Chapter 7: An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

A week later, it is the day of the release of the Meteor Festival.

Throughout the week, Haru tries to get close to Kabier, but Mizuchi and her gang stop that from happening. Ok, you must be wondering. Why is a wise; but slow kid hanging with The Pink girls. #Bitches. Well, you see... Kabier is broken like stepping on a lego. Stubbing your toe in the corner of the wall and rolling down the stairs of doom. Only to do the force splits on wood tiles, Type of broken. Or other words, he doesn't care.

He realized since Haru toss him to the curve. His confusion will also hurt the others, so he took his distance. Mizuchi took Kabier under her wing even though his bed is looking fine.~ Xabier, on the other hand, was curious who's the stranger might be, but with clear proof; of the stranger threat, he is not risking nobody necks, especially Ellen's. But he worried about his brother's health.

Kabier is sitting at Mizuchi's table, picking at his fish. Mizuchi and her goons watch on.

Mizuchi goon: Mi, this guy really blows. She whispers.

Mizuchi; Shut up. Do you think I already know? She whisper-shouted.

Mizuchi goon 2; How about we ditch him? He's slowing us down.

Kabier; That's sounds nice. He added.

Mizuchi; We're not leaving him.

Mizuchi goon 1; What made you so interested in him? He; can fight?

Kabier: I can' t.

"See? Someone as useless as he has no use to anyone." Mizuchi goon 2 gasps with a smirk.

Mizuchi goon 2; You one cold as bitch. Mizuchi just stares back. Hearing Kabier fork scrape against the plate and the fish, causing her ears to flatter.

Mizuchi goon; Huh? Goon 2 whispers in her ear, while this grabs her attention. Damn... that's hardcore.

Mizuchi; Damn it, Kabier! Eat your food!

Kabier; I don't wanna.

"I'm going to beat you till dust! If you don't take a bite of that fish."

Kabier; With the pain I bear, I'm too numb. The table shakes for a sec. .... He rubs his leg.

Mizuchi goon 1; Are you really doing this?

Mizuchi; Are you questioning me? Her goon looks away. Fine, you brat. She walks around the table, sitting on Kabier's lap; and taking his fork. She cuts the fish into pieces, taking a forked full. This took everyone by surprise. Aaah.~

Kabier: ....

Mizuchi: Aaah!~ Her brow twitch. He was staring back blankly. She tickles his gut.

Kabier; Ah-hmm. He bucks forward, taking the fork in. He accidentally swallows the food.

"At times, you're so cute.~ She kisses his cheek. K~ Here comes the love train.~"

A few tables down, Legoshi's table consists of Jack, Xabier, Ellen, Els, Bill, and Juno.

Bill: Damn, now there were six. He takes a bite out of his gravy patty and shivers. The air grew so cold everyone on that table shook the cause...

Juno: Yes...'There were six.' Jack chuckles nervously.

Jack; You mean?

Juno: Huh? You said something, Jacky? She asked innocently while the atmosphere returns.


Els: Well, he's eating. That's a start. She said: wounded.

Xabier; Yeah, he is. He takes a bite of his bagel, watching the two.

Bill; Yo, X. What happened to ya a week ago? You ghost us for-two. He chews his food.

Ellen: Yeah, that's an interesting question. She pokes Xabier, turning his attention to them.

Xabier; I was sick, puke..more-

Jack; Shut up; That's enough out you. He points his fork while Els noticed Legoshi quiet demeanor has triple.

Els; Legoshi, you been quiet lately. It's not like you haven't, but...this?

Legoshi: I'm fine, just slept late is all. He eats his bagel.

Ellen: I hope you get better.

Juno: Yes, you need this to accomplish a goal. She smiled.

Legoshi; Thanks. ' goal.'

The bell rings. The students get set to go to class, Juno, Els, Haru don't feel right about their relationship. Was it bad feelings or jealousy that strike a cord? Kabier goes to leave the table, but Mizuchi doesn't let that happen. They held hands while her poxy followed. This put another knife in their hearts.

Leaving Cook 1 the last class of the day, Jack tries to talk to Kabier, but that only led to short answers and silence.

Jack: Kabier. Hey, Kabier! Jack grabs his shoulder while Kabier looks back at him. They stood in the hall in front of their class; Legoshi and Xabier approach the two.

"These conditions are caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters between nerve cells in the brain."

Kabier: What?

Jack: I mean. There's a cause for your depression. Kabier brow twitches underneath his overgrown hair. Let's talk about it, we're your friends.

Mizuchi: Kabier-Kun.~ She hugs him from behind pushes Jack from Kabier. How was your class?

Kabier; Why are you following me?

Xabier: Ok, enough of this! He glares approaching, the two. K, you 're-coming with us. Mizunchi goons stood in Xabier way, his fist twitch.

Mizunchi; Kabier-Senpai.~ Who do you want to go with?~ She leans her head on his shoulder.

Kabier; Honestly, I don't give a rats ass.

Xabier; That answers it. He pushes by her goons and grabs Kabier's hand, but Mizuchi stops him. You're going to let go, or is this going to be a problem? He glares as his aura radiants a bear growling. She falters but stood her ground.

Mizuchi; You read my mind. She glares back.

Horse-Teacher; Hey, you two knock it off! He pushes them back. Fighting prohibited. You four, down that hall. You three, other. He points.

Xabier; Bu-

Horse-Teacher; Go. He commands; Xabier storms off, cursing under his breath. Language! The others followed the teach command while Jack and Legoshi watch Kabier turn the corner with The pink girls.


In Mizuchi: dorm. Mizuchi does her homework on her lower bunk. Kicking her feet about while Kabier was sitting on the floor by her reading his 'Hero academia comic.'

Mizuchi: Enough with that headache. She closes her binder shut. Hey, what you got there?

Kabier; A book; with letters and pictures.

"Fine, don't tell me, dick."

Her curiosity came back like a boomerang. She looks over his shoulder. It seems Kabier is on Izuku losing to Todoroki in the festival.

"What made you so interested since of thing?" Kabier sighs, annoyed.

Kabier; If I answered, would you let me get back?

Mizuchi: Fine.

Kabier closes his book and turns to her with that bored glance.

Kabier; Reading these stories like this is my passion, mostly writing it, but I don't have the motivation. What grabs my interest is every Carnivore, Herbivore, Omnivore has a story, no matter how normal or tragic it is. They're a pencil and life is a book. Every decision, action, and thought are made on paper. People may look down on fanfiction that's wacky, funny, loving, or serious at times. But reading it is like traveling through a wormhole and entering a world you remember, but with a twist. That's the reason why. He returns. To his position and continued his read.

This amazed, Mizuchi of his opened-mind. She knew that, but him saying all that gave her a new perceptive of life. Kabier can be dumb at times, but when something like this comes. He knows his wordplay well.

Mizuchi's face turns into a cherry.

Mizuchi: H-hey. Thanks. Kabier nods. She watches him continuing to reading. While her heart beats like a drum with quicken pace. 'D-do I really like this, idiot?'

She decided to do something that she hated. STATIC!!!

She got up from her bunk. Mizuchi sits on Kabier's lap facing him.

Kabier; H-Hey. What are yo- He was cut off by a kiss. When their lips touch, it was like fireworks on the fourth of July, powerful, eye-catching... beautiful.

Their heartbeats in sync, while none of them are showing a sign of stopping. Mizuchi grasps his berry polo shirt, locking her legs on his back while Kabier grips increase.


The door swings open, gaining the two attention. Haru stood there blankly while Kabier's eyes widen under his overgrown hair.

Haru: I knew you; were a bitch, but... this. Haru shakes her head in disbelief as she back up from the door.

Kabier: Haru. She runs from their view. Wait! He moves Mizuchi to the side. And gave chase.

Haru ran from Kabier down the hall, and surprisingly she was fast compared to anime. She ran downstairs while He does too, but he misses a step. Time slows down for a sec before he tumbles down the stairs onto the second floor. Haru looks back in tears but continued on her way while Kabier sobs wail the stairway.


Now the theater club members minus, Louis and Juno; Is staring at the now Painted T-rex during the afternoon.

Kabier was sitting on the ground, moving pebbles, depressed times 5 by Legoshi sitting, staring at his tail thinking about the current situation, with Louis's 'abusive behavior' and Haru. The group finished their conversion and was worried about both Kabier and Legoshi.

Bill; This is depressing. Someone, please help them! Soon we might need to quarantine! Bill panicked while Ellen rolls her eyes as Xabier approach the two.

Xabier; What's getting you two down?

Legoshi/Kabier: We're fine, see. They smile, but Xabier wasn't buying it.

"Look, this pissing me off way more than you two, not telling us a thing. We can only help when you talk."

Els: Are you going a little hard on them? Kai stood by Xabier.

Kai; No, it's necessary. To knock these too, head in straight.

Shelia; Causing pain will do more damage than good.

Bill; But, suffering it may have a high risk of being broken. By percentages, he will recover into something more.

"When did you became mathematician?" Shelia butts in.

Dom: I agree with you all, but let's go a little easy on the two.

Xabier; Fine. He crouches by them. I'm going to guess your problems Kabier chokes while Legoshi screams accidentally, biting his tongue.

Everyone was baffled, but yet understanding, Xabier continues.

"I don't, who it is, but talk to them. It doesn't matter what's it about, as long as you and that specific girl are smooth sailing."

Legoshi; B-but what if- He whispers, but Xabier cut him off.

Xabier; If that happened, respected their wishes. It's going to hurt like hell being slap, tased, pepper spray, or even put on a restraining order. Sometimes you can't change fate. Kabier and Legoshi were in deep thought.

Legoshi; S-sure, I'll give it a try. He stands up while Xabier glances at his brother.

Kabier; Ok. Xabier smiles, like the rest. He helps him up.

Xabier; Go get her tiger. Kabier nods slightly and walks with Legoshi.

Kai; Hey. Question. Why do you two give advice as if you read us on a comic? This puts Xabier on edge.


???: Hey, dumbass! Legoshi and Kabier stop to see Mizuchi approaching.

"Wolf, boy. Move it along."

Legoshi; Um, good luck, Kabier. He does so looking for Haru.

Kabier; Yes?

Mizuchi; What happened back there... She blushes just like Kabier. Tell a soul. I'm caving in your head.

Kabier; My lips are sealed. He goes to leave, but Mizuchi grabs his hand.

"Just...don't screw up." She said, wounded, while Kabier nods.

Legoshi found Haru by her stand watching, the Major Lion leave.

Legoshi; Uh, hey. Haru snaps back to see Legoshi intimidatingly standing over her. Haru tilts her head lightly gap her mouth. 'Crap! Height differences, Legoshi.' He crouches; face to face. Hey, how are you? Haru sighs.

Haru; Terrible.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Haru thinks for a bit.

Haru: I'll tell when the time comes. Legoshi nods as he takes in his surroundings.

"You know it's getting a little late. And there danger around the city because of the killings. His eyes pop out of his skull while the familiar cold voice returns Do you wanna head back to campus?

Haru; He-he, sure. She nervously chuckles.

It took time for Kabier to notice his mistake coincidentally he sees Haru and shady Legoshi walking down the stairs of the underground subway. He depressingly follows, bought his tickets, ask questions about where Legoshi and Haru was.

People were thinking either surprised by seeing a human or nervous about how dead he look and run, but pups and cubs found it funny.

Kabier hit the last step heard a crowd on his right. Sees Haru and Legoshi hand on her wrist, Kabier heartbeats.

Kabier sprints toward the crowd and, through them, Legoshi and Haru, was surprised by his sudden appearance.

Depressed Kabier; RUN!!! Kabier grabs both of their wrists, sprinting as Legoshi and Haru jump into reality.

The security guards were dumbfounded by the young man's appearance but gave; chase no less.

Security Zebra; Hey!

Security Panther; Stop right there!

Legoshi/Haru; Kabier!

No time, run! He thrust his arms, picking up the pace.

Time seems to slow down.

Legoshi; 'There he is, leading. He sees Haru's hand on his following Kabier. Is Kabier her crush? If so... Legoshi gains second wind and sprints ahead of Kabier while Haru looks back at him, surprising the two. You may be my best friend, like Jack, but...I won't lose.'

Time skip brought to you by exhausted Kabier stopping in front of a door, but Legoshi hand pops out pulling, Kabier in while security looks confused.

They heard voices by the door.

Security-Bear; Hey, where they go?

Security-Panther; I don't know, I can't get their scent, that weird boy and his friends got away!!!

Their voices decease into nothing.

Haru; Should we get out now?

Legoshi; Right now, do you feel a step away from death? He growls without knowing while Haru thinks about how Carnivore's growl as they talk.

Haru hits Legoshi gut gently.

Haru; Why do you have to make it sound so sensitive or bash? It scary when it's coming from you.

Legoshi; Ooooh... Kabier? Suddenly they heard a splash from the stall beside them.

Kabier; Damn it! It's in my shoe!! Haru giggles.

At night in the park, the trio walks through the park path talking with one another.

Haru; Hey, Kabier? Kabier looks at Haru with a Monotone look. How did you meet us back there?

Kabier; Well, I'm surprised myself. You can say life throws you back at square one.

Legoshi and Haru nod their heads in approval.

Kabier lean upon the tree behind them as nervous Legoshi were by Haru staring about the distance kicking her legs happily.

Legoshi; 'Telling her tonight is when I need to do it. If I want to tell the truth, nows the time.' Legoshi fiddles with his water bottle.

Legoshi; Hey I-

Haru; To tell you the truth, the night when some carnivore almost killed me, Kabier save me. I didn't see who he or she was, maybe it could be The stranger? Legoshi glances at Kabier fearfully while Kabier rubs his bandages. Hey, Kabier? Did you get a glance at him? She looks back at Kabier, staring. At the full moon. Legoshi heartbeat; rapidly as he stares at Kabier.

Kabier; No, I was able to hit the guy, but after that it was dark.

Legoshi sigh silently.

Haru; Well, Kabier. I haven't thanked you so, thanks. Haru smiles relieving, Kabier's heart a little.

Kabier notices a shadow moved from a tree. The others failed to notice while Haru pats Legoshi back childishly.

"Oh come on, you two smile. Laugh. C'mon, C'mon, Laugh."

The trio continued to walk out of the park by the water near them.

Legoshi and Kabier hang back as Haru walks ahead of him.

Legoshi; 'I want to tell her, but I'm afraid we won't be friends anymore.'

Legoshi; Hey, Haru, I like to tell you I had a great time with you.

Haru; You too; that seriously the most fun I had in a day. Kabier keeps his eyes out while Haru noticed. You alright, oni-san?

Kabier; Huh? Uh, everything is fine. Haru continued looking at Kabier.

'It's hard standing next to him like this after... Damn it! Haru, you're being a hypocrite.' Legoshi noticed her staring at Kabier and sighs silently.

Legoshi; 'Can I walk in the sun with you a bit longer?'

At the clubroom, the next day, Bill cuts Loui's hand. In front of everybody. After that situation was handled over. Kabier peak over the wooden railing to see Louis wince in pain as Legoshi sneak up behind him.

Legoshi: I heard what Bill did to you; I hope it doesn't leave a scar. Legoshi said coldly. Louis jumps by Legoshi sudden appearance.

Louis: I should say the same for your back. He pushes him back. What's the big deal? If you got something to say, then say it!

"I have say at the moment now."

Els; Hey, this feels pretty serious. What on earth happened? Els whispers.

Kai; They're probably friends or something? Kai said.

Bill; Their not. Bill glares.

Louis; Quit pushing your personal matters during club hours.

Kabier: I call bull! Kabier said, leaning on the railing.

Legoshi; See? Not everyone on your side... Beastar. Legoshi continued to stare at Louis that glare back at him.

Louis; That's different. He's just annoying. Kabier was hurt by his bluntness.

Legoshi; Oh, and you're any different? A few winces were heard in the club while Kabier said in the. Background " Oooo..burn."

Suddenly the door open to reveal Juno. Half the members surround her.

Juno; Hello, everybody! Sorry, I'm late. My friend, a sloth wanted to use the restroom, so I had to carry her. Everyone nodded with understanding and statements.

Shelia; Juno, you should've called us this time. Shelia put her hands on her head.

Els; At least you here, It's all it matters. Els smile.

Juno; Right. Ah-Ah-Ah, K-K! Kabier looks at Juno.

"You look like your self, now. I guessing yesterday went well."

Kabier: I'm getting there. Thanks for the thought. Kabier smiles.

Juno: I saw the dinosaur outside. You and your stage crew were; wonderful.

"Well, they did most of the work since I was depressed, but hey, you're going to kill it out there." Kabier smiles warmly. Making Juno blush.

Juno; Thank you, Kabier-san! Juno smiles back, nodding as Louis watches Juno.

The night of finalization, the Theater club was conversing about first do's when it started. Kabier sat on the ground staring at the fake meteor glowing with a yellow light within it. Juno appeared and sat by Kabier as she rests her tail on his butt. Kabier wanted to say something, but he stayed quiet.

"Are you sure?" Juno looks Kabier sincerely.

Kabier: Man. You're a worried sport. Juno blushes: looking away. "But-I'm thinking."

Juno; What is that?

Kabier; A insane decision.

"What insane about your decision?"

'If I can tell you, I would.' "It's hard to explain." He looks away while Juno sits in front of him: all ears.

Kabier; Uh? Juno waves him to start while he sighs. He shyly starts. "When you're in love with-"

Suddenly the lights cut off, blocking Kabier's vision.

???; it's dark, out here!!

Legoshi; Don't worry. It's a power outage.

Xabier; Yeah, everyone! Grab a nearby carnivore and hold up in one spot; no other will get taken!! Xabier shouted so everyone can hear him at the festival. Everyone did that as Kabier was behind Legoshi as he looks out the dark for any attacker.

"H-Haru!!!" Kabier quickly grabs Legoshi wrist as He stared back at him.

Kabier; Take me with you! Kabier looks at Legoshi shadow.

Legoshi; No! It's dangerous! You can't fight!!!

"I can't see, but I can hear. I fight people like these before!!!"

Juno; Don't I don't want to lose you!! Juno held on Kabier's wrist as Els found Kabier's leg, held it tightly.

Kabier; Sorry. BIRU!! Bill held on Juno and Els. Legoshi held Kabier's hand as they sprint to the distances.

Juno; NO!!! LET ME GO!!! K!!! Juno scream as tears runs down her face.

Shelia; Kabier! She moved, but Bill looks back at Shelia with a glare.

Bill; We need you here! He will be fine. He's with Legoshi.

She bites her lip.

Kabier and Legoshi are calling Haru's name until Legoshi stops to smell her scent. He follow it with Kabier in hand.

The Stranger; A storm is coming. It whispers past their ears. Kabier and Legoshi stood back to back, ready for a fight.

Kabier; Legoshi! Legoshi ears flatter.

Legoshi: I can't hear him!

"When that time comes. Keep the ones closest to you." It's was silent as Kabier continued to stare at the abyss while Legoshi grabs Kabier's hand.

Legoshi; Come on!

They heard Haru whimpering on a tree scared behind a few trees. They walk up to her, and Haru hears.

Haru; Oh, thank god, Kabier. She hugs Legoshi leg.

Legoshi stood shocks as well as Kabier.

The lights came back, and Haru looks up to see Legoshi and Kabier.

Haru; Legoshi? Kabier? I'm so sorry-

Legoshi fakes a smile and crouches down to Haru's level.

Legoshi; It's fine-At least you're safe. All it matters. Haru looks to Kabier; he stays silent.

This is one awkward transition.

Around the corner of the tent beside stood Xabier, Ellen, Bill, and Kabier girls minus Mizuchi, glaring at him.

Kabier; 'Shit!! I forgot it wouldn't be now!!!'

Kabier feels their stares try to shake them off, but Shelia pulled his ear between the tents where they couldn't see while Kabier girls followed as Legoshi and Haru look on nervously.

"Ow! Ow! Wait! I'm sorry!! They heard kicks and punches. IM SORRY!!! ELS WAIT MY- THEY HEARD A POP." Legoshi and Xabier held theirs as Ellen and Haru wince. My...tenders. They hear him passed out.