Part 1

Rito's voice: Some months ago, a dangerous alien race called the Gatorians attacked the Earth, specifically to my place, Sainen town, and attempted to kill all the earthlings. All because of an ancient power which was stuck on my hand, the power of the moon which can improve anyone skills. That power was inside of a glove and fell in my hand. It began an invasion by capturing that power I had. And the worst thing was that there was a curse in which was too dangerous. A curse when the moon turns into red, all Earth's life forms would be killed. But despite of that, Lala and the others helped me, we stopped the invasion, undid the curse to save everyone. Sadly, it had a high cost. We lost someone important. We lost Izayoi, a Moon warrior from ancient times, who came to Earth help us to save the Earth, who was our friend. (Flashbacks about he's saying)

Later at present, Rito was sat on his bed. He was ready to go to school.

Rito's voice: Today I'm starting another day, I hope my peaceful life will go on.

When he was walking out from his bedroom, he noticed Lala full naked.

Lala: (Very happy) Ah! That was a good shower!

Rito: (Blushed) Lala!

Lala: Oh, Rito! Good morning!

Rito: How many times do I have to tell you? Don't walk naked in the house!

Lala: But it feels fresh like this.

Mikan: (Appearing to them) Lala-san, you'd better stop doing that or Rito will grope you as usual.

Rito: I won't!

Peke appeared to them.

Peke: Lala-sama, your school uniform is ready.

Lala: Thanks, Peke.

Rito: Then, I'll go to the bathroom.

Mikan: Then hurry up, breakfast is almost ready.

Rito: Okay.

Rito is taking a bath while thinking about something.

Rito: I'm very happy that I finally confessed Haruna-chan, also she said she liked me. But I have to show her my true feelings.

Then Momo entered to the bathroom, she was naked.

Momo: Rito-san, may I wash your back?

Rito: (Blushed) Momo! What are you doing?

Momo: I wanted to pass a little time with you while everyone is not watching.

Rito: (Turning back) I think I told you, it's not necessary!

Momo: You told me that Haruna-san and you finally kissed.

Rito: But that was an accident!

Momo: But then you confessed each other, you must be happy for that.

Rito: Yeah, that was… (Suddenly Momo was in front of him, that made him blushed more) Momo?

Momo: It's not fair that you had that experience.

Rito: Momo, what are you trying… (Seeing her breasts too close) Ah!

Momo: (Nearly to kiss) Rito-san, I…

They attempted to kiss but suddenly someone entered to the bathroom. It was Nana.

Nana: Hey Momo, why are taking so long to take a bath…

But she noticed Rito and Momo were naked and very close. She blushed.

Nana: (In her state) What… what are you two doing early?

Momo: (Smiling) Oops! Nana found us. My bad.

Rito: Hey, Nana! This is not what you think!

Nana: Don't dare to come to me! You beast!

Suddenly she stepped on a soap and slip until she felt on Rito.

Rito: (Little hurt) Nana, are you…

Momo: (Funny surprised to see something from him) Oh my! That's Rito-san's.

He was in silence because he noticed Nana fell on his lower body. Her eyes were in front of his "thing". She was in blushed and shock to see that very close. She screamed aloud.

Then, Rito, Mikan, Celine and the Deviluke sisters are having breakfast. Rito's cheek was in red because of Nana's slapping.

Nana: I can't believe you made me see that!

Rito: (Feeling shame) Sorry.

Momo: It's your fault to coming at first place.

Lala: Hey, calm you two. Let's just put no one's fault, okey?

Momo: Onee-sama, you're right!

Nana: Anue, don't be so calm in situations like that.

Mikan: Okey, everyone just take the breakfast.

Momo: Mikan-san, this breakfast is good!

Mikan: It's my duty.

Momo: I could make a great breakfast too.

Lala: I would like to taste it.

Rito: Yeah, me too.

Nana: Yeah, like when we ate with Izayoi in a morning together…

Momo: Nana!

The girls noticed Rito was in silence and seemed little sad to hear that name.

Lala: Rito?

Rito: (Smiling a little) Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom.

Rito got up and leaves.

Momo: (Upset) Nana, how could you? Rito-san must be in shock to remember that!

Nana: Sorry, it wasn't intentional.

Lala: (Worried) Rito.

Mikan: He thinks Izayoi's death is part of his fault. Even it wasn't his fault.

Momo: Rito-san was devastated by not saving her.

Nana: Sorry, I wasn't thinking about his feelings.

Lala: Also, today, it has passed a year after Izayoi's death. He could have remember anyway.

In the bathroom, Rito was little sad after washing his face and looking at the mirror.

Rito: I must overcome this guilt. Or could I face Lala and the others if they noticed my behavior.

At the other side, a mysterious girl with long blue hair was outside the Sainan town.

Mysterious girl: He! So this is the place where those Gatorians failed to conquest and died. Let's see… (Taking a device then appeared holograms about the Gatorians invasion then they lost) Oh, well, those aliens were good for nothing anyway. Now… Where's that earthling kid who fought along with that last moon warrior (A hologram of Rito appeared)

Meanwhile, at Sainan high school, the girls were doing the usual things they do.

Rito was sat and thinking while watching outside from the window.

Rito: My life becomes more peaceful, after… (He remembered Izayoi's death on his arms) Ah! Izayoi. (Imagining her while she smiled) Izayoi.

Haruna: (Approaching to him) Yuuki-kun.

Rito: Sareinji.

Haruna: Does something is bothering you?

Rito: No, it's nothing.

Haruna: It's about Izayoi-san? (He realized what she said) It's been a year after she's gone.

Rito: So you didn't forget her.

Haruna: Of course not. She was our friend.

Rito: I wish I were stronger to save her.

Rito: Yuuki-kun, don't blame yourself! You did what you could. Izayoi-san will be sad if the hears what did you say!

Rito: But aren't you mad?

Haruna: Why?

Rito: I mean, we confessed each other, and we didn't have time to spend time together.

Haruna: (Little blushed) Oh! Well, yeah, we didn't think about it. (Thinking) "We didn't even date"

Rito: Now I was thinking another girl. This is something I shouldn't do.

Haruna: I know you, Yuuki-kun. You were always so nice with everyone. I understand your thoughts.

Rito: Sairenji. I promise I'll find a way to solve this dilemma.

Haruna: About Lala-san's feeling too?

Rito: I'm sorry, I'm weak about this situation.

Haruna: It doesn't matter, just take your time. I'll wait for your heart's answer.

Rito: Thanks, Sairenji.

Haruna: Yeah.

Lala: (Approaching to them) Rito! Haruna! It seems you're getting along better than before!

Rito: Ah! Lala!

Haruna: Lala-san! Don't speak aloud.

Lala: (In low voice) Sorry, but after your confessions, you should be happier. The three can get along now.

Rito: I wish that was easy.

Haruna: So do I.

Risa and Mio were coming there too.

Risa: Ha! Haruna, since when you are closer with Yuuki?

Haruna: (Little blushed) Me? Well…

Mio: Then Yuuki should be closer with you, after all, you know each other time ago.

Rito: What are you talking about? We are just talking.

Haruna: Yeah, that's right!

Risa: (Close to Rito) Hey Yuuki, do you prefer Haruna or Lala-chi or… (With seductive voice) me?

Rito: (Blushed) Quit that already!

Yui: Hey Risa, stop teasing Yuuki-kun with that, or he'll definitely do shameless things to you.

Risa: Damn, Yui you should trying to getting along with Yuuki, to receive shameless things from him.

Yui: (Blushed) Why do I want that?

Rito: (Trying to calm her down) Hey, take it easy, Kotegawa.

Mio: By the way, where's Run-chan?

Rito: She sent me a message days ago; she's busy with the rehearsal of her concert with Kyouko-chan. But she will come in some days.

Lala: I can't wait for the new song of her and Kyouko-chan!

Rito: Or maybe you just want Kyouko-chan's song, right?

Lala: Hehe, that too.

Rito: I have to do something after school.

Later at break time, Rito was walking.

Rito: Keeping a two-one relationship with Lala and Haruna-chan, it's more complicated.

Suddenly Mea appeared behind him, embracing him.

Mea: (Very happy) Senpai!

Rito: (Little blushed after feeling her breasts on his back) Ah! Mea! What are you doing?

Mea: Geez! You spent more time with other girls, but not with me.

Rito: Hey! (He imagined Izayoi instead of Mea) Izayoi?

Mea: What?

Rito: (To reality) Eh, sorry. (Thinking) "I forgot it, Izayoi resembles Mea"

Mea: Did you get aroused?

Rito: No! And why are you here?

Mea: This time I'll have the chance to play with you.

Rito: Hey! Wait!

Then Momo, Nana and Yami appeared.

Nana: Hey! Mea, why are you stuck with Rito?

Mea: Nana-chan, you can join with us too if you want.

Nana: (Blushed) No way!

Momo: My! Rito-san is going to mature his behavior.

Rito: No!

Yami: Yuuki Rito, you're the worst.

Rito: Geez, why all of you think about me in that way?

Suddenly a wind came from a window, Nana and Momo grabbed their skirts at time.

But Yami and Mea's skirts flew up, revealing their panties in front of Rito. He blushed to see them.

Rito: Eh?

Yami: (Upset) Did you see? (Transforming her hair into a big punch)

Rito: Hey! I didn't…

He was hit and fell to the floor.

Mea: (Smiling) Senpai, you perv!

Rito: It's not that!

Nana: You're worse than the director. I'll have to keep an eye on these situations. It's my duty as a member of the school counselor.

Momo: Don't presume much about you.

Nana: And talking about the director, where he is?

Yami: I was being pursued by that man, but I put him in a wall to keep him away from everyone. (Imagining the Director being hit and stuck in a wall) I tried the less violence I could.

Nana: I guess you went too far.

Rito: By the way Momo, I need to ask you something.

Momo: Eh? What? (Removing up her shirt) My body?

Rito: NO!

Then, Rito and Momo were alone while talking.

Momo: Oh, you just need that?

Rito: Yeah, please.

Momo: It's not a problem, but only that?

Rito: I entrust you with that.

Momo: By the way, Rito-san, if you are sad about Izayoi. You can count with us to help you.

Rito: Thanks, everyone are sticking in my problems.

Momo: (Smiling) Then (Embracing his arm) What about if we restart.

Rito: Restart?

Momo: Rito-san's harem.

Rito: (Blushed) That again? Well…

Momo: You overdid any danger than an earthling could ever do. Like facing those Gatorians. My father admired your actions.

Rito: Yeah, but that time I had that moon power, but now I'm just a normal earthling.

Momo: But you did it well.

Rito: Well, I didn't forget what he told me when he invited us.


At Deviluke palace, Gid was reunited with Rito and his daughters. He was sat at his throne. Also Sephie was there.

Gid: What you did during those lizards invasion, was so brave, Yuuki Rito.

Rito: (Feeling uncomfortable) Oh, thanks.

Momo: Yeah, dad, Rito-san was able to stop that alien invasion.

Nana: It's hard to believe that was true.

Lala: Rito was awesome.

Sephie: I'm agree, thanks to him, my kids can live in Earth.

Rito: I'm glad I could protect Lala and the others.

Gid: That was good for you. Because if something happened to my daughters, I would pulverize you in a second, or right now.

Rito: (In funny shock) Yes.

Momo: Dad!

Nana: Hey, I don't like Rito, but I don't hate him for finish him!

Lala: (Little upset) Dad! Don't dare to scare Rito in that way!

Gid: You did it great. For being an earthling. Now I understand why Lala is with you, no matter how much I told her I didn't accept you.

Rito: Thanks.

Gid: But, you'd better becoming the greatest man in the universe, if you want to inherit my throne. Only in that time, I'll face you with all my power to see if you are worthy.

Rito: (Worried) Well…

Sephie: What my husband is saying is do your best.

Rito: I'll try.

/End of flashback/

Momo: A great man is created not by he is, is by his actions.

Rito: Thanks, Momo. But if I can't handle Lala and Haruna's feelings equitably for me, then I won't be able to accept the other girls' feelings. I have to prove I can accept the truth feelings of a girl.

Momo: Rito-san, I wish you could accept everyone's feelings. (Thinking) "Including mine"

Then Rito was walking alone.

Rito: Maybe I should have asked Momo more than giving flowers on Izayoi's tomb…

Suddenly a school girl with long blue hair was running and then she and Rito crashed, making them falling on the floor.

Rito: That hurt (He noticed her panties when she was on the floor) Ah!

School girl: (Feeling embarrassed and covering her skirt) Ah!

Rito: (Funny blushed) Sorry!

School girl: (Embarrassed) Did you see it?

Rito: I didn't do purposely!

School girl: Really? (Realizing something) Oh! I guess I know who you are.

Rito: What?

School girl: Are you Yuuki Rito?

Rito: How do you know me?

School girl: Well, when I entered to this school, I was told by Kotegawa Yui, she told me I must be careful about a shameless boy who is raping any girl on his way.

Rito: (Feeling sad) I see, you recognize me by the shameless things I do. As I expected from Kotegawa.

School girl: Well, that's not the only reason. I heard stories about you. You dared to face a powerful alien to avoid the Earth destruction. I guess he's the king of the universe.

Rito: You're talking about Gid?

School girl: Then it's you! You must protect us when those lizard aliens attack our home!

Rito: Hey, hey, I didn't do too much. I had support from my friends.

School girl: Even so, what you did was amazing, a simple earthling couldn't do that.

Rito: Eh?

School girl: (Realizing something) Oh no! It's late, I must hurry, sorry! (She leaves running)

Rito: Hey wait! I didn't ask her name. Well it would be better than involving with me.

The school girl was walking but then smiling evilly.

School girl: So he is Yuuki Rito.

Rito keeps walking, but then his cell phone rang.

Rito: (Answering) Hello?

Run's voice: Hi, Rito-kun! It's me!

Rito: Run! What a surprise! I thought you were busy.

Run: (In her stateroom) It's my break time, I wanted to take the time to talk with you!

Rito: Then?

Run: My concert was postpone in a week. So tomorrow I'll go to school to meet you.

Rito: Really? Well, we'll wait for you. Send our greetings to Kyouko-chan.

Run: Okay, bye bye! (Hanging up the cell phone)

Kyouko appeared to her.

Kyouko: So did you call Rito-kun?

Run: Yes, I can't wait until tomorrow to see him and the others.

Kyouko: After your school, we could go shopping.

Run: That's a good idea.

Kyouko: (Thinking while smiling a little) I wish Rito-kun could come with us.

Run: What's up, Kyouko?

Kyouko: Eh? It's nothing!

At school, Rito was little thoughtful.

Rito: Run is still acting so energetic.

Haruna: (Coming to him) Yuuki-kun, were you talking with Run-san?

Rito: Sairenji!

Haruna: So it was her.

Rito: Yeah, she will come tomorrow.

Haruna: It's good to see her again.

Rito: Sairenji. I think, we…

Haruna: What?

Rito: (Little blushed) I mean, the way to show you my feelings, what about… (Having problems to talk in his state)

Haruna: (Blushed) Date?

Rito: Yeah.

Haruna: But I'm not sure if I'm ready.

Rito: Sorry, maybe it's not the right time to ask you.

Haruna: No! I want to try! I really want to try to show you my true feelings.

Rito: Okay, I promise I'll have the day to call you to receive your answer. (Thinking) "This could my only chance to improve my relationship with Sairenji!"

Haruna: Yuuki-kun, I'll wait that day.

Rito: Yeah.

After school, Rito was ready to leave, but then Lala, Nana and Momo arrived to him.

Lala: Rito, are you ready to go home?

Rito: Yeah, but I have to do something.

Momo: Then, take this. (Giving him a bouquet of flowers) It's what you asked me before.

Nana: For what?

Rito: I'll visit Izayoi's tomb. Don't wait for me, just go home.

Then Rito leaves.

Nana: I wish we could help him with his pain.

Momo: There's nothing else we can do. A lost life can't be replaced by anything. Rito-san knows that.

Lala: Yeah, we just have to wait for him to comfort his sadness.

Nana: That Rito, acting in that way.

Later, the school was empty but Yami arrived there, she was looking for something.

Yami: That presence… but it's impossible.

Suddenly a girl appeared behind her.

Mysterious girl: So you are one of the three?

Yami: Who…?

She stepped back and transformed her hair into blades to attack.

Mysterious girl: Interesting, but I already know that power.

Yami: What?

Then it's heard an explosion.

Meanwhile, Rito was heading to the cemetery to visit Izayoi's tomb.

Rito: It's the first time I go by myself to visit a dead friend.

He noticed a girl, it was Rin. She was carrying heavy shopping bags.

Rin: Damn! Why did Saki-sama order me to buy these by myself?

Rito: (Coming to her) Kujou-senpai!

Rin: Yuuki Rito? What are you doing here?

Rito: I just was in the way, are you carrying all those?

Rin: Yeah, Saki-sama ordered me to buy these beauty products.

Rito: Really? For what?

Rin: She wanted to be very pretty to impress Zastin. (Imagining Saki laughing)

Rito: But I think it's too much for you to carry all this.

Rin: I wish Aya came with me, but she had house chores to do. I'll have to arrive to the bus stop.

Rito: Then. (Taking some bags)

Rin: What are you doing?

Rito: I'll help you until get the bus stop.

Rin: Hey! You don't have to!

Rito: Don't worry, I just want to help.

Rin: Okay.

Rito and Rin were walking.

Rin: By the way, Yuuki Rito, why do you have those flowers?

Rito: I was heading to visit an old friend in the cemetery.

Rin: (Thinking) "Is he meaning that red-haired alien girl who died?"

Rito: We arrived! (Leaving the bags) Then, I leave here.

Rin: Thanks.

Rito: No problem. (Realizing something) Damn! I'll have to go before it's going night. Bye, Kujou-senpai!

He run leaving Rin.

Rin: (Little blushed) He didn't change at all. He's still the same good guy.

Then, Aya arrived where Rin is.

Aya: Rin, sorry, I was very busy. I called a car to take you to the mansion.

Rin: Thanks.

Aya: I thought I saw Yuuki Rito with you.

Rin: Eh? No, it's not possible!

Aya: Anyway, we must return. Saki-sama is waiting her errands.

Rin: Yeah.

Meanwhile, Rito was heading to the cemetery. He was running.

Rito: Damn it! It's too late, I have to send these flowers and return or everyone will be worried.

Izayoi's voice: Rito-kun! Please!

Rito: (In shock) That voice…

He run and arrived the cemetary and went to Izayoi's tomb, but there's no one there.

Rito: No way! That voice.

Meanwhile, Mea was heading to the school.

Mea: I wonder where's Yami-oneechan? It's supposed we are going to buy some candies.

But then she found out Yami was unconscious on the ground. She was very injured.

Mea: (Worried) Yami-oneechan!

At the other side, Nemesis was on a building ceiling while was thinking.

Nemesis: I could felt a presence near where Golden Darkness was. Similar like the one I found before.


Nemesis was walking very happy but then she saw someone in an alley. She went into it to reach it.

There was no one there. Suddenly a human-like silhouette was coming to her but she used her hair to attack and that silhouette dissolved into dust.

/End of flashback/

Nemesis: (Worried while thinking) But that power, no way, it's supposed only Golden Darkness, Mea and me were the only ones.

Later, the Director was walking while carrying porn magazines.

Director: I'm so happy, these last editions, will entertain me!

Then he noticed a blue long-haired girl was walking.

Director: Oh! A beautiful girl! (Run to her) Let me play with you…

Suddenly, something fast happened. The Director fell unconscious. That girl did something.

Mysterious girl: Tsk! You're not even worthy to kill you.

At the other side, Rito was in front of Izayoi's tomb, leaving the bouquet of flowers on it.

Rito: Izayoi, sorry for not saving you. But I'm just an earthling, so doing like anyone is the only thing I can do.

Rito was ready to leave but then he heard that familiar voice.

Izayoi's voice: Rito-kun, please!

Rito: That voice again! But it's louder…

At the other side at Rito's home. Lala and her sisters were waiting for him with Mikan.

Lala: It's getting late, How long will it take Rito?

Mikan: Sorry, my brother still acting without thinking in the others.

Lala: By the way, Zastin shouldn't be here?

Mikan: He called me, he was busy helping my father with the mangas work.

Nana: He seems enjoying his new occupation.

Momo: We must wait a little more, or I'll go for Rito-san.

Then someone knocked the door.

Mikan: It must be Rito.

She opened the door, but she saw Mea, carrying Yami who was unconscious and injured.

Mikan: Mea-san, ah! Yami-san! What happened to her?

Nana: What's going on? Yami!

Mea: Please, help Yami-oneechan!

Lala: What happened?

Mea: Someone attacked Yami-oneechan. I just found her in this state.

Momo: We must take her to Mikado-sensei! She can heal her.

Meanwhile, Rito was still confused to hear Izayoi's voice again.

Rito: What happened? It should have been my imagination.

Then someone was walking and approached to him. She was a long red-haired girl.

Rito was confused but then he turned back and his eyes were in shock to see the girl.

It was a silent environment; Rito almost couldn't say a word to see the red-haired girl.

Rito: (In his state) It can't be…

That girl was Izayoi, the moon warrior who came to Earth to help Rito in the Gatorians invasion and died by risking her life. But her body seemed not being solid, almost she was transparent, also wearing a white yukata.

Izayoi: (Smiling little worried) Hi, Rito-kun. We meet again.

Rito: (In his state) Izayoi?