Back in time, target agent Orchid

While driving the car, Shen said "Next time watch your words, she is right. she is not an ordinary girl"

"But she is our boss, what if she gets hurt and we lose our job?"

"Stupid! she can't possibly die quickly. she has a big mission, you must remember why we were gathered by her"

"Yes, yes."

I stood looking at Zhao's destroyed house. A terrible and terrible thing happened here. Very bad past. I immediately stepped into the house, observing every object that had been covered in dust, plants and even others. Everything is so scary, like a haunted house.

Entered the house, and was in the living room. For some reason I couldn't hold back my tears. I cried seeing all this as just a memory. Everything has changed, everything.

Suddenly someone passing by saw me, he also reprimanded me.

"Hey miss, what are you doing there? Get out! You'll be hit by that building. The building is old!" he said.