Chapter 004: Conditions

"Hm... Do I have any conditions... I suppose I do have one condition. I don't want anyone else involved in this, my sister especially, alright?" he asked her, hoping she'd agree, because it's not like he could do anything if she didn't, anyway. "Alright, that sounds reasonable enough. I won't get anyone else involved. Anything else?" she asked. He was relieved when she agreed, but he still had one more condition to ask about, "Oh, one more thing. If something happens to me, please make sure my sister is safe. I don't want anything to happen to her because of me." "Alright. I suppose that's it for now then? Unless you have anything else to say?" she asked. "No, that's all. I'll see you tomorrow, then?" he said. "Alright. Get some rest, Ren." she told him. It seemed strange, this girl, this assassin, seemed so kind at times, but so cold at others. "A-alright. Goodbye." he said right before she disappeared into the shadows, again. Once she disappeared he started heading back towards the house.

When he entered the house, he was surprised to see his sister sitting inside, waiting for him. "Where were you?" she demanded. "I couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk." he said. He needed to make sure Sakura wouldn't be able to tell he was lying. "I can tell that there's something you're not telling me. I won't force you to tell me, but, just know that I'm here for you. Always have, always will be. I trust your judgement, and I trust that you'll tell me when the time is right. Now, get some sleep, alright?" when she said that, it made Ren wish he could just tell her everything. "No. I promised myself I wouldn't get anyone else involved. Especially not Sakura. This is the only way to keep her safe." he told himself. "Don't worry. I promise I'll tell you when the time is right. Good night, Sakura." he said to her. "Good night, Ren." she said as he began walking up the stairs. When he was in the room and he had shut the door, he murmured, "'I'll tell you when the time is right'?" he sighed. "I doubt there will ever be a right time to tell you that I'm working with our parents killer..."