The Game is Here...

"Young Master… please be serious here…"

"Why would you think I'm not serious?

Just take the damn book and the ball to teach the children, Draco." Ben shoved the book with the rules for football and some training drills to help improve the skills of the players was included.

Everything had come to Bens mind through a painful experienced he'd long become accustom to.

At this point the pain would leave him with a painful headache that would last for a couple of hours.

Unfortunately, it would affect his mood, which meant Ben wasn't listening one bit to Dracos excuses, but he would come to regret this little exchange.


"… Very well, Young Master…

I'll get to work immediately."

Draco left without any further discussion and made his way over to the adjoined Estate that had finally removed the wall that came in between the properties.

The other Estates Manor was being used as a classroom and home to a large number of children moved over from another property.