Zeref Dragneel

Dear Diary,

It's been a couple of years since I last jumped out the window. Who knew that Ur and Lis-chan were both leaving on the same day?! It made things super complicated but thanks to Gemini, we made it. Barely. I had to explain the basics to the Strauss siblings. It kinda made me feel guilty and plus, Lis-chan and Mavis-chan joined forces against me. What was I to do?! Mira did get rid of the whole "punk" attitude still and Elfman is still all "manly" so I guess everything's fine.

Anyways, Mavis only needs a couple of months and Layla only needs a few more days. Oh! I've also been training so I can hold in all their magic when the time comes. Thanks to Mavis, I've got my 5th Origin open. We thought 4 might be enough but hey! Look what happened last time we thought Second Origin was fine... -.-"

I also bumped into Mystogan and Wendy and brought them to FairyTail as well! I might have also picked up Oracion Seis? Before you ask, yes. I sneezed. Get over it.

Anyway, it's been 12 years. 12 years since I arrived. I'm finally 17! Welp. Looks like I'm older than the previous me. Lu-chan is joining FairyTail official today but she's kinda late. So is Natsu and Happy. I wonder what happened...

I'm just happy Gray and Natsu aren't trying to destroy the Guild. Not like they can anyway. Teehee! <3 Erzie also left for an S-Class quest without me and Gramps is gone too. Laxi-nii and Raijinshu are returning later today but it's just me, Wendy, Carla, and sadly, Stripper Boy.

"What do you mean Stripper Boy?" Gray yelled.

I turned around and glared at him. He let out a yelp before running to the other side of the guild. I let out a sigh. Nothing's changed these 12 years.

"I'm back to Erza's cake!" Jellal announced, earning cheers from his fellow guildmates. The cake has saved us multiple when Erzie got mad. And those times were when I was on a quest. Sigh. They just don't know how to handle themselves.

Anyway, that's it for the update. But for some strange reason, I still can't find Sting and Rogue. They should be 7 years younger than the rest of the dragon slayers according to the time skip, but they're older than Wendy. At least, that's what she remembers. What exactly happened to them?

People say Lucy kinda looks like me. I disagree. Her chest is bigger than mine. Mavis is still whining about how she doesn't have any. I mean... let's be real. You're still a kid Mavis. -.-" I also dyed a streak in my hair Ice Blue, the same color as my guild mark, with Mira's help.

Well, this is it for this time. See you later.

I sighed as I put down the pen. I walked up the stairs, dodging the flying booze cups on my way. I opened the door right next to Gramp's office. I put the diary back into the cabinet and locked it up. I quickly rummaged through my drawer, looking for my spare clothes.

I spent all last night helping Mira clean up after the party. It's a miracle they still have energy in their bodies at this point.

"Found it," I murmured.

I swapped my white t-shirt for a gray sweater. I kept my black pants on but removed my socks. I put on my no-show socks and slipped my feet into my black shoes. I threw on my coat and put the cap on my head.

"Nice outfit!" Mira called as she put down a dried cup.

"Thanks, Mira," I said, walking over to her.

"One smoothie?" she said, sliding over a cup.


I grabbed the cup and took a sip from it, savoring the mango taste. I shivered a bit as my head started hurting from the cold.

"Watch out," a blunette said, not looking up from her book.

"Flaming Ice Shield." A shield came up protecting Mira and I from the flying table.

"Thanks, Levy!"

"No prob," the bookworm said, now sitting in Gajeel's lap.

Mira and I chuckled at their position. GaLe was still going on pretty well. So was Jerza. I'm starting to think that Natsu's actually thinking because he asked me what were Lucy's favorite flowers this morning.

It was kinda shocking. The Natsu Dragneel was thinking. Even Happy was shocked, earning a smack on the head from his partner. Gray was so shocked, he let Juvia drag him out of the Guild Hall.

'Can I come out now?' Lisanna whined.

'Are you fully, 100%, fine?' I responded.

Yeah, Lis and I learned telepathy. It kinda comes in handy sometimes.

'Yes. I even asked Layla-san and Ur-san, whose currently playing with Meredy-chan and Ultear-chan. Even Mavis-chan says I can go. Pretty please?'

I sighed. There was no way I could argue against that. If they said she was fine, she was fine.

"I release thee, Lisanna Strauss, from thy haven. You will always have permission to enter and exit as you please," I muttered, waving my hand.

A blue portal opened up and Lisanna stepped out, stretching. She turned towards her awestruck sister.

"Can I have water? I was so excited I forgot to drink something this morning," she admitted, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly.

Mira only giggled before handing her younger sibling a glass of fresh cold water.

"We're back!" a voice cried, kicking open the doors, sending a table flying our way.

"Uh oh. She's ticked off..." Lisanna muttered, her sister nodding in agreement.

"Flaming Ice Shield," I said, coldly.

"Oops," Natsu said, looking at me.

"Natsu..." I said, smiling innocently at him. My eyes told a whole different story.

"You might wanna run, Natsu," Happy whispered to his partner.

"Happy, if you bring him over here, I'll give you a juicy fish," I sang.

In a flash, Natsu was right in front of me and Happy was gnawing away on a fish. Lucy sweatdropped as she walked into the Guild.

"L-Lili-nee. Let him off the hook, would you? He was just excited to see you," she said, playing with her thumbs.

It was kind of obvious that she was lying, but for the sake of Nalu... I sighed and waved my hand. Natsu pumped his fist in the air as the Guild burst out in laughter.

"Erza's back!" Loke yelled, running into the Guild.

Everyone in the Guild visibly paled 3 shades of white except for a few of us. Meaning Happy, Mira, Lisanna, Lucy, and I. Loke was scared out of his pants. Not literally though.

You know, I don't know what's up with him. He won't talk to me, won't flirt with me, he won't be in the same room as me! As ridiculous as it sounds, it's true. This was the first time Loke and I were face to face for a long time.

I walked over and grabbed Loke's hand. He froze as he looked at me. I looked at him before whispering something to him so Natsu couldn't hear.

"We're going to talk after this. You understand, Leo?"

He quickly nodded and I walked back to the barstool. Mira squealed and leaned in.

"You like Loke?" she cooed.

I choked on my drink at her questions.

"There's no way. He's not my type. Just wanna know why he's avoiding me," I answered.

"Aw, come on. Lili-nee is gorgeous and Number 1 for Most Wanted Girlfriend!" Lucy said, joining in on the conversation.

"Yeah, whoever thinks she's not beautiful is outright dumb," Cana snorted, chugging her beer.

"I'm back," a voice boomed from the Guild entrance. Members gulped.

The red-haired wizard looked around the hall with a look of disappointment on her face.

The cake. Get the cake.

I looked at Jellal. He understood my message and ran off for the kitchen.

"Erzie!" I ran up to her and hugged her. "How's my favorite requip wizard?"

She laughed. "Feeling fine, Lilith-chan." She ruffled my hair before spotting the cake in Jellal's arms.

Jellal held out the cake to her and she took it with a smile on her face. She quickly sat down at the table and cut out two slices. She offered one to Jellal and I; we both took it gratefully. Erzie never shares cake except with us two. I walked over to Wendy and gave her the cake slice, who began eating it with scolding from Carla.

"By the way," she said, inhaling the rest of the cake. "I need your help along with Natsu and Gray for a mission."

The Guild Hall fell silent before I piped up.

"Sure, Erzie! I'm sure Natsu and Gray would gladly come along, right boys?" I said, smiling at them.

They immediately hugged each other upon seeing my smile.

"Aye, sir!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

I turned to Lucy. "Wanna come, Lulu?"

"Okay, Lili-nee!" she chirped.


"Run!" Gramps yelled, grabbing our hands.

I let out a laugh as I sat down on a cloud, flying by their side as we escaped from the angry guild masters.

"Sorry about that, Master," Erza said with her head hanging low.

"It's fine! I don't those geezers will ever invite me to another meeting," he laughed.

I snapped my fingers and we ran right through a portal, straight into FairyTail's pool. I laughed at their appearances. Their wet hair was sticking to their face like glue and Gray... lost his clothes somehow.

Time passed as we went on more missions. Natsu and Happy stole the S-class mission and Erzie, Gray, and I had to go get them back. Phantom Lord never attacks because Jude and Lucy were on pretty good terms. I kinda also dealt with the whole clock incident like 8 years early by myself. No biggie. Just one more soul to take care of... -.-"

Soon enough, it was time for the S-Class trials on Tenroujima.

"You brats go first to prepare," Gramps said, shoving us out of his office.

Laxus, Mira, Guildarts, and I looked at each other before I summoned a portal under our feet. Mira noticed and quickly landed on her feet. The two boys... not a chance.

"Really, Lilith?" Laxus said, scowling. He dusted off his coat as Guildarts got back on his feet.

"Yeah-" I stopped midsentence as I sniffed the air. There was... a familiar yet dangerous smell. It was quite faint though.

"What is it?" Guildarts asked before bursting out in tears. "I didn't even get to say goodbye to my Cana."

I sweatdropped. Okay, maybe having Cana tell Guildarts that she was his daughter early was a bad idea. I had no idea he would still be like this after 11 years. 11 years!

"It's nothing. I'm just going to look around the island."

Before they could protest, I quickly teleported closer to the scent. My eyes widened at the person in front of me.

His ebony hair was shining in the sunlight. His lashes were all perfectly in place and his lips were slightly parted. His black and white clothes seemed to match him perfectly. His pale white face completed his look.

"Don't touch me," the voice begged.

I blinked and realized that I had my hand on his cheek. I withdrew my hand with a blush on my face.

"S-sorry," I muttered.

"It's fin-- Ugh! Get away from me! Quick!" he whimpered, a black mist surrounding him.

I was frozen with fear. He looked like he was in so much pain. I did the first thing my brain told me to: hug him.

"Pain, pain, fly away!" I chanted, flustered at my own actions and words. To my horror, I kept repeating the words.

Strangely enough, it worked. The black mist slowly disappeared and the boy looked at me, his eyes wide.

"Who... who are you?" he asked softly.

"I'm Lilith. Lilith Winters. You?" I chirped, a smile on my face.

"I'm Z-Zeref," he mumbled.

My eyes widened. Zeref was here. The Black Wizard was right in front of my eyes. Oh. My. Mavis! He's much cuter in real life.

"Can I call you Zer-Bear?"

He looked flustered at my question but nodded. I tilted my head and squinted at the tiny symbol above his head.

"What's..." I reached up for the symbol and words came flowing into my head.

Heed my words.

I lift the spell that I cast

By my name, Lilith Winter Dragneel, the youngest child

I release the spell that caused endless pain

May you live happily

I gasped as I stopped chanting. I panted, my magic depleted. Zeref looked at me with horror. He hugged me tightly. I stayed there in his arms, confused and too weak to do resist.

"I'm so sorry for leaving you behind Lil sis. I'm so sorry," he mumbled.

Something wet touched my shoulder and I pushed him away gently. Zeref, the Black Wizard, was crying.

"I'm so sorry," he sobbed.

I was speechless. What was I supposed to do? I panicked as I heard voices coming this way. I hugged Zeref and took us straight to the haven, scaring the other ladies.

"Z-Zeref?" Mavis stuttered.

"What?" Layla gasped.

Ur got into a fighting stance. I shook my head as I gently laid him down on the ground. I caressed his face and brushed a strand of his hair aside. I looked at Mavis, who was looking down at Zeref with a pained look on her face.

"Mavis. You know who I am, don't you?" I asked, my voice cracking as tears spilled out.

Layla and Ur looked at us in confusion. Mavis looked away, guilty.

"You... You knew. You knew that I was his little sister. You knew I was related to him and Natsu! Why didn't you say anything?!" I screamed, my heart clenching in pain.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't think it was the right time to," she whispered, crying as well.

I fell onto my knees, sobbing. Layla and Ur hugged us tightly as we cried our hearts out.

Screw the S-Class trials. My life was perfect. I thought. Now I don't know. I don't know who I am. Or why I'm here.

I walked out of the portal back to Tenroujima. Everyone looked at me worriedly. I gave them a bitter smile before walking off to my tunnel.

I'm broken once again.