Big sister is a cruel girl?

Then Shen replied, "Okay, we'll be honest" while glancing at the bathroom where Revian was.

"We were careless, forgive us. Revian left this place, and she came back. She lied to have taken a long bath just to wait for you, actually she left. We followed her, we lost track. Sorry sister!" Shen explained.

"It's okay, it's not your fault but Revian's fault. Reina must be out now too, they both lied",

"We saw Revian riding a motorbike, she took someone's motorbike and returned it. Did sister train her to ride?" asked Jingmi.

"She's so cool..." said Shen, who stopped when I looked at him.

"Next time keep an eye on that girl, she's not an ordinary girl. Don't underestimate her when she's with you, you can get beat up like I beat you. Now let's go to your house, Jingmi."

"Yes, good sister. I've prepared a room for you, Revian and Reina. It's just that it's only one room"