Still continuing, Orchid VS Eyeshadow

"Yes there is what?"

"I'm now following my uncle away, someone just contacted my uncle. He asks uncle to come and save Hyun, and a girl. I think that girl is Reina. You better come. I'll give you my location"

"Okay, I'll be there as soon as possible," I replied.

Communication was cut off immediately, and I immediately my friends with an emergency message. Using a system I alerted designed myself, like Orchid's.

"Pick me up, we find Where is Reina's location? Shen and Huanran, follow Orchid. I'll send you Orchid's location. Protect she. Roy and Jingmi pick me up, I'll send my location now." Receiving printing of the road

an emergency message, they all started heading towards their intended location. They were ready from the start.

Meanwhile, Orchid was following Chan from behind. The high speed started, and didn't stop. may lose track. But Chan who saw himself being followed by Orchid just smiled sweetly.