Demon's Arrival

Chan is at the place where Hyun is being held. But the meeting was not in a house, but at a place that Sadera had planned. Sadera tries to trap Chan in saving her nephew.

Hyun and Reina had been tied to the same rope, and they were hanging from a high place. Then some of men Sadera's began to guard. Dera was seen there, she was busy to pack.

"Make sure everything goes smoothly, I want after getting the data. We immediately leave this city, and kill Chan! Don't let him escape!" said Sadera to Dera.

While packing and assembling weapons, Dera replied "Sure, Mr. Sadera!" She smiled sweetly for her master, a smile full of meaning.

After assembling the weapon, Dera slipped the weapon into his body. She also looked up, aiming at Hyun and the cute girl.

"Wow… well… it won't be long before you will fall from there. You should make good use of this time and chat with each other," Dera muttered.