I clenched my fist, the paper getting crinkled.
"Almost done!" a voice shouted from outside. Levy.
I quickly grabbed my keys and grabbed a ribbon. I tied up the parchment with it and ran for the window. I threw open the window at the same second the door was thrown open. I turned around to see Laxus, Levy, Ever, and the others look at me.
"Lili-nee? What's going on?" Lucy asked innocently.
I looked at her before shifting my gaze to her mother. Layla Heartfilia. She's not supposed to be here. Natsu and Layla aren't supposed to be here, or rather, at the same time. Looking at Layla, it seems like I have less than a week left.
With that, I turned around and jumped out of the window. Did I mention we were on the fourth floor? I heard Levy and Laxus scream.
"Oh my Mavis!"
"You're going to get hurt!"
"We got to get down there! Let me pass!"
I teleported to the middle of the forest just before I touched the ground. I gently landed on the edge of a well.
"Rise water. Show thee thy secret," I murmured. The water in the well raised up before parting to reveal an ancient book.
I snatched the book and put the water back in the well. Laxus knew this place. I had no time to spare. I teleported straight to Tenroujima, collapsing on the beachside. I panted. Who knew it would take so much magic?
Overseas travel was never my thing. Here's another reason why.
"Mavis Vermillion!" I shouted.
The trees swayed with the wind. No response.
"Lumen Historie! Fairy Tactician!"
Still, nothing.
"I can bring Zera back and save you and Zeref from your curse!" I yelled. This was a last resort answer. I wasn't confident in this, but I was sure I could definitely save Layla and Ur if Mavis helped. Zera, Zeref, and herself was a whole other problem.
"What did you say?" a soft, yet chilling voice said from behind me.
I turned around and sighed in relief. "Thank God, Mavis. I was about to give up."
"I'm guessing you're a FairyTail member since you can see me," she said. She shook her head. "That's not the point. You said... you could reverse this?"
"I know you got your hands on Capricorn's keys and that you know how to activate sub-world magic," I explained.
Her eyes widened as she realized my plan. "You... You want to make a sub-world to put our souls in there. Then have us heal ourselves to the point where we can materialize."
I nodded. She was definitely smart like they said.
"You're only 5-" she protested.
"I'm 16 mentally, 5-years-old in this body, and technically 21 overall," I grimaced. Just hearing myself say that sounds cringy and confusing. "But that's not important. I have one week to save someone."
I looked at Mavis, who was looking at me hesitantly. "Please, Mavis. I need to do this to save everyone."
She pursed her lips and sighed. She motioned for me to follow her as she walked into the forest. I smiled and ran after her.
"What would happen after we materialize? Won't our bodies crumble under all the magic pressure?" she asked, jumping over a root.
"That's the tricky part. All the magic your body can't hold, I'll take it."
She turned around, horrified. "There's no way you can-"
"Origin Awakening," I interrupted. Her eyes widened before sighing.
"I figured you would say that. We're here," she sighed. Mavis pointed at a nearby tree with a lump of dirt over it. "The key is right under that tree."
I scurried over and dug out Capricorn's key. I put some magic through it to check on his condition. He wasn't taken over yet. Thank Mavis. I put him in my pocket with the other keys and I could have sworn I heard them cheering.
A book wacked me on the head and fell in front of me. I picked up and scowled at the girl who was just inches taller than me.
"Sub-world magic," I read aloud.
She nodded. "You said you only have a week. That's going to be difficult. The number of souls you can hold determines the number of people you can save."
"I only need one in one week. I have 3 months before the other one disappears," I said looking at her. Sadly, the queen died years before I came so I couldn't save her. I'm sorry, Hisui.
"Then your Second Origin should be enough," she mused. She walked over to me and put her hands on my back.
She looked at me, her hands still glowing.
"I need magic. Ran out," I said sheepishly. She sighed, but there was a small smile on her face.
"How about we start after an hour?" she suggested, her hands dimming.
I nodded in response as I began breathing in and out deeply. Best part about Wind Magic, you could replenish your magic just by breathing. Handy right?
After 10 minutes, my magic was full. I picked up the book and read through it quickly. Hey, I might not have magic glasses, but I can read through books quickly. It comes in handy.
"Mavis," I called, closing my eyes. She quickly scurried over, putting her hands on my back.
The spell differs per magic-user. Each user could have a different purpose for using it, therefore making the spell different each time. You can choose the price you pay, but only it only works if the spell acknowledges it.
Mavis even told me that because of it, not many have succeeded. Did I mention I only get one shot at this? I inhaled and exhaled slowly. I began chanting the spell, the words flowing out of my mouth.
I require a space to save friends and family
To hold their souls til they heal
I sacrifice my magic as the price, not my life
So they can enjoy their lives and see their children and loved ones
I do so to protect the world, my friends, my Nakama
My name is Lilith Winters, an orphan
I ask that you accept my plea for this world for this will change the future
For the better
I suppressed a cry as I started feeling the side effects of opening my Second Origin, but I could feel my magic container expand. I frowned. My magic was depleting faster than it could regenerate. At this rate, I might end up with MDD, Magic Deficiency Disease.
"Mavis! Third Origin!" I screamed as the pain from the Second Origin started decreasing.
"But your body-" she insisted.
"If you don't," I inhaled sharply as I felt the side effects of my magic depleting faster than before as I held up the spell. "I'll die of MDD or worse, no magic."
Mavis hesitated before activating my Third Origin. I let out a bloodcurdling scream as the pain took over, but it did the trick. My magic was coming back faster than it depleted.
'I have seen your fate', a voice boomed, scaring Mavis and I. 'You are worthy of this world. You are the only person who has succeeded in 1,000 years. I will bestow upon you another world, a safe haven for you and anyone you want to bring in. I will expand your magic container to supply the magic for it. I trust you.'
My eyes widened at the news. Another safe haven for ourselves? This was more than I could hope for. I felt my container expand even bigger and a ring on a silver chain materialized before me. I felt the cold metal touch my skin as the clasp in the back melted.
This shall hide your magic presence as well as limit it. Don't worry about killing someone accidentally with your magic.
Yeah, I was kind of worrying about that. -.-"
No one can touch nor see this except those you trust. This is my gift to you, daughter of the Stars, defier of Fate, she who is loved by all beings.
His voice lowered to a whisper as the wind started picking up. Thunder clouds were gathering above us.
Be safe, Lilith Winters...
With a loud thunderclap, he disappeared. I laid down on my back and Mavis did the same, exhausted. We looked at each other and laughed.
"T-thanks Mavis," I wheezed out, my stomach hurting from laughter and pain.
"N-no problem," she responded, breathing heavily.
We laid there, staring at the sky until dawn. Neither of us took a nap at all. It felt... peaceful and nice to laugh with her. Like... I had done it before. Come to think of it, old thunderclap said one last word at the end. I didn't hear it though; he was super quiet.
Oh well. I don't think it was anything important.
"Hey, Mavis. How many people do you think I can hold right now?" I asked.
She got up and stretched before looking over at me.
"5 people."
"Estimate or for sure?" I asked.
"For sure," she said. "Why?"
"Mind if I take Lumen Historie?" I asked.
"Okay," she chirped.
"What? No way!" Gramps exclaimed.
Yeah, I was back in Magnolia and I brought Gramps into the new safe haven to explain everything. He was worried one second and yelling the next. Change moods much? -.-"
"Mavis already agreed!" I protested.
"Yeah, I did!" Mavis said, cartwheeling over.
"First Master!" Gramps looked shocked.
Also, don't ask how I got her in here. Mavis... is special. Her form right now isn't exactly a soul, but it isn't a body or hologram either. It's... complicated.
"Just let her. I trust her. Plus, my body will be back in tiptop shape within 3 years!" she cheered.
Gramps sighed. He waved his hand at me. I brought us straight to the basement where Lumen Historie was. The two of them were watching as I put my tiny against the giant crystal coffin.
I stopped as I looked up at her. I realized I didn't know the words to activate the spell, but my mouth (stupid mouth) moved by itself again.
"I wish to take you to my paradise. Do you, Mavis Vermillion, accept?" I whispered.
The body glowed for a second before it disappeared. I felt my magic draining as I fell to my knees.
"Brat!" Gramps yelled, running over.
"Don't touch me! It might try to take your magic," I winced.
He backed away a bit as the magic started slowly decreasing at such a slow rate, you wouldn't even know it was depleting. We all sighed in relief.
I looked at Mavis. "As your body returns back to its former state, curse free, your, uh, hologram will start fading."
She nodded before hugging me. "Thank you, Lily."
I hugged her back. I saw Gramps trying not to cry. I motioned for him to join our hug. He came running over and hugged us.
"Thank you, Mavis, Gramps. Thanks for giving me another shot at life, at family," I whispered, before fainting from exhaustion.
I silently groaned and pulled the covers over my head as soon as I heard arguing. I was in the FairyTail Infirmary with Mavis sleeping on a chair to my left, Laxus on my right.
And guess which two idiots decided to fight in front of my door? My sleep!
I groaned out loud as the shouting got louder. I sat up, swung my legs over the bed edge, hopped down, and stomped over to the door. I slammed it open to see Gray and Natsu fighting.
"No fighting while someone's SLEEPING!" I shrieked, kicking them both across the room.
I walked over to them and grabbed their ears.
"Am I understood?" I said, furious.
They nodded quickly and I dropped them, scowling.
"Tch. Only idiots fight first thing in the morning," I muttered. I walked back to the room, pushed Laxus out, and locked the door.
"W-what the? Open the door this instant!" he roared, banging on the door with his fists.
"I'm changing. Open the door and I swear to God I will kick you to Mt. Hakube!" I screamed. "That goes for everyone outside!"
It suddenly got quiet outside. I rolled my eyes as I changed out of my clothes and requipped into new ones.
I yanked the ribbon off the parchment and threw the paper back into my storage space. I held the ribbon in my mouth as I gathered up my hair in front of a body-length mirror.
Not bad, I mused.
I went with a sky blue tank top and white jeans. My black FT jacket was tied around my waist. I grabbed the ribbon and tied my hair up into a high ponytail. I turned around and noticed that you could now see the FT symbol on my back.
Not gonna lie, I'm digging this look.
"Just wear it then," Mavis said, drowsily.
"Morning to you too, sunshine!" I smiled.
She groaned. "You're only up because those two kids were yelling."
I pouted. "Like you weren't."
She gave me a tired smile and got out of her chair. I opened the door to see all my friends at the door.
"Who's behind you?" Levy asked.
"Where? I don't see anyone behind Lili-nee!" Lucy said, jumping.
I sighed as Mavis waved to them. I forgot. Only FairyTail members can see Mavis.
"Mavis, you know some of them. Levy, Ever, Cana, Stripper," I said, pointing at each one.
"Hey!" Gray shouted.
"Gray, clothes," Cana called. Gray yelped and ran off to find his clothes. Natsu burst out laughing.
"The one laughing is blowtorch," I said.
"What did you call me?" Natsu yelled.
"Did you say something?" I turned towards him, my aura leaking out.
"N-no ma'am!" he squeaked.
"The red-haired girl and the blue-haired boy are Erza and Jellal." They smiled and waved when they heard their names.
"The blonde glaring at you right now is Laxi-nii, but you can call him Sparky."
"Can not," Laxus scowled.
"Please?" Mavis said, looking at him with puppy eyes.
He flinched and his eyes softened a bit. I smirked as I joined in the act.
"Please, Laxi-nii? Just her?"
He groaned. "I'm not going to win either way, am I?"
"Nope!" we chimed before bursting out in laughter.
"Anyways, this is Mavis. Fairy Tactician and First Master Mavis Vermillion," I said proudly.
Everyone looked at me with their mouths open. I giggled as I discreetly looked over at Layla. She was coughing and talking to Jude and Lucy.
I walked over to them, leaving Mavis with my friends.
"Could I talk to you guys privately?" I asked, quietly.
Jude and Layla looked at each other before nodding.
"Lucy, why don't you go play?" Jude said pushing her away gently.
"Actually, she needs to come as well," I interrupted, drawing their attention.
"It's about Layla."
"This place is cool!" Lucy screamed, running around the flower field. I smiled at the scene. She looked so happy. I was going to make sure she stayed this way.
"Open, Gate of the Goat, Scorpion, Twins, Ram, Water Bearer! Capricorn, Scorpio, Gemini, Aries, Aquarius!" I chanted. I think I know why Lucy was called Cheerleader by Bix...
"Lucy! Want to play?" I called. I quickly walked over to Scorpio and Aquarius and pushed them out of the world. I winked at them.
"Enjoy your date. Here's some money," I dumped about 10 bags of money into their hands. Did I mention there are probably 100,000 jewels in each bag?
I walked back to Layla and Jude, who were watching Lucy play with the spirits.
"What did you want to talk about?" Jude asked, tearing his eyes off Lucy to look at me.
I sighed and looked at Layla.
"You know why we're here, right?"
Layla's eyes widened before looking down. She clenched her fists.
"How did you-? Never mind," she whispered.
"Why this long, Layla?" I asked.
"I-I just couldn't..." she started sobbing.
"How long?"
"W-what?" she asked.
"How much longer do you have?" I repeated.
Jude looked at his wife, then me.
"What are you guys talking about?" he said, scooping up Lucy who came running over.
I sighed. "Do you want to tell them or me?"
"I-I don't have much left in me," she admitted. "I used it all opening the time gate two weeks ago."
Jude put down Lucy and hugged his wife.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he whispered.
"Mama?" Lucy said, tugging her skirt.
I hugged Lucy and rubbed her back soothingly.
"It's okay. She's a little bit sick. Aunty Layla's just going to stay with me for a bit. Okay, Lucy?" I said.
"B-but can't Mommy stay with us?" Lucy said, her bottom lip trembling.
"Your mommy's condition is very special. Only I can make the medicine."
Lucy slowly nodded before hugging Layla again.
"M-mommy, listen to Lili-nee and get better. D-don't forget to take your medicine," Lucy sobbed.
I wiped away Lucy's tears and pushed her towards Aries. I put the keys in her hands.
"Take care of these for me, 'kay?"
Her face lit up again. "Okay, Lili-nee!"
I watched her run off, giggling to Aries.
"Did you mean what you said?" Jude asked.
I turned around and nodded.
"I can save her. It'll take a couple of years, but she'll come back," I reassured.
"I'll do it," Layla said. Jude looked at her in surprise. He sighed.
"I believe in you." He kissed Layla's forehead. He turned to me. "Both of you."
"I'll give her a lacrima so you can communicate once a day. Preferably before Lucy goes to sleep." I handed him a lacrima and he put it in his pocket.
I turned to Layla. "Ready?"
She nodded, bracing herself for the worst.
"I wish to take you to my paradise. Do you, Layla Heartfilia, accept?" I said, repeating the same words I said to Mavis that night.
"I accept," she said, nodding. A bright light shone over her before it disappeared, covering her in a see-through barrier.
"You now have access to both havens, but you cannot leave. You can also use magic in here, but do try to be moderate. Every time you use magic, it drains from me. My world, remember?" I smiled.
She nodded. I smiled as Lucy waved goodbye to her mother.
"I'll let you guys visit once a week, okay? But I suggest you let Lucy get the Guild Mark. It'll make it easier for her to access stuff here."
Jude nodded in reply as he and Lucy walked through the portal. My friends looked at them, then me, noticing that Layla wasn't with them.
I smiled to myself as I started chatting with them. I couldn't help but look at Gray every once in a while.
Ur was next. Then, Lisanna.
I was going to save them all. He gave me the ability to and I'll do my best to hold my end of the promise.
Later at night, in my bed, as I drifted off to sleep, I swore I could've heard old thunderclap chuckling.