
" That's very easy, after you transfer the money I will send the goods. So where? ",

" Code Lecid ",

" Yes fine, transfer the money today tomorrow your goods are on the way ",

The meeting ended and both parties left the place. Bee, who heard the conversation immediately contacted his team members to report information.


Pang, the man who just met Adeon. Get in the car and leave the bar. On the way Pang opened his laptop and started transferring money to Adeon's account. Transferring money according to the agreement.

Meanwhile Adeon drove to her hiding place. He stopped at a building not finished. His arrival was certainly welcomed by his men.

"Put all the children in the truck we will send them after receiving my orders we will go!",

Adeon kidnapped children were silent and looked at the man with hatred. Adeon sat on a chair and started checking the money. Once the money was obtained he began ordering his men to send the children immediately.


Bee has been following Adeon for a long time, and is waiting for his friends to come. As soon as they arrived, they began to divide up the tasks and ask the other teams for help. As soon as they delivered the goods, several people followed the truck and the rest caught Adeon. Bee has a chance to catch Adeon. he himself beat up Adeon, then Adeon was brought to the headquarters. Other police came to secure the location.

Bee returned after his friends chased the delivery truck. Bee gets the information that the truck stopped at the port. As soon as possible he will go there. At the harbor Bee finds his friends shooting with criminals. That's when Bee secretly sneaks to save the children who have been in the chest. Bee tries to tap each chest.

"Hey, let's talk? If you guys talk fast inside! Don't worry I'm a good person, hurry up! If you shut up, you're in danger",

Suddenly there was a sneeze sound from inside the chest, Bee immediately aimed at the voice. Bee starts opening chests and sees kids inside. Bee immediately asked them to come out and follow Bee behind. They try to avoid each guard. One of Adeon's men saw Bee with the children pointing a gun at Bee.

"Dorr…", the sound of gunfire.

One bullet hit the heart of Adeon's men who wanted to guess Bee, he fell and died. Bee saw the shooter who was none other than Yoong. Yoong immediately approached Bee.

"You think I'll miss this, and why don't you invite me?",

"The event is over soon, so can we finish all this? This party!",

"All right, come on kids! We have to get out of here",

Bee and Yoong began to look after each other in the face of Adeon and Pang's men. Once Yoong and Bee managed to get out of the existence of Adeon and Pang's men. Their arrival was greeted by another team. Another team started to come in and clean things up. Adeon and Pang's men, some were killed and arrested. Then the children were taken to a safe place where they would all spend the night in a safe house.


While Adeon was rewarded for his actions, he was beaten up by a police officer because he didn't want to open his mouth for his actions. The investigation continued the next day and Adeon was put in prison.

While in prison Adeon must find a way so that he can be free from punishment or receive a light sentence.


In the victim's shelter, the children were treated and the police collected data on them. The children's admission shocked the police, all of them who watched were concerned about what happened to the children.

One of the children said he had been kidnapped and sold to a mobster. He and his friends had been bought by the mafia. They also meet and eat together with their buyers. The person had promised to return them to their family but on the way they were kidnapped and sold again.

Because they recognized the faces of the people who bought them and promised they would be sent home, the police finally decided to make a sketch based on what the children explained about what this person would look like.

The final result, Bee got the answer from the sketch. The person who bought them all was Red. Yoong also sees a sketch of the person who bought the kids, Red.

"Do you know the man Bee?",

"Yes, he is on record. He is a mafia, and he is not in this city. We must plan his arrest. Because otherwise he will easily escape. City of Desleysia!",

Bright morning, Bee left with some of his colleagues to Desleysia City. Meanwhile Yoong went to school and took care of the school transfer letter to Malvado City.


The day was bright and unpredictable about today's events. At exactly 11.00 sheng, Red was arrested by the police and taken to the office without a fight. Only he was found at the house, and the house was also given a police line.

On the other hand, Adeon has also undergone an investigation. There were many questions he had to answer which ended up involving Pang. Pang was arrested and taken to the office. There was no resistance in this arrest. These two people are undergoing investigations in different rooms.

Pang chose to ask his lawyer to be called while Adeon tried to cover up what happened. Lastly, Adeon involves Orchid.

"I am just a subordinate, my lord asked me to sell the children to Pang. Orchid, lives in Malvado City",

"He is a mafia? Street criminals?",

"Yes, that's it, he is famous among criminals as Orchid",

Immediately the police conducted an investigation and looked for a man named Orchid.


Desleysia City, the police station where Red is undergoing an investigation.

"I bought the children from the black market, I saw them. I thought it was time for me to do good. I bought them, treated them as they deserved. I sent them back home. But on the way, my men were attacked by unknown person. Now where are the children? ",

Several men who watched them both from the glass window gave a signal to tell the whereabouts of the children because what Red said was the same as the children's confession.

"She is safe now!",