Me, Kim and Yoong

I pulled Kim's hands together to enter the classroom because the bell had rang. I let go of Kim's hand after being in front of the class and then sat on the chair. Some girls, my classmates stare at Anita.

"Huh, that girl is trying to snatch Kim from us. Hah, even though I've been chasing her love Kim for a long time! Why is that guy not sensitive too?",

"Looks like girls need to be taught a lesson?",

"What lessons? Math!",

"Hah. , I mean to give her… uh it's hard to explain! ",

" You don't know, hah, you deserve to be single! ",

" You're also single! ",

" You know! "

Then Felix walked into the classroom where soon the teacher came to teach us all a lesson.


Yoong who just arrived in Malvado City immediately went to HS1 to register for school. He hopes An is happy with his arrival. Yoong admits that he is indeed not a man who easily tells his feelings to a girl, he is also a man who is distant from An and sometimes has a busy life as a CEO but he keeps trying to get love from that girl who has been his friend for years, a childhood friend.

But Yoong is confused with An, "Why did An choose to become a student? While she already has education up to university? Did she do that because she didn't have a formal school certificate or Lisa registered An's wrong school? But why would An still want to be wrong?" Yoong.

Yoong, who just arrived in Malvado City, immediately went to HS1 to register for school. He hopes An is happy with his arrival. Yoong admits that he is indeed not a man who easily tells his feelings to a girl, he is also a man who is distant from An and sometimes has a busy life as a CEO but he keeps trying to get love from that girl who has been his friend for years, a childhood friend.

But Yoong is confused with An, "Why did An choose to become a student? While she already has education up to university? Did she do that because she didn't have a formal school certificate or Lisa registered An's wrong school? But why would An still want to be wrong?" Yoong.


Hours home from school, go hand in hand with Kim. Then wait for Kim to remove the motorbike from the parking area.

"Come on!",

I immediately got on Kim's motorbike and left. At the same time Yoong just came out of the principal's office. Yoong's arrival made the school excited. Meanwhile Felix and his friends started to leave. Yoong gets lots of greetings from girls but he doesn't find An himself. Yoong went from there to An's house.

The journey home with Kim, hold tight in Kim's body. Kim walked me home. But somehow I thought of Yoong, a cold man but often late.

Once in front of the house, I immediately went down.

"An, I just remembered the event later in the evening so I'm sorry today I canceled our plans for a trip",

smiling sweetly, "Yes, it's okay, I want you to be excited about your days, okay! I'm glad to see you again. , Kim ",

" Yes me too, tonight I'll chat with you! ",Are you

" Yes I will wait for a message from you.careful on your way? ",

" Yes, okay see you tomorrow! ",

" Yes, see you later " ,

Kim go, I saw her go from here. He is a good boy in my opinion, although I would have guessed he would never get along with Felix. Suddenly I saw Yoong's private car. He came here, I thought he was in Alex's parent company with Hyun but he came here.

Yoong got out of the car, with a sweet smile he approached and said "Good afternoon beautiful! Miss me?",

"Huh, no! What are you here for? Isn't that the CEO is busy working huh?",

"Yes, of course busy but not there. the harm if I'm close to you right? ",

" Yes no, is Hyun here too? ",

" No, he's busy at work. My father helped with his work so I came here to continue school ",

" High school? ",

" No, I went to college. ! ",

" In this city? Seriously. Could it be that you also want to study at HS 1 huh? Why? ",

" I think there is nothing wrong with being close to you, why are you in HS1? Aren't you supposed to be there? ",

" It's because Lisa enrolled wrongly me , she doesn't know. So I was forced to accept it, like it or not I have to continue my education. I think formal school is fun ",

Private driver Yoong took out some suitcases from the car and put them near Yoong. .

"You will stay with me, huh?",

"Em, can I?",

"Huh, fine, but what will other people say? You know that jealousy can ruin someone's relationship",

"I won't be jealous, and you shouldn't be jealous. jealous of me! ",

" Hah geez! Come in, your room is opposite mine "

" Nice house, clean! ",

Yoong's private driver carried the suitcase to Yoong's room while Yoong looked around this house. Then the private driver said goodbye to Yoong.

"Young master, excuse me first!",

"Yes, please, if you ask Yoong where you are. Just answer Yoong lives with An!", Smiling

"Yes, young master!", The private driver left.

Yoong went into the room and tidied up his room.