The library

Two motorcyclists were watching the police station, which was filled with journalists from a distance.

"What do you think?"

"Huh, we'll see. I can't wait to give a surprise to the police"

"Yes me too, how is it? Hem this surprise must be interesting"

"I heard there were three policemen who were chasing us last night so who the two people we saw were who? "

"I don't know, but it's enough to destroy the lives of three humans who try to interfere in our business"

"All right, let's get ready. We'll invite them this afternoon. Have you delivered the little package to HS5?"

"Alright, there are 3 interesting packages"

"Yes, come on!"

Then they left this place.


High School 5,

Fena and Mosa just arrived at school. Simultaneously they got a message from Talisa. "Good morning, I represent Orchid to deactivate all of you. You will be activated if you receive further orders. I am sending packages to each of your houses. Have a good day!",

They started to keep their cellphones in their pockets, then walked towards the classroom.

"Do you think we'll have our first assignment fast?"

"Yes I think so, but before we are activated why not become heroes to our own best friends!"

"Are you sure? Huh, it's really hard to fight a rich, arrogant"

kid."Geez, don't talk about that kid. After all, she ..." The child who was talking about walked in the middle of the two of them to make Fena and Mosa away. The behavior of Yora and her two friends annoyed Fena and Mosa.

"That's what I said!"

"Um, never mind. See what we can do to repay this child",

"Huh, let's see!"

Then they continued their steps towards the classroom.

As the bell rang for entry and the start of class, two cars arrived to deliver packages for school. From the two cars, 5 people came out. Three people took the packages to the teacher's and principal's room, while 2 people took the packages to the other room. They give each other information.

The two men carried three packages, then scattered into another quiet room. Then they took down the floor and walls. They are hiding something there. They also hid the item in a large flower pot. Two people were in the teacher's room, and one person in the principal's office got information from two of his friends and immediately said goodbye to leave. They all met again in the parking lot, then left without any suspicion.

On the two-car trip, one of the cars provided information to someone.

"It's installed, everything is fine!"

A short message was received by the police, a message that took him by surprise. All police began to be given orders to secure everyone on HS5. Bee and two colleagues got this assignment.

On the streets there started to be the sound of police cars on duty, everyone was starting to wonder where they were going. They stopped at HS5. One detective starts to meet the principal, while the others look for the bomb.

As soon as the principal received an explanation, the principal began making announcements. An announcement that everyone in this school can hear. Everyone is asked to gather in the front yard.

Everyone started rushing to the front yard, they were carrying bags and valuables. They are all shocked that there are police and sniffer dogs at the school. The principal explained the purpose of their arrival and all students were asked to calm down.

Several policemen began to carry out their duties. The police began to walk down each street and room to be checked with the help of sniffer dogs. Before they found the bomb, suddenly an explosion occurred on the 2nd floor of the library. Big explosions and destroy buildings. Everyone was shocked and started to panic, but the principal still tried to calm them all down. Everyone was asked to leave the school area for safety.

Another explosion occurred in the hallway, the explosion this time injuring 3 policemen. Another bomb exploded in another room, killing 5 policemen. All in a state of chaos and panic. People started arriving when they heard the sound of this bomb explosion. Reporters immediately covered the news. This news was quickly heard by everyone in this city.

The other side, when the police station is empty and headed for HS5. The masked criminals get into action, they free one prisoner, their friend who was caught. After being free they went somewhere.


Yoong, who heard this news, immediately went to HS5 to see the condition of all the students. He went out on his uncle Chan's motor sport. Yoong is shocked to see the destruction of the HS5 school.

Yora, who saw Yoong coming, immediately approached.

"Yoong, what are you doing here?"

"Yora, yes I came because I was worried about you. You're okay, right?"

Yora was happy to hear what Yoong said, he was very sure that Yoong had put his heart on him. "Thank you for worrying, I'm fine. You weren't yesterday because of your friend, right?"


"Yes, Anita!"

"Oh she, it's not really. It's good to see you okay",

The other side of the police station is in chaos, the guard in the office is unconscious from the smoke that can make anyone who breathes the air will fall unconscious. Some of the survivors contacted those who were on duty at HS5. The detective who received the call asked the other members to return to the office and some returned to work. The fire department also came to assist in this task.

Everyone at HS5 was questioned, especially teachers and school principals. The police began to suspect that the culprit was none other than the sender of the package. Police believe the package sender was also connected to the attack on the police station and Michel's escape.

All students are asked to leave early, while teachers and principals hold emergency meetings for their students.



Instead of studying today, we are busy with each other's cell phones. We watched the HS5 bombing. Fortunately, there were no victims, but journalists also reported that the police were missing.