mythology by being the creator of Chaos," I paused. "I had found out that if Michael returns he will return just as powerful as when you fought him last but what I am afraid of is the fact that he will have immortal help."
"What are we supposed to do then," Aphmau asked as I felt that she was starting to freak out
"Chaos is working on another Celestial Cannon," I began, "two of us become relics while the other fights."
"I'll become a relic," Aphmau said before I could continue
I shook my head, "No," I began, "Chaos told me that once Irene's soul is united by relics that the two people who previously hosted those pieces have a chance of not coming back. I told Lucinda this and she said that everyone will still try," I paused, "Zoë and I will become relics. I do not fancy the thought of dying once again but if I die for good then at the very least I would want Zoë to be with me. Aaron couldn't stand losing you after everything you two have been through so we veto that option."
"You already thought this through," she asked and I nodded, "Then why tell me this?"
"As a holder to one of the pieces of Irene's soul you have to be included in this," Zoë began, "my mother is already looking at other ways to be rid of the Demon Warlock for good but this will be a last-ditch effort if everything else fails."
Silence fell upon the room, "I understand why you may not like the thought of fighting him again," I began as she looked up at me with saddened eyes. "I never favored fighting but it was something that I did if I had no other choice. If I was alive for the quests and battles that I missed I would step up there to help and save my friends and family. The worst thing that you can do is sit in the backseat of a battle and watch everything you love crumble wherever you are either prosper or die. I have been in the backseat for over ten millennia. It is something I am not proud of having to watch almost every quest leading up to a war that the Fates needed me to fight in. When they had seen that I was needed in another and that Zoë needed someone at her side they chose to bring me back. I had a primordial take control of my body and put my mind in the back of Zoë's head as if I drank a potion. It wasn't until everyone was in Tartarus that I was able to fight and be in my own body," I paused. "The reason I was in the back seat of everything that had happened was that I was punished for killing two humans to save myself. Those two humans would've died with me if I hadn't killed them myself but at first my words fell on deaf ears. I don't want you to go through the same pains that I did nor do I want you to go through the pain that Zoë and my friends and family did but you have to do what you think is right. Why do you think Lady Irene had talked to you and helped you come back to life?"
Aphmau looked at me, "What do you mean?"
"The underworld isn't like that," I began, "the underworld is a dark place with more than just a few souls roaming the flatlands. People are judged to go to punishment, peace, or live in glory. Granted glory changes from one person to another but that's beside the point," I looked into her eyes once more. "People usually face the Fates when they are judged. You faced the creator's creator when you were judged and she willingly revived you asking you to learn from your mistakes and know that you will never be alone in these fights."
"You faced that," she asked, causing me to nod, "so what you're saying is that Irene chose my life over hers?"
"Yes, she had the opportunity to continue living but she chose you," I began, "she saw that you had more to do and more to see. She saw that you still needed to learn things and that you were nowhere near done, she noticed that she was done while you still had more to do."
Zoë walked up next to us in her armor, "I have a feeling that this fight is going to need everyone," she began. "So, you're going to need training because you won't have us all the time."
"You two are willing to," Aphmau began, "train me?"
I smiled, "Of course," I began, "if you agree to our plan we'll help you get stronger so you can handle being a goddess. If we do end up coming back as we have before we will visit," I looked at Zoë, "we did promise a certain witch that."
"Lucinda knows," Aphmau asked and I nodded, "what did she say about it?"
"She said that you wouldn't want to take that chance," I began, "she didn't like it but after I pointed out that she, Zane, and Aaron had sacrificed something by being relics she understood."
Aphmau's lips pressed together, "Why do you have that armor on," she asked Zoë
"Someone's gotta hold the swords," she said with a shrug
"I think Aph should hold the blue one," I began, "it's a sword that Irene wields and the Aph used to fight him."
"Who should have the werewolf killer one," Aphmau asked, "for some reason all three of us are werewolves."
I bit my lip as Zoë turned to me, "Imagine one of your sheaths," she said and I nodded picturing a sheath at my hip that matched the color of the sword. "You can turn people but you do not have the curse of killing people with your eyes," she paused as she flipped the sword and handed it to me hilt-first. "The reason you do not have that curse is that you do not need to kill with your eyes while you kill with your magic and weapons just as well. The goddess of werewolves should wield this weapon until it is safely stored in Olympus."
"Wait," Aphmau began, "goddess of werewolves? That's why I felt something stronger in you than when you first came into my house?"
"You sense that I'm a goddess," I asked and she nodded as I looked over to see her, tail and ears out, kneeling in front of me. "Please don't do that," I began feeling the heat rising to my cheeks, "it makes me uncomfortable."
"What, the ears and tail?"
"No, the kneeling," Zoë answered for me, "both of us aren't fond of people kneeling to us. We came from nothing and personally, I think I'm still a human just like everyone else other than the fact that I'm immortal and that I have powers. I'm not royalty and I don't think I'm better than any of you."
I snorted when she finished which earned a glare, "Technicalities she is royalty because she's the eldest daughter of the King and Queen of Olympus," I whispered
"And you're marrying her Samantha."
"Does it look like I'm complaining," I asked, then turned my head back to face Aphmau. "In short just, because we are immortal, in higher positions, and have powers that people don't have doesn't mean that we think we are above all of you. We all are human in one way; we all make mistakes and that is a thing the original Olympians failed to see in their rule. Most of them boasted about how powerful they are smiting or cursing everyone who has done wrong in their name. You do not need to bow or kneel with us since our lives started just like everyone else."
Aphmau smiled softly as she stood, "You two didn't start as goddesses, I thought all of them did."
I shook my head, "We started as humans," I began, "I was born in New York while she was born in Toledo. Our paths crossed before she knew she was a legacy," I paused. "I knew that I was a legacy about three months before I met her because my father helped me out of a hole that I was in with the gang. Everyone is probably going to want our story when we are in this meeting, would you like to know the rest then?"
Aphmau nodded, "Good then let's get this sword on you," Zoë said causing Aphmau's eyes to widen
"No pain Aph," I began, "the sword is either going to be strapped to your hip or your back, where would you like it and what kind of sheath would you like?"
"Irene's colors," Aphmau began, "I think I would prefer it on my left hip," she said and I nodded
"I'll add something to signify who your mate is," I said before closing my eyes and holding out my hands. When I felt the weight of the sheath in my hands I opened my eyes to see it. The base color was white, Irene's crest coming from the bottom of the sheath and the tips ending in the middle. Throughout the sheath, small red specks were sprinkled throughout
"Wow," she said as I offered the sheath to her, "what do you mean by mate?"
I smiled, "I'll explain as I help you put it on," I said as I knelt down
"You are the one closest to her height," Zoë muttered
"I heard that Jackson."
"You love me, Valdez," she shot back causing Aphmau to giggle as I showed her how to put on a sheath and explained the meaning of mate to her. "You ready," Zoë asked after about ten minutes
"Yep," I said as I stood from a tomato red Aphmau, "you don't have to do it now if you don't want to. As I said it is completely consensual," I told her
"You told her about those two marking each other didn't you?"
I nodded, "It felt like it needed to be mentioned in the explanation don't you think?"
Zoë shrugged, "I guess you're right," she said, "Aphmau, grab onto Sammy and we can head back home for the meeting."
As I grabbed Zoë's wrist Aphmau grabbed my hand and before I knew it I was in the guest room where I found Zoë. "I think a thing we should do is hide our ears," I began to Zoë once we appeared. "The only people that know that I have ears and a tail are Aph, Lucinda, and Kawaii-Chan."
"You can be easily explained I can't," Zoë said as I watched her ears and tail disappear
"You both can be explained," Aphmau began, "I mean I did sense that you were the goddess and you do remember that Aaron and Melissa want to talk to you about something they're feeling, so."
I nodded, "You're right," I began, "I told Lucinda and Aphmau because they both saw you as a werewolf so I will need to tell the rest of the group as well as the other three werewolves that will be here."
"There are three more," Zoë exclaimed
"Yes," I began, "you can hide your ears and tail if you want, I'm not going to force you to do anything but I will need to explain a few things to them."
"I'll keep them out," she began, "they'd need the proof that you can turn people and I'm pretty sure that you don't want to bite one of them."
I shook my head, "That would be too much pain and if the person is against it then I won't do it."
"Three weeks of pain if bitten then you're sore for another week," Aphmau began, "that's how long the pain was for me but for Garroth it was a week."
I looked over, "If no one wants to turn then I will not force it," I began, "we should keep an eye on Aaron then so no one is turned by accident."
Aphmau nodded, "Good thinking," she said, "I saw wings on you when I came in with Kawaii-Chan," she began, "is there a way you can show them?"
"It would have to be outside," Zoë began, "Lucinda had enough room for Sammy to show hers for the first time you however do not have enough room in your house."
"That is," Aphmau paused, "understandable, come on they're probably waiting for us."
After that Aphmau led us down the stairs to the table across from the kitchen
"About time you got here," Zane began, "I was about to let Kawaii-Chan and Melissa go look for you two."
"No offense to either of them," I began, "but where we went for a little privacy they wouldn't have found."
"Where did you go," Lucinda asked as I looked around the table seeing Aaron tense up with a bandana around his eyes
"We went to where Aphmau fought the Demon Warlock last," Zoë answered for me
"Before you explain why the hell you went there could you care to explain to the werewolves in the room why in Irene's name you seem stronger than you did before."
I looked back at Aaron, a faint glow could be seen from behind his blindfold, "Yes," I began with a sigh, "my apologies for taking Aphmau for so long Aaron. I would never mean any harm to any of you," I paused as everyone looked at me, "the reason I am currently a werewolf is that the potion that Ein tried to give me was a potion with some of the Ultima's venom in it. After the control potion was tested Aphmau and Kawaii-Chan visited and told us to take our time and left. After they left I told Lucinda that my mother was teleporting us home which is where I was caught up with all of the legacies. Every legacy is a god or goddess respectively and I had just received my domains last night. The domain that every werewolf in this room is feeling is a werewolf domain," I paused once more, "I am the goddess of werewolves with this being my domain I can turn people into a werewolf or remove the werewolf gene from the veins similar to Aaron but I do not have the curse of the eyes."
"If you can turn someone turn someone here," Travis blurted, "I don't want to take any chances that you may be lying."
"I have already turned someone for her safety and I am not turning someone who doesn't want to be a werewolf Travis," I began, "if there is anyone who would want to be turned please tell me yourself and I will do so. It is a painful process as you all may know already and I am not going to force anyone to go through it."
"How can we prove that you can turn people them," Melissa asked causing me to raise an eyebrow
"Aaron," I began, "would you mind helping?"
"No," he began with a grumble, "not at all, what do I need to do?"
I looked over at Zoë who had put away her ears and tail, "Walk up to Zoë and show her your Ultima eyes."
"What," he exclaimed, "I'm not going to do that."
"How else are we going to prove that I can turn people," I began, "no one is volunteering to be bitten and I don't exactly want to prove it by using this sword."
"Fine," he began, "but you need to explain a lot of things after that especially why you mentioned Ein."
He got up and marched toward Zoë, once he got there he removed the bandana from his eyes. "Okay those are frightening," Zoë began, "please what my fiancé said is true we mean no harm. We are only trying to help all of you so you don't have to go through as much pain as y'all did last time. I know how it feels to lose things close to you and my fiancé and I are here to help you all keep everything you have now."
"You come now after all that's happened before," Travis began shooting up out of his seat causing Zoë to flinch, "what about Starlight? I lost a father there, hell Aaron lost most of his family there only now remembering everything."
I let out a breath I was holding, "I understand your anger Travis," I began, "but the Fates sent us here and most of the legacies didn't remember nor did they think that all of this was real and true. We had gone through our struggles and Zoë and I were still human at the time regaining our memories. If you wish to hear our story could you all calm down and take a seat so we can start discussing everything."
"Aaron please," Aphmau began, "if they had meant to hurt me they would have done it when we were talking in that other place."
After Aaron huffed he put the blindfold back on and took a seat next to his fiancé, "Are you okay," I asked Zoë as everyone sort of calmed down
"Yeah," she began as she let out a sigh as I noticed her ears appear causing a smile to pull at the corners of my mouth, "what it's weird hiding them."
I turned to face the table, "For those of you who are werewolves," I began, "you are welcome to be yourselves around us. You can show your ears and tail while we talk because this is most likely going to be a long discussion."
After a sigh of relief ears were being shown by Aphmau, Aaron, Garroth, and Melissa. "Where are you beginning," Aphmau asked as her amber eyes met mine
"Let's start with my story," I heard Zoë begin to the left of me, "most of you already know it."
"That's why we shouldn't start with that Jackson," I began as I rubbed my thumb across the back of her hand. "Let's start with mine," I paused, "most of the things that happened nobody knows about because it either only happened to me or Naomi."
"Okay, so where does that leave us," Zoë asked, "please don't say the gang."
I smiled, "I'm sorry but I will have to mention that to explain why I would have to stay hidden," I paused, "we start at my beginning."
As we predicted the discussion lasted the rest of the day and into the next with the New Olympians visiting every so often to drop off suggestions. One of them stopped by to squeal at some ships with Kawaii-Chan before telling us what was going on back at home. The group didn't like me mentioning how Zoë and I will need to be relics inside of Aphmau at a later date. After we mentioned how we would train her more then they relaxed
"So, what you're saying," Emmalyn began, "is that this Demon Warlock is returning and with the help of one of your primordials?"
I nodded, "Yes," I began, "I have an aching suspicion that I know who it is but I don't want to assume because it still hurt the last time the legacies faced him."
"Well, we should start training soon," Katelyn began, "I want to kick some butt that isn't my friends."
"Well then," Zoë began as I rested my head on her shoulder, "tomorrow we'll start bright and early with training because we are all going to need it."
"May the Fates help us," Zane muttered
I smirked, "May Olympus help us," I added, "now off to bed all of you, Zoë and I are going home to drop this sword off and rest but will be back tomorrow to train."
Everyone nodded before leaving the table Zoë and I flashed off in light into the armory on Olympus. "There's already a place for this," I asked stunned
"Yep," Zoë began, "Chaos has been looking for it for centuries saying it's a hazard."
"You had thought well of whom to give it to Miss. Jackson," a voice began causing chills to roll down my veins. "Olympus isn't always the safest of places is it, Miss. Valdez," the voice finished as I looked around
"Where are you," I asked as I got a nearby sword
"Look at your loved one," the voice began once more, "this is the last face you'll see before your demise."
I turned to see in horror, Zoë's eyes emerald green as she readied her sword, "Zoë," I screamed before she struck me with her sword.