Chapter 8: Wanna be a hero?

The next day, Leano decided to visit to check up on Kabier and Legoshi but came across a black eye, Kabier. Leano was furious, who do this to him, but he explained what happened.

After that, Leano took him to talk behind a tent.

Leano; Seriously, K. You can't be doing that. Leano folded her arms as Kabier sigh.

Kabier; Sorry, ok? I just want to protect her.

" Yes, I understand, but Legoshi had it under control. That stranger; could've Kidnapped you or even worse!" Leano grinds her teeth as her tail stood up furiously.

"You're right. I will be careful from now on." Leano stops as her tail drop. She walks up to Kabier and hugs him.

Leano; Suddenly he sees Haru walk by, unaware of them.

Kabier; I guess, I gotta go. Kabier looks up at Leano.

Leano; Ok. Be safe. He walks off.

Kabier's mind was racing. He knew, what's going to happen. Also, if he got the cops involved, there would be a chance they will be corrupted. He has to do this alone.

Kabier; Haru! Kabier jogs to Haru that looks back with a blush. "Let's do it." He grabs her wrist, and this shocks her.

Haru; Wait, here!? Haru's face turned into a cherry.

Kabier; We need to stay in a populated area.

'We seriously doing it?!!'

Haru; If we're caught?

Kabier; Then I'll protect you.

'Is this his fetish? Wow, he's daring.' Haru bumps into Kabier's leg, stood his ground looking; around.

Haru; Kabier, what's going on? Kabier hears rapidly steps approaching them, and he quickly kicks one lion in the gut and hops off the ground, spinning roundhouse kicks the other.

The first lion stood holding his gut as the other slowly gets off the ground rubbing his jaw. Haru senses danger radiating off the two as she presses her back on the tree.

Lion in suit 1; Nice, kick, kid. The first lion said looks up at Kabier, and his eyes widen. A human none the less.

Lion in suit 2; I thought they're extinct? The second lion gets up, still rubbing his jaw. I think the boss will be happy.

Kabier stays silent as he raises his fist. Haru screams.

Haru; HELP!!! LOUIS!! LEGOSHI!!! The lion's grunts and charges at Kabier.

The first threw a punch as Kabier duck under him; seeing right through him, Kabier, pulls his collar back and threw him to the ground.

The Second attacks while Kabier dodges while the wind whirl passes his ear.

Kabier; 'He punches like a truck.' He thinks nervously but determined.

Kabier dodges back. He ducks under the; Lion hook as Kabier uses the: hook of his own. The lion stumbles back while Kabier shakes his bloody hand.

Haru; HAAA-Muffled. Kabier looks back, noticing the first one running away with Haru in a potatoes sack.

Kabier; DAMMIT!!! The second came behind him, knocking him out with a pistol whip.

Lion in suit 2; I like when prey fights back. The lion stuffs his gun in his tex. He grabs Kabier and runs away, following his partner.

Xabier and Ellen drop their food, ran toward the trouble. When they got, there were Leano, reading a note, and Haru's shoe was present.

Xabier; Your Legoshi mother. What are you reading? He sweats.

She hands-him the note and got on her phone worriedly.

Leano: Hello! I like-to report a kidnapping! She did her best to not choke her own emotions.

Get there; now!!!

Xabier crumbles the paper, enraged while Ellen inspects Haru shoe.


A few minutes later, Enrage Xabier was walking; around the Festival as Ellen and Leano follows, worried. They Found Legoshi and Louis being held back by a few animals that were nearby.

Legoshi; You bastard!!! Haru and Kabier are out there. You won't help them!!!

Louis; What am I supposed to say?!!! I know their location and come with me to get Haru!!! YOU WOLF!!!



Enraged Xabier; SHUT UP!!!! His voice echoes the park scaring everyone in his radius.

Enraged Xabier: I have a hunch. Where they are. He approaches Legoshi and pulls him from the crowd. Do you have a friend in the black market? Legoshi couldn't believe his realization.

Time skip brought to you by Gouhin(Buff Panda) without a shirt doing handstand push-ups until Xabier kick down his door scaring, Gouhin as Legoshi stares at Gouhin nervously.

In the Shishigumi Hideout of the Japanese Tower by a pond before, Xabier search party of three.

Kabier laid by the door exit. Unconscious and tied up with rope.

Lion in suit 1; Hmm..she quite-small. Are you sure she will be enough for the boss? Lion 2 in the middle looks to his right lion.

Lion in suit 2; We have the human over there. The lion, nodding his head at Kabier as Haru sweats a waterfall. He put up a fight, and I like him for that. I think he should join the Shisiugumi.

Lion in suit 3; An outsider? He's a kid; for crying out loud.

"Have you seen the scars?" It's tatted all over his arms.

Lion in suit 1; He could be another abuse victim as you know it. The Boss-probably will eat him like the others. Haru screams and, ran for the door as the other two follow; one stays behind the couch and; threw a hunting knife at the door, stopping Haru.

Haru has never been this frightened since the attack of that night. She has no one to turn too and no way she and Kabier are getting out here alive.

Lion in cane; No, I got this under control, now. Leave. The lion's bows and leaves the room.

Shishi-Boss: I'm the boss of the Shishigumi Clan. Don't worry, we'll only talk.

Kabier; Yeah? They turn to Kabier-stirring awake. And I'm Batman... If you even dare lay a hand or a fang on her. I'll strangle you.

Shishi-Boss; The situation you're in. You shouldn't be making threats. Shishi- Boss backhands him with his cane. Haru gasps, checking on Kabier that now has a cut on his cheek. Now where we?

ShiShi-boss explains he usually; kidnapped beautiful young women eating them tasting as a five-star meal served on the silver platter. Kabier and Haru were baffled but nervous. Kabier was allowed to join the ranks in his gang-but for a cost, he has to the dirty work for Haru extend life span. ShiShi-Boss saw the fight in his eyes and scars making, Kabier a perfect soldier. Kabier believed his brother was coming, and he never turns his back on him. But the ShiShi-boss threatened he will end Haru in an hour, throwing Kabier in a loop. They wouldn't have enough time. And he has to make a choice...

Kabier; Yes...Boss. ShiShi-boss grins while Haru was shaken by the revelation.


It took some time to convince Gouhin, but Xabier took him by force surprising Gouhin by strength. They made it to the Shishiguimi Hideout staring, down on the Mansion in the middle of the night as a few guards walk around the tower.

Gouhin; How we going to play it, kids? Smart or He cocks his bamboo crossbow. Loud.

Legoshi: I honestly don't care. I want Haru, panda. Gouhin grunts as Legoshi stares at the guards behind a tree in front of the red bridge.

Gouhin looks around.

Gouhin; Where's the piss kid? Legoshi smells Haru's scent behind them. He cocks his head back but sees a Lion pointing a gun at them with a smirk.

Gouhin and Legoshi raise their hands, furious.

Lion in suit 2; So you think-Xabier appeared behind him, kick his leg out, slams his head into the ground, and stomps on it, knocking him out.

Gouhin and Legoshi were worried by his brutal takedown.

Xabier; Legoshi, when we're in there, don't be afraid to kill. This is life or death. I know you sense Haru smell on that guy; he probably-

-The Tech Thieves & Besomorph-Dangerous (Soundcloud)-

Legoshi; Don't. Legoshi clenches his fist as Gouhin shoots his crossbow at the unconscious Lion, killing him.

Legoshi took a whiff as a pink aroma whirl into his nostril, getting Haru scent, but another joins dominating Haru's. He arched back as his blood glows through his fur until his eyes glow scarlet red.

Xabier; Loud. Xabier walks across the bridge with Gouhin and Legoshi following.

The ShiShi-gangster on the red bridge noticed them approaching.

ShiShi-gangster; Hey. Go bac- A baboon arrow pierces the gangster's mouth, he drops to his knees, They passed him while Gouhin yanks the arrow through his neck.

Three ShiShi-gangsters stood there ground, blocking the entrance. Baboons sticks in hand.

(Primal)Legoshi; Mine! He pushes past Xabier and attacks them. A ShiShi-gangster burst through the double doors alerting everyone on the bottom floor. Xabier passes by Legoshi, whiffing the air with a happy sigh.

ShiShi-Gangster; These punks. The gangster charge down the long stairway with a bamboo stick. Xabier blocks his leap attack with his forearm, redirects the weapon to under pit, and backfist the gangster's nostrils. He breaks weapons on the gangster's head and toss the Bamboo handle to the side, and kicks him on his back. The gangster groans side to side while more came.

Gouhin; Prepare!


On the top floor, Kabier was scrubbing a naked Haru taking a bath in the same room as the ShiShi-boss. Kabier did his best not to look at her parts. Because for them. Both it would've been hot, but their lives are on the line, especially when he was watching them.

ShiShi-Boss; Since your working for me. You gotta keep her clean because the amount your work your doing is not even a third to quench my hunger. He stared intently as to how gently Kabier scrubs Haru back.

Haru: K. She whispers with her head down.

Kabier: Yes?

"I'm sorry."

"Don't blame yourself. None was your fault. Can you?" He asked to lift her arm, and she does.

"You should let me die." Kabier stops scrubbing. "I'll offer myself for your freedom. You have more of a reason live than I." Kabier continued.

"Don't tell yourself that... Just because your living hardship now doesn't; mean it will be that way down the road." They stay silent while a water droplet hits the water of roses.

Haru; Let me ask you something... With Mizuchi. Kabier stops. Did you felt the embrace of love, didn't you?

Kabier's voice was in a knot. He knew he will be asked this at some time. He doesn't want to hurt her, but the more he avoids the truth, the more pain bottle up within him and them. Until he remembers...


Haru; You don't have to tell me, but I hate; secrets. They only benefit more pain than good.

-Flashback ends-

Kabier's lips shake in fear. He realizes he's doing the same thing as the girls in high school. They were close friends until one day, they all started flirting with him. He made be outgoing at times, but he hates the attention, but even so-he loved them.

Kabier; Haru I-

ShiShi-Boss; Get out; the bathtub. Kabier shakily grabs the towel on the floor nearby. That won't be needed. Kabier tears hit the carpet while; he tries to keep his cry shut.

Haru; Ok. Haru got out. And stood in front ShiShi-Boss; Kabier couldn't bear to watch.

This was totally different from watching from a screen. Kabier joked about this scene before arriving here, but it's really biting him in the ass. He asked for abnormal life, and he's getting it.

ShiShi-Boss; You stupid girl! He shouts gaining, Kabier's attention.

Haru: I'm not afraid of you! The ShiShi-Boss was pinning Haru on the floor while she pushes his face to the side. This only filled your ego. I bet I'm the first? She smirks while the ShiShi-Boss growls. Haru kicks; about until the boss managed to get her on her face and flashing his claws.

Kabier heartthrob. His brain cells repair rapidly. The scene replays over. His muscles flex. Over... His eyes shrink. Over! His blood boils. OVER!!!!

Kabier; RAAAAA!!! He shouts, punching ShiShi-Boss into the red luxury couch.

He's blood glows through his skin, Kabier, arch forward glaring draggers at the ShiShi-Boss. Tears, pouring down like a waterfall onto the blue carpet while his teeth were clutched.



The ShiShi-Boss smirks while Kabier roars and attacks. The ShiShi-boss rolls to the side while Kabier foot plants on the couch that crash against the door.

ShiShi-Boss: I knew there something different about you, kid! He grabs his cane while (Beserk) Kabier charges once more. (Beserk) Kabier hurls punches and kicks while ShiShi-Boss dodges and reflects with his walking cane like fencer. (Beserk)Kabier roars, gaining speed as the Boss couldn't keep up with him; he took a punch and a knee. (Beserk)Kabier jumps doing a spinning roundhouse causing the ShiShi-Boss to take a blow to his head and flips on his back.

ShiShi-Boss eyes widen and roll from his fist, crashing through the floorboard. Kabier pulls his fist back, taking a look; at his busted knuckles, causing blood to stain the carpet. Kabier aura depletes, falling onto his back.

Kabier; OH GOD! FUUUUUUCK!!! He cries in pain while Haru- was on her knees; wanted to move, but her fear locks her in place.

ShiShi-Boss spits his blood to the carpet, approaching Kabier.

"You will make a fine soldier. Just need to work on technique." He grins flashing, his sharp teeth. Kabier notices his approach before he got closer.

The ceiling cave-in-someone crash onto ShiShi-Boss. The ShiShi-boss shook in fear while The Stranger pulls it's- fist back, but another crash-came through the door- boarded by the red luxury couch.

Primal) Legoshi hopes to seek his fangs in Kabier, but The stranger took his place.

The Stranger; AAAAAAH! Legoshi hangs on its back sticking, his fangs deeper. It struggles with Legoshi while Kabier crawls to Haru, panting heavily.

Kabier: Haru. Haru!

Haru is lock-in that place. Fear all over the room. Kabier bloody hand, The Stranger, ShiShi-Boss, and Legoshi. She felt as if she took one step. It will cause her life. A dress shirt wraps her shoulders, snapping her back to reality. Through Haru's eyes, Kabier was in front of her.

Kabier; Haru, listen! We got to get out of here; it's our only chance. He said worriedly while The stranger ran up the wall and crush, Legoshi against the ground. It rolls off Legoshi and backflips to its feet.

Stranger; Shit. It held it's bloody left shoulder. Legoshi recovers and got on all fours stalker it. You should have stayed in a cage. It whips its baton out.

(Primal)Legoshi; DIE! He sprints toward it hastily pounce, but The Stranger sidesteps smacking, Legoshi into his skull. Legoshi falls face-first onto the wood board, little daze. It goes to finish Legoshi off, but a gun clicks.

ShiShi-Boss; I always wonder when someone hired The Black Fox to go after my head. Bad timing for me and Good timing for you. How much are they paying ya?

Black Fox; Strictly Biz. It's distorted voice replied while it turns to the ShiShi-Boss.

ShiShi-Boss; Yeah... biz. He fires, but Kabier pushes the Black fox aside.

This shocks everyone while Kabier turns around to Haru while making her grasp. Blood leaks from his gut while his breath shakes looking, up at Haru.

Kabier; What... was I thinking? He drops to the floor.

Haru; NOOOOO!! She races to his side.

The Black Fox uses its baton to knock the gun from his hand and Smacks him in the face, and back kicks the ShiShi-Boss into the red-coated wood balcony, knocking him unconscious.

The Black Fox; Shit!

Haru approaches Kabier quickly, putting pressure on it, mixing blood with tears.


Kabier; You're so cute.~ Kabier pats Haru's head.

Kabier; Are you going get me back my Milky Way! Kabier tickles Haru as she laughs uncomfortably.

Kabier ran out of the drama club with Haru on his back, giggling as Louis chases after them furiously with marker shape glasses and words on his forehead. 'Loui x Legoshi.'

Kabier; Hey, I'm sorry!!! I thought you and Legoshi are a couple!

Haru is pushing Kabier out of the shed.


-Flashback end-

Kabier was on the floor as he coughs blood while blood flows from the gut and through Haru's small hands.

Kabier- H-H-Haru, I'm ok don't- Kabier coughed.

Haru; Your not, ok. She cried.

Kabier; D-don't worry; Plot Armor. Kabier lightly chuckles.

Haru; This is not an anime, idiot. Haru whimpers as Kabier lightly chuckles again. I didn't mean all that I said back at the shed, don't die.

"H-Haru, I-I love you."

"I love you too."

"But, also the otherrrr... Kabier slowly closes his eyes.

Haru; NO!!! STAY WITH ME, ONI-CHAN!!! Haru cries into his chest as The Black Fox clicks its tongue and dives off the balcony.

Legoshi; No. no. Kabier!

Legoshi gently pulls Haru aside as he rapidly beats on Kabier's chest.

Legoshi; COME ON!!! KABIER!! GET UP!!! Legoshi mouth drools onto Kabier's chest as he continued. DON'T DIE ON ME!!! YOU GOTTA HELP ME CONTROL MYSELF!!! Legoshi nails grew, his eyes turn crimson while he ignores his instincts. Haru back up, frightened as her instincts scream danger over a million.

He arch back while his veins pulses.

YOUR BROTHER IS DOWNSTAIRS. HE'S GOING TO BEAT YOU IF HE SEES YOU LIKE THIS!!!. WHERE MY TREAT?!!! K?!!! Legoshi stomach roars. Legoshi leans forward with his mouth wanting to eat him but held back.

Legoshi Instinct; 'Are nuts?! He's right there!' A swarm of Kabier Aroma blast Legoshi face. 'Don't miss out on this!!! He wouldn't mind.'

At this point, Legoshi looks mentally unstable as his fur flares and he growls, furiously.

Legoshi; GET UP!!! Legoshi fist came down hard on Kabier's chest, Kabier coughs up blood furiously, Kabier held on to his wound as an imaginative moth flew from Legoshi hand.

Kabier; AGH!!! He clenches his chest as beat up Gouhin and Xabier sprint to the door. Beaten up Xabier was shocked and came to Kabier's aid as Legoshi instincts stop.

Xabier; K?!!! WHAT HAPPENED? Never mind, we got to get you to a hospital!! Xabier wraps Kabier's arm around his shoulder. Beaten up Gouhin swift Kabier from his feet.

Gouhin; I got it. She picks Kabier up bridle style. Kabier grunts in pain.

Kabier; Where's my ring? Kabier grunts, again.

"Shut up, smartass." He jogs out the room with Kabier as Xabier followed.

"Try my apartment. I'm experienced." His voice echoes the hall leaving Haru and Legoshi in the room.

Legoshi thoughts were racing. Did he scare Haru? While fighting on the bottom floor and waiting made him lose patience and as well his mind.

Legoshi thoughts were racing. Did he scare Haru? While fighting on the bottom floor and waiting made him lose patience and as well his mind.

Legoshi; Haru, I-

Haru; Come, on let's see Kabier. Thank you, by the way. Haru followed the two as Legoshi sighs and followed after her.

The Shishi-Boss slowly drags himself on the red-coated wood rail, clutches his torse with his right hand.

He reaches down for his pistol and sees Legoshi and Haru walking away from the destroyed hideout as the moon shines above them.

The Shishi- Boss grunts while he points his shaky pistol at Legoshi back.

Shishi-Boss; You brats seriously starting to piss me off! Before he pulled the trigger, he heard a click behind him.

Louis: I knew you carnivore will follow it up with a coward move after their dominance has been tested with, Predictable. Drop it. The Boss tosses his gun over the balcony as he sweats bullets.

Shishi- Boss; Listen, we co-


Shishi-Boss; O-ok Please, Please!

Louis; Even the humans has more guts then you. Louis pulls the trigger killing the Boss. The other two beaten members appeared seeing their Boss corpse.

Louis; My body is frail, and leave my antlers that's the only pride I have. I'm number 7, and I hope you enjoy your meal. He grabs his arm as he stares calmly at the two.