Apple bom

Pang's lawyer came to see and gather information from Pang. They were met together in a room with several policemen on guard.

"I hate being betrayed, I want that Adeon to die! Because he, I'm in this place right now",

"Calm down Mr. Pang, everything will be fine and you will get out of here as soon as possible",

"I ask you to get rid of Adeon and kill. Orchid! I'm sure Adeon was ordered by Orchid to trap me ",Mr.

" Calm downPang! No need to worry, everything will be fine according to plan ",

" What have you done for me? ",

" I gather information that Mr. Pang is innocent. Mr. Pang was only trapped by Adeon on Orchid's orders. Now friends are also looking for Orchid "

" Good then! I want you to beat him first before the police catch him ",

" Yes like that indeed, according to the news that Orchid does not exist. But Bee Orchid. We were going to Malvado City, and we followed him. We are sure he will take us to Orchid "

" Find Orchid before the police first! Understood? ",

" Yes, Mr. Pang. "

Then their meeting ended, and Pang returned to his detention cell.

Towards evening meal, when all the prisoners began to queue for food. Adeon is queuing for food as usual but this time he gets excess ration which is a charming red apple. Adeon sat on a chair, he moved away from the people.

Unfortunately, today he has not had time to eat, he has been approached by his enemies. They are the people Adeon has faced before. Adeon threw them into prison by trapping them. They approached Adeon and Adeon casually eating their food.

A burly man beat Adeon's table to make Adeon dislike him.

"Hay, Adeon how are you?",

"Hay also Gloom, how have you been during this imprisonment?",

"You want to know how I'm doing? I really can't wait to finish off the man who set me up. They all must know you, Adeon. So now you alone here and be prepared to receive the reply ",

Adeon stood up and took an apple on the table and took a bite. One bite and the unexpected happened. "Boom!" the sound of an apple exploding as Adeon bites. Adeon died instantly, and her face was crushed. He has been hit by Higen's apple bomb.

Gloom and friends who wanted to attack Adeon were shocked. They quickly retreated and moved away from Adeon. The police, who heard the sound of the explosion, came quickly and had seen one prisoner die horribly. Everyone is just paying attention. The medic came and cleaned the place. The police immediately secured the detainees, they were immediately locked in a detention cell. Then the other policemen conducted an investigation. CCTV cameras provide evidence and witnesses that Adeon died because of an exploding apple. The police began to suspect that the apples were a bomb.

The inmates' cooks were targeted by the police, they were asked questions. But none of them brought results. The police again suspected that the act was carried out by Orchid's men.

The news of Adeon's death had been heard by Pang, he was very happy that the traitor had died and he knew who the real culprit was. Pang wanted that to his traitor.


Malvado City,

Bee gets news about Adeon's death. he suspects that Orchid ordered the other men to kill Adeon to get rid of the traces. Pang is very sure that Orchid is moving to escape at this time. Bee also accelerates his actions to find out about Orchid. But Bee always got stuck because Orchid was never known by any of the criminals in this city.


City of Desleysia,

Red has been released because he is not proven guilty Red gets the news that Adeon died horribly in prison after biting an apple. Red is sure that what Adeon ate was not an apple but a bomb made by Higen. But to Red's knowledge, Higen has died in Chan's hands. Red also calls Chan who is in the apartment.

"Hay, Chan. How are you?",

"Well, how about you after your release?",

"Of course feel better than before, I heard that the children have also been sent home to their parents",

"Yes, that's right, some policemen deliver them directly. I'm glad my friend has changed too. So what's up with me? I'm sure you'll talk about something important! ",

" Right, have you heard about Adeon's death in prison? ",Alright


" hey eat Higen apples right? Wasn't Higen killed in your hands? ",

" Right, then? ",

" How can the apple still exist? It's very dangerous if an innocent human eats it ",

" Yes, you're right, I don't know yet. whoever is the buyer of this apple fruit. I think not just anyone uses the apple Red. The apple feels captivating to eat it but he only kills people who eat it like Adeon ",

" This is very strange, if Higen has died then who do you think did it? ? ",

" How about Orchid? he was afraid that he was known by the police or other people until he decided to erase the trail ",

" But that method still exposed him, not Adeon had opened his mouth ",

" That's right, but Adeon is a stupid man. he became a member of the mafia but did not know what his master looked like. he said Orchid is male ",

" Yes you are right, then did you not suspect Pang? he is a mafia slavery even a weapon. he is still being held right? ",

" Still, what do I think is the same as you? Pang asked someone else to kill Adeon who made him go to jail! ",

" Yes, the same ",

" Hem, so what should I do? I will investigate Orchid. I heard Bee went to Malvado City. Yes I think by following Bee we will find Orchid. I'm afraid Orchid keeps my nephew there ",

" Okay, I'll keep an eye on Pang. I'll call you again when I get important information ",

" Okay, see you later "!