The Danger

There was no other way than to scream for help and hit the door as hard as possible.

"Please.... please, help me !," I shouted many times.

Suddenly the door opened and a man saw me,

"Thank you, huh ... we better go !," I said, pulling himself away from the truck. A very close countdown, and an explosion ensued. The bomb had exploded and blazed. I took a deep breath, and just realized that I was now on a lonely street.

The man who had helped me looked at him with a confused face, "Are you all right ?," he said.

"Yes, fine, thank you for helping me!",, you're welcome,

"YesI just accidentally saw two men running away from the truck which they left shortly after, I heard a woman's voice screaming. I thought she was in danger",danger.

"Yes, I am in danger, thank you for saving me ",

" Em, what's your name? ",

" An, just call it that! ",

" My name is Kim ",

" Kim, sorry! Can I borrow your cell phone? I'm sure now my uncle is looking for me and me. fear he is in danger ",

" This! " Kim gave me the cellphone, and I started calling Uncle Chan.

Once connected,

"Uncle Chan is me, I'm fine. They will send weapons and drugs!",

"Yes uncle already expected it, thank goodness you're fine. Now where are you?",

"I'm on the road ...",

"Rose road," said Kim

"Rose road",

"Uncle will be there soon!", The phone was cut off and I returned Kim's cellphone.

"Thank you",

"You're welcome, while waiting for your uncle how about we sit down? You look tired",

I sat on the road divider, Kim sat beside me.

"How did you get into a problem like this?",

"Huh, long story. I was so lucky, and thank you for being a hero for me",

"Don't thank me too much, I'll get a drink for you",

"No, no, Soon my uncle will come. I feel tired now, everything is fine ",

Kim looked at the uniform that An was wearing, then said" You go to HS 5? ",

" Yes, I went to school there. Do you also go to school there? " ,

"No, I'm at HS 1",

"HS 1?",

"Yes, I have a friend there. Not a close friend, he's just an ordinary acquaintance and his name is Felix",

"Felix, he's the head of the Felix gang right?",

" Yeah right, but I don't know about he gang leader or not. "

Not long after that Uncle Chan came with Yashi. Uncle Chan immediately hugged me, then let me go.

"Uncle, this is Kim who saved me", stretching out my uncle saying, "Thank you for saving my nephew!",

Kim shook his uncle's hand,! This uncle is not the CEO of Alex Co. huh?",

"You're welcome"That's right. ! ",

" Wow, it's a big thing for me to have met uncle ",

" Once again thanks Kim for saving my nephew! "

"Yes, you're a An, so how do you get home? Uncle didn't bring a car for you?",


"I'll be accompanied by Kim, uncle. Uncle, take it easy, he is a good person",

"Yes, it's fine then, you have to come back too. ! ",

We left the place. On Chan's trip, he received reports that his members had succeeded in thwarting the shipment and destroying it. Chan also confirmed that An had been found.

Chan asked Yashi to drive himself home. Chan began to feel relieved when he saw that his nephew was fine. Now he is confused what to do, return or not to that world of darkness? If he decided not to, he was afraid that his nephew would become an easy target for his old enemy. If back, he comes will break all his promises to Alex and Hyuna, those are two choices can't easily decide Chan.

After that incident, Uncle Chan made the decision to move me. He thinks my current school is not safe, and I made my own choice which is HS 1.

Uncle Chan also decided to leave this city, while Hyun was going to go as well as Yoong. I don't know why Yoong left, but I think he has his own interests.

All will return to their respective cities to lead Alex's company and many other matters. Now I am alone in this city. I don't care because I know what they do is the only way.

Uncle Chan also believes that if he goes away then his nephew will be fine. Uncle Chan must solve his past.


This morning I left for HS1 by motorbike. Walk towards the school on a sunny morning. Become a new student at a formal school.

Arriving at HS1, I parked the motorbike in the parking area and walked towards the classroom. Yes, everything was planned that very night. But I'm even confused where my classroom is. While looking for it, I accidentally ran into Kim and his friends.

Kim approached and watched the girl in front of him. "Hay, your name is An, right?",

"Yes, what's wrong?",

"Do you still remember me? Don't you go to HS 5?",

"Yes, it was yesterday after the incident I had to change schools. You know where the 3rd class room is. A? ",

" Yes I know, come with me! ",

I followed his steps towards class 3 A, while his friends did not follow the steps of us both.

"What are you riding here?",

"Motorbike, why? Want to ride?",

I smiled sweetly, "No, I don't want to",


"Because I also ride a motorbike",

"Hem ...",

"What? Do you know where Felix's classroom is? "

Kim tried to save his hatred for Felix, but he still smiled in front of An.

"He is in the same class with me and you",

"One class?",

"Yes, class 3 A right?",


Then you enter the classroom, what Kim said is correct. We're in the same class. I sat in front of them both. They sat on my left and right.

Felix who saw An's arrival approached and said "An, how come you are here? Changing schools?",