Not Die

"Yes, why?",

"Ehm, where is Fena's number?",

"Hah, Fena's number?",

"Yesterday I asked Fena's number, he said was sent but how come only your home address was sent? ",

" Oh yeah, I forgot! And ... "

Felix glared at me,

" My cellphone is lost ",

" Lost? ",

" Yes, it's gone! ",

" Do you want to give, please?"

"No, seriously! Later deh I maintain at Fena and Mosa too. I lost my mobile phone yesterday so later return a new school there. Tomorrow ya number?

"Yes may deh, promise you?

"Yes! ",


Meanwhile Fena and Mosa waited for An's arrival.

"It's been a long time we've been waiting? Did you not go to school today ?," said Fena

"Maybe she will be on the road soon",

"On the road what? Two more minutes bell oh, better we go to class first",

Finally Fena and Mosa went to class, they were still waiting for An's arrival.

As soon as the bell rang, their hearts were still waiting for An's arrival. As soon as the teacher came and greeted them, they were still waiting. Until finally the teacher said "Good morning everyone, today with sorrow I say that our friend is named Anita ...",

they were both shocked and thought that An was gone, the teacher who saw their sad expression both laughed at him as well. with friends. Because they were laughed at,finally Fena and Mosa stopped crying.

"You have not finished explaining that you both were shocked and crying, An did not die. She moved to HS1 for a very important reason. Now you are two close friends, so you can go to HS 1 home from school later. Now you have to study. ! ",

" Yes sir, and thank you "replied Fena and Mosa simultaneously.

The lesson begins with enthusiasm.


HS 1, classroom 3A.

The first class started, because I was here for the first time. I was asked to introduce myself in front of my friends.

"Hi, everyone! Introduce my name Anita Hyuna, just call An. I moved from HS 5, my hobbies are reading and writing books. I hope you all want to be friends with me",

After the introduction I was invited to sit back, and lessons began.


Higen's death was the beginning for other criminals to overthrow Chan. Now they could find no trace of Chan. They had suspected that Chan had left town and should not underestimate Chan in the slightest. But this incident opened up new opportunities, Chan's departure opened a good opportunity to send illicit goods in this city and start building power.


Break time, at HS5.

Kaori looks for An but he doesn't find it. he also asked Fena and Mosa, he got the answer that An has changed schools. Fena and Mosa don't go to the cafeteria but instead go to the library to talk about their hobbies.

"Fen, yesterday I accidentally found a website like what we talked about yesterday. Are you coming?",

"Yes, Mosa, I'm coming! But by the way, do you need the blessing of both parents too?",

"Yes, maybe but I'm sure my parents will not approve of my hobby. Later after school we go to Alex Co., huh? ",

" Okay! Don't you feel strange about An? How come she suddenly moved schools huh? ",

" What's strange? That's normal, maybe it's a family problem ",

" Oh, then what are we going to do? Hah, surely we will be bullied by Yora again, "vanished

" Don't be like that, we have to cheer up! ",

" Cheer up! ",


HS 1, canteen school.

I don't know what happened here in this canteen, everything is different from HS 5. I probably feel that there are no Fena and Mosa here.

Table Felix and his friends,

"That's An is not it? The one who used to live in your house ?," asked Kay

"Right then?",

"Why don't you come over to him?",

"You have to?",

"No, but sorry she was alone there. ",

" Hah, she is in the same class as me. She just changed schools, and you know Kim also knows her. I don't want to find trouble "

" That's good !, "smiled Sabastian

" Eh, yesterday I accidentally opened a website. The website is very secret, only 15 minutes when I read it but I took a picture of the website. This is the picture, I think it's interesting. Is there anyone interested ?, "said Kay.

They began to read the writing in the picture.

"Wow, this is interesting, I want to be a bodyguard too" said Won

"Eh but why is it strange, how come it will disappear within 15 minutes" said Sabastian

"Yes, it's true, but I'm really curious, let's go home from school?" ,

"OK, Felix",


Sitting alone doesn't mean I'm day dreaming, but I'm thinking about how to recruit new members while I'm worried about betrayal in the organization.

I did retire my old members and sometimes they quit because of their beloved family. Yes all of that happens a lot but this time what confused me was how to recruit them. I just want to succeed in recruiting members who are fully prepared for their duties.


On the other hand, Yoong met his best friend Yoong's is a policeman who is investigating a case related to the Orchid organization. Yoong was asked by his friend to provide only information that Yoong knew because he was suspected that the organization was hiding within Alex's company.

"So in the last few days what information did you get?",

"Sorry friends, I didn't find that the organization was in Alex's company at all. I thought everything was fine and nothing strange. Hyun and Chan weren't suspicious either" ,

"You know Chan? He used to be a mobster",

"Yes I know, but he has changed. I heard that An was kidnapped and he was saved by Uncle Chan. It's all related to Uncle past affair Chan's with Higen. Chan has managed to sort things out. You know that! ",

" Fine, but I can't trust anyone. This investigation will continue until the case is over ",

" Yes, I understand! "