Part 4

Rito and the girls were in shock to see what happened. Kage fused with Momo. That new entity was Momo with dark aura, like Kage. Also she was wearing Kage's ornamental on her neck.

Izayoi: That essence…

Momo: (With cold voice, mixed with Kage's voice) The program Dark Princess is completed! (Observing her body) This is incredible! I feel better!

Lala: What did you do to Momo? Get her back to us!

Momo: I'm afraid that won't happen. Princess Momo's body became one with my soul!

Izayoi: Kage! Her soul fused with Momo-san!

Nana: No way!

Yami: That skill…

Nemesis: It could be…

Momo: That's right, the last phase of my development is find a powerful body for my soul!

Rito: Release Momo!

Momo: Sorry, but that won't be possible! I'm princess Momo!

Izayoi: Don't use Momo-san's body as she was yours!

Momo: (Smiling evilly) Then, let's settle this!

Momo moved her hand and shot a dark flame wave to them. They avoided that attack at time.

Izayoi: That power is from Kage!

Nemesis: Her attacks seem stronger.

Yami: I'll stop her!

Yami went to Momo with her hair turned into blades.

Mea: Wait, Yami-oneechan!

Momo moved quickly and grabbed Yami's neck with her hand.

Momo: Get away!

She used dark flames to launch away Yami.

Rito: Yami!

Izayoi: She has Momo's strength!

Momo: That's right! After many years, I had to find a body to complete my development but not many life forms in universe weren't worthy. Then I found out that Gid, the Deviluke king, was the most powerful in universe. But I would have problems dealing with someone like him. Then I realized he had three daughters who inherit his power.

Izayoi: You were looking for Lala-san and her sisters?

Momo: Yeah but princess Momo was the one who showed more potential than the other sisters. Then I met the Gatorians in the space. They were heading to the Earth's moon to steal a great power. That's why I made a deal with them. I leaded them to the moon and permit to invade Earth, that would be the moment when the Deviluke princesses who were living in this planet, will show themselves. I took advantage of those reptilians to obtain information about Gid's daughters, I discovered princess Momo had more power than princess Lala and princess Nana. Then I led the Gatorians were terminated so now I don't have any disturb in my plan. (Flashbacks about what she said)

Yami: So you let them die just for steal princess Momo's body.

Momo: That's right!

Yami: (Transforming into her Darkness form) I won't let you do that!

Yami used her darkness powers against Momo but she stopped it easily.

Momo: (Pointing her tail to Yami) Die!

She shot a beam from her tail and injured Yami who fell from the ceiling, turning her back to normal.

Nana: Yami! (To Momo) Momo! Stop! That's not yourself!

Izayoi: We must separate Kage from Momo-san!

Nemesis: That would be hard!

Rito: What do you mean?

Nemesis: Her skill is like mine.

Rito: Is when you joined your body with mine after fighting Gid?

Nemesis: Not exactly. I used your body to recover my body. But hers is like symbiotic.

Mea: Symbiotic?

Nemesis: A life form who needs to join with other life form to live. And mostly they dominate its host as its new body.

Rito: It means…

Izayoi: Momo-san's body is part of Kage.

Momo: I'll finish all of you!

Momo used dark flame waves against Rito and the girls.

Lala and Nana went to stop Momo. They grabbed her to immobilize her.

Lala: Momo, can you hear me? It's me, your big sister!

Nana: Momo, it's us!

Momo: (With cold sight) I know you but I'm not your sister anymore!

Momo took her device and then summoned huge carnivorous plants with big jaws.

Lala: (Amazed) She knows how to use Momo's device?

Momo: He! I found out this girl has good skill in plant language. I brought powerful plants. (To the plants) You, eat them!

The carnivorous plant obeyed her orders and attacked Lala and Nana.

Nana: They are obeying her?

Momo: I told you! I'm Momo!

Nana used her device to summon some alien animals to attack the plants.

Momo: I expected Momo's twin sister will use her device to summon her friends too. But I don't need any help to handle you!

Momo run and fought against Lala. Lala was defeated easily by a kick from Momo. She broke the ceiling, making a great hole.

Momo: And stay there!

She kicked Lala and fell to the hole.

Rito: (Worried) Lala!

Nana: Anue! How could you!

Nana pointed her tail and shot a beam to Momo.

Momo: So weak!

Momo used her tail to shot a powerful beam, which destroyed Nana's and attacked her. Nana was injured.

Momo: (Grabbing Nana) Get lost, washboard! (Throwing her to the hole)

Izayoi: Lala-san! Nana-san!

Nemesis: We have to handle her. Let's go Mea!

Mea: Yes!

At the other side, Haruna, Yui, Run, Risa, Mio, Saki, Rin and Ayaka were with some students, who were surrounded by Rito shadows.

Yui: Why those things have Yuuki-kun's form?

Run: (Scared) They could be the shadow minions from that girl called Kage.

Haruna: (Worried) Something happen to Yuuki-kun. It could be my fault for ignoring him.

Risa: No, I don't think so.

Saki: Ah! Those monsters are scaring me!

Rin: Saki-sama, stay back with us.

The shadows went to attack them but suddenly they were burn by a flame breath. Kyouko arrived to save Run.

Run: Kyouko-chan!

Kyouko: (Embracing her) I'm glad I arrived at time to save you, Run-chan!

Run: What's going on?

Kyouko: I don't know. Those shadows are invading the city. I noticed some of them at school so I came here first.

Run: (Noticing school ceiling) What's happening up there?

Haruna: (Worried) Yuuki-kun! (She leaves)

Yui: Wait, Haruna!

At the other side, Nemesis and Mea went to attack Momo with her blade hands.

Mea: You'll pay what you did to Yami-oneechan!

Suddenly Momo used her hands to stop Nemesis and Mea easily grabbing their blades.

Izayoi: She stopped them with her hands only?

Momo: I'm powerful than a single humanoid weapon!

She hit them with a powerful punch on their stomachs at the same time send them away from the ceiling.

Momo: Join with Yami too! (To Rito and Izayoi) Now you two are the only left.

Rito: Damn! We have to save Momo!

Izayoi: There should be a way.

Momo: Try if you can!

Izayoi run to attack Momo.

Rito: Izayoi!

Izayoi attacked her with her staff but she stopped it.

Momo: You're not a menace to me!

Momo gave her a kick, sending her away from her.

Momo: (To Rito) Then what will you do, Rito Yuuki?

Rito: Me? (Unsure) I won't let you do whatever you want!

Momo: Why don't you try to use that berserk power. This time I won't be afraid.

Momo used a dark flame wave against Rito. He dodged it but then Momo was behind him. She was hanging him with her arm.

Momo: Come on! Show your true potential as a human!

Rito: (Suffering) Stop… Momo…

Then Izayoi appeared and hit her with a kick, releasing Rito.

Momo: That red-haired girl is pissing me off!

Izayoi: Rito-kun, you have to see the situation. She's not Momo-san, it's Kage in her body.

Rito: I know but…

Izayoi: You can't attack her?

Momo: (Laughing) Of course! That bastard can't hurt a girl like his friend! But I can!

Rito and Izayoi run to attack Momo but she summoned dark flames that attack them.

Izayoi: I need you to hold her for a while, I'll try to attack her to save her soul.

Rito: Okey.

Momo attacked them again.

Izayoi: (Grabbing Rito) Let's go!

They separated. Rito run and was behind Momo, then he grabbed her from behind.

Rito: I got you! (Feeling her butt on his lower body, he blushed) Ah! Too close!

Momo: You perv!

Izayoi: Rito-kun! Hold her a little long, I'll hit…

Izayoi was attempting to attack her but suddenly she felt pain and fell to the floor.

Rito: Izayoi!

Izayoi: (Feeling pain) Damn! The time is over!

Then her soul was separated from her physical body. Her body turned into dust.

Izayoi: I was too close.

Rito: What?

Momo took advantage and hit Rito releasing her.

Izayoi: Damn! Mikado told me the time was limited.

Rito: What do you mean?


During the shadows attack, Izayoi headed to infirmary, there were Mikado, Oshizu and Tearju.

Izayoi: Mikado-san, Kage is attacking!

Mikado: I realized that.

Tearju: What will we do?

Izayoi: I have to help Rito-kun. Give me that!

Mikado: Remember what I told you? Due of your soul composition, the artificial body can't keep you too much time, unlike Oshizu's.

Oshizu: That means…

Mikado: The artificial body will last just one hour. Then it will begin to undo. If you use your skill as Moon warrior, the time decreases faster. Are you sure to risk yourself?

Izayoi: Then I have no choice. (She took an artificial body of herself, then entered) Okey, I feel my skills are back.

Tearju: Remember don't use your skill a lot or else.

Izayoi: I know. Oshizu stay here. Those shadows could come here.

Oshizu: Yeah.

Then Izayoi with her physical body run to where Rito was.

/End of flashback/

Izayoi: For using my skills, the time decreased.

Momo: Ha! What a stupid! (Then she grabbed her despite being a soul)

Izayoi: (Being strangling) But… how?

Momo: My full development, nothing is impossible for me!

Rito: (Worried) Izayoi!

Momo crushed Izayoi to the floor very hard.

Izayoi: (Injured) Agh!

Momo: A menace less, now the powerless human.

Rito: Momo… or Kage…

Momo: I'm Momo!

She run and grabbed him with her hands to his neck.

Rito: Don't! Momo!

Momo: It's over, Rito Yuuki!

She threw him to the hole. He fell to the hole to one school room. Rito was injured.

Rito: (Injured) Ah! Momo, how could I save her? (He noticed a presence, it was Nana) Nana!

She was injured. He went to her.

Rito: Nana! Are you okey?

Nana: I'm not okey… (Noticing Lala on the floor) Anue!

Rito: Lala!

When they went to her, she was naked. Peke was in its robot form at Lala's side.

Rito: (Blushed) Sorry!

Nana: Anue! Peke!

Peke: Rito-dono, Nana-sama. My energy is low so I can't keep my brooch form.

Nana: How is Anue?

Peke: Lala-sama is weak. That attack made too much damage.

Nana: If our dad were here.

Rito: Even if he's here, he won't be able to hurt Momo. This isn't the same when he faced two Momos and found the imposter.

Peke: You're right, Rito-dono.

Rito: You have to take Lala to another place.

Peke: Rito-dono! Are you planning to stay here?

Rito: Well… I have to see Momo.

Nana: Rito, can you save her?

Rito: I don't know but… (Feeling scared) if we don't do something...

Peke: Are you afraid?

Rito: I have to find a way to get her.

Nana: (Taking his hand) Rito… I know I ask something dangerous but… Momo is my sister and I don't want to see she becomes evil.

Rito: Kage is using her body and I don't have the power I used to have. If I lose…

Suddenly she hugged him.

Nana: Rito, once you embraced me to give me the courage to save Mea. (Flashback about that scene) So I beg you… (With tears on her eyes) Save Momo!

Rito: Nana… I'll try. You and Peke take care of Lala. I have to find Izayoi to know if she's okey. (He leaves)

Nana: (Worried) Do your best, Rito.

Meanwhile at the school nursery, the Rito shadows arrived there. But Oshizu used her telekinetic powers to immobilize them.

Oshizu: That girl, how dare to use Rito's face to attack to his friends! (Feeling tired) There many of them, I can't go on!

Mikado: Just one second. (Using a device, that some hidden rods electrocute them until they become ashes) It worked.

Tearju: (Surprised) When did you installed that?

Mikado: I know something like that could happen. I hope Rito and Izayoi can stop Kage.

At the other side; Kage was attacking Izayoi, despite she's a soul.

Izayoi: (Little injured) Her power is unimaginable! I can't use my skills in this state!

Momo: Ha! Even you're a soul, you will die!

She was attempting to attack her with dark flame on her hand but was stopped by a voice.

Rito: Stop! Momo!

Izayoi: Rito-kun!

Momo: You again? Now you have the courage to face me?

Rito: (Fitting the glove on his hand) Even if it's you Momo, I know you're still there!

Momo: Don't make me laugh! Your dear Momo is gone!

Rito: Stop this right now!

Momo: Well then, let's make this battle more interesting. Bring her!

Some shadows minions appeared, they were grabbing Mikan, surprising Rito.

Rito: Mikan!

Mikan: (Waking up) Eh? Rito! What's going on?

Momo: Shut up!

She made a moved on Mikan, making her loss the conscious.

Rito: What did you do to Mikan?

Momo: Don't worry, your little sister is not dead, unless for now.

She pointed her with her blade form hand.

Momo: Here's a situation, your little sister is about to die in front your eyes. What would you do? Come on, go for her! Or else…

Izayoi: (Upset) Are you trying to make Rito-kun get worried more?

Momo: Why not? I want to see his berserk mode like before!

Rito: I can't.

Momo: Then, say good bye to her!

Rito: (Desperate) Stop!

Momo almost kill Mikan but suddenly someone run fast and rescued her from Momo and her minions.

Rito: Who is it?

Rito and Izayoi were surprised that it was a naked girl with a flower on her head. It was Celine in her teen form.

Rito: (Surprised) Celine?

Celine: Yeah.

Rito: But how? It's afternoon yet! I thought you couldn't grow again without full moon.

Izayoi: (Looking up) There's full moon, it doesn't matter if it's visible for everyone. It seems Celine-chan detected it and received its energy. Also I perceived it.

Rito: Is that true?

Celine: I saw how those shadows kidnapped Mikan. So I followed them to this place.

Rito: Okey, Celine, please take Mikan to home.

Celine: But what about you?

Rito: I have to save Momo. Please take care Mikan.

Celine: Okey, be careful. Papa.

She leaves carrying Mikan.

Rito: (Funny blushed) Hey, I'm not ready for being father!

Izayoi: But it seems you liked it to be called that.

Momo: (Upset) Enough! I'll burn you until you become ashes!

Momo moved her hands and some dark flames rose from floor and went to Rito and Izayoi.

Izayoi: Watch out! Rito-kun!

They were dodging Momo's dark flame attacks.

Rito: Wow! Facing Momo's evil side is very complicated.

Izayoi: First your evil side and now Momo. How could we call her? Dark Momo!

Rito: Again with that?

Izayoi: You're right. Sorry.

Momo: Enough chat-chat! Let's enjoy this battle. My minions are beginning the attack of your town!

Izayoi: Don't involve those people!

Momo: I told you! I hate humans! Like the one who created me!

She run and was behind Izayoi. She gave her a hard knee hit. Izayoi was unconscious.

Rito: Izayoi!

Momo: Now let me to see your evil side! Show it to me!

Momo grabbed Rito and hit him, making many injuries on his body. Rito was on the floor after that attack.

Momo: How disappointing! (Grabbing his arm despite his state) You can't liberate that power again? Then stay dead while I destroyed everything you care!

She launched him out of the ceiling. After waking up, Rito realized the town was being invading by shadow minions.

Rito: (Worried) No! At this rate, the Earth will be invaded by Kage's power.

Mea: Senpai!

Rito: Mea? Are you okey? Where are Nemesis and Yami?

Mea: When I woke up, some shadows attacked us. In my condition I wasn't able to face them so Yami-oneechan and Neme-chan took them away from here. Including which scared the other students. (Flashback about what she said)

Rito: I can't believe we are having this dangerous situation. (Feeling depression) We are losing.

Mea: Senpai!

Rito: What else I can do? (Feeling sad) I won't be able to save Momo… like Izayoi (Flashback about Izayoi's death). What can I do? (Nearly crying)

Mea: Senpai! (Grabbing his shoulders) Don't lose the hope! Don't you remember the time you risked your life for everyone, including us!

Rito: Mea.

Mea: So please. Don't lose the faith. You can save Momo-chan.

Rito: (Back to reality) You're right. (Suddenly some images appeared to his mind, from the glove) I'll need to activate this dangerous power. You have to do something to me. (Speaking in low voice)

Mea: (Worried) What? No! I can't!

Rito: Please Mea. This is the only chance to save Momo and everyone!

Mea: But you could…

Rito: This glove told me that it requires a mortal attack from a humanoid weapon to activate this berserk mode. You're the only one I can count right now! Please do it!

Mea was little sad but then she transformed her hand into a blade and pointing to Rito.

Rito: Mea, do it!

Mea: (Very sad) Forgive me! (She stabbed her blade on him)

Rito: (Little bleeding) Well… done… (Feeling he's dying)

Mea: (Nearly crying) Rito-senpai!

Suddenly Rito woke up, the glove turned into metal claw. He screamed in rage and then he run to other place.

Mea: (Worried) This is our last chance.

Momo was hanging Izayoi with her hand.

Momo: Your soul will be extinguish. Then all your race from the moon will go to the same path! (Her other hand had dark flames) Farewell!

Suddenly someone hit her, liberating Izayoi. Izayoi realized it was Rito.

Izayoi: Rito-kun! (Realizing he was in berserk mode) No way! Evil Rito?

Rito was smiling evilly while seeing Momo.

Momo: Well, you finally released that dangerous power. Now let's see who's powerful.

Momo tossed dark flames waves but Rito destroyed them with his claw easily.

Momo: Amazing! Let's see what else you can do.

She run and used dark flame kicks. But he was resisting those attacks.

Izayoi: Rito-kun!

Momo: Don't think you are superior just evolving a strange power!

She pointed her tail and shot a powerful beam which pierced his body. Rito screamed in pain but also enjoying it.

Momo: What?

Rito hit Momo with a powerful attack using evil power from his claw, making her fall to the floor.

Momo: You dare to attack to your own friend?

Izayoi: Dark Momo is having troubles.

Momo: Take this! (Blowing two dark flames smokes, which exploded when they touch him) Taste that!

After that smoke Rito's arm appeared and grabbed Momo, even his body was injured.

Momo: (Being struggling) No! You can't beat me!

Rito: (With evil eyes) Kill!

He attacked with a punch with evil energy. It provoked an explosion, after that, Momo was on the floor little injured.

Momo: You son of a bitch!

Rito: (In his state) Blood! Violence! Kill!

Izayoi: Rito-kun! Don't lose your conscience!

Rito: (In his state) Destruction!

He was walking with his claw charged with evil energy, attempting to kill Momo.

Momo: (In shock) No! You can't! If you kill me, princess Momo will die too!

Izayoi: Rito-kun!

But suddenly he slip and fell on Momo.

Rito: (Back to reality) What am I doing?

He turned back to normal, but he's still have the armored claw. Then he realized he was groping one of Momo's breasts. He was blushed in that situation.

Rito: (Blushed) I… no… I didn't do purposely!

Izayoi: (Surprised) He's back?

Momo: (With cold sight) Tsk! You still are a pervert! (Grabbing Rito from his shirt) I'll burn you!

Izayoi: (Worried) Rito-kun!

Momo had her hands with flames and attempted to attack Rito but suddenly her hand shot to other side. Rito was surprised.

Momo: (Confused) What?

Izayoi: What happened?

Momo: What is this? Why my hand didn't make what I though?

Then her hand grabbed the hand was grabbing Rito, trying to release him.

Momo: What is this?

Momo's voice: No! I won't hurt Rito-san!

Rito: Momo!

Momo's voice: Rito-san!

Momo: Impossible! Your body is mine! We became like one!

Momo's voice: I won't let you control my body!

Momo: Silence! I'm you now!

Her hand released Rito and stepped back.

Izayoi: Rito-kun, are you okey?

Rito: Yeah, but…

Momo was feeling pain while trying to control her body.

Izayoi: It seems Momo-san's soul is trying to break the control of Kage.

Momo took the control again but feeling tired.

Momo: How could that girl releasing my control for a while?

Izayoi: It's because Momo-san woke up when Rito-kun was giving her pleasure. That made her returned!

Rito: (Embarrassed) That explanation wasn't necessary.

Izayoi: Anyway, you still have that evil power, but you aren't evil. You have to save Momo-san with that.

Rito: I wonder if I am able to… (Some images from the claw came to his mind) Okey! I'll try that!

Rito run to Momo but she reacted fast and blew dark flame fireballs which exploded to him. But Rito resisted that explosion and was in front of Momo, preparing the claw.

Momo: Impossible, a simple human can't defeat me!

Rito: Momo! I came to save you!

Momo's eyes reacted, turning to Momo's true eyes.

Momo's voice: (With tears while smiling) Rito-san.

Suddenly Rito grabbed Momo's forehead with the claw while pushing her. He was using much energy from his body.

Rito: Momo! Wake up! Momo!

Then he pushed her with much strength. It's seen he was grabbing Kage while she was being pulling away from Momo's body. Momo was back but weak.

Then Rito was grabbing Kage, making her fall to the floor.

Izayoi: You made it!

Rito: Yeah, I… (Suddenly fell very weak)

Izayoi: (Worried) Rito-kun!

Haruna arrived where Rito and the girls were.

Haruna: (Very worried) Yuuki-kun!

She run and embraced him.

Rito: (Opening his eyes) Sairenji.

Haruna: (Crying) Sorry! If I weren't blaming you.

Rito: Sairenji, no. It's my fault to for not being when you needed me.

Haruna: (Smiling) Yuuki-kun, can we have other date?

Rito: Sure.

Momo woke up and saw Rito was weak with Haruna.

Momo: (Feeling weak) Rito-san… I'm sorry! (With tears) I'm sorry! I didn't want you to be injured by me! I'M SORRY!

Izayoi: Momo-san, it's okey, Rito-kun saved you. That's what he cares.

Momo: But.

Rito: (Smiling) Welcome back, Momo.

Momo: (Smiling) Yeah.

Kage: (Feeling weak) Damn! Why? I was supposed to be the strongest humanoid weapon!

At that time, all Kage's shadows were disappeared in amazement of people. Nemesis and Yami were calm after that.

Nemesis: You made it again. Yuuki Rito.

Izayoi: (Coming to Rito) You did it well.

Rito: (Smiling) Yeah.

Kage: I lost against a human. This is embarrassing!

Izayoi: Kage, you lost because you are alone. Thinking only in revenge.

Kage: Eh?

Rito: Kage, you can't live only because of revenge.

Mea: (Appearing) Yeah, Yami-oneechan, Neme-chan and me passed by the same but when we met Rito-senpai, he changed our lives. Now all of us are his friends.

Kage: Friends?

Suddenly she felt a strong pain.

Rito: Kage!

Her body was beggining to disvanish.

Kage: I wish I met you before, I could be your friend.

Izayoi: Her soul is disappearing!

Kage: It seems the Dark princess program works only once, after that it self-destroy along with me.

Rito: (Streching his hand trying to catch her) Kage.

Kage: (Smiling) Yuuki Rito, you're so lucky to have good friends. (Disvanishing) Take… care… all of them…

Kage finally disappeared. Everyone were sad by her decease.

Rito: Kage, you just wanted to meet friends.

Izayoi: Now she can rest in peace.

Then the armor claw cracked into pieces turning into the glove.

Rito: Eh? My hand is normal.

Izayoi: You are free from that evil power, unless for now.

Yui and the other girls were saved. Rito called to Mikan from hi cellphone. She was right, feeling him relieved. Celine was at her side, in her baby form.

The peace returned to Sainan town. Meanwhile, Rito was in the school nursery on the bed. Then Izayoi came to visit him.

Rito: Izayoi.

Izayoi: How are you?

Rito: I'm feeling better. But what about you? You lost your physical body.

Izayoi: Yeah, my soul wasn't match for a physical body and only last for a while.

Rito: Sorry for that.

Izayoi: It's okay, Mikado-san told me that about the consecuences. But she said with more studies with some colleagues in other galaxies, they could build a new prototype of physical body. There's hope for me but it'll take time.

Rito: You must be happy.

Izayoi: Yeah, my family told me that my actions as soul overpass their expectes now I can return to Earth anytime.

Rito: I'm glad. I wish I could tell to Lala and the other girls about this.

Izayoi: Then, let's bring everyone here, with this. Lala-san gave me this device. (Activated that device)

Rito: (Funny worried) That device? Ah! That's…

A light appeared and then many people appeared and fell on Rito. Rito woke up and was blushed to see many girls naked. Lala, Nana, Momo, Nemesis, Yami, Mea, Risa, Rin, Haruna, Mikan, Yui, Run, Kyouko, Mikado and Tearju.

Lala: (Amazed) Wow! My device worked!

Nana: (Funny blushed) What the…?

Haruna: (Blushed) What is this?

Yui: (Funny blushed) Shameless!

Run: Rito-kun!

Momo: Great! Rito-san's harem plan is active!

Rito: (Blushed) Aaaaah!

Izayoi: This device called all the one who I met.

Some of the girls were embarrassed in that situation, including Rito.

After that, everyone were in the usual activities they do. Then Rito, Lala, Haruna and Yui were with Izayoi in a climb.

Izayoi: We'll meet again soon.

She said good-bye to them while she was ascending to the moon, meeting with her family and people.

Some days later, Rito and the girls were heading to school.

Momo: Rito-san, sorry for not be strong to protect you.

Rito: Don't worry, no matter which menace happen to anyone. I'll make sure no one is in danger.

Momo: That's what I love from you, Rito-san.

Rito: Thanks.

Momo: By the way, I'll help you and Haruna-san for your next date.

Rito: Well, okey. (Looking to sky) Izayoi, I hope you can return to have fun, with everyone.