The Last Mindflayer

Just as she looked into the Seakin Tribe Leader's eyes, clear cerulean pupils and a slight smirk greeted her. Although no words were spoken, the smirking, almost taunting gaze said more than enough.

*sigh* 'To think that I was worried about you. Battle crazed sea junkie.'

*Krack* *krackk*

Popping her knuckles and rotating her shoulders, Silvia hopped lightly upon her toes and in a pink-colored blur, sped across the cavern bend. Almost immediately after turning the corner, a shockwave erupted out of Ember's sight.

Stunned at the sudden turn of events having been on edge to keep silent for such a long time, Ember stilled for a moment too long and followed behind the Bloody Berserker.

A muffled, almost ancient voice greeted the two of them.

"Ahhh... I was wondering when you would show up.
