Jewelry shop

Verinda did not think she would be proposed tonight, she was very happy. But strangely I haven't seen Yoong since earlier. I began to suspect he'd left me here and do his job as CEO or meet Uncle Chan.

After helping Yuan to propose to his lover, I immediately left, I left the studio because someone was waiting for me not far from here. Yes, I sent a message to me during the event and I sent a message to Al to send my motorbike here. Once I met him.

"Here's the key, do you want us to watch you on the streets?"

"No thanks for bringing me here."

"Yes, no need to thank. We have trained Orchid so far, everything is fine",

"Hem, thanks but ..." while turning the coat to white and starting to tie her hair together then wearing a white mask, then went up to the motorbike, put on a helmet and started the engine. "Go home, accompany your family!",

Al just smiled sweetly, then I went by riding this black sports motorbike at high speed around the city.


Meanwhile, Bee and her two colleagues rushed to carry out their task of catching three criminals.

The other side of the place, where Yora and Yoong are. Yoong left Yora on the street and reasoned that he had something important to do. With a heavy feeling, Yora let Yoong go.

The existence of Bee and his two colleagues went to their respective homes. Then gather by riding a motorbike. They are ready for more news to chase three criminals on the streets.

At 11.00 pm an act of theft took place at a jewelry shop. The police immediately came to the location and gave chase to the perpetrator. But this time they all face some great criminals on the streets. Their action made the police have to be ready on the road. Yes, not only speeding on the streets but also throwing bombs or even shooting at the police. Accidents ensued during the chase.

* The existence of An.

It never occurred to me that I worked with not just a few cops but someone. One of them was a man who rode a black motorbike with almost the same appearance as me except that he was black and there was a sword behind him. Then some of the cops I can guess she is Lindsay, Bee and co.

The final chase for the police by car. Now there are only us who ride motorbikes. When the three criminals started to split up, we split up. I was with the one in black, and Lindsay. We stopped when it turned out that we were chasing us to a halt on a lonely street. The masked criminal stopped right in front of us, then he threw the knife, almost hitting me.

The masked crooks belittle us by giving us a thumbs up. Then the smog appeared, yes smoke that could make us faint. Lindsay first fell unconscious. It was on this occasion that the masked criminal escaped, but I heard the sound of his motorbike leaving the place immediately out of the smog. The chase continues. The man in black who was also chasing the masked criminal with me, he shot the mask of the masked criminal's motorcycle tires, making the masked criminal unable to run again with his motorbike. He stopped and got off the motorbike and ran carrying the loot, he called his friends for help. Unfortunately he didn't run fast so it was easy for us to block his steps. The man in black got off the motorbike and beat him while I just watched. When resistance, Lindsay came. The man in black managed to knock out the masked criminal by himself, then he handed the man over to Lindsay. Lindsay started calling her friends for help.

Bee, Deza and some policemen arrive. They take the masked criminals to the police station. After the problem was over I left this place at high speed as well as the man in black.


01.00 am I went home on foot. I knocked on the door and no one answered from inside and I thought Yoong had come home by now but he wasn't home yet. I immediately opened the door from outside with the key.

After entering the house, I locked the door and entered the room. I started ruffling my appearance like I just woke up. Then I started to go to sleep.


Police station,

masked criminals were interrogated, their belongings were taken and then interrogated. He got a lot of questions from the police. Bee, Deza and Lindsay were congratulated by Mr. Sadera. But Bee and two of his colleagues didn't fully accept the congratulations because there were still two masked criminals out there.


In the morning, when I left for school Yoong just arrived home. I saw him just smile sweetly.

"Morning, want to go to school?" Said Yoong

"Yes, why did you just come home?"

"Sorry I'm a little busy, how was last night?"

"Sad, I looked for you everywhere and could not find you!"

"Sorry, how about today I take you to school?"

"Huh, no. I better walk than escorted by you"Are you

"angry? Come on, I just take care of a few small problems"

"Okay, you can take me to school"

Yoong smiled again, he immediately looked for a taxi for both of us. Once met, he opened the car door for me. I got in and so did him and the car drove towards its destination.


Police station,

After receiving information from Michel, the masked criminal was caught. Bee and two of his colleagues began to make plans to catch two masked criminals. In this plan they will be assisted by other police on duty.

News of the arrest of this masked criminal has also spread in various media. Michel's face is well known in various media.

When I arrived at school, I got out of the car as well as Yoong. Yoong's arrival here made a scene. Yes that good looks make girls want to see him. I only saw Yoong who was smiling sweetly.

"Huh, right, I was prejudiced that if you bring you here you will be a spectacle"

"Hem, no problem. I'm glad to be noticed, what else do you pay attention to me!" He smiled

"Huh, I pay attention to you every day, you know! Yes, I went in first"

"Hem, don't want to hug me tightly as a sign of our separation?"

"No!" I replied leaving him. He only watched the girl leave from a distance and then left in a taxi.