The Return and the Battle

I felt nothing as a flash of light enveloped my vision, I closed my eyes as a voice echoed in my head

'Do everything you can to bring her back, take your time just know you are the target,' Annabeth's voice range in my head as I opened my eyes

"No," I whispered then repeated the word sobbing as I fell to my knees

"Who's there," Aaron's voice yelled as he burst through the door, "Sammy?"

"He has control," I began as I looked up at the Ultima who held Aphmau's sword, "he has control of Zoë and if I don't get her back soon she'll tear Olympus apart."

"You still have the sword," he began and I nodded before I leaped into the explanation, "Oh my Irene," he began, "so you're going to have to fight her to bring her back?"

I nodded, "I think the control made her kill her mother," I muttered as I remembered Annabeth's words. "I'll have to go to Ogygia to do it," I added

"Like Hades, you are," my mother's voice said, "she has an immortal killer sword you will not face her."

"Mom," I began as I covered Aaron's eyes with Mist, "don't worry she'll only see your normal eye color than the Ultima color," I said to him. "I have to get her back," I began, "I am not leaving her behind while she tears Olympus to the ground. Right now, I bet she is in the back of her head crying because she almost killed me but killed her mother instead."

"Sammy, she's already killed her father and was fighting yours when I teleported to you. You cannot fight her," Calypso began, "she's too dangerous."

"Who is the second most dangerous legacy mom," I began, "if I can't go head to head against her then why do I always end up dying first," I asked pausing to let her digest the question. "There are two primordials that know how much it takes to get control of her and only one of them can power up that Demon Warlock quick enough to bring back Ein. End is giving objectives to Michael who is in control of Zoë. I know how much you hate the thought of me trying to get her back but if I don't do it then your thrones will be destroyed."

"What if she teleports to you using the ring? She has one of her own in case she needs you," Calypso asked as I looked at my hand

"As soon as I get to the island," I began, "I am going to teleport her to me and take off the ring before teleporting a football field away. My wish is to at the very least get her off of Olympus. With her being controlled I'm pretty sure that Luke is acting King right now while Naomi is acting Queen. We don't need any more deaths on Olympus while we still have End to contend with. Do what you can to hold her back mom," I paused as the tears ran down my cheeks in waterfalls. "I understand what I am asking you all to do may mean death for one if not both of us but I need you to do this for me. It hurts her as much as it is hurting me right now," I paused once more, "that control is similar to the control you had on me when you were in my body."

"I'm sorry," Calypso began as her face softened, "I didn't know."

I shook my head, "It's okay," I began, "I'm the only one who tested the potions and I didn't report it to any of you."

"You had no time," Aaron grumbled, "between that, what you caught up on, talking with Aphmau about Irene and our discussions there wasn't any time to report on the effects of the potion. Things were prioritized to keep people safe," Aaron paused as he looked at me with his Ultima eyes, "you did your best and now you're learning from it and that's the best that you can do."

I smiled, "Thank you, Aaron," I began then turned back to my mother. "Once again I apologize for possibly," I began but was interrupted by a hug

"For the love of Irene please stop saying that," she began as she hugged me. "I know what you're saying is right and I know your intentions are true but if you keep saying that I may die I'm going to keep you in this room until we figure it out ourselves."

I smiled softly as I felt tears wet my dress, "Thank you mom," I began once more, "stay safe."

"You too," she said before disappearing

"So that's how it's going to happen," Aaron muttered as I removed the Mist from his eyes. "She's going to let you go and help your fiancé? Aphmau had to knock her mother out so Aph could help me."

I chuckled as I imagined a t-shirt and leggings, "If she wasn't a goddess who knew what kind of things we've been through then she would've said no," I began as I unstrapped the sword from my waist. "Return that sword to Aph and be ready for a fight," I paused as I handed it to him, "the Ultima is the next trustworthy wielder if my mate is unable to use it."

Aaron looked at the sword then at me, his eyes glowing an angry blood red. "Sammy, your sheath," Aphmau's voice said, making us jump, "aren't you going to lose it?"

I shook my head as I tapped the pendant on my chest making the armor appear. "I imagined a sheath that went with the sword," I began as I sheathed every weapon that wasn't in its place already. "I don't want to kill her by accident with that so I am entrusting it to Aaron while you have the blue sword."

Aphmau nodded as I willed my wings into appearance, "Stay safe," she began, "We'll get everyone up just in case a fight starts."

I smirked, "Thanks," I began as I let my ears and tail peak out of the armor. "You two stay safe as well," I added, "see you on the other side," I added once more before I teleported to Ogygia. "Let's hope this works," I muttered as I took off the ring, touching my line before dropping it and teleporting away from it just as she appeared

"Where are you," she growled, "I can smell your Titan stench so you can't hide from me you cheat."

My heart shattered as I realized what she was referring to, "I'm right here Zoë," I began. "You have never thought of me that way and I know that you don't now. If you want me then come and get me."

As she turned to face me her dark blade disappeared to reveal a trident. I had already taken out a sword and dagger but switched my dagger out for a shield. "You've never known my thoughts, Valdez," she growled, "You only stayed by my side so you could return to the Titans to say you have a way onto Olympus. You hate me as much as you hate the parents that I killed for you."

I dodged her first attack, "That's a lie and you know it Zoë," I began. "If I didn't love you then why would I come back for my Smart Guppy?"

"Because you want to be the one to say you killed her instead of End or Michael," she growled as I stood my ground similar to what she did when I was under the rage potion. "You're here just so you could try to kill me and I hate you for that."

I teared up as she approached and I grabbed her arms, dropping my weapons. "I will never try to kill my Smart Guppy," I began as she started struggling. "I will never stop fighting for you, I didn't when I was in Naomi's head and I didn't when I was waiting for Rose to get out of the hospital," a sharp pain came from my stomach as I looked into her eyes, "I love Rosy."

I let go of her wrists as I started falling, her eyes were back to their normal blue-Grey as I fell headfirst into the water. Tears were brimming in them as I closed them to be met with darkness

"This will not happen," a voice yelled as I appeared in a white landscape, the voice sounded similar to Aphmau's but deeper bearing more wisdom to it. "You have died enough haven't you," the voice asked as I spun to face a woman who looked similar to Aphmau while wearing purple and white clerical gear.

"I'm not too fond of it milady," I began with a polite nod, "but I tend to go by what the Fates have spun for me."

"If I was alive then I'd unravel that yarn so you'd die when I want you to," she muttered under her breath. "Here's what I can do," she began, "I can either bring back those family members or you."

She had pointed behind me and I spun to see Percy, Annabeth, Leo, and Calypso all standing behind me. "Mom, Dad," I exclaimed as I rushed to them, tears streaming down my face. "I'm sorry," I said as I came into contact with my mother

"Now what are you apologizing for," Annabeth began, "you did as I asked you to didn't you?"

"Yes hut- "

"No buts about it Valdez," Percy's voice interrupted, "it was our time and now you must walk your path."

"But you were the new Olympians," I began, "You were supposed to live as long as the others."

"Not all are supposed to live as long as them," the woman began, "how many immortals did it take to get to the Olympians that the myths wrote about?"

"Too many to count," Percy answered for me causing Annabeth to smack him upside the head

"What Irene is saying is that our rule may not be as long as theirs or yours," she began, "but your time is nowhere near over but ours is. You know what to do and stop Zoë from having much of a guilty conscience about this."

I smirked, "I'll try Annabeth," I began, "I hope to see you all in the future."

"You have made your choice?"

"Yes I have Lady Irene," I began, "I wish to go back," I finished to which she nodded and the next thing I knew I was gasping for breath on Ogygia

"Sammy," Zoë's voice exclaimed as I felt my flesh knit together, "I am so sorry for what I've done, I should've been stronger."

"Zoë," I began as I pushed myself up, "there is no way you could be any stronger than what you did."

"But I killed your parents and mine as well as almost killed you," she began, "and you had to take the ring off."

I looked and saw that she was wearing my ring on top of hers, "Remember what I said to you about the rage potion and what you told me," I began. "You weren't in control of your actions, you fought all you could against that control and it was too much for you to handle. That's why I came to help you no matter what. Mom told me how you had one and I took it off so you wouldn't stick to me."

"So, you're not leaving me?"

"Zoë Nightshade Jackson," I began causing her head to snap up, "I would never leave you for something you can't control. Just because I took that ring off does not mean that I am leaving you because of this. I have waited over ten millennia to be back with you and I fought against you when you were controlled by End. Every primordial would have to give up world domination before I broke up with you over a control problem. I love you until the ends of the Earth and I will continue loving you until my dying day."

Zoë smiled as I finished, "Thanks," she began as I saw the tears still rolling down her cheeks

"I understand if you're keeping any guilt for this," I began as I found her hand and held it. "But I had better not see you punishing yourself for it. Your parents forgive you as well as mine, they understand what happened." I forgive you and know what you went through when this was happening," I paused as I tilted her head to face me, "but as you can see I do not hate you. You didn't hate me when I had tried to kill you with the last two potions. Why should I hate you when the roles are reversed?"

"Because I killed your parents," she began with a sob, "I killed Annabeth and Percy," she paused. "I was about to kill your brother when you teleported me away but then I killed you."

"But I'm here," I began, "Irene intervened giving me a choice to bring back our parents or stay alive. Both of them would probably have strangled me if I chose them over myself. They were saying things like it was their time and that our rule over Olympus may very well be destined to be longer than theirs. Both of them sort of chastised me as I started apologizing because I saw mom before she went off to hold you back and keep you from the thrones. I felt bad because Annabeth sacrificed herself to save me and there I was asking my mother to have everyone else hold you back to spare me the time to get ready and teleport you to me. Everyone there glared daggers at me including Irene," I paused as I remembered the goddess's question. "Irene had asked me how many immortals did it take to get to the gods and goddesses that myths were made about. Percy said too many to count which earned him a slap up against the head from Annabeth and a glare from my mother but he isn't wrong. I realized that they have been through so much and that none of them wanted to be immortal. They wanted their time to be done years ago," I paused, "Percy initially declined to become a god when it was first offered to him because he wanted to live a mortal demigod life. This time it was forced upon him and he didn't have a choice to take his father's throne and become King. The actions that Michael made you do doesn't make you the bad person," I paused, "you will always be the good person. Every time you are controlled I picture you fighting tooth and nail to get out of whatever is holding you back. No matter who is controlling you, making you do horrendous things, I will always think you are there battling and crying because everything hurts. I will always be there to help bring you back no matter if it's using your first name or your last."

Zoë's eyes shone with sadness as I looked into them, "I don't deserve you," she began, "you have been so kind and understanding that it's a wonder why I have someone like you after so long. A normal person would've left me long ago not caring who was in control of me."

"We have both made it clear that I am not a normal person," I interjected causing her to chuckle. "A normal person wouldn't hear you out," I began, "a normal person wouldn't wait for you to come back. Hades, a normal person wouldn't wait over ten millennia to be back with you most people just want someone in bed. But as we have made it clear now and all those years ago," I paused as I pulled her hands onto my lap. "I am nowhere near normal Jackson and you are never getting rid of me."

Zoë blushed as her forehead met mine, "No matter if another ten millennia has gone by without seeing each other?"

"I have waited ten millennia to see you Jackson," I began, "I can wait another ten more if it comes to that. I had answered yes to that question fully intending to spend an immortal life with you. To hell with death do us part, I intend to be together forever through thick and thin Jackson, you got it?"

Zoë's eyes brimmed with more tears as I finished, "Yes," she whimpered as I let go of her hands and took off my helmet. "Yes I do," she said as I smiled softly

"Good," I began, "now get in the water and regain your energy, I wouldn't put it past End to send Michael to attack that street if we're both gone," I looked at the sword that had pierced my gut. "You're going to need that as well," I said as she scooted closer to the ocean

"I don't want to," she began, "what if I am controlled and kill you this time?"

"Someone can help me freeze you or I can disarm you and kill End with it but I think you'd rather do that since he was the cause of your first death."

Zoë looked up at me and smirked as I tapped the symbol on my helmet, having the armor disappear and repair itself, "Where's your sword?"

I looked and realized she was referring to the one we found in Irene's land, "I gave Wolf Slayer to Aaron," I began, "I didn't want to accidentally kill you with it so he has that while Aph has her sword so they both have something to defend themselves with."

"Smart," Zoë began as I stood, "no," she said as I felt the wind pushing me down into her lap. "I need to know that you are here and this isn't a dream," she said after I yelped in surprise and glared at her

"You could have said something instead of using the wind to push me down," I growled as I pushed myself up to be closer to her. "Would this tell you that I'm here," I said before smashing my lips onto hers biting them to gain entrance. "Is that better," I asked once we parted

"Very much so," she began, "in fact, I want another," she finished before grabbing the back of my head to turn me so I was flat on my back before she kissed me

"As much as I'm enjoying this," I began, "I'm going to have to stop this."

Zoë pushed herself up, her hands deep in the sand next to my shoulders, "Why," she pouted

"We have to return to Phoenix Drop," I began, "the Demon Warlock is going to try and attack considering we're not there and what happened on Olympus. He's probably going to have End's help, at this point I can't tell who would be in charge in this fight but we need to assume that both have an agreement going on considering," I paused letting the rest of the explanation hang in the air. I was scared to go through this once more but I felt like I didn't need to explain anything else to her.

Zoë nodded, "I understand," she began, "you probably gave those two a scare considering you came in screaming so," she paused then shrugged. "Let's go make sure they're fine then we go home to check in with everyone."

"And so, you can claim your throne," I added causing her eyes to darken, "they wouldn't want you to beat yourself up about something you couldn't control. They also wouldn't allow you to give up a position just because their death was by your hands. I will help you with the explanations but you do have to take your place on Olympus as much as I would."

"Where would you be if I am to be imprisoned?"

I bit my lip, "I would wish to be with you," I began, "but being as the eldest to Leo I would have to take up his throne unfortunately but I would visit you as much as possible."

"You would risk being imprisoned with me?"

"I've been without you for over ten millennia," I reminded her once more, "there is no way in Hades that an Olympian jail cell is going to keep me away from you."

Zoë smiled, her fangs poking out making me soak in this moment of peace and cuteness as I felt it would be one of the last that we would have for a while. "I will have to agree with you on that Sammy," she began, "I want to test something before we go back though."

"What's that?"

'Can you hear me?'

I jumped as Zoë's voice echoed in the walls of my mind, "That's right," I began, "every immortal on Olympus shares a mental connection so we could communicate."

Zoë smiled, "Thank the Fates this works," she began, "I was afraid that you weren't given that considering that you were pretty late to being blessed as we were."

I smiled, 'I understand Zoë,' I began as I got an idea, 'To every surviving Olympian this is Sammy Valdez, eldest of Leo Valdez and future wife to Zoë Jackson. I ask you to understand that the actions that Lady Jackson was not of her own doing, there is a threat that shall be spreading to a town called Phoenix Drop. This threat is possibly partnered with End and has the power to control people of any strength. Keep your minds clear and strong, don't let anyone get through your barriers no matter the reason.'

"Smart," Zoë said after I looked into her eyes, "it is interesting to hear you call me Lady Jackson," she added causing me to blush

"You haven't exactly been given the title of King yet," I began as voices started speaking in my head. "So, I went with Lady Jackson since it seemed more suiting," I paused, "hang on," I added. 'I will speak with all of you when peace is with us, those of you who wish to fight with us in Phoenix Drop I will see you there with Lady Jackson. We are going to need all the help we can get. We will have mortals with us that will need to see through the Mist if you could please help us with that Hazel that would be greatly appreciated.'

"I think you're going to be a great Queen and battle strategist," Zoë began, "come on," she paused as I looked up at her. She had put her armor back on, her wings protruding from her back just like her ears and tail, "we have a war to fight."

'You two shall have my assistance as well as my husbands,' Hazel's voice began, 'I would say who else but as of right now everyone is just preparing because forces are marching to that town as we speak.'

I smiled, "Thanks Zo," I began as I put on my armor, 'Focus on preparing yourselves we will see you on the battlefield, Hazel.'

'See you soon my future Queen,' she replied causing me to freeze

"Welp," Zoë began, "I know what Hazel just called you."

"Is future Queen going to be a common title for me until I ascend the throne myself?"

Zoë nodded, "You'd better get used to it," she began as the hilt of the immortal killer sword appeared on her back. "It's going to be said a lot when you're around," she finished as I smiled

"Come one," I began offering my hand, "Hazel said that forces were already marching there as we were speaking we need to go now."

"One more kiss," she began with a pout, "good luck?"

I chuckled, "You got it," I began before I pulled on her breastplate and kissed her, "don't die on me, Jackson."

She smirked knowing that I pulled that line from the books, "I don't intend to," she said before her helmet appeared on her as well as mine. She grabbed onto my wrist and soon we found ourselves in front of the neighborhood.

"They're here," Aphmau exclaimed from behind me, "Aaron," she began, "the sword?"

"Right," he muttered, "Sammy," he began causing me to turn to face him as I was looking at who was assembled. "I wish to fight in my wolf form, I will not have the rage consume me as it did last time but I feel better fighting in that than Wolf Slayer."

I nodded before chuckling, "I'm glad that we sort of agreed on the name for this weapon," I began. "Very well I shall wield the weapon if you have no other people it would best suit it."

"It should be in the hands of the goddess of werewolves and that is whom everyone agrees upon," Aaron began, "Aph will be near me as well."

I smiled as I turned to the crowd, "People of Phoenix drop," I began, "fight whichever way you feel is comfortable Zoë and I shall not judge for it is how you are used to fighting considering we have not had the time to train. Please stay safe and may Irene bless our path," I said as I saw smiles appear on the mortal's faces and some of the Olympians faces

"Sammy look who's here," Zoë called to me as I turned to her my eyes widened

"Bi, Thaly," I exclaimed to the two people who stood in between Zoë and Luke

"Sammy," Bianca began, "you're alive?"

"Who are you?"

I bit my lip, best friends as mortal and close friends as legacies both of the sisters were cursed after turning on Olympus to take their father's throne. Thinking that they have learned from their lessons I thought of something that would work, "Samantha," I began as I looked at the blue eyes of mortal Thalia Jackson, "I am going to say something and I need an honest reaction you got it?"

The woman before me sighed, "All right but this better be good."

I smirked, before I spoke I looked at Zoë, "Go ahead, she was perhaps the closest to you as I would have ever been."

"Thanks," I said before looking back at the woman, "how much have you missed a Kind Friend, Thaly?"

Her eyes widened as I watched them change to their original color, "Sammy," she exclaimed before attacking me with a hug. "You trust us," she asked as everything came back to her

I nodded, "Bi knew Zoë and I in the mortal world," I began, "you, Bi, and I also knew each other in the mortal world from high school but I shall explain more later okay?"

Thalia nodded, "Thank you for trusting us," she began, "I do have my qualms with you dear," she said to Bianca, the last word dripping with venom.

"I expect nonetheless my love," Bianca began, "I was foolish to drag you into something that I only thought I would like for its power and I apologize."

Thalia's lips thinned into a line before she spoke, "We'll talk about this after the battle deal?"

"You got it," Bianca began, "thank you for at the very least taking the chance to hear me out."

I sighed in relief before I returned to Zoë's sighed, "Thank Irene," I muttered as I looked around us some more

"Where is Zoë," my sister's voice asked from my right, "I would like to see her not controlled before I fight with her."

I mentally groaned, "She's right her Naomi," I began as I poked my fiancé, "healthy and in control of her actions just if you see green eyes then run."

"Hey Naomi," Zoë began somewhat hesitantly, "sorry about all that happened on Olympus I will discuss it with everyone after this battle but we have to make sure the mortals are safe."

I nodded as I saw Aaron in his wolf form out of the corner of my eye, "Is there a way we could get them all some armor? I don't want to take any chances with them getting hurt, especially Aphmau since she holds the third piece of Irene's soul."

"I got it," Stephen chimed in, "I had already taken dad's throne considering everyone thought you were dead but after you ascend to the Queen's throne Naomi will take it."

I nodded, "Thank you, Stephan," I said just as I saw armor appear on the tenants of Phoenix Drop. "Here they come," I added as the roar of footsteps came to my ears, I held my breath as I watched them appear. At first, it was one by one but then it progressed into groups until End appeared

"How the Hades is he in a body of his own," Zoë muttered, "he shouldn't be able to reform in a hundred years."

"Zoë dear," I began, "please do remember how long I have been dead for and also consider that the world has been reborn since then."

There was some silence before Zoë answered, "You're right," she began, "who's that bald-headed bastard with him?"

Standing next to the man, a crooked smile on both of their faces, was a bald man with eyes that were similar to snakes. "That may be the Demon Warlock," I began then my eyes widened as horns appeared on his head and his skin darkened, "that is him."

"Do not attack until they do," Zoë announced, "yes your anger may get the best of you but keep your mind strong and wait until they attack."

"Ever the leader Miss Jackson," End began with a smirk, "you do realize that being the last to attack leads to a disadvantage?"

"My mother taught me to turn the other cheek," Zoë growled causing the Demon Warlock to laugh

"It's a shame someone like her isn't here to teach you how to watch your mouth," he said

"Her mother also taught most of us not to back down from those against you," I shot at him as I watched Zoë's knuckles turn white on the hilt of her sword. "Now are you going to attack first or keep spewing insults at us," I asked as I grabbed the hilt of my sword

"If you insist," End began, "if you may I would like to face you two myself," he said as the world was enveloped in darkness

'Keep Aphmau and the other Phoenix Drop tenants alive, we need at least her to complete a last-ditch plan to get rid of the other man,' I thought to the immortals, 'Best of luck to you all.'

"You want to fight both of us," Zoë began with a growl, "you got it."

"This will be so much fun," the brother of the creator said with a smile before he dived to attack us

Zoë and I both dodged to our opposite sides, 'Take low, I take high?'

I smirked as her simple words agreed with my thoughts, with a nod I went behind him using her invisibility cap so she was the main focus. Once there, I started hacking away at his unprotected legs attacking with every element that I was strong in and every weapon that I had the wind spirits helping me in my efforts. As soon as light shown through the darkness as the brother of the creator fell once more, a sword sticking from his armpits similar to how I killed him last. I didn't get a chance to enjoy the victory because as soon as I saw the blue sky I lost control of my body.

"I knew he was too weak to get revenge," a voice muttered as I watched myself stare Zoë down with a murderous glare. "He should've taken my advice and taken one of you on while I took control of the other."

"Release me and face us yourself you coward," I yelled at his voice as I fought against his hold dreading what I would return to

"That would be too easy for both of you," the Demon Warlock began with a chuckle, "I want to torture you so you wouldn't dare fight again."

I growled, "That will never happen no matter what you throw at me," I began, "I have seen her die many times over as well as my family. There is nothing to keep me from fighting for the ones I love. You can threaten to take them away from me but I will always know that they are with me."

Visions of Calypso, Zoë, Annabeth, Ari, Stephan, Luke, Bianca, Thalia, and everyone that I have considered as family in my mortal life as well as my legacy life flashed before my head.

"I will never back down," I screamed as I broke through the last barrier seeing Zoë impaled with one of my swords right in her armpit. "No," I breathed as I withdrew my sword dropping it as I caught her dispelling every wind spirit

"Good luck on your victory now," Michael said with a chuckle before he and every monster disappeared to show the remaining immortals and the tenants of Phoenix drop standing in shock

"Zoë please talk to me," I said as I held her in my lap, "I wasn't fast enough again and his defenses were almost too strong," I continued but a finger interrupted me

"Don't worry about me," she began with a lopsided grin

"How," I began, "you're dying and you're telling me not to worry about you when I was the one who was holding a sword that pierced you. How can you be smiling at a time like this Jackson?"

"Because Valdez," she began as she began to push herself up, "he got the wrong armpit," she finished as she moved the arm that still had the guard on it

I stared at her, a smile forming on my face as the tears turned into tears of joy before I launched myself to her wrapping my arms around her neck. I started crying for joy, "Don't scare me like that," I began as I pushed away to look into her eyes, "you are most definitely my Smart Guppy."

"Is it over," Aphmau's voice asked as I shook my head

"One threat is gone," I began as I held onto her hands, "the Demon Warlock remains but now he knows that everyone he's up against won't go down so easily."

"You got that right," Aaron said with a pained smile, "we should take care of what wounded we have. Luckily there are no casualties in this battle," he informed causing a grin to form on my face

"Let's get to healing the injured," I began, "we'll need that last resort plan after all. I almost didn't get through those defenses that he had placed," I informed, causing Aphmau's shoulders to sag, "I'm sorry to say this but we're going to need Irene for this war."

She nodded, "I'm sorry that it comes to this," she whispered

"There is no need for you to apologize," I began as I took out a water bottle and healed Zoë's injury. "There is no way you would've known that this could happen the most that we can do now is train you and help your body prepare for the battle."

"What do you mean," Aphmau asked as I helped Zoë stand up

"An untrained body is more easily injured than a trained body," Zoë said as she draped her arm over my shoulders. "But everyone should rest now, there are things we need to attend to on Olympus before we train everyone."

"What may be so important to take care of on Olympus that presides over this," Zane asked attitude dripping from the question

I sighed, "If you must know Mr. Ro'Meave," I began, "the actions that Michael had made Zoë do cause the death of the King and Queen of Olympus. Zoë here is the eldest heir to the Olympian throne and me being her fiancé means we have to be crowned as King and Queen respectively."

Silence fell over the area as everyone looked at us, "Was Aphmau the only one who knew?"

I chuckled, "No Zoë," I began, "nobody in Phoenix Drop knew that we were royalty aside from the fact that we were goddesses. Remember about how we talked to Aph about bowing to us once she bowed to me after I told her about me being the werewolf goddess?"

"That's right," she began, "I thought it was the fact that we were royalty."

"Now that I think about it I thought we did mention something of that manner but I believe it was one of the many times that we discussed it," I muttered

"No," Aaron began, "you mentioned that you were part of royalty but you never said anything about being heirs to a throne."

I sighed, "Every legacy is an heir to their parent's throne at this point," I began, "if nothing were to happen to Percy or Annabeth but something was to happen to my father then I would take his throne. In this case where both of my parents, as well as Zoë's, was killed then Zoë and I take the throne of King and Queen whereas my siblings take our parents' roles."

"What was your mother's role on Olympus," Lucinda asked as everyone else just looked at each other

I sighed, "Calypso was a minor goddess of winds," I began, "she would house wind spirits when they didn't have a place to go. It fit her because her main power when she was in Ogygia was the use of wind spirits as they helped her on the island."

"So, who will take her role," Aphmau asked as I turned to her

"Stephan will take our mother's position while Naomi will take our fathers," I paused, "we will still keep the domains that we were blessed with but we will also carry the domains of the thrones we take."

"Go ahead," Aaron began as his fiancé nodded, "we can take care of each other."

I smiled, "Thank you, Aaron," I began, "not many people understand that or keep asking questions."

"One more question," Aphmau began, "you two aren't married then how will Sammy be Queen?"

My lips pressed into a line as I looked at Zoë, "I suppose we're going to have to have a quick wedding," she said with a sigh. "As much as we both would like to have a full wedding we don't have the time for that and Olympus needs a Queen."

I wrapped my arm around her waist, "We need to get going," I began, "we need to rest and prepare for this. I promise we'll be back as soon as we're done," I finished, "I don't know about Zoë but I am exhausted from that battle."

"I'm exhausted," she began, "we might be gone for three or four days if some of you can train Aphmau that would be greatly appreciated."

"I will train her," Zane began, "and I'm pretty sure Aaron would also love to assist me."

"That I will," he said with a nod, "you two take care of yourselves the battle may have only injured one of you physically but it was a mental battle for most of us."

I smiled softly, "Thank you," I began, "if you would please either go into your houses or turn around everyone should be leaving and our teleportation can kill mortals who see it."

Everyone nodded before they either turned around to tend to any wounded or went into their houses. "Let's go," Zoë said, "we need to hurry. I know how much you wanted a big wedding but we do not have the time for that now."

I nodded, "I understand," I began, "we need to do this sooner rather than later so I agree let's go."

Zoë smiled, "I love you so much," she said before we flashed away to Olympus and a quick marriage to rise to our respective thrones.