At Mikado's lab; Rito was resting on a bed. He felt exhausted. Then he opened his eyes.
Rito: Ah! Wait! What am I…? (Noticing the place) What happened?
Izayoi: Rito-kun!
Rito: Izayoi.
At that moment, Lala appeared.
Lala: Rito! (Embracing him while burying his face on her breasts) Rito!
Rito: (Funny blushed) Hey, Lala! Stop already!
Lala: (Very worried) Are you okey? (Nearly crying) I heard you were injured. I'm glad you're okey now!
Rito: Sorry for making you worried.
Nana: How do you feel?
Momo: Rito-san, is it you again?
Rito: Momo, what happened to me? (He noticed Haruna was there) Sairenji!
Haruna seems worried and sad.
Rito: Sairenji, are you okey?
Lala: Haruna, you were there when that happened, right? Please, tell us what you saw!
Haruna: I… I… (Flashbacks when Rito turned into rage) I can't!
Lala: Haruna! (Holding her shoulders, asking answers) Haruna, answer me!
Momo: Onee-sama, please don't! Haruna-san is still in shock about that.
Lala: Sorry, Haruna.
Rito: I was attacked by Kage, she's a humanoid weapon.
The girls were surprised to hear that.
Yami: Did you say Kage?
Nana: Yami! Are you alright?
Yami: I was cured. But the girl who attacked me used trans, like me and Mea. (Flashback about how Kage appeared and used shadow blades and made explosion with dark flames) That power was huge.
Rito: I see.
Nana: But how could be another weapon arrived to Earth?
Mikado and Tearju came to them.
Tearju: Maybe we know something.
Momo: Tearju-sensei, Mikado-sensei.
Mikado: When we heard the name Kage, we remembered something years ago.
Izayoi: You know about that girl Kage?
Tearju: Let me explain you.
Tearju's voice: It was in my time when I was working as scientist with the secret group. An unknown scientist was working in secret about a special weapon before Yami's creation. (She was hidden while hearing a conversation)
Scientist: The other scientist are busy in their project, so I must hurry in my work.
Scientist's helper: Sir, this new project is very different.
Scientist: I call this project Shadow. I created it based from the project they were working. This project will renovate any experiment in this universe!
Scientist's helper: But sir, will you control this project?
Scientist: It's still in progress but some results were lame. (It's seen some lifeless little girls body amount as garbage) Some of these bodies weren't so strong to carry this power.
Scientist's helper: So what should I do with them?
Scientist: Just throw them away with the trash. I must perfect the master program the Dark Princess to the project can transform into the most powerful weapon in universe.
Tearju's voice: After a time, Yami creation was completed. I was in charge to take care her. That scientist was in trouble when the group realized about his project.
Scientist leader: You were working using our investigation. Do you think you can control that thing? You are out of our investigation group and your project will be erased!
Tearju's voice: But that scientist wasn't quiet. He took the result of the project Shadow and run away. During our investigation about Yami, the group reported about some data taken from other projects, they could be about Mea and Nemesis.
/End of flashbacks/
Mikado: Then Tearju told me about that situation but I didn't take serious because there wasn't report about that project Shadow. But when Yami told us about a humanoid weapon who uses shadows to attack, that made us remember.
Rito: So Kage, was another experiment.
Mea: That explained everything.
Rito: Mea, are you okey?
Mea: Senpai, you didn't remember when you attack me?
Rito: What, I?
Mikado: Something about Kage could infect you. Mea told me you turned into a rage version of you, also your right hand transformed into an armored claw.
Rito: But could I?
Izayoi: That could be… some essence of the moon power is still in your body.
Nana: What? No way! It's supposed that power which bonded Rito was vanished!
Izayoi: That was that I thought, but there's no doubt little particulars were still in Rito, but his contact with Kage made them woke up in a different way. Provoking a strange change in the glove, he was carrying.
Momo: So Kage-san made something to Rito-san to make him into a rage mode?
Izayoi: Oh? Then Rito had an evil version of him, a new character called Evil Rito?
Rito: Izayoi, this is not an arcade fighting game.
Izayoi: Maybe this could be good.
Rito: Oh no! I forgot about Run and Kyouko-chan! I left them before the attack.
Izayoi: Don't worry. I found them in the way and gave them clothes to keep them safe.
Rito: I'm glad about that.
Mikado: But what am I worried, is about that program called the Dark Princess.
Tearju: I didn't understand at all, sorry.
Lala: For now we must go home. We need to rest.
Rito: You're right.
Lala: Oh! We must advise Yui and Run about this.
Rito: We could tell them tomorrow at school.
Lala: Or maybe, we can call them right now… (Taking her device, and using it) with this!
Rito: (Funny scared) Wait, Lala! That's…
In a bright, Yui and Run appeared in the air and fell on Rito. They were summoned but were naked.
Rito: (Blushed) Ah!
Run: (Happy ignoring her state) Rito-kun!
Yui: (Funny blushed) Ah! Not again!
At home, Rito was better but feeling sad about before, losing his conscious.
Rito: I hope Lala could calm Yui and explained about before.
Momo: Rito-san, sorry.
Rito: Why, Momo?
Momo: It was supposed this should have been your date with Haruna-san but was ruined. I should have been at your side to help you.
Rito: Well, that was all you could do…
Mikan: Rito!
Rito: Mikan, sorry that your brother was late…
Mikan: (Suddenly grabbing his shoulders) What were you doing? Something dangerous again? Like that time?
Rito: That time. (Remembering when we was in the war of the Gatorians)
Mikan: Why did you have to pass in that again? What kind of brother makes his little sister worried more than ever?
Rito: Sorry.
Mikan was almost crying for Rito.
Izayoi: Mikan-san, don't worry, I'll make sure Rito doesn't risk his life like before.
Mikan: Thanks, Izayoi-san.
Then, Rito was on his bedroom, preparing to sleep. But then someone knocks his door. It was Nana.
Rito: Nana?
Nana: Can we talk for a while?
Rito: What do you want to talk?
Nana: I know this is a bad moment about before. But…
Rito: But?
Nana: (Little blushed) Can you touch my breasts?
Rito: (Funny blushed) Eh? But why?
Nana: It's because…
Nana and Izayoi were talking in school nursery.
Nana: Hey, Izayoi. Can I ask you something?
Izayoi: What?
Nana: How can you make your breasts bigger?
Izayoi: So, you don't like being flat after all.
Nana: Don't make fun of me! I want to know!
Izayoi: Okey, I read some books. It's said that they can be bigger if someone massage them.
Nana: That part I practiced with Haruna, but it didn't work.
Izayoi: It's because you forgot something important.
Nana: What?
Izayoi: It has to be a boy's hands.
Nana: (Blushed) But Rito is the only boy I know.
Izayoi: It works when a boy you like, massage them for you.
/End of flashback/
Nana: So, I can't ask any boy instead of you.
Rito: (Confused) Then, can I ask you something?
Nana: What?
Rito: (Looking to her very close, making her blushed) Aren't you Nemesis or Mea using their trans? Or did you swapped body with Momo? Or aren't you affected by Celine's pollen?
Nana: What makes you doubt? It's me!
Rito: Then, prove me you are Nana.
Nana: Beast!
Rito: Okey, it's you.
Nana: Listen, I hate this! But I want to know that I won't be flat forever. That's I need you to do this for me. (Taking off her shirt) Do it!
Rito: Okey, only if you allow me.
Then Rito's hand grabbed her breasts and massaged them a little. Nana moaned to feel that.
Nana: (Thinking while blushing) "So this is the sensation of a man, it's very different when Rito gropes me accidentally"
Rito: Sorry, Nana!
Nana: (Staying away from him) Okey, that's enough. Just don't tell this to Anue or Momo. They could laugh at me. That's all, good night! (Leaving his room)
Rito: I didn't expect Nana ask me that favor.
At the other side, Kage was on a bridge, thinking seriously, while remembering something about her past.
At point of view of Kage.
She saw how the scientist was throwing away some female bodies like hers.
Scientist: Finally! I was able to create a perfect body for project Shadow!
Then she heard the scientist arguing with the group about his project. He took her and the rest of his project data.
In a lab, in an unknown place, Kage woke up and was in front of the scientist. The place was destroyed and was on fire. The scientist was wounded because Kage attacked him. She was naked and seems emotionless and her hand in blade form.
Scientist: It can't be! You should obey my orders! I'm your creator!
Kage: I saw what you did with others like me. You only think about me as a killer tool. Also your data showed me that I can become the most powerful weapon by completing my development with the Dark Princess program. I don't need you anymore!
The scientist was in horror while seeing Kage coming to him with murder look. It hears a screaming voice in black scene.
Kage was in black dress walking in different planets.
Kage: I must find it, to complete my development. But I think with this body is enough to eliminate anything in my way.
Then she noticed an alien ship, it was the Gatorian ship.
/End of flashback/
Kage: (Smiling evilly) Tomorrow I'll began my plan to eliminate those who are disturbing in my way!
At next day at school, Nana and Yui were doing their duties as the school moral. Nana surprised a group of male students who were reading erotic magazines. She summoned a squid alien to take them.
Nana: This kind of things are prohibited in school. Let's undo these!
She summoned a mole alien and shred those magazines. Yui seems worried and didn't notice the activity.
Nana: Okey, Yui, another bother is cleared. (Noticing her behavior) Yui?
Yui: (To reality) Oh, Nana-chan. Sorry, you did well.
Nana: Something is bothering you?
Yui: Nothing. (Thinking worried) "If Izayoi is right? Yuuki-kun could be in danger if that girl called Kage is behind him"
At the other side, Rito was walking, then he saw Haruna. He goes to her.
Rito: Sairenji! Can we talk?
Haruna: (In sadness) Yuuki-kun, I can't right now.
Rito: Listen, what you saw…
Haruna: Why did you say those things in front on me?
Rito: Eh? (Remembering his words in front of her with Kage) What I say.
Haruna: I'm sad and angry. (Almost crying) Because I saw the boy I like was kissed by another girl!
Rito: But you saw what happened! She made me that!
Haruna: (In her state) And what? It was our date! I was happy to spend my time with you, then that girl. (Flashback about that kiss)
Rito: Sairenji, I…
Haruna: Sorry, I don't want to talk! (She leaves)
Rito: Sairenji!
Lala: (Arriving) Rito, it seems Haruna didn't recover about before.
Rito: I messed up my chance to improve my relationship with Sairenji.
Lala: Let me talk with her. I think I could convince her.
Meanwhile, Kage arrived at school, while smiling.
Kage: Now, let's begin with this nightmare!
She moved her hand and an army of shadows appeared.
Kage: Go!
The shadows went and attack different parts of school, scaring the students.
The girls noticed the attack. Also Rito heard some screamings.
Rito: Kage!
Rito run and meet with Momo and Mea in his way.
Rito: Momo, Mea. Where's everyone?
Momo: Nana and Onee-sama are in other place.
Mea: Yami-oneechan meet some shadows and is fighting.
Yami was defeating some shadows, protecting some students.
Student 1: Wow! Yami-chan is so good!
Student 2: We admire you! Yami-san!
Yami: (Desinterested) Unconcerned.
Mea: And Neme-chan is not here.
Momo: About the others, I don't know. Just we are heading to save them.
Rito: Damn! Why now?
At the other side, other shadows were surrounding Nana and Yui along with some students.
Yui: What's going on?
Nana: These should be Kage's minions that Rito told us!
At the other side, Run and the rest were surrounded by other shadows.
Run: (Worried) Oh no! Those are the same that attacked in my free time.
Meanwhile, Lala meet Haruna.
Lala: Haruna. Listen, what Rito said was for your good.
Haruna: Lala-san.
Lala: Rito didn't want you to involve in danger…
Haruna: I knew his intentions. But I was devastated to see him in that situation. I couldn't see him in my state. He must be sad because of my arguing.
Lala: (Putting her hands on her shoulders) Haruna, don't worry. Rito is the kind of man who won't put his friends in danger. That is what I admire and love. Then you must face him to receive his apologies and you can apology to him.
Haruna: (Smiling a little) Yeah.
Peke: (In its brooch form) Lala-sama, there's danger!
Suddenly a group of shadows surrounded them.
Haruna: Those ones! Like yesterday!
Lala: That means…
At other place, Izayoi sensed the presences of the shadows attacking the school.
Meanwhile; Rito, Momo and Mea were running up to the stairs.
Rito: Kage is up there!
Mea: Do you think we can stop her?
Momo: We must try, or else everyone in school would be in danger!
Rito: In that case. (Wearing the glove)
Momo: Rito-san!
Rito: Wearing this, makes me feel confident.
Momo: Okey.
At the school ceiling, Kage was observing the situation. Rito, Momo and Mea arrived where she is.
Rito: Kage!
Kage: You arrived at last.
Momo: Stop this already! Kage-san!
Kage: You two, don't disturb me!
She moved her hand and dark flames attacked Momo and Mea, launching them away.
Rito: (Worried) Momo! Mea!
Kage: (Close to him) Now we can talk without disturbs.
Rito: Why are you doing this?
Kage: I hate humans, especially the ones who created me.
Rito: I know what you have passed. Yami had that experience and she lives a peaceful life. You can live in that way too.
Kage: Good propose, but I pass!
She ordered her shadows keep attacking. Suddenly a girl appeared behind her and attack her using a staff.
Kage: Who are you?
Izayoi: (In school uniform) While I'm in Earth, I won't let Rito-kun's place is destroyed!
Rito: (Amazed) Izayoi? Your soul!
Izayoi: Mikado-san gave me this physical body for my soul. I can use my skills as Moon warrior.
Rito: I'm glad you came!
Izayoi: (Noticing his glove) So you decided to keep it. (Went to his side) Let's fight together.
Rito: Okey.
Izayoi: Even you don't have power from the glove, you'll still go on.
Rito: I won't move back! Even in this risk.
Izayoi: That's the Rito-kun I know!
Kage: If you please, I'll burn you together!
Rito and Izayoi: Here we go!
Kage used shadows attacks against them but they dodged them without difficulty. Then she used dark flames too.
Izayoi: Rito-kun, I'll distract her then you knock her with a fist!
Rito: (Little worried) But I can't hit a girl, even she's an alien or weapon.
Izayoi: (Little upset) Fine! You distract her, I'll attack her!
Rito: Yes!
Rito distracted some Kage's attack, at that time Izayoi appeared behind her. Using her staff, Izayoi hit Kage making her fall to the ground.
Kage: (Feeling pain) What interesting. You recovered a part of your skills as Moon warrior.
Izayoi: Even you are a humanoid weapon; you can't attack humans who didn't made you something bad.
Kage: You're not my master to tell me what to do!
Then she moved her hand, some shadow claws appeared and attacked Izayoi. She used her staff to defend.
Rito: Izayoi!
Izayoi: (To his side) Rito-kun, this is more complicated.
The shadow claws were coming to attack them but they were destroyed by two beams. Momo and Mea returned and used her tail and gun-arm to shot respectively.
Momo: Sorry for staying away for a while, Rito-san
Mea: We returned!
Rito: Girls, it's good you're okey!
Momo and Mea went to Rito and Izayoi.
Kage: (Upset) You should be apart to avoid any problem!
Momo: Is that what you think? We'll protect Rito-san!
Kage: Pathetic! I'll destroy all of you!
Mea: Oh yeah? You and which army?
Kage moved her hand and suddenly many humanoid shadows appeared surrounding them. They were in funny shock to see them
Momo: (Funny upset) Did you have to talk?
Kage: This is not the only thing you have to surprise, also (Touching her lips) I took Rito's virginity.
Izayoi, Momo and Mea were funny surprised to hear that.
Momo: Rito-san! You went to far!
Rito: (Funny blushed) No! I didn't do that!
Kage: Let me show you, our kids!
She moved her hands and then, the humanoid shadows begin to transform, taking Rito's shape. Including the other which were attacking the school. Everyone were surprised to see that ability.
Rito: What's happening?
Kage: It's because when we kissed, I took an essence from your body and fused with my power. So I can create this version of my minions.
Mea: I didn't know that skill!
Rito: Well, no one knew about this.
Momo: We are forgetting something important.
Rito: What?
Momo: (Funny upset) Rito-san! Is it true you kissed her yesterday!
Rito: (Blushed) It wasn't purposely! She kissed me by force!
Kage: Whatever, now go my minions, attack them!
The Rito Shadows went to attack them but suddenly a wind absorbed them to a giant vacuum.
Kage: What?
Lala: Rito! Girls! Sorry for getting late!
Rito: Lala! You used that to save us?
Nana: Hey, it's not only Anue who came!
Rito noticed Nana with Yami and Nemesis arrived too.
Rito: Nana, Yami, Nemesis!
Nemesis: I won't lose this fun.
Then Momo and Mea when to them. They formed two groups. Deviluke princesses and humanoid weapons.
Kage: Interesting! The Deviluke princesses and the humanoid weapons. All of you think you can defeat me?
Yami: Your acts will stop right now!
Yami, Mea and Nemesis transformed their hands into blades and attacked Kage, but she transformed her two hands into dark energy blades, also her hair was defending her.
Kage: I have the same ability like you!
She pushed them back.
Lala: Here we go!
Lala and her sisters went with their devices to attack Kage. Nana summoned a huge alien bird and Momo summoned a huge alien cactus. Both of them attacked Kage but she dodged them and used dark flames to scare them.
Kage: Don't screw me!
Lala: (Using her device) Let's try with this! (Using a gun which threw glue over Kage) That special glue will immobilize you and let you as a statue.
Nana: Good! Anue!
Momo: We did it!
But Kage broke free from the glue easily.
Kage: Is it all you have?
She moved her hand and huge shadow claws appeared from floor and attacked Lala and the others. Rito and Izayoi were worried to see that.
Rito: Lala! Girls!
Kage: (To Rito) Now it's your turn!
Then Izayoi run fast and used her staff against Kage.
Izayoi: No! It's my turn!
Izayoi is attacking Kage but with some difficult. Kage used her shadow claws but Izayoi used her staff to destroyed them.
Kage: As I expected from the last member of the Moon warrior race.
Izayoi: I'm here to protect my friends!
Izayoi attacked Kage again but Kage used her single hand to stop Izayoi who couldn't move.
Kage: Don't you understand? You can't defeat me by yourself!
Izayoi: You're right. But the difference between you and me is that… I have friends who support me!
Izayoi jumped away, then Kage noticed Yami, Mea and Nemesis appeared behind her and used their blades to hurt her.
Kage: (Feeling pain) Agh! Don't think that would be enough to kill me!
Nemesis: We could be humanoid weapons, but you don't trust anyone, like us. Now, Deviluke princesses!
Izayoi: Go!
Kage didn't notice that Lala and her sisters were aligning their tails together, concentrating a powerful beam pointing to Kage. The humanoid weapons moved away very fast leaving Kage hurt.
Kage: Shit!
Lala, Nana and Momo shot a powerful combined beam from their tails to Kage provoking a great damage on her.
Momo: That was all!
Rito: Girls.
Kage was unconscious on the floor; she seems injured and almost move.
Izayoi: We stopped Kage.
At the other side, at home, Mikan noticed some noises in the town.
Mikan: I wonder what's happening?
Then someone was coming to her.
Mikan: (Noticing its presence) Oh, you arrived, Rito… (She was grabbed and silenced by its hand)
Celine noticed that scene, she was confused.
Meanwhile, Rito and the girls were close to Kage who was injured. It seems Kage is disappearing.
Kage: Damn! My body is losing power. At this rhythm, I could die.
Rito: (Hearing what she said) What do you mean by die?
Kage: I'm very different than my equals, but because of damage my body wasn't in good development. So now my power is failing making my soul disappearing.
Rito: It's like when Nemesis battled against Gid. Then we…
Izayoi: No! Rito-kun! She's trying to win your trust!
Rito: She doesn't deserve die in this way.
Izayoi: It looks like we defeat her, but… (Noticing the shadows are still attacking, also to the town) Those minions are attacking, including the town.
Nana: But I thought if Kage is beaten, it's over!
Momo: I guess we must check her.
Yami: I don't think it's a good idea.
Lala: We can't let her in that condition.
Nemesis: Even she was the enemy; we're not sure how dangerous she is.
Momo: (Coming to Kage very close) I can't believe a girl like you makes a lot of disaster by vengeance, unless we'll try to save you.
When Momo was turning back, Kage smiled evilly and woke up. She was behind Momo.
Rito: (Noticing that) Momo! Watch out!
Suddenly Kage grabbed Momo from behind with her arms.
Momo: Ah! What?
Kage: Hahaha!
Izayoi: Kage! Let her go!
Kage: Now I understand why that scientist gave me the program Dark princess!
Momo: (Being hanged) What do you mean by that?
Kage: I was observing all of you and I found out about the powerful alien races. To think the Deviluke king's daughters would inherit his power. That was I was looking for, to complete my development. I needed a strong body. But you, princess Momo, you have more potential than any of your sisters.
Lala: Momo? Is the one you were looking for?
Nana: What do you want to do with Momo?
Kage: It's over! All of you already lost!
Momo: (Feeling pain) No!
A great dark energy was covering Kage and Momo. The rest were surprised to see that. They were being pushed away by the dark aura that was forming.
Rito: (Worried) Momo!
After that, it's seen someone was there. It was Momo but something is different in her. Her body was emiting dark aura, her eyes are red like the same color like Kage's eyes. Also, she was wearing Kage's ornamental on her neck.
Momo: (With Momo and Kage's mixed voice) I obtained my full development. (Smiling evilly) The program Dark princess is completed!
A dangerous situation has begun.