Rito was in shock to see Izayoi, despite she died a year ago.
Izayoi: (With tears in her eyes) Rito-kun.
Rito: Izayoi.
They run to each other, they seemed to embrace but suddenly Rito passed through her and fell.
Rito: (Confused) What?
Izayoi: Rito-kun, I…
It's seen Izayoi's body is transparent. She was wearing a white yukata.
Rito: Izayoi, your body…
Izayoi: (Feeling sad) I'm dead, but my soul arrived here.
Rito: Well, that was a big surprise. How did you arrive to Earth?
Izayoi: I'll explain you later. We have to go to your home. Someone was injured.
Rito: Someone? Who?
Meanwhile, Lala and the other girls took Yami to Mikado's lab. She was being cured in a capsule.
Mikado: Okey, this should be enough.
Oshizu: I think so.
Mikan: (Worried) Mikado-sensei, how is Yami-san?
Mikado: Don't worry. Her injuries weren't so fatal.
Mikan: I'm glad.
Then Rito arrived to the lab.
Lala: Rito!
Rito: Sorry, I was late. So what happened?
Then everyone explained everything to Rito.
Rito: I'm glad Yami will be okey.
Mikado: Right now, Tearju is at her side. Taking care her. (Tearju holding Yami's hand while she was on the bed) She needs rest until tomorrow.
Mea: I'm happy Yami-oneechan is safe.
Momo: Rito-san, how did you know Yami was injured?
Rito: Because… Izayoi told me about something happened.
They were surprised to hear her name.
Momo: Izayoi-san? How?
Nana: It's impossible!
Izayoi's voice: What Rito-kun said, it's true.
Izayoi appeared in front of them.
Izayoi: I'm back.
Momo: Izayoi-san!
Izayoi: I'm glad to see all of you.
Nana: But how? And what happened to you?
Oshizu: Wow! You are like me!
Izayoi: No! I'm not a ghost, I'm a soul.
Nana: But what's the different?
Rito: Hey, don't bother Izayoi.
Izayoi: It's okey, I have to talk to you.
Nana: Do you know something about what happened?
Izayoi: I felt an evil presence in Earth. I detected that in your school.
Momo: Where Yami-san was attacked?
Izayoi: Maybe, that energy was too close to her.
Lala: But who could injure Yami?
Izayoi: I'm sure that wasn't a human.
Mikan: Then we could be in danger if that was able to hurt Yami-san.
Izayoi: I'll be with you to detect that presence.
Mikado: What could you do in your state?
Izayoi: That's true. (Feeling sad) In my state, I can't use my skills as Moon warrior.
Rito: Izayoi.
Mikado: Allow me to check you. I could make a physic body like Oshizu.
Momo: That's a good idea. Maybe your powers could return in that way.
Izayoi: Okay.
Mea: It's good to see you.
Izayoi: Don't try to imitate my big sister. I was able to meet her and my mother, and all my people at the moon.
Tearju: All of you should return home. Yami needs to rest. (Funny surprised to see Izayoi) Ah! It's you! How?
Mikado: I'll explain you later, now we have to leave Yami to rest.
Later at Rito's home, everyone were having dinner. Izayoi was at Rito's side but she seems sad.
Rito: What's wrong, Izayoi?
Nana: Won't you try some of this dinner?
Izayoi: That's the problem! I'm a soul, I can't eat!
Nana: Sorry.
Izayoi: Damn! You still acting that way, without mention you're still flat.
Nana: (Trying not getting anger) Okey, I'll pass that this time.
Lala: So you plan to stay here, like before.
Izayoi: I don't think so. My ancestors detected an evil power and wanted to send someone to warn the earthlings. I asked to go, because some people I met, can detect my presence. Then they send me, also my mother and big sister told me to do my best. (Flashbacks about what she said)
Rito: I'm happy to see you.
Izayoi: I'll stay here until that problem is solved.
Mikan: We should have another room for you.
Izayoi: That won't be necessary. (Floating) As you can see, I'm not solid so I can't occupy much space in your house.
Lala: Before going sleep, I want to talk with you, Izayoi.
Izayoi: Yeah, I want to know everything you did when I was gone.
At next day, Rito and the girls were at school. Lala was talking with Haruna, Risa, Mio and Yui.
Lala: It's true! Izayoi is back!
Haruna: Izayoi-san?
Yui: Sorry, Lala, but I can't believe you.
Izayoi: (Appearing to them) I'm here.
Yui: (Funny scared) Ah! Don't do that!
Risa: Oh! Izayoi!
Mio: (Looking any side) Welcome back. Wherever you are.
Haruna: Izayoi-san. It's nice you came back.
Izayoi: (To her ear) Hey, I know you and Rito-kun have confessed. Congratulations.
Haruna: (Blushed) Eh!
Izayoi: But I won't give up against you.
Some schoolgirls were talking while walking. They passed through Izayoi as if nothing.
Yui: Hey, what's going with you!
Izayoi: It's useless. Only some people can see me.
Risa: Oh, that explains why Mio can't see you.
Mio: I guess I had bad luck.
Haruna: But how Lala-san and we can see you?
Izayoi: It's because of my heart. My feelings for Rito-kun bonds with your hearts.
Lala: Then you mean?
Izayoi: The ones who feel the same for Rito as mine. They can see me.
Yui and Haruna blushed to hear that.
Risa: My my, that means I feel something for Yuuki. I guess my little secret was discovered.
Yui: (Blushed while moving her head) No way! No way! I don't have those feelings!
Lala: He, obviously my feelings are notorious.
Then Saki, Rin and Aya meet them.
Saki: Well, what are you talking about now, Lala?
Lala: Oh, Saki, we're talking with Izayoi.
Saki: Izayoi? That girl? Where?
Lala: (Pointing to Izayoi) She's here!
Saki: (Confused) Eh? There's nothing there.
Rin: (Able to see Izayoi) That girl! No way!
Aya: Eh? Rin, you can see her?
Rin: Yeah, you can't?
Saki: I don't know what's going on, but wherever she is, give her my greetings.
Izayoi: I can hear that.
Rin: Show respect to Saki-sama!
Izayoi: If you can see me, then you must feel love for Rito-kun, like me.
Rin: (Blushed) Yuuki Rito? It's a mistake!
Saki: What happen, Rin?
Rin: It's nothing!
Izayoi: Then I leave. Mikado told me that she could make me an artificial body. See ya.
Later, Rito was walking with Momo while they are talking.
Momo: How is the things with Izayoi-san?
Rito: It seems she's remembering the things she made when she was alive.
Momo: Yeah, and sometimes acting so scary.
Rito: It's because she's a soul?
Momo: (Funny worried) Not exactly.
She was imagining a night, Momo trying to sneak into Rito's room but Izayoi was guarding with serious mood.
Momo: At the other side, Izayoi-san seems happy to see everyone.
Rito: Yeah. (Stop walking) Hey Momo.
Momo: What?
Rito: I plan to show my feelings to Sairenji in a date. But I'm not sure to do it.
Momo: You should do it, Rito-san. It's the only way you can improve your feelings. Then you'll have to do it with Onee-sama's feelings too.
Rito: I wonder if I am able to do it.
Momo: In that case, I'll help you for you two don't be bothered.
Rito: Thanks, Momo.
Momo: Leave it to me!
While at his classroom, Run arrived.
Run: Hi!
Lala: Run, you came faster than before.
Haruna: Hi, Run-san.
Run: Hey, where's Rito-kun?
Haruna: He's not here right. Maybe he's going to see Izayoi-san.
Run: Izayoi? But that girl didn't die? What's going on?
Lala: I'll explain everything.
Meanwhile, at school nursery. Izayoi was with Mikado, Tearju and Oshizu.
Izayoi: (Seems sad) Do you mean that?
Mikado: Yeah, it's your decision if you want it.
Oshizu: This is bad.
At that time, Rito arrived.
Rito: Mikado-sensei, is Izayoi here?
Mikado: Yeah.
Rito: By the way, how is Yami?
Tearju: I saw her. She will be better later.
Rito: It's good to hear that. Izayoi, let's go back. I heard Run arrived from her travel.
Later at night, Rito was ready to sleep.
Izayoi: So do you have plans tomorrow?
Rito: Yeah. (Looking at mirror very seriously) I'll do well!
At next day, Rito was dressing to go to his date. Izayoi was with him.
Izayoi: You seems enthusiastic.
Rito: It's because I'll meet Sairenji at the mall.
Suddenly he saw a book and noticed something inside it. They realized it was the wedding photo they took that time.
Izayoi: Rito-kun, that's…
Rito: (Taking the photo) Yeah, I kept it in secret to remember our time together.
Izayoi: I see. Good luck in your date with Haruna-san!
Rito: Yeah. (Going out) Bye.
Izayoi: (Feeling little sad) I have to make a decision about what Mikado-san told me.
Outside, Rito was walking; he didn't notice Momo presence who was following him.
Momo: Okey, let's put in order, Rito-san's date should be perfect!
At the mall, Haruna was little nervous while was waiting.
Haruna: (Thinking) "My first date with Yuuki-kun"
Rito: (Arriving) Hey, Sairenji!
Haruna: (Blushed) Yuuki-kun!
Rito: Sorry, I made you wait too much.
Haruna: No, I arrived early.
Rito: Well… (Little) You accepted my request when I called you at night.
Haruna: (Blushed) I want to know how our relationship is going to be. So I accepted to come.
Rito: Okey, then let's go.
Haruna: Yes.
Rito and Haruna walked together, while Momo was checking the situation.
Momo: Do your best, Rito-san.
Rito and Haruna were seeing some stores. They seem happy in their date.
Then, Rito and Haruna were sat on a bench while eating some crepes.
Rito: Sairenji, did you like pass the time with me?
Haruna: Well, the true is I felt little nervous.
Rito: I see. Then what else do you want to do before return home?
Haruna: Maybe we could go to the lake.
Rito noticed a big signboard. "Visit the Sainan town's lake, for lovers"
Rito: (Reading) Visit the Sainan town's lake, for lovers!?
Rito and Haruna blushed to see that.
Haruna: Well, I thought this could be a chance for us.
Rito: Yeah, yeah. We should try.
Momo: (Hidden) Okey, you two go for next level!
Suddenly she noticed someone was observing her.
Momo: Who's there?
They appeared. It was two strange entities like the one Nemesis found.
Momo: (Surprised) What are you?
Those were humanoid misshapen shadows. They went to Momo. She run away while using wings from her clothes.
Momo: (Flying away) I have to keep them away from Rito-san and Haruna-san.
The shadows were chasing her, staying away from Rito and Haruna.
Rito and Haruna went to the lake. They saw many couples acting so charming. Rito and Haruna were bushed.
Rito: (In his state) Well, I guess we should go hand-by-hand.
Haruna: (In her state) Yeah.
They took their hands. It seems a peaceful environment.
Rito: (Thinking while smiling) "This is what I always wanted to do"
Haruna: (Thinking while smiling) "We are together as a couple"
Rito: Sairenji, I'll buy something to you. Wait for me.
Haruna: Okey.
Rito went to a store.
Rito: I should buy a special gift for Haruna-chan. To show her my feelings. (He noticed a ring) That would be good! (While was checking his pocket, he found something) This is! (It was the red glove he used in that time) That glove? I didn't remember I put it in this pocket. Well it's powerless now, so I don't have to worry.
Meanwhile, Momo was still being chasing by those shadows.
Momo: What are those things? Did those attack Yami-san at school?
She arrived to an opened field. The shadows were attacking her offensively. She dodged their attacks.
Momo: It won't be easy on me! (Taking her device) I'll call my friends to… (Suddenly they grabbed her not letting her using her device) No! I can't use my device! Get me off!
The shadows pretended to do something to her but then Momo hears a voice.
Mea's voice: Momo-chan, get down!
Momo quickly got down. A beam was shot and hit those shadows, making her free.
The shadows fell and disintegrated into nothing. Mea shot a beam with her arm shaped into a gun and saved Momo.
Mea: Momo-chan, are you okey?
Momo: Mea? How did you get here?
Mea: I found you in the way but I noticed those strange presences, which were following you. They seem evil entities so I decided to terminate them with my beam.
Momo: (Funny upset) Did you try to terminate them with me in your shot?
Mea: Sorry, but their energy resembles like the one attacked Yami-oneechan.
Momo: But why are they here? (Realizing something) Oh no! Rito-san could be in danger!
Rito was returning to the lake but in his way he meet to girls. They were Run and Kyouko, dressed without giving attention to people.
Run: Rito-kun!
Rito: You are…
They quickly covered his mouth with their hands.
Run: Don't say our names in public!
Kyouko: We're here in vacation!
Rito: Sorry. What are you doing here?
Run: Kyouko-chan and I decided to go shopping but we didn't expect to meet you.
Kyouko: It's nice to meet you again, Rito-kun.
Rito: Yeah…
Suddenly some people were running scared.
Run: What's going on?
Suddenly another humanoid shadows appeared and noticed their presences.
Kyouko: What are those things? And why are they staring at us?
The shadows run to them.
Run: Why are they coming to us?
Rito: Let's get out of here!
Rito, Run and Kyouko run away. In their way another shadows were scaring other people but when they saw them, they decided to chase after them.
Rito: What's going on? They seem looking for us!
Run: Rito-kun! Kyouko-chan! This way!
They run into an alley. Three shadows went to it.
Rito, Run and Kyouko seem to be trapped.
Kyouko: Those things are coming.
Run: Let me use this. (Taking a bottle) This should distract them for a while.
Rito: (Noticing it) Wait, Run-chan! Is that…
Run threw the bottle but it passed through the shadows.
Run: I failed. I'll try again…
A shadow made a scream scaring her making her drop the bottle. A strange gas covered Run and Kyouko, then their clothes melted, letting them full naked.
Rito blushed to see them naked.
Run: (Ashamed) Not again! That was the same bottle!
Kyouko: (Ashamed) I thought you didn't have more of that!
Rito: (Blushed) You brought that thing again? (Thinking) "Why do I think this is a dejavu?"
The shadows run to catch them.
Kyouko pressed herself on Rito's back. He felt her breasts making him blushed.
Kyouko: I'll burn them.
She used her flame breath making them disappear.
Run: Did you beat them?
Kyouko: I don't know. They seem retired before my attack.
Rito: (Thinking) "Dejavu"
Kyouko: Rito-kun?
Rito: (Back to reality) Eh? Well, it's good you two are alright. Wait here, I'll call Lala to give you some clothes. (He leaves)
Run: This situation reminds me like that time.
Kyouko: Yeah.
Rito was taking his cellphone, but then he realized something.
Rito: Damn! I forgot Haruna-chan is waiting for me! I should call her first.
However, he noticed a mysterious girl who was on a big panel but then she disappeared.
Rito: Who was she? She seems familiar.
Suddenly other humanoid shadows appeared to him, surrounding him.
Rito: What do you want?
Mysterious girl: So, I finally meet you.
Rito heard a female voice. He saw the same girl and resulted being the schoolgirl he meet yesterday.
Rito: Eh?
Mysterious girl: Yuuki Rito.
Rito: You are that girl!
Mysterious girl: Take him to that place, I'll call the others. (She jumped very high until dissapear)
Rito: Hey!
The shadows grabbed him and took him to another place.
Meanwhile, Haruna was still waiting for Rito.
Haruna: (Worried) Where's Yuuki-kun? I thought he'll come fast.
Then she noticed some couples run away very scared. Other shadows were passing to them while they were heading to a place.
Haruna: What's that?
She noticed some of them were taking Rito to a building.
Haruna: (Worried) Yuuki-kun!
In a building ceiling, Rito was left by the shadows while they turned into dust.
Rito: Why am I here?
Mysterious girl: To have a private conversation.
Rito noticed the mysterious girl was there too.
Rito: Who are you? Why those shadows are scaring people?
Mysterious girl: It's the moment to know the true.
Then her body was covered by dark energy. Her school uniform was changing. Rito in shock to see that ability. After that, she was wearing a black long dress, with an ornamental on her neck, also was carrying an umbrella.
Rito: That ability…
Mysterious girl: Oh? Did you that before?
Rito: Like Yami, Mea and Nemesis. Then you are…
Mysterious girl: My name is Kage. I'm a humanoid weapon too!
Rito: Another humanoid weapon? Then you are familiar with Yami and the others?
Kage: Tsk! (Dissapearing her umbrella into dust) Don't put me in the same level like those bitches! I'm the best of those! Beside… (Using her hands and appeared dark flames) My skills are powerful than theirs!
Rito: Why did you bring me?
Kage: I thought if someone you know is injured you will appear.
Rito: Eh? Then, you are the one who attacked Yami?
Kage: I made the possible to not kill her. You should thanks me.
Rito: Why are you doing all this?
Kage: To meet you. About your actions. You have potential.
At that moment, Haruna was going up in the building until arrive where Rito is.
Haruna: Yuuki-kun!
Rito: (Noticing her) Sairenji! Don't come!
Haruna: (To Kage) What are you doing to Yuuki-kun?
Kage: (Upset) Silence, bitch!
Kage used dark flames to launch Haruna to her feet scaring her. Also that attack torn her clothes, making her body little exposed.
Rito: (Worried) Sairenji, are you okay?
A huge shadow claw grabbed and sent him to Kage very close.
Kage: I can't wait to see what are you able to do.
Rito: Why did you come to the city?
Kage: (Touching his face with her hand, caressing him) I'm going to finish what the Gatorians weren't able to do. I want to see if you can stop me. You'd better don't disappoint me. (Looking to Haruna) Is that your girlfriend?
Rito: No, I just met her.
Haruna was in little shock to hear his words.
Kage: Really? Then, I'll give you a gift from me.
Suddenly Kage kissed Rito directly to his lips. Haruna was in shock to see that scene.
Rito was in shock feel that. Then Kage slashed him with her hand covered with dark energy in blade form. She released him, making him fall to the floor. Rito was injured with a cut on his body.
Haruna: (Worried) Yuuki-kun!
Kage: Now show me your skills, oh I forgot, you are a powerless earthling haha!
Rito, despite of his injury, woke up and had his head tilted but then he put his hand on his pocket. He wears the red glove he had in his right hand.
Haruna: That thing is…
Kage: Haha! What? Did you think I didn't know? That thing is empty; you used all the power of the moon to save your planet! (Flashbacks about what she said) Are you trying to scare me…
Suddenly Rito run and grabbed Kage with his right hand.
Kage: (Surprised and quiet) What did you…
Rito lifts his face; his eyes seem turned into red with a killer sight. The glove transformed into a red armored claw. That was hurting Kage.
Haruna was scared to see him in that state.
Haruna: Yuuki-kun?
Then Rito gave a punch to Kage but she dodged very fast.
Kage: That's impossible!
Izayoi appeared to that place too.
Izayoi: Rito-kun! (She noticed he was in rage) What is that energy?
Rito screamed in rage.
Izayoi: That essence?
Kage noticed Izayoi presence.
Kage: No way! You are the moon warrior. You're supposed to be dead!
Kage noticed something, a dark energy from Rito. He didn't seem the same.
Kage: I guess I went too far to provoke him. I leave now.
She disappeared into dark flames until vanished.
Izayoi: Wait! (Noticing Rito's rage) Rito-kun, what's going on with you?
Rito pointed his claw to a place and shot a powerful beam.
Izayoi: No, Rito-kun! You're going to kill someone!
At that time, another beam was shot and diverted Rito's beam to crash to the lake, without hurting people.
Momo and Mea arrived at time. Mea used her gun to divert that powerful beam.
Momo: Haruna-san, are you okey?
Izayoi: Momo-san, Mea-san.
Mea: I could divert that attack.
Momo: What happened? Are you okey?
Izayoi: Haruna-san and me are okey, but Rito-kun.
Momo and Mea noticed Rito was screaming in rage.
Momo: Rito-san? What are you…
Suddenly Rito run and attack Momo with his claw. She dodged at time.
Momo: Hey, Rito-san!
Mea: Senpai! (Transforming her hand into a blade) You don't have to do that!
Mea attacked Rito to stop him, but was difficult. He slashed to her shirt, exposing her breasts. Another of his attack pushed her until make her crash into the floor.
Momo was in shock to see Rito in rage mode. Then she run and grabbed him, trying to calm him down.
Momo: Rito-san, you are not yourself!
But Rito hit Momo breaking him free. She used her device and summoned some alien plants which used their roots to stop him.
Momo: Rito-san! Calm down!
Rito screamed and cut the roots with his claw. He focused to attack Momo but Izayoi went to his front.
Izayoi: Rito-kun! That energy is making you to act that way! Please, stop!
Rito moved his claw making some dark flames appeared and push away Izayoi. He set to Momo to attack her while lifting his claw.
Momo: (Scared) Rito-san, no! You can't attack me! Don't you recognize us?
At that moment, Rito heards a scream.
Haruna: YUUKI-KUN!
Rito turned to see Haruna. She was scared.
Momo: No, Haruna-san. Run away!
But she noticed Rito stopped while seeing Haruna.
Haruna: (With tears on her eyes) Who are you?
Rito was in shock to hear her words.
Rito: (In his state) Sairenji.
Suddenly he felt a hard headache and scream in pain. Then he dismayed. His armored claw turned back to the glove.
Momo: (Worried) Rito-san!
Mea: (Little injured) How is Rito-senpai?
Momo: I don't know. We should take him to Mikado-sensei!
Haruna: (In sadness) Yuuki-kun.
Izayoi: That essence… that means some of that was still inside Rito-kun's body. But what is that strange transformation?
At the other side, Kage was in other place while reminding about before.
Kage: I guess I found something interesting (Flashback about Izayoi, Mea and Momo arriving when she was gone) Maybe (Smiling evilly) two things interesting.