The bomb active

My cell phone was taken by that bad guy. I was really trapped, it's quite scary for me to see a long rifle with That big bullet even imagined it piercing my skin, I can't afford it.

I think they will be sending the illicit goods and weapons in a bit. I also suspect that if this comes out of this city and into the hands of evil people this world will be like? Everything will definitely fall apart, and terrorists will be everywhere even armed robbery, crime in the world will continue to increase.

08.00 at night, can not be denied or postponed. I was taken to a place and put in one of the trucks that contain bombs. The bomb was not far from me, then the door was closed. I started to feel the truck running, I started trying to break free. Time was getting narrower to me in the area. lam this truck, but I have to stay alive and won't give up until here. What's more, I saw the bomb with the countdown timer running, and this bomb I think has a remote control.

08.00 at night, cannot be denied or postponed. I was taken to a place and put in one of the trucks that contained a bomb. There was a bomb not far from me, then the door was closed. I started to feel the truck running, I started trying to break free. Time is running out for me in this truck, but I have to stay alive and won't give up until here.

I saw the bomb, I'm sure it has no countdown time but will be ready to explode by remote control. Yes, just waiting for the master to press a button to explode.

Likepromised Chan to come alone, but that wasn't plan Chan's. he came and met Higen in person without a hitch. Higen is having dinner, he invites Chan to eat together. Chan follows Higen's request.

Meanwhile Yashi tries to sneak around this warehouse and incapacitates long-range shooters silently. Yashi knew Higen was cunning in this exchange.

Chan watched the man in front of him eat, he finished a portion of steak. Tidying himself up then saying "So did you have that data? ',

" Yes of course, I carried the data in my pocket. Tell me where An is first? ",

" Okay, I'll tell you where is your beautiful nephew. But I want you to submit the data first! ",

Without further ado Chan handed the disc to Higen, Higen looked at the disc for a moment. Examining the disc carefully, he read it with a magnifying glass after making sure the code on the disc was correct. Higen kept it in his coat pocket. Chan for a moment.

"Am I that stupid Chan? How can I make sure that you don't lie to me as to the authenticity of the disc? ",

" It's easy, the original disc must hold the original code right? ",

" Yeah you're right ",

" So where is An? ",

" It's in a different place. will be your last memory with him! ",

Higen spontaneously attacked Chan, Chan managed to dodge.

Suddenly a bullet almost hit Chan. Chan and Higen immediately looked above, they saw Yashi attacking Higen's men. Chan and Higen attacked each other, while Yashi against Higen's men. Chan is really annoyed but he has to stay calm and focus on his enemy to defeat Higen.

"Yashi, you know where An is?",

"No Chan, I have walked all the rooms here and An is not there!",

"Higen, where is An?",

"I'm not going to tell you where she is now!",

Chan was forced to kill his old friend sadistically by putting an apple in his mouth. Instantly Higen's body exploded. Yes, Higen does not only sell weapons and illicit goods. but also the real sweet mop is the bomb.

Yashi and Chan were slightly injured. There was blood on both of them. Walking out of the building, Chan picked up an apple and threw it at the gasoline drum from outside. Instantly the building caught fire and exploded. Yashi quickly took his motorbike and found Chan. Yashi piggybacked Chan to find An.

"Do you think Higen is really going to sell An to the black market?",

"No, he is not a man who sells slaves. But I'm sure An is in big trouble now! Now we have to find out the whereabouts of the delivery truck",

"Okay, so Are you going to keep quiet now? Call our members and direct them to some of these locations. I found Higen's delivery location on his desk earlier ",

" Yes, of course, and you're great! ",

Yashi smiled and continued fast. Chan also directed all of his men to chase the Higen delivery truck out of town.


Eyeshadow is chasing a Higen delivery truck. Eye Shadow throws knives at car tires and the car loses one tire. Floating and out of control off the road then hit the road divider and rolled. As a result the truck exploded. The huge fire quickly broke out. Shortly after cleaning up the truck, he received an emergency call. He was asked to find and chase all the delivery trucks around the area. The Higen delivery truck was deliberately scattered so that the police would not be suspicious. Not only chasing but also saving An.

Eyeshadow quickly looked for and chased after the Higen delivery truck. He will not waste this challenge.


When handing the disc to Higen, Higen secretly pressed the bomb activation button.

I was surprised to see the bomb had been activated, and immediately I rushed free from this rope. Suddenly I felt this truck slowly stop, I don't know what was happening outside. I don't even know where this truck stopped. Once free, I immediately got out but the truck door was closed. I immediately thought of how to get out while it was running low and I didn't bring any equipment.

There was no other way than to scream for help and hit the door as hard as possible.

"Please.... please, help me !," I shouted many times.