
October 31, 2007, Halloween Day in Seattle is underway. Athena is working an eight-hour rotation for clinical, Carson is giving a mock trial during class, and the in-laws are readying themselves for family dinner night. Both Athena and Carson bury themselves in their workload in an effort to forget their respective test results.

"You seem more upbeat today Athena, why the sudden change?"

"Nurse Frank, I slept close to ten hours last night and went for a walk."

"You also missed two days of clinical, why is this?"

Nurse Frank and Athena have a professional working relationship, but at times, Athena feels Nurse Frank pries into people's personal lives too much. Today is an example of Nurse Frank's prying.

"I was absent for medical reasons and I am not at liberty to divulge details to you. I submitted documentation to my professor and have a meeting with them next week. Now if you will excuse me, I have patients to treat."

Sharing every detail of her personal life is not something Athena enjoys, in fact, she keeps most of her personal business to herself. She shares information with those she is closest with.

"Agh, look who the cat dragged back to the hospital. Are you going to hug me or not?"

"Julesa I appreciate your humor, but please don't act harshly towards me. Nurse Frank tried probing me for information today and I am not in the mood to share such information."

"Why on earth would I act harshly towards you? You and Carson have not broken off the engagement have you?"

"Absolutely not! My health is not up to par and I am nervous on what is the probable cause. I should be getting my test results back today."

"Test results? What type of test...forget it, I can tell you are growing upset with my probing. Tell me what I should know when you are up to it. In the meantime, we should get back to work. Management might be stopping by for a surprise audit."

Carson is having his own difficulty maintaining his composure during his Civil Procedures Class: the class is practicing their skills through a mock trial. Carson has volunteered to play the role of defendant, while presenting a counterargument, Carson gets emotional.

"What I am saying your honor, it would have been impossible for my client to...be at Pike Place and Ninth Street the day of the robbery. Therefore, (sniff) this case is closed."

Carson's classmate, Mark, notices the display of emotion and pulls Carson aside for a small chat.

"What just happened, dude? You nearly broke out into tears just now so don't shrug my question off. Talk with me."

"There is personal stuff going on with Athena. She has not been feeling well and we are waiting for answers."

"Agh, lover boy is worried about his fiancé. Care to divulge any more details?"

"No, I don't wish to divulge any more details regarding my future bride."

Back in Tacoma, Luis and Hector are figuring out what to bring to Athena's house for dinner. Hector has his opinions and Luis has his opinions.

"Hector, it is not necessary for us to bring this much candy for dinner. May you please choose two Halloween candies to gift Athena. And what is with the costume?"

"Luis Halloween only comes once a year and I want to be as festive as possible. I think dressing up as a Mad Scientist suits me well, and the candy, which do you suggest we bring?"

"Give me the witch hat, I already know what you are going to say, so keep it to yourself. Bring the Candy Corn and some dry roasted peanuts. While you are at it, bring some wine and cheeses too. We are making pizza tonight."

"This is wonderful news! You and I both bonded over pizza when we started dating. Remember? What else does Athena want us to bring?"

"All I remember from that date was freaking out over your excitement when I spilled pizza grease on my t-shirt. Athena has requested a salad if we are up to making one."

Luis stops looking at his reflection to steal a glance at his husband.

"Looking at the smile plastered across your face, you want us to bring a salad."

"You know me too well Luis. May I give you a peck on the cheek?"

"You may go ahead and give me a kiss, I am also helping out with the salad. We should make it tolerable for Athena to digest."

After her seemingly endless shift, Athena leaves Seattle Children's Hospital at four: one hour overtime to leave. Not an unusual occurrence, simply the nature of her job.

She gets on the first bus heading towards Seattle University in order to meet Carson before he gets out of class. Her bus arrives on Broadway Street at seven. Once on the campus grounds, Athena spots Carson sitting on a bench by the quad. His face watching the ground, his energy suggests he feels emotionally drained.

"Hey Carson, you are out of class early. Why are you scowling?"

"Athena, I needed to get some fresh air and regroup. My mock trial was not my best performance, Mark probed me for information regarding you, and I nearly failed my exam on Monday."

Athena is sitting on Carson's left, gently rubbing his arm as a means to comfort him. She continues listening about Carson's day.

"I got a seventy-five percent on my exam. A near failing grade by my standards, and an above-average grade according to Seattle U. How was rotation? Have you an update regarding the bone marrow exam?"

Athena leans onto Carson and closes her eyes before answering his question.

"Rotation was interesting: I had difficulty placing an IV on a young patient, and they chewed me out to my preceptor, J surprised me with a double chocolate cupcake for no reason at all, and Hector is dressing as a Mad Scientist for Halloween. Luis is dressing up too, in case you were wondering."

Carson can't contain his laughter.

"I am surprised father is donning a costume, Athena. He is not the kind of person to take Halloween seriously. That is dad's realm of play. What about your test results?"

Carson and Athena call Luis father and Hector dad.

"I have not checked my results yet. We should head back to my place before father and dad arrive. Unless you want to keep your title as 'the king of tardiness.'"

Athena lightly pokes Carson on his side while calling him a name.

"Very funny Athena, come on then 'she who wears scrubs every day' Halloween Family Pizza Night shall not be delayed any longer!"

The couple walks off Seattle University's campus, heading to Athena's house. As they are arriving at their destination, Luis and Hector are pulling up beside Athena's house. Talk about perfect timing.

Once the party of four is inside, Athena excuses herself upstairs to wash off the day's work. Luis, Hector, and Carson go into the kitchen to prepare for the pizza-making party. The three men have a quick catch-up session.

"How are you holding up with the new developments Carson? Your eyes say you have had enough of today, and your overall energy is low."

"Dad I am mentally exhausted and physically fine: I am waiting for answers regarding Athena's health so we can take appropriate steps moving forward. My exam went better than expected, but I can do better. I got a seventy-five percent and not a risk for failing law school. I assume you brought a salad per Athena's request?"

"We brought a salad, Carson. It is right here. Not our greatest creation, but, one that is suitable for healthy and questionably healthy individuals."

After washing her face, showering, and changing out of her scrubs, Athena logs into her electronic health portal. Anticipation becomes hope, hope turns into nerves, and nerves become numb as she reads Dr. June's note.

The Note: Hello Athena, as we suspected you have leukemia. If we work quickly and start treatment early, your prognoses will be more favorable. I am out of the office for the weekend and would like the news to sink in on your terms. When I return, I would like to set up an appointment to discuss treatment plans.-Dr. June

Athena does not cry, scream, or grow angry. In fact, she feels nothing at all. She rereads Dr. June's note and heads downstairs.

Athena smells pepperoni with onion, cheese with basil and extra garlic, and an everything pizza fresh out the oven. Hector can sense Athena's emotional state. Someone who receives serious health news understands closing off emotionally is a protective mechanism for some patients.

"I am glad you have received your news, Athena. Carson and I fixed your favorite pizza: please help yourself to some pepperoni and onion and relax."

Athena smiles at Hector, helps herself to three slices of pie, grabs some water, and makes herself comfortable. Relief washes over Athena as she watches her support system dive into dinner.

"Happy Halloween Athena, a very Happy, Halloween indeed."

She whispers the phrase to herself while taking her first bite of food.

Hector has a strong feeling about what is going through Athena's mind. Once he, Luis, and Carson pile food onto their plates, they sit around the coffee table in Athena's living room. An eery heaviness fills the space between the four adults. Taking a pulse check on the room, Hector initiates conversation.

"I must say, the pizza is quite delicious. I tip my hat to the chefs; Athena, what are your thoughts?"

"The pizza is good everyone. I am not feeling too hungry but, I finished two pieces. I got my test results and a note from Dr. June. As we all suspected, I have leukemia; not certain how advanced it is or what treatment options are available."

Athena lets her words fill the air, is trying to put on a good front to spare her in-laws and fiancé another breakdown. After five minutes of silence, her facade slowly shatters into one hundred pieces. The tears of her face are wiped away by Carson's gentle hands: no signs of judgment are seen in his eyes, only gentle concern and acceptance of what Athena is feeling.

Flashback One: The year is 1997, Hector and Luis have been married for roughly 20 years. Luis is out on his morning run, while Hector is on the phone with his primary care physician.

Luis and Hector look at each other too, a memory from ten years ago flashes before both of their eyes: Hector getting off the phone with Luis. A sense of urgency causes Luis to cut his morning run two miles short of his targeted distance. Upon arriving home, a younger Luis finds a younger Hector staring out a window. Silent tears streaming down younger Hector's face.

While slowly approaching his partner, Luis asks what is troubling Hector. Hector remains quiet and Luis places his right hand on Hector's back, making Hector jump in surprise. Once his bearings are together, Hector wipes away his tears and tells Luis he is feeling sick.

Trying to calm Hector down in order to get more information, Luis encourages Hector to sit down and take a few deep breaths. Hector continues to cry for two minutes and Luis accepts the emotional vulnerability. The only information Luis gathers from Hector is, headache, mood swings, not feeling like myself, and more blood work. In Luis's mind, Hector seems to be overreacting: in Hector's mind, he is processing what his body has been experiencing for three months and connecting his body's signals to his physician's probable cause.

The young married couple agrees to call the primary care physician back tomorrow and set up some more tests. They have been through a lot together at this point in their marriage: moving across the country from New York to Seattle, adopting a child, and traveling the world before entering parenthood. Each individual understands their partner's thought process well and has developed better communication skills.

End of flashback one.