A Unique Gift...

"I've been hearing about the success of the Armour of Stolz Beasts and it's roaring echo that leads the Knights of the Byazan Family." Ben sat across from his Uncle Kaz.

They were enjoying some tea and sweets made by the chefs before they began the real discussion.

Kaz had wanted to talk with Ben for a while about his armour so now that the topic was brought up, Kaz wanted to question his nephew.

"Mm… Ben, I don't know how you did it… nor do I want to ask you to make more…

I-I'm genuinely sorry for criticising your work, Ben.

This armour showed me that… especially the steel that the blade is made from…"

Kaz recounted some details about his small hunting trips and how'd it come into use and effect.

Just hearing how the suit performed was pleasing to be told of as Ben could make sense of what he'd done right and wrong.

But to his surprise, what his uncle asked of him at the very end made him question Kazs motives.
