Chapter 38

The Golden company had split off from the main army to attack and take Norvos where they will stay and garrison the city until Greg returns from taking the other free cities.

After taking the other free cities, Greg will take a few years or so to stabilize the Empire he will make. There will be a lot of work to be done and lots of difficult decisions Greg will have to make.

The return of the Valyrian Empire will be something that will get everyone's attention. It will also spark a new age for Essos and the world.

Balaenor Raheris the Prince of Pentos was sitting in his palace in Braavos as outside all throughout the city many people were being captured, beaten, and enslaved. Some women were dragged off into alleys and raped. Some women were even raped in their own homes while their husband were killed.

Normally Braavos would be booming with activity, but ever since the Prince of Pentos took the city the people have suffered. Merchant barely come to the city to avoid the Prince of Pentos and the heavy tax that the prince has set.

Some people begin escaping with ships to Lorath since it was the closest city to Braavos besides the Westeros city of Gull town, but many didn't want to go to Westeros, so they settle for Lorath.

Lorath ever since it was taken by Greg has been booming with activity and people's spirits were high. Though it was still your typical medieval city with some people being poor and beggars on the street. Something like that was unavoidable.

Before many Immigrants were coming to Lorath since the city had changed, and it was now a thriving port city and different from what it was previously which was a mostly poor town with a modest amount of trade.

The soldiers in Lorath were all busy handling the new immigrants since many ships came to the port every day, so people who did come were stationed in a camp that was built more inland of the island.

Also, inland of the island were farms built by the Kingdom during it's rebuilding.

Back on the mainland of Essos The Golden Company which had split off from the main army had gone to go and take Norvos which only had a small garrison of 8k soldiers.

The battle didn't last long, and soon Norvos was taken. Since the Golden company was hired by Greg, he received the reward for conquering Norvos

[Conquer Norvos Completed]

Reward: 5k System points

100x Samurai

Greg didn't summon the Samurai yet as he had no need for them as of now, so he will wait until the war is over then summon them.

The rest of the army led by Greg was a few hours out from braavos though the army was smaller than since a small force of 10k men would attack the city from the sea.

The Prince of Pentos had taken his army out from the defense of the city and onto the land just before you reach Braavos. He wanted to attack the enemy head on since their numbers were the same, and he thought he had the better troops.

Approaching the army, Greg had seen the Pentos army. He looked at them from a distance while saying, "Looks like they are eager for a battle"

"Well, let's give it to them" Said Greg "have the frontline soldiers make way for the Cannons and place them right up on that small over there" Said Greg directing a soldier

The Cannons had moved to on top of a small hill and prepared to fire at the army of Pentos.

Greg had seen that the Pentos army started moving closer, most likely to get into range, so their archers can shoot their arrows "Hurry up the enemy will be in range soon" yelled Greg

The Soldiers had hurried up to set up the cannon in time to fire on the enemy, which didn't take long.

'Let's find out if these soldiers can handle being shot at by Cannons, if not, then this battle will be over quick'

Greg raised his hand to signal the Cannons to load, the soldiers loaded the cannons and waited for Greg's signal to fire.

As the Pentos army got closer, they began to bring their archers out in front, this is what Greg was waiting for, so once the archers were out in the open Greg dropped his hand and yelled "Fire" as every Cannon fired a shot.

The Pentos soldiers who heard the loud thundering sound had seen something flying towards them at a fast speed, but by the time they had a chance to react, the archers who were in front were blown back as an explosion appeared right in the middle of them.

And it wasn't just this explosion, but many others happened as well, which caused the archers to run. The Prince of Pentos confused on what happened didn't have time to think about it as he ordered his soldiers to charge.

Some were reluctant after seeing what happened to the archers but seeing the others charge as well, they didn't want to be left behind and later accused of being a coward and not fighting.

"Cannons hold fire and infantry advance to form a shield wall in front of the Cannons" ordered Greg

"Archers start shooting" Ordered Greg

The Elven Archers had begun shooting at the charging soldiers who were exposed and had no cover besides a shield, and once they saw arrows in the sky they quickly put their shields up trying to block the arrows.

Some were successful at blocking the arrows while others were not, but even so they continued to charge as soldiers around them fell also.

It wasn't long before the soldiers clashed into the shield wall and the fight began, but a lot of soldiers were killed by the archer volleys from the Elven Archers.