Family First

October 27, 2007, Athena and Hector leave Dr. June's office at 12:45 pm. They make their way to a nearby coffee shop and place their respective orders.

"And what can I get for you today Miss?"

"One walnut scone, a large iced coffee with room for cream, and a medium black tea, please. He is with me."

Athena points to Hector and takes a moment to look at her phone.

"And what may I get started for you, sir?"

"Good afternoon, may I have an Earl Grey tea, a large black coffee with room for cream, and two bananas? Thank you."

Athena waits for the cashier to disclose the total for the order.

"That will be $20.50 please."

"Let me get this Athena."

"I don't think so Hector, you and Luis drove down here. An afternoon snack is something I can give to you."

"You cooked us breakfast and had an interesting conversation just a minute ago. Please put your cash away."

"If you insist Hector, go ahead and pay. No point in trying to change your mind."

Athena walks over to the wet bar as the barista calls out the order. Hector places money in the tip chair and joins Athena.

"Tell me what is on your mind, Athena. You have a concerned look on your face again."

"Carson tells me the same thing, he must have gotten the habit from you. I am processing what I said to Dr. June, and mentally preparing myself for tomorrow's procedure. Needles and I are not on good terms. A bit ironic considering I am a nurse."

"You took that last part right out of my head. Since you will need someone to take you home after the procedure, I am more than happy to be of service."

"We can talk with Luis and Carson once all of us are together. Carson just sent a text saying he and Luis are on campus waiting for us."

"Hmm? My own son waiting for someone? Usually, it is someone waiting for him."

"Nice joke Hector. Here, could you hold the scone while I fix up Carson's coffee please?"

Twenty minutes later, Athena and Hector meet Luis and Carson outside the Chapel of Saint Ignatius. Athena has her paperwork tucked into her bag while carrying her's and Carson's drink.

"One maple scone and an iced coffee dressed with two percent milk. I brought sugar in case you wanted it sweetened. How was your exam?"

Athena takes a sip from her tea while handing Carson his beverage and scone.

"Thank you, Athena. The exam kicked my butt, the results will be posted by Friday."

Carson gives his fiancé a one-armed hug.

"And here is your extra hot coffee, unsweetened with half-n-half Luis. I also got you a banana."

"Much appreciated Hector. How did the appointment go Athena?"

"It was mentally draining and informative. Dr. June has a sense of humor and knows her stuff. How about we sit down someplace for a proper chat?"

The group of adults walks to a bench on the campus quad. Once seated, Athen continues describing what happened at Dr. June's office.

"Long story short, Dr. June suspects I have leukemia and put in an order for a bone marrow scan. It is scheduled for tomorrow morning at 8:00 am. Right now, I am happy to be moving forward with finding answers to what is going on with my body."

"Mr. Law School, what is your schedule like tomorrow?"

"I have another exam tomorrow morning and a study group in the afternoon. The study group can wait, but the exam can't. Are you or Hector able to assist with tomorrow morning?"

"I feel that depends on what Athena would like to do? Any preference for whom you want to accompany you?"

"Why don't you and Luis stay the night? Carson and I can cook you all dinner, the four of us can hang out, and tomorrow morning we can decide who will come with me."

"Luis your thoughts about staying in Seattle overnight?"

"I have an extra room in my house the two of you can stay in, extra toiletry items since my classmates crash at my place from time to time, and enough food for everyone."

"I am fine staying the night. And I think it would be a good idea for both of us to go tomorrow morning if you are comfortable Athena."

Carson starts rubbing Athena's back as a form of comfort, he can tell she is slightly disappointed that he will not be with her tomorrow morning. He also realizes Athena is aware of his class schedule and appreciates her flexibility.

"I know what you're thinking Carson: I am disappointed you will not be there tomorrow morning, but it is out of your control. Law School is not easy, especially in the first year, and I accept this fact. Stop worrying and kick butt on your test for both of us."

Carson smiles at Athena.

"Thank you, Athena, I will do my best for both of us."

Athena takes a deep breath and addresses everyone.

"Since it is early in the day, I would like to spend a few hours by myself. I want to call my parents and walk around for a bit. How about we meet outside the Student Involvement Center at 4:30?"

"The plan works with me, Luis and Carson, your thoughts?"

"No objections here Hector, how about you Mr. Law School?"

"I am happy to give you some space Athena. Send me a text or a call if you want some company."

"Thank you, Carson, I appreciate your offer."

Luis and Hector head off campus for sightseeing while Carson kisses Athena on the lips. He heads to his next lecture. Athena takes out her phone and puts it back into her pocket.

"I am going to my favorite spot on campus before calling my parents."

Athena gets up, walks across the quad, and sees fellow Seattle University students running, having fun, and catching a nap in the overcast afternoon. After walking for five minutes, she arrives in a hidden garden with a coy pond in the middle of it. She sits at the lone bench near the pond.

"It sure is peaceful here, looking at the fish swimming around without a care. The willow tree's branches swaying to and fro, and no noise."

She takes out her phone and calls her mother. Athena's family is from Seattle, Washington, and moved to Berkley, California when she started college. Her mother, father, younger sister, and younger brother live in Berkley. They are tight nit.

"Hi, honey! How are you doing? I was starting to worry when you had not called in two weeks."

"Mom, I am fairing well enough. Is dad, Bertha, and Charley around?"

"Let me get them. Why don't you call the house phone? It will be easier to do a family call, I am going to hang up and wait for you to call back."

Click. Athena's mom hangs up, so Athena calls the Roland house landline.

Ring, ring.

"Fairing well enough? That does not sound like you Athena. What is going on? Are things well with you and Carson?"


"Hi, Athena this is Bertha and Charley is right here next to me."

"Hi, Bertha and Charley, what is new with the two of you?"

"Bertha tried out for the Women's Varsity basketball team at her high school, and got onto the team! I have been busy composing music for the school band."

"What type of music Charley?"

"A classical piano piece...Bach meets Beethoven if you will. Why are you calling us? Mom and dad are trying to get back into the conversation."

"Well, I wanted to give everyone a few updates...."

"Are you and Carson finally engaged Athena?"

"Bertha, let your sister share her news. She is the one who called us after all. Please continue Athena."

"To answer your question Bertha, yes, Carson and I are indeed engaged, and have been for two weeks."

"Wahoo! It is about time he asked you to marry him, what was the proposal like?"


"What mom, I am happy for Athena and Carson, and I am sure Hector and Luis feel the same way. What did he do to get your hand in marriage? Tell us, tell us!"

"Well, we were in the car on our way home from the emergency room on our date night. He planned to propose after we made pizza and hung out. Instead, he drove me to the hospital after a fainting accident."

"A fainting accident? You are one of the healthiest people we know Athena. What caused the fainting and are you feeling better? How is your marathon training going?"

"Dad, I am working on getting better and saw an oncologist today. Dr. Perkins had referred me after she noticed leukemia cells in some blood work."

"Leukemia! Athena, that is serious. What else has happened since...."

"If you all will kindly let me finish, I will give you the details."

Athena's siblings and parents remain silent and give her the floor.

"Hector and I just finished the visit with the oncologist: she ordered more blood work and a bone marrow test for tomorrow morning. After the test is complete, I should have a confirmed diagnosis. Carson, Hector, and Luis are being supportive and coming to appointments with me. Mentally I am feeling tired and angry, but I am glad answers are starting to come through. In terms of school, I still attend classes and got a sick note for tomorrow and today: it would be best for me to take the day off so I can get my bearings straight."

"Honey, I had no idea this was going on. When did you start feeling ill?"

"I started noticing my symptoms in June and figured I was tired due to school stress. Guess there was something more serious involved."

"Will you be able to finish school, Athena? You have worked really hard to get into the nursing program and would hate for you to take a year..."

"I will finish my program no matter what! I have you four for support, Carson, and Carson's parents for additional support. Please stop worrying about me."

"Well, thank you for updating us on your life in Seattle. How is the house holding up? Is it still creepy and old like when we moved away?"

"Bertha, the house is well lived in and has character, not scary. It is holding up well. Now, I am going to hang up and call you all back when I have more information to share. I love you all to pieces."

"We love you as well sweetie pie, please tell Carson, Hector, and Luis we miss them."

"I will relay the message mom. Goodbye, and have a nice evening."

Athena ends the call and sits with her thoughts.

"I am incredibly blessed to have a family who is supportive, loving, honest, and a drive or phone call away. Hopefully, my body, mind, and soul will hold up on the journey ahead. What do you think fish?"


October 28, 2007, Athena wakes up at 5:00 am per usual. She stopped eating last night around 6:00 pm per her preparation instructions. She is allowed to drink water and pours herself a tall glass of the beverage.

"Glad to see you are up early Athena."

"I did not see you sitting at the counter Hector, would you like some tea? If you wait ten minutes, I will have breakfast ready."

"Don't stress yourself out, and take a seat to rest. Luis should be getting up soon enough."

October 28, 2007, Athena, Luis, and Hector drive to Swedish Medical Center: Athena needs to check in for her bone marrow exam by 7:30 am...the time is 6:15 am when the trio leaves Athena's house.

"I want to confine something to you both, I am scared."


"Athena, listen to me, feeling scared is a valid emotion especially when you are about to embark on a potential life or death journey. I see you and hear you, and want you to know you are not alone. Thank you for being candid with your feelings."

"Thank you for the supportive words, Luis. You are awful silent Hector. What is on your mind?"

Hector is looking at the floor of the car with an absent look in his eyes. He empathizes with Athena's concerns and gets lost in a brief flashback: when Athena and Carson were in high school.

"Hector? Are you still with us? Earth to Hector the obnoxious, please respond...we have arrived at Swedish Medical Center."

"I hear you loud and clear Athena the patient."

The father-in-law and daughter-in-law duo exchange smiles.

"Go on ahead and check in you two. I will catch up once I find parking...and please decide on breakfast, I am hungry."

"We will discuss breakfast before you meet with us, Sir Grumpypants. Mind giving your doting husband a kiss before driving off?"

"Of course not you big drama king."

Luis and Hector exchange a quick kiss on the lips before Luis drives off.

October 28, 2007, Athena and Hector have checked Athen in for her procedure. Sitting down, the two of them share a brief exchange.

"Are you still feeling scared Athena?"

"You heard the conversation between Luis and me in the car? I thought you were lost in your own world and had zoned out. Less scared and more 'I am ready to get this procedure out of the way' and get on with life."

"I have a habit of dosing off randomly, yet keeping enough awareness when something important is going on."

"If there is a Ms. Athena Roland, may I have you come to that back with me please?"

"Good luck Athena, Luis and I will meet you in recovery."

"Thank you."

Athena is escorted into an exam room where her height, weight, and blood pressure are taken. She is asked a series of other health questions, has an IV placed in her arm, and given a hospital gown to change in.

"Please remember the gown opens up in the back Ms. Roland. Come back here once you are changed."

"The staff here is really caring, professional, and willing to answer my questions."

Once she is changed, Athena is asked to lay down on a wheeling bed and taken into the procedure room. As an IV is hooked up, a blood pressure cuff is put on her left arm, and an oxygen monitor is clipped to her finger, Dr. June introduces her team to Athena. She also explains how the bone marrow scan will work.

"Long time no see Athena, I would like you to meet Nurse Evelyn, and Dr. Proud, an anesthesiologist. What we are going to do is take a hollow needle, puncture your left hip bone, and extract some cells and fluid for cytology. You will be put under complete anesthesia and should not feel anything. What questions do you have before we begin?"

"Let us get this bone marrow exam party started. What should I do?"

The healthcare team and Athena share a laugh.

"In that case, may I have you roll onto your right-hand side, and place your left arm across your body? And count backward from ten."

Athena falls asleep before she reaches six. Two hours later she is in recovery, still hooked up to an IV and heart monitor.

"Wow, we have finished already? Why does my hip hurt so much? It feels as though...oh wait, a hollow needle was used to extract the tissue from my bone."

"I am glad to see you are fully awake Ms. Athena. Dr. June says you did wonderfully during the procedure: we are going to keep you in recovery for another thirty minutes to see if you have an adverse reaction to the medication. Have you any questions?"

"Can my family members meet me in here?"

"Tell me the names of your family members, and I will call them back."

Nurse Evelyn leaves the recovery room: five minutes later, Luis and Hector are at Athena's side.

"I must say, you looked perky when we brought you here Athena."

"Hush up Hector the obnoxious, I am still slightly sedated and feeling sore."

"The soreness should subside within a few hours or a few days. Depending on your body's recovery time. May Luis and I get you anything?"

"No, thank you, Hector. Tell me one of your dad jokes if you are up to it Hector. I could use another chuckle."

"Two drums a symbol fall off a cliff....bada, chink. I will be here all morning ladies and gentlemen, please tip your servers."

"Good joke Hector, a really good joke indeed."

Athena is discharged after 30-minutes in recovery. She is too sleepy to go to breakfast and has Luis and Hector take her home instead. Her test results will be available on Friday.