As she walked into her room, she saw that Zihao was sitting by the window. He was reading a book he had in his hand and a cup of tea in the other.
"Finally walking around I see? Why not come and see the rest of the family?" she asked him. He looked up at her and nodded. "It would be an honor to meet the people who saved me" he replied. She nodded and went to the bathing room and freshened up before walking back to her room. She had on a pale pink robe and left her hair with no ornaments in it.
She walked back to her room and saw tha the had been still sitting where she had left him the fisrt time. She motioned for him to follow her and they walked towards the dining hall. The guard opened the door and they walked in.
Her uncle looked up and chocked a little. "Father are you okay?" Yue Li asked as she slightly pat his back. He nodded and looked up a the man behind his niece. Zihao motioned for him not to say anything by placing a finger on his mouth.
Her uncle nodded at him and smiled at his daughter, reassuring her that he is fine. "You must be the guest my niece and daughter had brought here. We heard you had been wounded, are you well?" Yusheng asked as Zihao sat next to Wei Lian.
"Yes I am well. Your niece has been a great hostess and has taken care of me" he said as he sipped some tea. "That is good. Please if you need anything their are servants here and you could also ask my niece or son for help as well" Yusheng said.
They continued to eat breakfast and after, Zihao walked with Yusheng towards the study. When Yusheng closed the door her bowed slightly to Zihao. "Your majesty, we have been lookign everywhere for you" he said. "Please let us not be formal with each other when we are outside the palace. It was your niece who indeed saved me from what has happened" he replied as he sat down.
"Your father has been worried sick and has had general Ai look everywhere for you" Yusheng said as he sat at the other side of the table. "Let them contiune looking. I can not go back without finding out who did this to me" he said as he looked outside the window. "What do you want me to do then?" Yusheng asked.
"Well firstly I will be writing a letter to my father. I want you to request a private audience with him. Make sure no one will hear what you and him wil be talking about" he said as he took the paper and ink and started writing.
"When shall I send this letter?" he asked as he stood up. "Today will be best. The sooned my father knows that I am, the sooner I can get things in order. And also I would like to keep my identity a mystery to your family members. I think it is best that they do not know who I am" Zihao said.
"As you wish you majesty" Yusheng said as he bowed and gestureed that they should go out the room.
While they had their meeting, Wei Lian was sitting with her cousin as they taught them how to paint. She didnt get the chance to learn these at her grandfathers place. She decided that it would be wise to learn the arts but only for fun.
"How does it feel doing lady things?" Yue Li asked as she turned to Wei Lian. "Well it isnt something I like doing. It might jsut be a hobby to me" she said as she shrugged her shoulders.
"So fighting is better?" "Yes. I like the art of war and the thought of it gives me adrenaline. Not only so but it is better if I know how to fight than how to draw. Drawing would not save me from being kidnapped" she replied as she countinued to draw.
"Mm, fair enough" Yue Li replied. They finished the lesson and walked towards the garden that was in front of Yue Li's chambers.
"So when is the wedding?" Wei Lian asked as she sipped some tea. "In a months time as father suggested. I still can not believe I will be getting married" she said as she looked down at her tea.
Wei Lian took her hand and softly held Yue Li's hands. "All in good timing. You will be fine. If he does you wrong I shall strike him with my sword for sure" she said as she smiled at Yue Li.
"Tsk. Do not say such Mei-Mei" Yue Li said as she warned Wei Lian softly.
"So what will you do with our guest?" She asked as she changed the topic. "Well it is up to uncle. It is his manor so whatever he says, we must follow" Wei Lian said.
"Indeed. Father is the head of the house so we can not question his decisions" Yue Li said as she sipped some time and glanced behind Wei Lan.
"Father is on his way here it appears" she said as she got up and Wei Lian followed swiftly. They both bow to Yusheng who came with Zihao.
"No need to bow. Wei Lian my dear I must leave you with our guest. Please do take him everywhere he needs to go while I look into finding his family. I will be gone for a few days so please do take care of him as well. I think training will also do so that he can heal up even faster" her uncle to instructed her.
"Will do uncle" she replied as she smiled softly. "Great. Let me bid farewell to you both. I will go see your mother Yue Li now before I leave. Please do take care of her" he said tensely.
"Of course father" she replied as she bowed. Soon Yusheng had left them and they sat in silence.