Lucy Heartfilia

Turns out, Fairy Hills wasn't as big as I thought.

After Jellal, Erza, and the others come and settle down, I realized that I was running out of room. I ran into my room and quickly changed out of my nightgown.

I grabbed a black tank top that had the words "I'm A Fairy. Beat that" and slid into my blue ripped jeans. I pulled out a piece of candy from my storage and popped it into my mouth as I laced up the strings on my boots. I ran out of the room, grabbing Gemini's key and my jacket. Levy and Ever decided to make me a jacket with a FairyTail logo on the back so I wouldn't have to always pull down my shirt.

I teleported to Gramps's office to talk about the new problem we had. A thought flashed through my head and I ended up teleporting in front of the S-Clas board missions. I quickly scanned through them all and grabbed the one that caught my eyes. A mission that gave a Celestial key. I teleported back to my original destination with the paper in my hand.

"Gramps. We need separate housing for the genders," I said, landing just in front of the door.

I blinked as I noticed the other people in the office. I tilted my head as I looked at all of them. My eyes widened before I glared at the man on the right. Ivan Dreyer.

"Don't you discipline your kids?" the man on the left said. The outfit made him stand out so I'm guessing Council. Tch. Council people. Hate 'em. I rolled my eyes as I slapped the paper on his desk.

"I'm going. See you in an hour." With that, I jumped out his window and teleported to the spot where the mission was. I appeared in front of a broken-down house in a tiny town. I looked around the place and met eye contact with a monster that was holding a kid.

I kept my eye contact with it even as it came running at me, its hand reaching for me.

"Ice-Make: Hawk," I shouted, wanting to try out the training that stripper, I mean Gray, put me through. A tiny bird appeared in my hand and started pecking the confused monster. I groaned and ran straight at the monster, a fireball in my hand.

I slapped the monster in the chest, the fireball passing through his skin and burning up his internal organs. With a shriek, the ugly green furball fell on its side, the kid crying.

I helped the kid out as my failure replayed in my head. A dove. A dove. I summoned a frickin dove when I wanted a hawk! Damn it.

"Haha! I told you your creations were too cute for your own good!" Gray's voice rang in my head.

I scowled as the kid trembled, pointing to something behind me. I turned around and punched the thing straight in the face, encasing it in ice.

"Damn you. It's your fault I failed! Now I'm gonna get laughed at by Gray!" I howled, launching attacks at the monsters with every word.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw the villagers come out of their hiding spots and watched me fight. Minutes later, all the monsters were down and I was almost out of magic. I mean, I'm down to 70%! I wasted so much. TT^TT

"T-Thank you so much!" an elderly lady cried, hugging me.

"You're welcome!" I smiled. "I'm sorry I couldn't report to you that I was here, but the kid came first."

The crowd gasped as a person from the back yelled," You're a wizard? Which guild saved us?"

I grabbed my hair and swept it to my right side, showing my FairyTail insignia on my jacket.

"I put the symbol on my jacket because the insignia's on my back," I explained.

"Thank you for rescuing me. But what if the monsters come back?" the kid I rescued asked, tugging on my jacket.

I chuckled as I took out Gemini's key.

"Open, Gate of the twins, Gemini!"

A kid that looked exactly like me popped out with a smile. It nodded at me. A small smile appeared. Guess they knew what I was thinking of. We held hands and I pressed my forehead against theirs as we started chanting a spell. One that we practiced a lot to protect FairyTail and Fairy Hills.


Oh shining stars

Bestow your blessing upon us

Protect these people of mine with your power

Barrier of 99 Stars!


A faint yellow barrier shimmered as it covered the village. Gemini and I turned towards the village as we told them about the barrier.

"You can go out the barrier as you please," I said, putting my hand outside the barrier.

"But no demons or monsters can go in," Gemini finished, a smile on its face while monsters behind it started hammering the shield.

"This shield will follow your village everywhere you go until you have found a new place to settle down with the right tools to protect yourself."

I smiled at them as Gemini vanished in the smoke of sparkles. The elderly woman that thanked me earlier put 2 keys in my hand: Aries and Scorpio. I looked at them sadly. Karen must've died already. Then... where's Leo?

I shook all my thoughts from my head as I realized that she had also put the money in my hands. I bowed to them as I teleported back to the guild, knocking on Gramps' door.

"Come in!"

"Don't come in!"

"NOW who is it?"

I kicked open the door, my hands in my pocket. My thumb rubbed over the keys as I made a silent promise in my head. I walked into the room as I pointed to the paper that I left on his desk.

"One S-Class quest is done. I'm gonna build another building in the back for the boys, okay?"

Gramps looked at me in disbelief before sighing. "Do as you wish. I can't stop you anyway, can I brat?"

I chuckled as I turned on my heels, walking out of his office.

"Did she just say S-Class?" the three men shouted. Welp, my cue to leave. I teleported to the middle of town, landing on a blonde girl.

"Oh my Mavis. I'm so sorry," I said, getting up, holding out my hand to help her up.

She took it gladly as a taller blonde woman came running over.

"Lucy sweetheart, are you okay?" the blonde woman fretted, patting down her daughter's clothes. I felt my face go pale. I just landed on Lucy Heartfilia.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see where I was teleporting. I was just trying to get to a carpenter's shop. I must've done something wrong," I rambled, nervously.

Layla chuckled and patted my head, shutting me up. "We're going to the same place. Care to join us?"

I mutely nodded, my cheeks red with embarrassment. We walked down the street, Layla and Lucy happily chatting with me. We were halfway through the street when I heard someone shouting "Watch out!"

I heard Layla gasp as I turned to look in the direction the shout came from. A runaway carriage. The driver was asleep and the horses were spooked by someone or something. I pulled a key out of my pocket and quickly looked at it, sighing with relief that I grabbed the right one.

"Open, Gate of the Ram, Aries!"

"I'm sorry!" she cried, shooting a ball of wool at the carriage, stopping it inches from us.

We sighed in relief as I hugged Aries, or tried. I'm still really short. 5 years old, remember?

"Thank you so much, Aries," I murmured, tears prickling my eyes. We could've died. I could've died if I didn't on that quest. No, Lucy and Layla might've gotten injured whether or not I went.

"Calm down. Breathe slowly," a calm soothing voice said.

That's when I realized I was hyperventilating and I followed her orders.

"Sorry about that," I muttered as Lucy squealed and hugged Aries.

"It's fine," Layla insisted.

"No, really. We should get you guys checked for any injuries," I said.

"After we buy the wood," Layla said, pulling little Lucy away from Aries. Lucy pouted and a small smile broke onto my face as I ruffled her hair.

"I'll bring her over to play more. How's that sound?" I said softly, looking into Lucy's bright hazel eyes. Who could've imagined the broken girl who lost her best friend in the Tartaros Arc would be this bright little girl?

"Okay!" she giggled. "What's your name?"

"Lilith. Call me Lily."

"Okay, Lili-nee!"

"N-not Lili. Lily. L-I-L-Y," I sputtered, trying to convince. Layla chuckled watching the two of us as she ushered us into the store.

She began talking to the shopkeeper as I kept trying to convince Lucy. 10 minutes passed before Layla came back. 10 minutes was long enough for me to quit. There was no convincing Lucy. What she wants, she gets.

A new lesson learned: Never underestimate puppy eyes from a Celestial Wizard.

"Are you done?" I asked Layla. She nodded as she picked up Lucy.

I walked over to the shopkeeper and put the bag of money on the counter. I used wind magic to lift me a little higher so I could talk to him face to face.

"Do you have any magic-proof wood?" He stopped for a second before nodding.

"I've got about 5 tons of it," he said.

I quickly did the math in my head and pointed at the bag on the counter.

"That's about 10 million Jewels in there. Do you think that's enough to buy all of it?"

His eyes widened but nodded. "That's exactly enough."

I pushed the bag of money towards him. "Can I take it now?"

He showed me to the back of the room, Layla and Lucy following us. My eyes widened as I looked at the wood.

They had a little sparkle in them, like a tiny hint of a rainbow. You know, when you have a prism or a cup of water and put it at a certain angle where a rainbow appears. That's what the wood looked like.

I quickly put all the wood into my storage; the shopkeeper's jaw dropped. I turned around to a bewildered Layla and Lucy.

"Now, let's go get your injuries checked out," I grabbed their hands and dragged them out of the shop.

"Wait, Miss!"

I turned around to see the shopkeeper.

"Tell me your guild. Since you used 10 million jewels in one purchase, you get a discount on all further purchases," he panted.

I smiled as I tied up my hair, my platinum hair looking pale pink in the sunset. He and Layla gasped as he saw my symbol.

I smiled as I took Layla and Lucy's hands.

"Bye, Uncle Wood-Keeper!" I shouted as I teleported us straight to FairyTail. A table came flying at us and Layla screamed, throwing herself over us.

"Scorpio!" I shouted, my hand over his key.

"We are!" he shouted, creating a sandstorm in the guild, knocking over everyone but Gramps, Ivan ( Dang it. Missed him ), and the Council Member.

"Nice one, Scorpio!" I cheered as Lucy looked at me in excitement.

I turned to Lucy, who was tugging on my sleeve. "I wanna be strong like you so I can protect Mommy and Daddy!"

I chuckled. "Do any of you have Aquarius on you?"

Layla handed me the key as I escorted them to the clinic. Laxus, who was already inside, looked at me in surprise.

"Take good care of them, Laxi-nii!" I pecked his cheeks before skipping out of the room.

"Aquarius! Your boyfriend's here!" I shouted, dipping her key in a cup of freshwater that Lisanna got me.

She came out, scowling at me before hugging Scorpio. I waved at them and handed Scorpio a piece of paper.

"Good restaurant and don't worry about it. I can keep you guys out here as long as I have 15% left in me. Go have fun."

With that being said, I pushed the two Zodiacs out the door, my friends all staring at me.

I sat down on the floor, surrounded by sand. I drew symbols into the sand as Juvia, Erza, and Gray blocked everyone, mostly Natsu, from stepping on it.

I closed my eyes and opened them, to find myself above the guild, in something like an editor mode. Nice.

I opened the menu bar and pulled out the wood. I selected all the wood from the guildhall and replaced it with the new wood I bought. I did the same for Fairy Hills and the new dorm I built for the boys. I looked at the stack. I still had 6 tons left. Why not upgrade the guildhall?


I exited out of the editor mode and found myself sitting on the new wood. I grabbed Natsu and pushed his head into the floor, getting laughter from everyone.

"Ow!" he shouted. He put his hand on the floor as he surrounded himself in fire.

I quickly pushed him out of the way. No marks. "Not bad. Physical and Magical proof."

"Don't tell me..." Gramps groaned, now standing on the third floor. Layla, Lucy, and Laxi-nii stared at me in disbelief from the new second floor.

I chuckled and threw my hands out.

"Meet the new FairyTail Guildhall!" I shouted, gaining everyone's attention.

"The walls and floor are both magic and physical proof, which means we don't have to pay for it anymore. Fairy Hills and Fairy Valleys are made from the same material as well as the new arena for any fights. The Third Floor of the hall is for the Guild Master, Second Floor remains the same but the clinic is bigger. The main point is that we save the Master more money to pay off for all those towns you're going to destroy in your missions," I cheered.

Everyone roared and laughed at my last sentence. Lisanna sighed and went into the kitchen to get drinks and food, Ever and Levy following her to help.

"It's true though."

They looked at each other, pale before partying again. Gramps looked at me and mouthed something to me.


I smiled. Anything for the Guild.

"Anyways, kiddo. How'd you get the money?" Gramps asked, the attention once again drawn to me.

I blinked and tilted my head. I looked at him innocently. "Didn't I tell you? I got it from the S-Class mission."

"You went on an S-Class mission?" Lisanna squealed, hugging.

"That's amazing!" Erza exclaimed.

"Lili-nee is amazing!" Lucy boasted, walking up to me.

"LILI-NEE?!" the guild exclaimed. Gramps was still out. Probably from shock.

I ruffled her hair. "Meet Lucy Heartfilia."

I turned to Layla. "Care to stay for dinner?"

She shook her head. "We can't intrude on you-"

"Nonsense! Everyone's welcome!" Natsu yelled.

"Shut up, Flamebrain! We can hear you perfectly fine!" Gray hollered.

"What'd you say, Ice Prick?" Natsu growled.

"Go to the Arena to fight," I growled at them.

"A-Aye, sir!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"It'll be fine. I'll bring over Jude. It'll be fun," I said, teleporting quickly to Jude's coordinates. Which was the woodshop.

"Hiya! Looking for Lucy?" I said, tapping on his shoulder.

He turned around and shook my shoulders. "You know where they are?"

"They were almost in an accident but they're fine. Remember, I said almost. Now, come with me." Not giving him time to protest or agree, I teleported back to FairyTail and left him with Lucy and Layla.

I walked over to Jellal and informed him of the new living conditions. He nodded and went to talk to the other boys. I walked over to the girls and sat down next to them with a sigh. I looked at Lisanna and Mira, who were chatting happily with each other. It won't be long until they're not together anymore...

I sat up suddenly and ran to my room, ignoring all the calls behind me. I closed my door and set up a barrier, not letting anyone in. I shoved papers off my desk until I saw the one I needed. My project. I almost forgot.

And I'm almost out of time. I sank to my knees as I pulled the 3 Zodiac keys from my pocket.

"Wait for me, Lisanna. I promise I'll save you this time."