Orchid agent has committed


Orchid agent has committed treason, he allies with other mobsters to bring down Chan and Alex's company. He also always slipped crime on behalf of Chan and even the leader of Orchid.

Adeon, a 32 year old man who has been working at Orchid for a long time in secret and has had many tasks to complete. Adeon is a double agent. He works for Orchid and also for the mafia named Red. By becoming a double agent, Adeon gets paid many times over. Adeon felt that he was a very valuable informant for both parties. Because of his actions, Orchid became the target of the police.


After school, Fena and Mosa go to Alex's company. Their arrival coincided with the arrival of Felix's gang and Kim and Kaori. They don't seem friendly to each other but they still maintain peace in this company.

Talisa, Hyun's secretary came and asked about their arrival while sitting in the guest chair.

"Sorry beforehand, may I know what is the purpose of you coming here? I heard you are looking for me? I'm Talisa," a friendly smile.

"I am Fena, and this is my friend Mosa. We came to register to become Orchid bodyguard",

Talisa looked at them for a moment, then said "Orchid is not there, we are not opening vacancies here but you can leave your cell phone number here", while handing out a piece of paper. .

"How about you ?," asked Talisa again

"We are the same" Felix replied

"Yes, we are too," Kim continued," said

"We are the sameKaori

"Okay, assign your cell phone number and you will be contacted later, as you already know," Talisa said while giving the code to keep it secret.

"We understand!" they answered in unison.

After writing down their cellphone number, they gave it back to Talisa.

"Okay, we will be contacted by message soon. Thank you for coming",

They all just smiled sweetly and left without suspicion. Yes, when they came Hyun, Yoong and Chan were not in this branch company.


An's house, put the motorbike in front of the house and waited for Al to come. Al came with two colleagues in a pick-up car.

"Afternoon An, I took the motorbike !," Al friendly smile

"Take it, this is the key. Please modify it for the better and you know what to do. I want you to ask Talisa to prepare our membership report and also I need a new cell phone again"

"Yes, fortunately I brought a white color. The sophistication of the new is to adapt existing objects, can mimic like a chameleon," said Al handing the phone to me.

"What about the card, the system is still connected?",

"Of course, I have everything ready",

"Thank you",

After two of his colleagues got on the motorbike to the car, they left. Then I entered the house and checked the contents of the sophistication of this cell phone.

As usual this cellphone as the key to Orchid headquarters, long distance communication, short messages and advantages as Al told me, and can imitate. That is true when placed on the table the white color turns brown according to the table. cellphones are like chameleons. There is a holographic display too.

Not long after, I got a message from Talisa containing membership activities in carrying out missions. Talisa sent activities that were considered suspicious.

I immediately opened the file Talisa sent me, which contained Adelion's activities. It's quite suspicious for me where he always goes to a city and he also managed to see other Orchid members meet a mafia named Red.

Actually Orchid members not only contain people who seek information by means of spying but also work in government, other companies and much more besides being double agents. I also suspect Adelion to be a double agent.

Contact Talisa, once connected in the video.

"Talisa, I ask to deactivate Adelion's membership in our organization. He will be activated after I no suspect longerhim. Ask Lindsay to supervise Adelion. Close all access he has including logging into Orchid. Find out his activities these days",

"It will be fine. I immediately carried out ",

" I'm waiting for the results ",

" Orchid, there were some people coming to enter Orchid. They are visible from students. I have got their cellphone numbers. What do you think? ",

" Do our initial system ",

" Fine ",

Communication begins to break down, and Talisa begins to carry out her duties. Talisa also has an assistant who always helps her. When Talisa has to accompany Hyun, it is her assistant who replaces Talisa in carrying out her duties at Orchid.


At night, they all get a message from Talisa that says "Good evening, this is me Talisa from Orchid. Thank you for meeting me this afternoon. I'm glad you came. I want to inform all of you that tomorrow you have to show your abilities to us so that we can put your position and consider. Come to this address later in the afternoon. Jalan Merpati housing residence Tulipe number 10. I wait for your arrival, all of you come on time. 04.00 in the afternoon ".

They were all very happy with the news and looked forward to tomorrow.

Fena and Mosa who are on their way to Felix's house have received the news. They also quickly accelerated the journey. Once arrived at Felix's house.

"Good evening !," said Fena.

Their arrival was greeted by Felix and his friends. Felix just smiled sweetly then approached Fena and Mosa.

"Yes, what is it? An is not living here",

"Do you know where An lives now?",

"Yes I know, this is the address," shows a short message sent by an unknown number containing An's home address.

Fena and Mosa remember An's home address without having to write it down on a piece of paper.

"Thank you, we'll go there. You come with Fel?",

"Em, no. Me and my friends are busy so I can't come next time!" A friendly smile

"Yes, no problem, by the way, you guys Also go there and have you got a message from Talisa? ",

" Yes, we can and are talking about it. Are you two tomorrow coming? ",

" Yes, we will come ",

" Good! ",

" Okay, we go first. and see you tomorrow ",

Fena and Mosa continued their journey to An's house. After Fena and Mosa left Felix and his friends again discussed what they would show Talisa tomorrow.