The police and Orchid

A simple house without having to be disturbed by other activities is a calm where there are no uncle in this house. They have all left. But suddenly I heard someone knocking on my door three times. I immediately walked open the door and saw two women in front of the door who were none other than my two best friends.

"Hi, how are you?",

"Fena, Mosa. Why did you guys get here?",

"Yes it's a secret, can we come in?",

"Of course, please!",

I let them sit on the sofa and go for a while to get a drink. then come back and sit down with them.

"Who told you that I was here?",

"Yes it's a secret",

"Huh, really?",


"I can guess because only one or two people know and the answer is Felix. How?" ,

"Well, you're right, why do you know?",

"It's easy, I moved for a reason. How did you two go to school?",

"Huh, that's it .... You know the nature of that spoiled child is getting more and more nonsense. wrote. Hah fortunately we always try to stay away from him

"Eh, but there is someone tablets ask you go? "Smile Mosa


"Want to know not?

"how the hell but do not know well it's okay ",

" Well it's not fun! ",

" So who? ",

" Ka ... ",

" Oh yeah, why ask me? ",

" I don't know! ",

" Em, I'll ask myself so later ",

" Eh , why did you change An's school? ",

" Em, that's because yes you know the reason ",

" What? ",

" Security ",

" Huh, security?Are you in danger? ",

" Who wants to hurt you? ",

"Oh, I'm not safe. Don't worry!",

"Huh, thank God",

"You live alone?",

"Yes, this is my new house. It's quite far from school but it's okay ",

"Where's your motorbike? Why not look being in the shop?

"Yes Mos, in the workshop!"

"Damaged again what was destroyed?"

"Corrected ",

The conversation ended at 09.00 night, two best friends decided to go home. I just waved for the departure of two of my friends. After they were out of sight, I started another secret mission.

This simple house I took myself to lead Orchid back in a simple way. I will live the nights long and alone.


Chan goes to see Red, they both are old friends. At Red's house, Chan is welcomed.

"So Chan will retire? If I were you of course I could not Chan. I'm worried about my family",

"Red, I have no choice. I want to live a normal life without being bound by other things. I promised my brother to look after two nephews" ,

"Yes, I think it's good. If only I could, I will definitely follow your steps",

"I'm sure you can, what can you not do Red?",

"There is a person, he named Adeon. He double agent, working for me and Orchid. I heard that Orchid is led by a man. The goal man's is to seize, he is not like the police or even the mafia. He sells any information, puts anyone in jail. What I fear is he will also throw me in prison ",

"Huh, Orchid? I just found out. How does that man look? ',

" I don't know, that person leads like an organization. But I heard he was supervised by Alex Co., ",

" Huh, that's impossible, my brother's company has nothing like that ",

" But it's true, Adeon told me that. He's still working for Orchid until now! "

" How does he work? Is there a place? ",

" No, they often hold meetings somewhere ",

" Did you pay your informant ? Or do you get threats from him that makes it difficult to get out of your current life? ",

" Threats? Hahaha… nothing. But I asked someone else to get rid of Orchid. When we make deliveries, Orchid seizes our items on the way. There are so many of them that I think they were formed as an organization. But somehow during that incident we lost track of even Adelion. he can't give us any information on where the children we sent to their parents disappeared. That's strange, there are a lot of them, there are 100 kids. I bought them all in a place where I shouldn't even get rid of the boss, I just wanted them to be free. Now I feel guilty ",

" You did that? Why not ask my help to supervise their delivery back home? ",

" At that time I was unthinkable, I hope to Adeon to watch them ",

" Then they all disappeared? ",

" Yes even, their traces are not found anymore. Nobody knows where they are? ",

" Huh, this is bad! They might be killed and sold. Geez, we have to immediately find out the whereabouts of the children ",

" I have asked Adeon to sneak in Orchid, but until now there has been no word ",

" You believe in Adeon? ",

" Yes, I already paid if he was all wrong. kind to me, I will kill him with my own hands!


A man comes to a bar where criminals are resting from their jobs. An entertainment place full of world pleasures. Bee, the man's name. He not only stopped by but also looking for information. He watched the people around while ordering drinks like other bar visitors. He found important people who were gathered, Bee immediately observed them. Approaching and sitting on a bench not far from their existence.

"Alright Adeon, how much is our deal price?",

"Numbers 9 and 70!",

"That's too much, you know the risk of buying this item. Come on, reduce it a little?",

"Numbers 9 and 65, it includes the guarantee that the transaction will work. All of this is free from the police even Orchid ",

" Yes I know because you are a double agent, Orchid and Red. How do you send the goods out of this city? ",