Chapter 003: Meeting

Ren awoke to the sound of bluebirds outside his window and sunlight peeking through the curtains. It seemed rather calm, considering what happened the previous night, it almost made him forget that he had to meet the most feared assassin in the city. He could faintly hear voices down stairs. He recognized the voice of his sister and the officer from the previous night, Officer Hisashi, were discussing something. He figured they were probably discussing their parents' murder. He looked at the clock. 10:23. If he didn't come down soon, his sister would come to wake him up. He quickly got changed and started heading downstairs. He would most likely be questioned later no matter what, so there was no point in delaying it. Once he reached the bottom of the stairs, he could tell that Sakura and Officer Hisashi were in the living room. He walked over, pushed the redwood door open, and stepped inside. When he entered, he noticed that, unlike the previous night, it was only the two of them. When he entered the room, their gaze shifted to him. "Ah, I was just about to go wake you up, little brother. This is Officer Hisashi from last night, do you remember him?" she asked. The question annoyed him a bit, but, with all the chaos of the previous night, it was understandable. "Of course. Let me guess, you're going to ask me more questions?" Ren asked, although he already knew the answer. "Yes, if that's alright with you, Mr. Min?" the officer asked. "Of course, and Ren works just fine." he told him, he hated being referred to as "Mr. Min," it only reminded him of the business he would inherit and have to maintain. It was his parents wish that he would continue the family business, but being the head of a company that sells weapons wasn't exactly his dream job. "Alright, Ren, first things first, how far away from the house were you?"

The questioning had taken about a half an hour and he had tried to answer the questions as best he could without revealing that he had actually met the assassin responsible for his parents death. It was now almost 11:30, and Ren was preparing to leave. He grabbed his flashlight and phone and, after making sure his sister was already asleep, headed for the door. While on his way to the tower, he checked every few minutes to make sure he wasn't being followed. He arrived at the tower and, after looking looking around for a minute, recognized the outline of a person against the granite walls of the tower. He figured that must be her, so he walked over to where she was standing. "Wow, you actually came. I was beginning to think you wouldn't show up." she said. "It's not like I had much of a choice. If I didn't come, you'd just come find and kill me." he replied. "Wow, such bold assumptions, Little Lamb." she acted as though she was offended, although he could tell by the tone in her voice that she was perfectly fine. "I'd like to be back home before my sister wakes up, so could we get straight to the point?" he was growing wary of her games. "Alright, alright, don't get too annoyed with me on the first day of our agreement. By the way, if you go around calling me White Wolf, we'll get found out right away. My name is Okami, Okami White." she told him. She made a good point, they would get found out right away if he went around calling her White Wolf. "Alright, Okami. I'm Ren Min, but I suppose you already knew that. Now, how exactly is this 'agreement' going to work?" he asked. He wanted to know what exactly he was getting himself into before hand instead of just wandering blindly after an assassin. "Haha,you get straight to the point, don't you? Alright, in exchange for your life plus my protection, you will have to help me out with a few things. But first, we need to set a few ground rules. First, if I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it. For example, if I tell you to run, then you better run as if your life depends on it, because if I tell you to run, it probably does. But don't worry, I'm not the type of person to tell you to do something for no good reason, and for goodness sake, don't ask questions. Every second that I'm answering questions is a second that could get us killed. Also, we need to be able to trust each other. After all, what use is a partner who can't be trusted with basic information? Now, if I ask you a question about something, answer it to the best of your ability and as truthfully as you can, got it?" she asked. "Alright, that seems simple enough, anything else?" he asked. "Oh, one more thing. Meet me at the abandoned schoolhouse on the other side of town every day at 4:00. Can you do that?" she asked. "Oh, uh, yeah. 4:00 works fine." he told her, a bit surprised that she wasn't just ordering him around and telling him what to do. "Good.Well, I suppose that's about it. Unless you have any conditions?" she asked him. The question had caught him off guard, since he hadn't expected an assassin to care about what he thought or wanted. Maybe this girl wasn't so bad after all.