My friend and his abilities

* Anita

Sitting at the desk studying looking at a picture of me with Yoong a few years ago, our childhood photos.

"I do miss you but I'm not sure I have you," I smiled.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door, I immediately opened and saw that Yoong was waiting.

"I'm hungry! You're not hungry? Is there food here?",

"Geez, it's in the kitchen. I'm hungry too, we cook together huh?",


Me and Yoong went to the kitchen. We started cooking together. At this time I missed the figure of a mother, I lost it but not with sincere affection for me.

Yoong who saw An absentmindedly waved his hand in front of An.

"An, An?!" Said Yoong,

I was immediately stunned from my reverie, and smiled then continued to mix vegetables.

"You daydreaming huh? Thinking what?",

"No, I didn't think of anything"

"If there is a problem just tell me, I will help you!",

"No problem Yoong, I just thought that my mother is all",

"I can take you. meet your mother now! ",

" But I do not want to leave this city, this city is safe for me! ",

" You mean? ",

" Yes I mean, I am free from the distraction of office work which is sometimes boring ",

" Let's go for a walk tonight let's ? ",

" Where? ",

" To an interesting place! Do you want it? ",

" Yes you can, but don't be late, okay? ",

Yoong chuckled," I'm the same house with you so it can't be late! ",

I smiled sweetly to her, sometimes I like having a guy friend who is considerate even though he likes being late and busy with his job as a CEO.


As promised, they will meet at Jalan Merpati, Tulipe residence residence number 10 at 04.00 in the afternoon. They all had come but were confused because the place was not a house or even a building but a field. They all gathered and waited for Talisa to come.

"Isn't this wrong? Where's the house?",

"Yes, that's right, the address is right!",

"Huh, it's hot here! Where do I have to",

"Hey, sorry I mentioned it earlier so I didn't have time to buy it",

"Kim, Do you have a drink or not ?, "asked Sha

" Are you there, want? ",

" Yes! ",

" Buy it! ",

" Hey, I didn't have time to buy a drink, where is it far from a drink seller? " ,

"Yes, take it," Kim gave a drink to Sha.

Two gangs are busy talking to each other while Fena and Mosa chat with An's group.

"Hey, how is your school? Is it different from HS5?",

"Yes not bad, where are you now?",

"You're at home !," Fena lied

"I see! You're not being bullied anymore right?",

"What's not? Bad to know! ",

" Bad what? ",

" Yes, eh, but what about you and Yoong ?, "asked Mosa

"Yoong? Don't know !, "I lied,

" Oh right, duh ... just try Yoong now one Yora's class with us is sure that Yora doesn't tease us anymore ",

" Is that so? ",

" Yes, you don't know or what? Yora likes Yoong, at school she really likes to show off closeness to Yoong's him, do you know? ",

" No, We're not in the same school! ",

" ... peanut flavor skin! ",

Chat stopped when Talisa came in her private car, she quickly approached the person who was waiting for her. With a smile Talisa said "Thank you for coming, all of you have gathered?",

"Yes !," they replied in unison.

"I purposely invited you to come here, this empty land is good enough to see your abilities. Here people rarely pass by. because this place is cornered. Well I want you guys to show your abilities to me. To save time, mention your abilities to me! ",

" My name is Sha. I learn shooting and also martial arts, and I love wild racing. I want to be an agent ",

" My name is. Kazame. I can do samurai martial arts, racing too. I want to be a bodyguard. I think protecting someone is an interesting and challenging job ",

" My name is Andy. I love reading, racing, and technology. But the last few days I learn shooting and archery ",

" " My name is Kim. I can do martial arts, race. I want to be an agent ",

" My name is Felix, want to be an agent "

" My name is Sabastian, I can repair motorbikes and love the automotive world and I want to be an agent ",

" My name is Kay. I can do martial arts, I want to be an agent ",

" My name is Won. I love racing, speed is the best. Martial ",

" My name is Fena. I'm a hacker, and once helped my friend hack something ",

" My name is Mosa. I'm grasping, and we both are like that ",

" My name is Kaori. I want to be an agent ",

" My name is Deren, I want to be an agent ",

" My name is Richard, I want to be an agent ",

" My name is Samuel, I want to be hot ",

" Okay, enough introductions. My name is Talisa, I am Orchid's assistant. You all have to keep it all a secret if you don't want to get into trouble. I won't test all of you today. But all of you will have your own training grounds. Actually Orchid is not here but in another city, but we are not. We just opened a secret building. Let's all follow me! "Said Talisa got into the car and go.


On the other hand, the group chat stopped between me, Fena and Mosa. I who are in this living room pay attention to Yoong who is outside. Himself certainly made the girls stop to pay attention to the handsome man here. Yoong who saw the girls watching him just smiled sweetly and greeted them. I who noticed Yoong's friendly attitude towards the girls only smiled.

The detention cell, where Pang was held. Pang really hated this ending. He must spend his old age in this detention cell. Pang felt that he had been trapped by Adeon and Orchid. Pang also blames Orchid because Adeon is Orchid's subordinate to Pang's knowledge.